The Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice publishes quarterly coverage of the theoretical and scientific aspects of the study of crime and the practical problems of law enforcement, administration of justice and the treatment of offenders, particularly in the Canadian context. Since 1958, this comprehensive journal has provided a forum for original contributions and discussions in the fields of criminology and criminal justice. This bilingual journal was previously called the Canadian Journal of Criminology, the Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections, and the Canadian Journal of Corrections.
Launched in 1985, the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law/Revue Femmes et Droit is the only Canadian periodical devoted entirely to the publication and dissemination of multi-disciplinary scholarship in the expanding field of women's legal studies. The CJWL is incorporated as a non-profit organization with charitable status. The CJWL's readership includes lawyers, judges, law students, academics, government officials and others interested in women's equality. The CJWL's mandate is to provide an outlet for those wishing to explore the impact of law on women's social, economic and legal status, and on the general conditions of their lives. The Journal promotes the expansion of women's legal scholarship into new areas of research and study, and it aims to increase the volume and improve the accessibility of legal scholarship by Canadian women, on specifically Canadian topics. Finally, the CJWL seeks to provide an important tool for activists, academics and others engaged in research and law reform efforts on behalf of women.
Child Abuse Review provides a forum for all professionals working in the field of child protection, giving them access to the latest research findings, practice developments, training initiatives and policy issues. The Journal's remit includes all forms of maltreatment, whether they occur inside or outside the family environment. Papers are written in a style appropriate for a multidisciplinary audience and those from outside Britain are welcomed. The Journal maintains a practice orientated focus and authors of research papers are encouraged to examine and discuss implications for practitioners. By always emphasising research/practice links, it is the Editors' aim to promote practice relevant research and to facilitate the use of research findings, to enhance good practice and influence policy. The Editorial Board, in all its activities, seeks to prevent discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, racial origin, culture, religious belief, language, disability, economic status or political views. The Journal has a policy of encouraging inclusive practice and for this reason authors are asked to consider the applicability of their work to all groups. Each issue includes a mix of refereed research and practice papers, training updates, case studies, brief communications, book reviews and a calendar of future events. Correspondence from readers is much welcomed, and it is hoped that these letters (edited where appropriate) will form a lively feature within the journal. The views expressed in the papers in this volume are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of BASPCAN, the Editorial Board or the organisations to which the authors are affiliated. Child Abuse Review published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd is the official journal for the British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect whose members receive the journal as a membership entitlement. For membership details contact BASPCAN, 17 Priory Street, York, YO1 6ET. Tel: 44 (0) 1904 613605. Fax: 44 (0) 1904 642239 CHILD ABUSE REVIEW Editorial Office:.
The Chinese Journal of International Law is the leading forum for articles on international law by Chinese scholars and on international law issues relating to China. An independent, peer-reviewed research journal edited primarily by scholars from mainland China, and published in association with the Chinese Society of International Law, Beijing, and Wuhan University Institute of International Law, Wuhan, the Journal is a general international law journal with a focus on materials and viewpoints from and/or about China, other parts of Asia, and the broader developing world.
Founded in 1958, M.E.Sharpe is a privately held publisher of books and journals in the social sciences and humanities, including titles in economics, political science, business, management, public administration, literature, and history. We also publish both original works and translations in Asian and East European studies. Many of our most widely adopted textbooks are now available in cost-saving digital editions through the Sharpe E-Textbook Center, a service that offers many important benefits to students and instructors.Several Nobel Prize winners, including Kenzaburo Oe and Wassily Leontief are among our authors. Our East Gate Books imprint is widely recognized as representing the best in Asian Studies. In addition, we publish single and multi-volume reference works designed to meet the needs of students and researchers from high school through college under the Sharpe Reference imprint. The full, updated content of many of these references is also available electronically through Sharpe//Online Reference, an exciting concept in digital reference ownership that gives libraries numerous features not available with print editions.M.E.Sharpe’s highly regarded periodicals include journals in sociology, political economy, management studies, and mental health, along with numerous monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly translation journals in our Asian and East European series. Among the list are the cutting-edge International Journal of Electronic Commerce and Journal of Management Information Systems as well as the widely respected Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, Problems of Post-Communism, and Journal of Advertising. .