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New Genetics and Society

ISSN: 1463-6778eISSN: 1469-9915
JUFO Level 1

New Genetics and Society aims: * To provide a focus for interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary, leading-edge social science research on the new genetics and related biosciences; * To publish theoretical and empirical contributions reflecting its multi-faceted development; * To provide an international platform for critical reflection and debate; * To be the primary resource for the many related professions, including health, medicine and the law, wishing to keep abreast of fast changing developments. To achieve these aims, New Genetics and Society will publish papers on the social aspects of the new genetics (widely defined), including genetic engineering and modification; genomics, proteomics, and systems biology; and the rapidly developing biosciences such as biomedical and reproductive therapies and technologies, xenotransplantation, and stem cell research. The focus will be on developing a better understanding of the social, legal, ethical and policy aspects, including their local and global management and organisation. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Nursing Ethics

ISSN: 0969-7330eISSN: 1477-0989
JUFO Level 3

Nursing Ethics takes a practical approach to this complex subject and relates each topic to the working environment. The articles on ethical and legal issues are written in a comprehensible style and official documents are analysed in a user-friendly way. The international Editorial Board ensures the selection of a wide range of high quality articles of global significance.

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Nursing Philosophy

ISSN: 1466-7681eISSN: 1466-769X
JUFO Level 1

Nursing Philosophy provides a forum for discussion of philosophical issues in nursing. These focus on questions relating to the nature of nursing and to the phenomena of key relevance to it. For example, any understanding of what nursing is presupposes some conception of just what nurses are trying to do when they nurse. But what are the ends of nursing? Are they to promote health, prevent disease, promote well-being, enhance autonomy, relieve suffering, or some combination of these? How are these ends are to be met? What kind of knowledge is needed in order to nurse? Practical, theoretical, aesthetic, moral, political, 'intuitive' or some other? Papers that explore other aspects of philosophical enquiry and analysis of relevance to nursing (and any other healthcare or social care activity) are also welcome and might include, but not be limited to, critical discussions of the work of nurse theorists who have advanced philosophical claims (e.g., Benner, Benner and Wrubel, Carper, Schrok, Watson, Parse and so on) as well as critical engagement with philosophers (e.g., Heidegger, Husserl, Kuhn, Polanyi, Taylor, MacIntyre and so on) whose work informs health care in general and nursing in particular.

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Online Journal of Issues in Nursing

ISSN: 1091-3734
JUFO Level 2

Perspectives in Biology and Medicine

ISSN: 0031-5982eISSN: 1529-8795
JUFO Level 1

Perspectives in Biology and Medicine publishes articles of the highest scientific and literary merit on a wide range of biomedical topics such as neurobiology, biomedical ethics and history, genetics and evolution, and ecology. Founded in 1957, this interdisciplinary journal places subjects of current interest in medicine and biology in a context with humanistic, social, and scientific concerns. The editors encourage an informal, humanistic style that preserves the warmth, excitement, and color of the biological and medical sciences.

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Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine

eISSN: 1747-5341
JUFO Level 1

Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine is ready to accept articles on the philosophy of medicine and biology, and on ethical aspects of clinical practice and research.

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Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice

ISSN: 1527-1544eISSN: 1552-7468
JUFO Level 1

Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice (PPNP) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that explores the multiple relationships between nursing and health policy. PPNP serves as a major source of data-based study, policy analysis and discussion on timely, relevant policy issues for nurses in a broad variety of roles and settings, and for others who are interested in nursing-related policy issues.

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Public Health Ethics

ISSN: 1754-9973eISSN: 1754-9981
JUFO Level 1

Public Health Ethics is the first peer-reviewed international journal to focus on a systematic analysis of the moral problems in public health and preventive medicine. It contains original articles, reviews, and case studies about the nature of public health and related concepts (e.g. population, public, community, prevention); discussions of values in public health; and ethical issues in relation to all aspects of public health policy and practice. This includes normative issues in epidemiological research, health promotion, infectious diseases control, screening, population genetics, resource allocation, health care system reform, vaccinations, environmental and lifestyle factors relevant to health, equity, justice and global health. PHE combines theoretical and practical work from different fields, notably philosophy, law, and politics, but also epidemiology and the medical sciences. Contributors are particularly encouraged to discuss the practical impact of their work on public health policies. PHE is therefore an important resource for scholars and students in bioethics and public health, but also for professionals and policy makers.

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Santé mentale et Droit

ISSN: 2772-9729eISSN: 2772-9710

Cette revue a été lancée en septembre 2001, pour répondre à la montée en puissance du droit dans le monde de la santé. A l'origine de ce projet, une double conviction :- le droit n'est pas un obstacle mais un allié dans les pratiques soignantes ;- par leur savoir et leur expérience, soignants et juristes ont beaucoup à s'apporter mutuellement.DDS s'adresse- aux acteurs des services de soins et des écoles soignantes (infirmier(e)s, cadres de santé, cadres enseignants...)- aux centres de documentation des IFSI, des IFCS, des facultés de médecine...- aux cadres et aux juristes des services administratifs des établissements de santé- aux bibliothèques des palais de justice, des barreaux et des facultés de droitLes objectifs de DDS- Accompagner la montée en puissance du droit dans le monde de la santé.- Placer l'acteur de soin au coeur de la création du droit.- Créer une référence pluraliste centrée sur la pratique du soin à partir d'un débat élaboré dans la contradiction des opinions.- Etre un outil de réflexion et un support aux travaux des acteurs de santé.- Etre une tribune largement ouverte à tous les talents.Sélection d'articles déjà parus :Réflexions sur la déontologie - Des droits de l'homme au droit de l¿humain- Déontologie en soin infirmierSynthèses :- Le dossier médical du patient majeur : contenu et gestion de l'acces- La responsabilité pénale du soignantChroniques :- Souffrance et fin de vie- De la violence dans les soinsJurisprudence :- Exercice illégal de la profession infirmière : les SSAD et le respect des textes- Condamnation pénale d'un médecin anesthésiste pour faute de négligence- Une clinique est présumée fautive en matière d'infections nosocomialesCahier Pédagogique : - Le secret professionnel- La prescription médicamenteuseCas Pratique :- Expertise judiciaire en soins infirmiers- Responsabilité d'un établissement public pour défaut de surveillance.

