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Economic Anthropology

eISSN: 2330-4847
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Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia

ISSN: 1878-8084

Enfances, Familles, Générations

ISSN: 1708-6310eISSN: 1708-6310
JUFO Level 1
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Environment and Society: Advances in Research

ISSN: 2150-6779eISSN: 2150-6787
JUFO Level 2
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Estudios de Asia y África

ISSN: 0185-0164eISSN: 2448-654X
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Estudios de Cultura Maya

ISSN: 0185-2574eISSN: 0185-2574
JUFO Level 1
Estudios de Cultura Maya es el órgano oficial del Centro de Estudios Mayas del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Publica artículos en español, inglés y francés, y desde 2003 acepta contribuciones en idiomas de la familia lingüística maya.

Interesada en dar a conocer el rico y complejo universo de saberes, creencias y prácticas mayas desde el surgimiento de esta cultura hasta la actualidad, la revista admite trabajos de corte histórico en sus distintas manifestaciones, y antropológico en todas sus disciplinas (Arqueología, Antropologías Física y Social, Etnología, Lingüística, Etnohistoria), Epigrafía, Iconografía, etc., sin desdeñar la publicación de textos dedicados a otros campos de la ciencia que se vinculen con el mundo maya. Así, da cuenta, entre otras cosas, del estudio estilístico de los monumentos, la astronomía y sus nexos con manifestaciones culturales como la arquitectura, los códices y los calendarios; informes de exploraciones arqueológicas; lectura y discusión de inscripciones jeroglíficas, textos prehispánicos, coloniales y actuales de y sobre los mayas; ensayos sobre organización social, economía y religión (mitos, rituales, etc.) de los mayas de ayer y hoy, etcétera.

Desde sus primeros números se ha enriquecido con la participación de especialistas de la talla de Alberto Ruz Lhuillier, J. Eric Thompson, Alfonso Villa Rojas, George Kubler, Gordon Willey, Evon Z. Vogt, William Holland, Alfredo Barrera Vásquez, Calixta Guiteras Holmes, César Lizardi Ramos y muchos más, dando fe de que Estudios de Cultura Maya es un foro científico y humanístico de alta calidad abierto a todos los mayistas del mundo.

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Estudos do Quaternario

ISSN: 2182-8660

Ethnic and Racial Studies

ISSN: 0141-9870eISSN: 1466-4356
JUFO Level 3

Race, ethnicity and nationalism are at the heart of many of the major social and political issues in the present global environment. New antagonisms have emerged which require a rethinking of traditional theoretical and empirical perspectives. Ethnic and Racial Studies, published ten times a year, is the leading journal for the analysis of these issues throughout the world. The journal provides an interdisciplinary academic forum for the presentation of research and theoretical analysis, drawing on sociology, social policy, anthropology, political science, economics, geography, international relations, history, social psychology and cultural studies. Ethnic and Racial Studies welcomes contributions from both established and younger scholars working in any of the main areas of interest. We welcome articles with an empirical focus as well as contributions at the cutting edge of theoretical debates in this field. Each issue carries reviews of the latest books on race, ethnicity and nationalism. Regular special issues provide innovative perspectives on questions of current importance. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two or more anonymous referees.

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Ethnobiology Letters

ISSN: 2159-8126eISSN: 2159-8126
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ISSN: 0014-1798
JUFO Level 1


ISSN: 1466-1381eISSN: 1741-2714
JUFO Level 2

Ethnography (ETH) is a fully peer reviewed quarterly journal now indexed in ISI - Impact Factor pending. An international and interdisciplinary journal addressing ethnographic findings and methods it bridges the chasm between sociology and anthropology promoting a pragmatic fusion of close-up observation, rigorous theory and social critique. It re-engages field-based research with theoretical sensibility representing how ethnography is actually practiced and written.

