The aim of the European Journal of Dental Education is to publish original, topical and review articles of the highest quality in the field of Dental Education. The Journal seeks to disseminate widely the latest information on curriculum development, teaching methodologies, assessment techniques and quality assurance in the fields of dental undergraduate and postgraduate education and dental auxiliary personnel training. The scope includes the dental educational aspects of the basic medical sciences, the behavioural sciences, the interface with medical education, information technology and distance learning and educational audit. Papers embodying the results of high-quality educational research of relevance to dentistry are particularly encouraged as are evidence-based reports of novel and established educational programmes and their outcomes. The European Journal of Dental Education is the official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe. Whilst the Journal focuses on the European experience, its relevance is global and contributions are invited on a worldwide basis. One volume of four issues is published annually.
European Journal of East Asian Studies is a multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to East Asia, one of the most varied, complex, and rapidly changing parts of the world. Published in Europe by European specialists, the journal is open to new ideas and findings from wherever they may come. We welcome the submission of manuscripts in social sciences such as political science, economics, sociology and cultural studies (including but not limited to business studies, development studies, international relations, political economy,...). Articles can address the wider East Asian region (China, Japan, Korean Peninsular, Japan, Mongolia), including Southeast Asia (ASEAN countries but not Oceania/South Pacific). They may also study inter-regional relations involving the Asian region (such as Asia-Europe relations for instance), or sub-regions (such as Southeast Asia for example) and individual East Asian countries. The journal covers both 20th and 21st centuries with a clear contemporary focus.
The European Journal of Education is an international, peer reviewed journal that presents high quality, recent research and policy analysis with a primary focus on Europe, placed in an international perspective. The Journal publishes the results of European research projects and explores key topics of concern to policy makers and international organisations in Europe and further afield. The Editorial Board brings together academics and policy analysts from different European countries and major international organisations. There is also a network of distinguished Editorial Correspondents who advise the Joint Editors and the Board. The European Journal of Education is now indexed by Thomson ISI and has received an impact factor since 2010. With European comparative perspective, the European Journal of Education provides brokerage between research and policy communities, covering a range of thematic areas, addressing influential stakeholders and leaders. Evidence-based public policy is a growing area that needs well-researched, appropriate evidence that refers to a set of values. The main aims of the European Journal of Education are to: • contribute to the policy debate at the national and European level by providing European administrators and policy-makers in international organisations, national and local governments with comparative and up-to-date material centred on specific themes of common interest. • examine, compare and assess education policies, trends, reforms and programmes of European countries in an international perspective. • disseminate policy debates and research results to a wide audience of academics, researchers, practitioners and students of education sciences. EJE is a thematic journal. Part I of each issue contains 5 to 8 articles around a selected theme presenting a range of perspectives and research on the topic under analysis and the key issues for future research and policy. The Guest Editors are acknowledged experts in their field. Themes are identified by the board; they come from European-funded research projects or are based on conferences and seminars. They are proposed by board members, editorial correspondents or other colleagues from all over Europe. Part II contains articles on other themes that have been submitted for publication and peer reviewed. EJE is the only European journal publishing about education matters that covers a broad spectrum in education, aiming to build bridges between research and policy and to address issues of concern to the different levels and types of education, transversal topics and ‘big issues’ for policy agendas. This includes an active and on-going discussion of EU education policy. The Journal welcomes cross-disciplinary approaches within the education sector and with other sectors. The Journal actively seeks to partner with organisations (e.g. universities, foundations, international organisations) with a view to organising seminars on topical or futures themes that make it possible to bring together an international network of people from academia, policy, government, international organisations, foundations, education providers, etc. The readership is mainly composed of academics, policy analysts, students of education sciences, teachers (HE, school, VET, adult learning), project and programme managers and action-researchers, international organisations.
European Journal of Engineering Education is published six times a year in print and electronic editions and provides an essential forum for dialogue between researchers and specialists in the field of engineering education, at European and worldwide levels.European Journal of Engineering Education is the Official Journal of SEFI, the Soci233;t233; Europ233;enne pour la Formation des Ing233;nieurs (the European Society for Engineering Education). SEFI is a non-governmental organization whose aims are to develop information about engineering education, to improve communication and exchange between professors, researchers and students and to promote cooperation between the various institutions concerned with engineering education.European Journal of Engineering Education examines the economic, cultural, and social factors which influence the education of engineers in different societies and provides a forum in which teachers and researchers in engineering schools, institutions and industry can share accounts of good practice and discuss methodology. Technological change constantly creates new demands on both engineers and the educational system that produces them. The Journal contributes to the development and improvement of engineering education necessary to meet those demands. While European Journal of Engineering Education puts a special emphasis on specific European developments in the field of engineering education, the Journal also welcomes papers presenting a worldwide perspective and with an international or intercultural dimension.In addition to regular issues, from time to time the Journal also publishes special themed issues, each with a specially appointed Guest Editor, which concentrate on a theme that is of general value to everyone involved in engineering education and has particular applications within different engineering disciplines.The structure and organization of the JournalThe Journal welcomes research papers as well as position papers and review articles that debate and explore strategic, theoretical and methodological issues, methodological approaches (assessed best practice), and substantive topics. Papers may be submitted in English but also in French or German, the three official languages of SEFI.All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.The criteria used in the reviewing process are:8226; Importance of the subject for engineering education and its developments8226; Suitability for publication in the Journal according to its editorial policy and scope 8226; Pertinence of the paper and the ideas developed in relation to the topic8226; Originality and innovative potential8226; European and/or international or intercultural perspective8226; Quality of the scientific evidence presented8226; Quality of the literature review8226; Readability, format, style and language.
EJES presents work of the highest quality in English literature, linguistics and cultural studies from the multidisciplinary and multicultural perspective that characterises the study of English in Europe. The aim of the journal is to publish substantial scholarly and critical interventions in a fast-developing field and thereby itself to influence the agenda in its disciplines. A research journal, written by and for specialists from all parts of the disciplinary spectrum of English Studies in Europe and beyond, EJES is also addressed to academics interested in the dialogical and plurivocal development of their subject and are interested in innovative work outside their own area of expertise. To this end, it also offers non-specialists examples of recent approaches and new ways of conceiving and engaging the field of English studies. The journal places a high premium on readability, discussion of controversial issues, and the inclusion of a wide range of disciplinary, cultural and theoretical perspectives. EJES appears three times a year. Individual issues are devoted to specific themes, proposed by guest editors, and designed to attract cutting-edge research from across and between the disciplines that make up English Studies in Europe and beyond. A substantial book review section keeps readers informed about new publications in the field, particularly where these challenge existing assumptions or offer to make a difference to the practice of the discipline. 'The cause is Europe . . . The cause is also English Studies in the broadest sense of that term . . . Moreover, the cause is debate.' (Editorial, EJES 1.1) Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
There is a significant need for European futures research as European countries face numerous substantial problems: at the same time they seek to make a contribution to solving global challenges. European regions “share” common experiences, divisions and conflicts – which altogether build a rich resource for critical examination as well as forward-looking renewal. European integration after World War II has reshaped political, economic and social relations in Europe and beyond. Therefore, the future of Europe will also depend on the further development of the European Union in its wider transnational and global contexts. Consequently, the journal seeks to foster thorough analysis of key European policies, such as those for research and education. Nonetheless, topics addressed in the journal are not limited to the (development of the) European Union: we invite articles that raise questions about European futures more generally. Interdisciplinary research is as welcome as are disciplinary studies, ranging from the social sciences and humanities to the natural sciences and engineering. Besides its empirical focus the journal promotes discussions about European traditions and perspectives in futures research. Another objective is to advance the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of futures studies. Possible fields of research and topics include but are not limited to:Society: demographic change: migration: gender and social relations: welfare society: inclusion and exclusion Politics: economic, financial, and political integration in the European Union: political participation and citizenship: European identity building: EU research, innovation, and (higher) education policies: Economy and Business Sectors: futures of work and labour, production and consumption: competitiveness and technological innovations: growth and, sustainable development: social environment and entrepreneurship: futures of leisure, sports and tourism: Science and Technology: technology foresight and technology assessment: technoscience: radical technologies: logistics, transport and mobility: media and telecommunication: human enhancement: young generations and new technologies: European citizens and the broadband society: X-cutting Issues: gender-specific and diversity perspectives: sustainability: environmental challenges and the greening of Europe: climate change policies: Methodology and Methods: futures studies in comparative perspective: new research methods: integration of qualitative and quantitative methods: future-related uncertainties, risks, and ignorance:
Philosophy of Science: epistemological and ontological questions: theory of futures studies: “new” forms of knowledge: post-positivist research approaches: ethical questions:The European Journal of Health Law focuses on the development of health law in Europe: national, comparative and international. The exchange of views between health lawyers in Europe is encouraged. The Journal publishes information on the activities of European and other international organizations in the field of health law. Discussions about ethical questions with legal implications are welcome. National legislation, court decisions and other relevant national material with international implications are also dealt with.
The European Journal of Higher Education (EJHE) aims to offer comprehensive coverage of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of higher education, analyses of European and national higher education reforms and processes, and comparative studies of higher education within Europe (i.e. the European Higher Education Area) or elsewhere compared to Europe. Building on the successful legacy of its predecessor, Higher Education in Europe, EJHE is establishing itself as one of the flagship journals in the study of higher education and specifically in study of European higher education.
In addition to original articles, EJHE publishes a Debate Section and a Book Reviews Section. The Journal invites proposals for the Debate Section, which comprises two or three brief articles taking contrary or complementary standpoints on a common - topical or controversial - issue. The contributions are expected to be based on rigorous social science research, thus applying theoretical knowledge to a recent phenomenon and or providing fresh empirical support for their claims. The Journal also invites contributions to the Book Review Section, which is featured in each volume and welcomes suggestions for recently published books to be considered for review in EJHE. Proposals are invited also for special issues, which are featured in two special issue volumes every year.
Peer Review
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.
Mark the launch of IJHP in 2010 with FREE access to volume 10, issue 1The International Journal of Housing Policy aims to be the leading forum for the critical analysis of housing policy, systems and practice from a social science perspective. It is published quartely. We welcome articles based on policy-relevant research and analysis focused on all parts of the world. We especially encourage papers that contribute to comparative housing analysis, but articles on national or sub-national housing systems are also welcome if they contain data, arguments or policy implications that are relevant to an international audience. The International Journal of Housing Policy particularly invites papers which link developments in housing with broader social, economic and political change and which place housing policies and practice in the context of other public policies.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
The European Journal of Information Systems provides a distinctive European perspective on the theory and practice of information systems for a global audience. We encourage first rate research articles by academics, but also case studies and reflective articles by practitioners. We provide a critical view on technology, development, implementation, strategy, management and policy.
The most lively and interesting journal in the field of general international law, certainly in Europe, possibly anywhere.'Professor James CrawfordUniversity of CambridgeThe European Journal of International Law is firmly established as one of the world's leading journals in its field. With its distinctive combination of theoretical and practical approaches to the issues of international law, the journal offers readers a unique opportunity to stay in touch with the latest developments in this rapidly evolving area.Each issue of the EJIL provides a forum for the exploration of the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of international law as well as for up-to-date analysis of topical issues.Additionally, it is the only journal to provide systematic coverage of the relationship between international law and the law of the European Union and its Member States.
EJIM is the first international journal devoted entirely to fostering an understanding of issues in international management theory and practice in the newly expanded European arena, including the underrepresented regions of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, and to providing both conceptual and functional implications for further development of research, teaching practices, and managerial techniques. EJIM also solicits literature that allows for a broader interpretation of research: it welcomes papers that introduce a more European perspective through qualitative and interdisciplinary contributions.
European Journal of International Relations is the journal of the Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR) of the European Consortium for Political Research. The peer-reviewed content of EJIR ranges widely across the whole of International Relations and covers subjects and theories of interest to researchers around the world.
European Journal of Law and Economics has been accepted for Social Sciences Citation Index and will first appear with an Impact Factor in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), published in June 2011. The European Journal of Law and Economics provides readers with high quality and empirical research in law and economics. The Journal publishes analytical studies on the impact of legal interventions into economic processes by legislators, courts and regulatory agencies. There is an emphasis on European Community law and the comparative analysis of legal structures and legal problem solutions in member states of the European Community. The editors are particularly interested in papers discussing the institutional (and) legal prerequisites for efficient market operation both in the European Community and in the new European market economies. Case studies are welcome, as are the analyses of proposed legislation and court cases. The Journal also publishes literature surveys, review articles, and book reviews and