Sexuality Research and Social Policy is an international forum for the publication of original peer-reviewed state-of-the-art empirical research on sexuality, theoretical and methodological discussions, and the implications of this evidence for policies across the globe regarding sexual health, sexuality education, and sexual rights in diverse communities. This multidisciplinary journal also publishes brief research and conference reports; white papers; book, film, and other reviews; together with guest editorials and commentaries. In addition, Sexuality Research and Social Policy occasionally publishes special issues on timely topics.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology is intended to provide a medium for the prompt publication of scientific contributions concerned with all aspects of the epidemiology of psychiatric disorders - social, biological and genetic.
In addition, the journal has a particular focus on the effects of social conditions upon behaviour and the relationship between psychiatric disorders and the social environment. Contributions may be of a clinical nature provided they relate to social issues, or they may deal with specialised investigations in the fields of social psychology, sociology, anthropology, epidemiology, health service research, health economies or public mental health. We will publish papers on cross-cultural and trans-cultural themes. We do not publish case studies or small case series. While we will publish studies of reliability and validity of new instruments of interest to our readership, we will not publish articles reporting on the performance of established instruments in translation.
Social Science & Medicine provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of social science research on health. We publish original research articles (both empirical and theoretical), reviews, position papers and commentaries on health issues, to inform current research, policy and practice in all areas of common interest to social scientists, health practitioners, and policy makers. The journal publishes material relevant to any aspect of health from a wide range of social science disciplines (anthropology, economics, epidemiology, geography, policy, psychology, and sociology), and material relevant to the social sciences from any of the professions concerned with physical and mental health, health care, clinical practice, and health policy and organization. We encourage material which is of general interest to an international readership.The journal publishes the following types of contribution:1) Peer-reviewed original research articles and critical or analytical reviews in any area of social science research relevant to health. These papers may be up to 8,000 words including abstract, tables, and references as well as the main text. Papers below this limit are preferred.2) Peer-reviewed short reports of research findings on topical issues or published articles of between 2000 and 4000 words.3) Submitted or invited commentaries and responses debating, and published alongside, selected articles.4) Special Issues bringing together collections of papers on a particular theme, and usually guest edited.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require further information, the journal's editorial staff will be happy to help.
ocial Theory & Health provides an international scholarly forum for theoretical reflection and debate on contemporary health issues, many of which bear directly on the planning and delivery of services. The journal aims to consolidate, refine and extend theoretically informed work on the role of health in modern societies.Interest in issues of theory and health now informs many academic and practice-oriented disciplines and crosses discipline boundaries. The Editors encourage contributions from all relevant disciplines, as well as from those involved directly in front-line treatment and care. Contributions from the developing world are particularly welcome. The journal aims to include contributions from all theoretical perspectives.
Social Work in Public Health (recently re-titled from the Journal of Health & Social Policy to better reflect its focus) provides a much-needed forum for social workers and those in health and health-related professions. This crucial journal focuses on all aspects of policy and social and health care considerations in policy-related matters, including its development, formulation, implementation, evaluation, review, and revision. By blending conceptual and practical considerations, Social Work in Public Health enables authors from many disciplines to examine health and social policy issues, concerns, and questions. This valuable resource also presents leading policymakers, as well as representatives affected by particular public and social policy, who discuss and debate new policies, giving readers special insight into policy formulation. Types of articles in Social Work in Public Health include: specific subjects such as primary prevention, health care strategies of various ethnic groups, and financial aspects in policy formulation articles by minority authors on all aspects of the field multidisciplinary perspectives on policy questions and specific issues articles that are centered on a particular theme or subject, such as homelessness, AIDS, or the economic costs of illness and health policy The journal Editors nationally recognized leaders in the field, provide top notch guidance to ensure that Social Work in Public Health brings practitioners the high quality research and knowledge they require. Professionals in the health care and social work fields public health, health education, allied health, nursing, social work, urban affairs, pharmacy, psychology, sociology, mental health, and medicine whose work is profoundly affected by public and social policy issues, are strongly encouraged to read this practical and informative journal. Peer Review Policy: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Sociology of Health & Illness is an international journal which publishes sociological articles on all aspects of health, illness, medicine and health care. We welcome empirical and theoretical contributions in this field in the form of original research reports or review articles. In addition to the six regular issues published each year, subscribers receive a further special issue. These themed issues aim to identify and contribute to new areas of debate and research in the discipline and each issue is devoted to an important topic of current interest.
