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Journal of Ethnobiology

ISSN: 0278-0771eISSN: 2162-4496
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics

ISSN: 1736-6518eISSN: 2228-0987
JUFO Level 2
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Journal of Evolutionary Psychology

ISSN: 1789-2082eISSN: 1589-7397
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Family History

ISSN: 0363-1990eISSN: 1552-5473
JUFO Level 2

Journal of Family History (JFH), published quarterly, has been the leading resource for scholars interested in the history of the family for over three decades. Today, JFH continues to be the most important forum for international research on family, kinship and population. Its focus encompasses work from a variety of perspectives, including gender, sexuality, race, class, and culture.

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Journal of Historical Sociology

ISSN: 0952-1909eISSN: 1467-6443

The Journal of Historical Sociology was founded in 1988 on the conviction that historical and social studies ultimately have a common subject matter and can only benefit from the interchange of ideas and perspectives. Edited by a distinguished international panel of historians, anthropologists, geographers and sociologists, it is both interdisciplinary in approach and innovative in content. As well as refereed articles, the journal presents reviews essays and commentary in its 'Issues and Agendas' section, and aims to provoke discussion and debate.

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Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment

ISSN: 1091-1359eISSN: 1540-3556
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment helps social workers firmly grasp developing issues in human behavior theories. It provides an outlet for empirically based articles about human behavior theory that facilitate social workers' practice goals. This innovative journal is the first to address the complexities of human behavior in relation to social work and its relevancy to practice. This makes it an essential resource for classes in human behavior in the social environment. Articles provide you with groundbreaking, up-to-date information on developments in empirically based human behavior theory. They address conceptual and empirical foci which study human behavior as a complex phenomenon. Supported theories target specific behaviors for change, possess clarity by describing in detail the intended change(s), predict the change(s), and facilitate the desired behavioral change(s) through implementation of the model theory. Peer Review Policy: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Human Development and Capabilities

ISSN: 1945-2829eISSN: 1945-2837
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Human Development and Capabilities: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development is the peer-reviewed journal of the Human Development and Capabilities Association. It was launched in January 2000 to provide new perspectives on challenges of human development, capability expansion, poverty eradication, human well being, markets, growth, social justice and human rights. The human development approach recognizes that development is about more than just economic growth. It is also about improving the well being of people, and expanding the choices and opportunities they have. Development policies cut across economic, social and political issues. The Journal publishes original work in economics, philosophy, social sciences and other disciplines that expand concepts, measurement tools and policy alternatives. It provides a forum for an open exchange of ideas among a broad spectrum of policy makers, economists and academics. It addresses issues at global, national and local levels. Human development is becoming a 'school of thought' for alternative economic approaches, and the Journal will act as a conduit for members and critics of this school.Peer ReviewAll research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and evaluation by at least one - but preferably two or three - anonymous referees.

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Journal of Human Evolution

ISSN: 0047-2484eISSN: 1095-8606
JUFO Level 2

The Journal of Human Evolution concentrates on publishing the highest quality papers covering all aspects of human evolution. The central focus is aimed jointly at palaeoanthropological work, covering human and primate fossils, and at comparative studies of living species, including both morphological and molecular evidence. These include descriptions of new discoveries, interpretative analyses of new and previously described material, and assessments of the phylogeny and palaeobiology of primate species.In addition to original research papers, space is allocated for the rapid publication of short communications on new discoveries, such as exciting new fossils, or on matters of topical interest, such as reports on meetings. The journal also publishes longer review papers solicited from workers active in particular fields of research. All manuscripts are subjected to review by three referees.Research Areas Include:• Palaeoanthropological work, covering human and primate fossils• Comparative studies of living species, including both morphological and molecular evidence• Primate systematics, behaviour, and ecology in the context of the evolution of the group involved• Functional studies, particularly relating to diet and locomotion• Body size and allometric studies• Studies in palaeolithic archaeology• Taphonomic and stratigraphical studies supporting fossil evidence for primate and human evolution• Palaeoecological and palaeogeographical models for primate and human evolutionBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of International Migration and Integration

ISSN: 1488-3473eISSN: 1874-6365
JUFO Level 2

The Journal of International Migration and Integration (JIMI) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scholarly journal, which publishes original research papers, policy discussions and book reviews that enhance the understanding of immigration, settlement and integration and that contribute to policy development. The Journal of International Migration and Integration consistently covers a wide array of subject areas, including labor market integration, refugee status in various nations, adaptation strategies of immigrants in industrialized settings, racial and gender variations in migration, the role of social work in the integration of new citizens, and retention of ethnic and older national identities in new environments. These are issues of concern throughout the world. The journal looks at the social world with a fresh vision enhanced by the basic and applied social sciences. JIMI welcomes papers based on original research, critital policy debates and comparative analyses. Submissions and subscriptions are open to all.