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Ethnohistory: The Journal of the American Society for Ethnohistory

ISSN: 0014-1801eISSN: 1527-5477
JUFO Level 2

Ethnohistory emphasizes the joint use of documentary materials and ethnographic or archaeological data, as well as the combination of historical and anthropological approaches, in the study of social and cultural processes and history. The journal has established a strong reputation for its studies of the history of native peoples in the Americas and in recent years has expanded its focus to cultures and societies throughout the world.

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Ethnologia Europaea

eISSN: 1604-3030
JUFO Level 3

Ethnologia Europaea is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, founded in 1967, focusing on
European cultures and societies. In 2015 it was adopted by the International Society for Ethnology
and Folklore (SIEF) as its flagship journal. Ethnologia Europaea is a membership journal supported
by the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore and funded by the Nordic Board for
Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOP-HS).

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Ethnologie française

ISSN: 0046-2616
JUFO Level 1
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ISSN: 0014-1836eISSN: 2156-7417
JUFO Level 3

Ethnomusicology is the premier publication in the field. Its scholarly articles represent current theoretical perspectives and research in ethnomusicology and related fields, while playing a central role in expanding the discipline in the United States and abroad. As the official journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology, Ethnomusicology is aimed at a diverse audience of musicologists, anthropologists, folklorists, cultural studies scholars, musicians, and others, this inclusive journal also features book, recording, film, video, and multimedia reviews. Peer-reviewed by the Society’s international membership, Ethnomusicology has been published three times a year since the 1950s.

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Ethnomusicology Forum

ISSN: 1741-1912eISSN: 1741-1920
JUFO Level 3

Membership of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology includes a subscription to Ethnomusicology Forum Information on how to become a member.  
Ethnomusicology Forum , formerly known as the British Journal of Ethnomusicology, is the academic, refereed journal of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology. The journal seeks to provide a dynamic forum for the presentation of new thinking in the field of ethnomusicology, defined broadly as the study of "people making music", and encompasses the study of all music, including Western art music and popular music.

Articles often emphasise first-hand, sustained engagement with people as music makers, taking the form of ethnographic writing following one or more periods of fieldwork. Typically, ethnographies aim for a broad assessment of the processes and contexts through and within which music is imagined, discussed and made. Ethnography may be synthesised with a variety of analytical, historical and other methodologies, often entering into dialogue with other disciplinary areas such as music psychology, music education, historical musicology, performance studies, critical theory, dance, folklore and linguistics. The field is therefore characterised by its breadth in theory and method, its interdisciplinary nature and its global perspective.

Each volume comprises three issues: one focuses on a specific  theme and is prepared by a guest editor; the others include a range of articles covering a broader field of interest.

Peer Review Policy:

All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.

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ISSN: 0014-1844eISSN: 1469-588X
JUFO Level 3

ethnos is a peer-reviewed journal, which publishes original papers promoting theoretical, methodological and empirical developments in the discipline of socio-cultural anthropology. ethnos provides a forum where a wide variety of different anthropologies can gather together and enter into critical exchange. ethnos encourages submissions both from scholars working in anthropology and those in other disciplines whose work can make a substantial contribution to topics of concern to anthropologists. ethnos publishes original papers that promote theoretical, methodological and empirical developments within the discipline of socio-cultural anthropology. Please submit Manuscripts electronically at the Ethnos Manuscript Central site. Books for review can be sent to: ethnos, Museum of Ethnography, Box 27140, S-102 52 Stockholm, Sweden Peer Review Policy: All research articles published in ethnos have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Disclaimer for scientific, technical and social science publications: Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 0091-2131eISSN: 1548-1352

Ethos is an interdisciplinary and international quarterly journal devoted to scholarly articles dealing with the interrelationships between the individual and the sociocultural milieu, between the psychological disciplines and the social disciplines.

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Etnoantropološki Problemi

ISSN: 0353-1589eISSN: 2334-8801

Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa

eISSN: 1973-3194
JUFO Level 1
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