For over 40 years, Substance Use & Misuse has provided a unique international multidisciplinary environment for the exchange of facts, theories, viewpoints, and unresolved issues concerning substance use, misuse (licit and illicit drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine), "abuse", and dependency, eating disorders, and gambling.Substance Use & Misuse features original, peer-reviewed articles, notes, and book reviews, as well as special issues devoted to single topics. The journal also publishes proceedings and symposia that describe and analyze the latest research; and information on clinical prevention, training, law enforcement, and policy efforts.Topics covered include:measurements, instruments, scales, and testsfailure and drug use interventionstudent substance usegender and substance useissues, credos, caveats, and unresolved issuessocial pharmacologyclassical-historical articles, reviews, and documentsprevention programsartificial sciences and substance use/misuse interventionethnicity and substance abusetopic-focused bibliographies.
Sustainability Science probes interactions between global, social, and human systems, the complex mechanisms that lead to degradation of these systems, and concomitant risks to human well-being. The journal provides a platform for building sustainability science as a new academic discipline which can point the way to a sustainable global society by facing challenges that existing disciplines have not addressed. These include endeavors to simultaneously understand phenomena and solve problems, uncertainty and application of the precautionary principle, the co-evolution of knowledge and recognition of problems, and trade-offs between global and local problem solving. The journal promotes science-based predictions and impact assessments of global change, and seeks ways to ensure that these can be understood and accepted by society. Sustainability Science creates a transdisciplinary academic structure and discovery process that fuses the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
Published for the British Association of Social Workers, this is the leading academic social work journal in the UK. It covers every aspect of social work, with papers reporting research, discussing practice, and examining principles and theories. It is read by social work educators, researchers, practitioners and managers who wish to keep up to date with theoretical and empirical developments in the field.
The Lancet Planetary Health is a monthly, open access, online-only title in The Lancet's growing family of specialty journals. Building on the foundation of The Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on planetary health, the journal is committed to publishing high-quality original Research Articles, Editorials, Comments, and Correspondence that contribute to defining and advancing planetary health worldwide.
Planetary health has been defined as the health of the human civilisation and the state of the natural systems on which it depends.
To explain this idea in simple terms we need to think of humanity as one of the key driving forces of global environmental change. We live on a planet that is shaped by the activity of human beings. We have benefited from the exploitation of the natural resources of the environment, and this has allowed us to develop, flourish, and to improve our health. But, we have now gone beyond a sustainable limit. The planet we live in is in grave danger. Species are under pressure. The environmental changes to the climate, the water, the land, and ecosystems are challenging life on the Earth with serious implications for our health and wellbeing. The way we think about the planet needs to be revised and with it the approach we take to interact with it.
It is against this backdrop that we welcome The Lancet Planetary Health. In keeping with our other journals, The Lancet Planetary Health will offer rapid publication of research online within 8-12 weeks from submission. We invite all original research submissions that have the potential to change or challenge the interplay between the environment and human health. We take a broad and inclusive approach to planetary health, and we especially wish to emphasise our interest in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.
Submissions are subjected to The Lancet's usual rigorous standards of external and statistical peer review, and are edited by experienced copy editors to the highest standards. All original research remains the property of the author, and reuse by others is permitted under either CC BY or CC BY-NC-ND Creative Commons licences, depending on authors' preferences or funding bodies' mandates.
For full details of how to submit your paper, including methods of funding, please visit Read more about the scope and aims of this exciting new journal at
Het Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde (TBV) is een uitgave van de Stichting tot bevordering der Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde (SBBV), met medewerking van de NVVG en de NVAB. Het blad houdt u op de hoogte van de ontwikkeling in uw vak, wanneer u werkzaam bent in de bedrijfs- of verzekeringsgeneeskunde. Het bevat wetenschappelijke onderzoek, artikelen voor de praktijk, opinies, boekbesprekingen en nieuws van de vereniging.
Tobacco Control aims to study the nature and consequences of tobacco use worldwide; tobacco's effects on population health, the economy, the environment, and society; efforts to prevent and control the global tobacco epidemic through population level education and policy changes; the ethical dimensions of tobacco control policies; and the activities of the tobacco industry and its allies.
smoking, tobacco cessation, Nicotine replacement therapy or NRT, tobacco use, tobacco prevalence, cigarette smoking