CCSM is dedicated to providing a forum for the publication of high-quality cross cultural and strategic management research in the global context.
Cross-Cultural Research (CCR) publishes peer-reviewed articles that describe cross-cultural and comparative studies in all human sciences. Each issue, published quarterly, examines topics that span societies, nations and cultures, providing strategies for the systematic testing of theories about human society and behavior.
Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review offers its readers up-to-date research findings, emerging trends, and cutting-edge perspectives concerning East Asian history and culture from scholars in both English-speaking and Asian language-speaking academic communities.
They are pleased to share with you the indexing of the journal Journal of Rural Development in ISI Web of Knowledge from Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index-Expanded - SCIE-, which appears from the Issue No. 58, first half of 2007. The first issue of Journal of Rural Development was published in February 1979. At first this publication called Journal of Agro and Rural Economy, but from the No. 30 of 1993 changed the name to Journal of Rural Development. These have been thirty-one years of uninterrupted publication of issues related to agricultural policy, agricultural economics, rural issues, environmental management, innovation and technological change and, in general, all aspects of rural development in Colombia and Latin American context. The magazine has logged more than 28 databases that certified as an issue of great scientific and editorial quality in the global landscape. Entering the ISI indexing system, the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals, is an example the excellent quality standards of the magazine, its position as one of the most important publications in your area and the relevance it has on rural issues around the world. Sincerely Editorial, Journal of Rural Development web page: http : / / Email: