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Acta Colombiana de Psicología

ISSN: 0123-9155eISSN: 1909-9711
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Acta Ethnographica Hungarica

ISSN: 1216-9803eISSN: 1588-2586
JUFO Level 1
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Acta Geographica Sinica

ISSN: 0375-5444
Publisher: Science Press

Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica

ISSN: 1408-0419
Publisher: Zalozba Z R C

Acta Historiae Artium

ISSN: 0001-5830eISSN: 1588-2608
JUFO Level 1
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Acta Linguistica Academica: An International Journal of Linguistics

ISSN: 2559-8201eISSN: 2560-1016

Acta Linguistica publishes papers on general linguistics with particular emphasis on discussions of theoretical issues concerning Hungarian and other Finno-Ugric languages. Papers presenting empirical material must have strong theoretical implications. The scope of the journal is not restricted to the traditional research areas of linguistics, it also covers areas such as socio- and psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, discourse analysis, the philosophy of language, language typology, and formal semantics. Publishes book and dissertation reviews and advertisements.

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Acta Linguistica Asiatica

eISSN: 2232-3317

ALA is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal which accepts research papers, survey papers and technical notes on the subjects of Asian linguistics, translation studies and the teaching of Asian languages, book reviews on representative works on the same subjects and reports from outstanding events.

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Acta Linguistica Hafniensia

ISSN: 0374-0463eISSN: 1949-0763
JUFO Level 2

Acta Linguistica Hafniensia evolved as the voice of the Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen. Our aim today is both to carry forward that tradition, emphasizing areas such as functional linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and sociolinguistics, but also phonology and formal linguistics, in all of which vigorous research is being carried out by Danish linguists, while at the same time expanding the international scope of the journal as a broad journal of General Linguistics. One of the ways in which we seek to pursue this dual aim is to alternate regular issues of the journal with thematic issues based on workshops organized by the Linguistic Circle in which articles by both Danish and international participants are presented on related subjects.

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Acta Neophilologica

ISSN: 0567-784XeISSN: 2350-417X
JUFO Level 1

The scientific journal Acta Neophilologica publishes scientific studies in the field of Western-European, American and other literatures in English. The journal pays special attention to problems from the history of cultural and especially literary and theatrical contacts between Slovenia and Western-European literatures, as well as the problems of Slovenian emigrant literature. It also welcomes papers on German, French and Italian literatures.

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Acta Onomastica

ISSN: 1211-4413
JUFO Level 1

Acta Ophthalmologica

ISSN: 1755-375XeISSN: 1755-3768
JUFO Level 2

Acta Ophthalmologica is the official scientific publication of the five Nordic ophthalmological societies: The Danish Ophthalmological Society, The Finnish Ophthalmological Society, The Icelandic Ophthalmological Society, The Norwegian Ophthalmological Society and The Swedish Ophthalmological Society, and also the European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER).

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Acta Politica

ISSN: 0001-6810eISSN: 1741-1416
JUFO Level 2

Political Science with an EdgeActa Politica is one of the few truly international political science journals with a broad scope across the discipline. In the past we have published theoretical and empirical articles, comparative and single-country studies and even some methodological notes. In times of an ever-increasing specialisation in political science, we however strongly believe a broad-ranging political science journal is as important as ever for the international scientific community. As Editors, we have a strong preference for articles that will attract a wide audience within the broader field of political science, no matter what the precise topic of the article might be.Despite this broad scope Acta Politica is very selective about the quality of the articles that it publishes. Acta Politica has always been committed to publishing articles with an 'edge'; providing new insights or new approaches in political science. At the end of the review process, we always ask the question: "What did we learn from this article?"Our aim is to provide an exciting read, whether you are interested in political theory or quantitative research methods. Our goal is to select those articles that bring with them a substantive theoretical background, while demonstrating how these ideas can be used in empirical research. On the other hand, we welcome empirical articles introducing new ways to incorporate or to test theoretical discussions which are highly interesting to our readers.Acta Politica follows a double blind review policy, and our acceptance rate stands at about 35 per cent, ensuring that all the articles we publish meet high academic standards. These standards are, and will remain, our ultimate criteria of judgment for inclusion in the journal. We welcome articles on a broad range of topics, and using a wide array of methods. While in the past most authors publishing in Acta Politica tended to come from Europe, we now also attract more articles from the United States, Canada and the rest of the world. Our aim is to provide authors with substantive feedback within three months of receiving of a manuscript.Acta Politica is committed to publishing relevant political science research, and we invite you to share that commitment, either by subscribing to the journal or recommending it to your library, or by considering Acta Politica when choosing a journal to publish your own research. Potential authors are invited to contact the Editors at with informal enquiries regarding suitability of their manuscript.

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Acta Politologica

ISSN: 1804-1302eISSN: 1803-8220
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Acta Poloniae Historica

ISSN: 0001-6829
JUFO Level 1

Acta Poética

ISSN: 0185-3082eISSN: 0185-3082
Acta Poetica es una revista semestral, arbitrada y de acceso abierto (open-acces), que publica artículos, notas, entrevistas y reseñas originales y traducidas, escritas principalmente en español y otras lenguas. Nuestra publicación pertenece al Centro de Poética del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

El propósito de Acta Poetica es ofrecer una plataforma intelectual para los estudiosos de instituciones nacionales y extranjeras y, con ello, aportar reflexiones sustantivas al estudio de la literatura, la crítica literaria y la teoría crítica, sobre aspectos de la literatura y otras expresiones culturales. Nuestra revista está dirigida a estudiosos de la literatura y otras disciplinas relacionadas con arte, cultura y sociedad.

El contenido de Acta Poetica refleja la diversidad de las líneas de investigación del Centro de Poética, en el marco inter y multidisciplinario de la teoría crítica: mito, semántica, semiótica, deconstrucción, artes visuales, retórica, poética, teoría de la recepción, hermenéutica, crítica literaria, literatura comparada, estudios culturales, misticismo, filología, el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en el discurso, historia de la literatura, cine, fotografía, arquitectura, artes escénicas, música y su relación con otras disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia, la sociología y la teoría política.

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Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture

eISSN: 1983-4683
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Acta Sociologica

ISSN: 0001-6993eISSN: 1502-3869
JUFO Level 2

Acta Sociologica is a peer reviewed quarterly journal which publishes papers on high-quality innovative sociology carried out from different theoretical and methodological starting points, in the form of full-length original articles and review essays, as well as book reviews and commentaries. Articles that present Nordic sociology or help mediate between Nordic and international scholarly discussions are encouraged.

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Acta Turistica

ISSN: 0353-4316eISSN: 1848-6061
JUFO Level 1
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Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica

ISSN: 0300-5402eISSN: 2336-1980
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Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica

eISSN: 2068-2956
JUFO Level 1
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