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Science and Engineering Ethics

ISSN: 1353-3452eISSN: 1471-5546
JUFO Level 2

Science and Engineering Ethics is a multi-disciplinary journal that explores ethical issues of direct concern to scientists and engineers. Coverage encompasses professional education, standards and ethics in research and practice, extending to the effects of innovation on society at large. Recent controversies and instances of misconduct in science have attracted considerable media attention. In addition, the power of new technologies developed through science and engineering - especially as portrayed by the media - have inspired growing popular concern. Science and Engineering Ethics offers a forum for the examination and discussion of ethical issues arising in the practice of scientific research and engineering, and in the practical application of that work. Although the focus of this publication is science and engineering, contributions from a broad range of disciplines are included.

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Sciences Sociales et Santé

ISSN: 0294-0337eISSN: 1777-5914
JUFO Level 1

The American Journal of Bioethics

ISSN: 1526-5161eISSN: 1536-0075
JUFO Level 2

AJOB provides a rapid, peer-reviewed collection of scholarship about emerging issues in bioethics. The Journal is available in a unique print and internet format. Subscribers receive access to the ajobonline portal, which features on-line news updates, live bioethics events, rankings of bioethics graduate programs, and other materials.

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The Hastings Center Report

eISSN: 1552-146X
JUFO Level 1
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The Journal of Medicine & Philosophy

ISSN: 0360-5310eISSN: 1744-5019
JUFO Level 2

For three and a half decades, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy has been the flagship scholarly journal in bioethics and the philosophy of medicine. Its contributors and focus are international, addressing bioethical concerns across the world. Significant attention has been given to bioethics and foundational issues in health care policy in North and South America, Europe, and Asia. The journal’s concerns range from clinical bioethics to studies in the philosophy of medicine such as explorations of the nature of concepts of health and disease, as well as the character of medical explanation.

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Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics

ISSN: 1386-7415eISSN: 1573-1200
JUFO Level 1

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics examines clinical judgment and reasoning, medical concepts such as health and disease, the philosophical basis of medical science, and the philosophical ethics of health care and biomedical research
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics is an international forum for interdisciplinary studies in the ethics of health care and in the philosophy and methodology of medical practice and biomedical research. Coverage in the philosophy of medicine includes the theoretical examination of clinical judgment and decision making; theories of health promotion and preventive care; the problems of medical language and knowledge acquisition; theory formation in medicine; analysis of the structure and dynamics of medical hypotheses and theories; discussion and clarification of basic medical concepts and issues; medical application of advanced methods in the philosophy of science, and the interplay between medicine and other scientific or social institutions. Coverage of ethics includes both

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Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie

ISSN: 0948-6704eISSN: 1435-1269
JUFO Level 1

Die Tatsache, dass immer mehr Menschen immer älter werden und unser Gesellschaftsbild entscheidend mitprägen, verdanken wir nicht zuletzt einer intensiven Altersforschung und -medizin in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Dem trägt die Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie schon seit vielen Jahren Rechnung, indem sie mit ihrem breiten Spektrum den interessierten Leser über alle Entwicklungen in der Altersforschung informiert.
Themenbezogene Hefte behandeln in ausführlicher Form alle Fragen der Gerontologie, der Biologie und Grundlagenforschung des Alterns, der geriatrischen Forschung, der Psychologie und Soziologie sowie der praktischen Altenpflege.

Zielgruppe: Geriater/innen, Alterssoziolog/innen, Gerontopsycholog/innen, Gerontopsychiater/innen, Altenpfleger/innen, Pflegewissenschaftler/innen, Altersbiolog/innen in geriatrischen Abteilungen/Kliniken, gerontologischen Instituten, sowie Einrichtungen der Lehre und Weiter- bzw. Fortbildungen.The fact that more and more people are becoming olde

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Éthique & Santé

ISSN: 1765-4629

Une revue basée sur l'échange entre les disciplinesIssue de l'initiative de praticiens et d'enseignants-chercheurs, éthique & santé est basée sur l'échange des connaissances et savoirs des acteurs impliqués dans la question éthique. La revue publie des travaux de sciences sanitaires et sociales, de philosophie, d'ethnologie, de théologie et de droit écrits par des praticiens, médecins et acteurs du système de santé.Une revue pédagogique à vocation scientifiqueéthique & santé représente le lieu de publication d'expériences novatrices autour des questions éthiques, qu'elles soient réflexives, pratiques ou pédagogiques. Elle accueille aussi les travaux de recherche qui ne trouvent pas toujours leur place dans les revues à caractère strictement disciplinaire.Chaque numéro comporte un dossier thématique.Une revue pour tous ceux qui sont concernés par la problématique éthiqueéthique & santé vise à apporter des outils à l'ensemble des corps médicaux et paramédicaux, aux juristes, aux enseignants-chercheurs en sciences humaines, aux étudiants de médecine, en écoles d'infirmières, d'aides-soignants, en droit de la santé, en sciences sanitaires et sociales, en philosophie, aux acteurs sociaux et politiques, aux enseignants de l'éducation nationale en sciences biologiques et philosophie...

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