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Journal of Japanese Studies

ISSN: 0095-6848eISSN: 1549-4721
JUFO Level 2

Journal of Language and Social Psychology

ISSN: 0261-927XeISSN: 1552-6526
JUFO Level 3

The Journal of Language and Social Psychology (JLS) is the only major journal worldwide devoted to the social psychology of language. It attracts an international authorship, with data frequently derived from languages other than English. The journal provides complete and balanced coverage of the latest research and theory at the cross-roads of language, mind, and society.

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Journal of Latinx Psychology

ISSN: 2578-8086eISSN: 2578-8094
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Journal of Linguistic Anthropology

ISSN: 1055-1360eISSN: 1548-1395
JUFO Level 3

The Journal of Linguistic Anthropology (JLA), a publication of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology (SLA), publishes articles on the anthropological study of language, including analysis of discourse, language in society, language and cognition, and language acquisition of socialization.

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Journal of Marine and Island Cultures

eISSN: 2212-6821

The Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, an international journal, is the official journal of the Institution for Marine and Island Cultures, Republic of Korea. The Journal of Marine and Island Cultures publishes peer-reviewed, original research papers, reviews, reports, and comments covering all aspects of the humanities and cultural issues pertaining to the marine and island environment. In addition the journal publishes articles that present integrative research conducted across interdisciplinary boundaries, including studies examining the sustainability of the living environment, nature-ecological resources and the socio-economic systems of islands and islanders. The journal particularly encourages the submission of papers relating to marine and island cultures in the Asia-Pacific Region as well as in the American, European and Mediterranean Regions.

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Journal of Marriage and Family

ISSN: 0022-2445eISSN: 1741-3737
JUFO Level 3

For more than 70 years, Journal of Marriage and Family (JMF) has been a leading research journal in the family field. JMF features original research and theory, research interpretation and reviews, and critical discussion concerning all aspects of marriage, other forms of close relationships, and families.

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Journal of Material Culture

ISSN: 1359-1835eISSN: 1460-3586
JUFO Level 3

JMC is concerned with the relationship between artefacts and social relations irrespective of time and place and aims to systematically explore the linkage between the construction of social identities and the production and use of culture.

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Journal of Mediterranean Studies

ISSN: 1016-3476
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs

ISSN: 1360-2004eISSN: 1469-9591
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs is a peer reviewed research journal produced by the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs as part of its publication programme. Published since 1979, the Journal has firmly established itself as a highly respected and widely acclaimed academic and scholarly publication providing accurate, reliable and objective information.Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs provides a forum for frank but responsible discussion of issues relating to the life of Muslims in non-Muslim societies. The journal has become increasingly influential as the subject of Muslim minorities has acquired added significance. About 500 million Muslims, fully one third of the world Muslim population of 1.5 billion, live as minorities in 149 countries around the globe. Even as minorities they form significant communities within their countries of residence. What kind of life do they live? What are their social, political and economic problems? How do they perceive their strengths and weakness? What above all, is their future in Islam and in the communities of their residence? The journal explores these and similar questions from the Muslim and international point of view in a serious and responsible manner.Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs is the only scholarly journal studying Muslim communities in non-Muslim societies. It provides a wealth of information about these communities that cannot be found anywhere else in documented form. The journal has opened up a new area of specialisation in minority studies with original articles addressing the minority condition from the historical, demographic, social and economic perspective. Our research interests extend to include non-Muslim minorities living in Muslim societies, interfaith dialogue to promote understanding and the study of Muslim minority women, the minorities' minority. The Journal has indeed pioneered the way in examining theoretical and conceptual issues that define and explain the minority experience.Peer Review StatementAll research articles in the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs have been subjected to initial editorial screening and anonymous peer review. Disclaimer The Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs or Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Muslims in Europe

ISSN: 2211-792XeISSN: 2211-7954
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Muslims in Europe is devoted to publishing articles dealing with contemporary issues on Islam and Muslims in Europe from all disciplines and across the whole region, as well as historical studies of relevance to the present. The focus is on articles offering cross-country comparisons or with significant theoretical or methodological relevance to the field. Case studies with innovative approaches or on under-explored issues, and studies of policy and policy development in the various European institutions, including the European courts, and transnational movements and social and cultural processes are also welcome. The journal also welcomes book reviews.

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Journal of Population and Social Studies

eISSN: 2465-4418
JUFO Level 1