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Intelligence and National Security

ISSN: 0268-4527eISSN: 1743-9019
JUFO Level 1

Winner of the 2010 Best Article Prize - view the article for freeIntelligence has never played a more prominent role in international politics than it does now at the opening of the twenty-first century. National intelligence services are larger than ever and play a more public role than ever before in the policy making process of important states and their role evolves constantly along with the character of international relations. Intelligence and National Security is the world's leading academic journal on the role of intelligence in international relations. It examines this issue from a wide range of disciplinary approaches deployed by authors from around the world.Articles on the historical development of professional intelligence agencies provide new perspectives on the evolution of intelligence as a factor in state power in both the domestic and international contexts. Contemporary issues are also addressed using conceptual tools developed in the fields of sociology, law, anthropology, philosophy, political science and international relations. These perspectives are complemented by contributions from a range of former practitioners, drawn from various national backgrounds, providing yet another perspective on the nature and impact of intelligence on national and international security and the course of world politics. Topics addressed include the history of intelligence, representations of intelligence in popular culture, public understandings and expectations of intelligence services, intelligence and ethics, the privatisation of intelligence practices and the role of non-government agencies, the challenges of analysis and warning, the political and cultural dynamics of intelligence practices, the issue of liaison and internal cooperation and the role of intelligence services as instruments of state control in both historical and contemporary contexts.Peer ReviewAll articles are subjected to a rigorous peer-review process with an acceptance rate of one in three. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International & Comparative Law Quarterly

ISSN: 0020-5893eISSN: 1471-6895
JUFO Level 3
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International Affairs

ISSN: 0020-5850eISSN: 1468-2346
JUFO Level 3

International Affairs is Europe's leading journal of international relations. Founded and edited at Chatham House in London, it has not only developed a much valued insight into European policy debates but has also become renowned for its coverage of global policy issues. Mixing commissioned and unsolicited articles from the biggest names in international relations this lively, provocative journal will keep you up-to-date with critical thinking on the key issues shaping world economic and political change. With an unrivalled review section International Affairs also provides comprehensive coverage of the latest publications in print and electronic media. Whatever your level and area of interest, you will find International Affairs readable, informative and stimulating.

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International Area Studies Review

ISSN: 2233-8659eISSN: 2049-1123

International Area Studies Review (IASR) is the quarterly peer-reviewed publication of the Center for International Area Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).

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International Community Law Review

ISSN: 1871-9740eISSN: 1871-9732
JUFO Level 1

“International law can only prosper if careful attention is given to all the voices expressing themselves on current legal issues […]. Any striving for hegemony threatens to undermine the legitimacy of international law.“.

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International Criminal Law Review

ISSN: 1567-536XeISSN: 1571-8123
JUFO Level 1

The practice at the ICTY and ICTR has shown that there is no real international criminal (customary) law, but only extrapolations from international public law, general principles of law and humanitarian law. The divide between.

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International Criminal Law Series

ISSN: 2213-2724
Publisher: BRILL

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

ISSN: 1567-9764eISSN: 1573-1553
JUFO Level 1

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal that focuses on the theoretical, methodological and practical dimensions of cooperative solutions to international environmental problems. The journal explores both formal legal agreements such as multilateral treaties, and less formal cooperative mechanisms such as ministerial declarations and producer-consumer agreements. The journal's scope encompasses a wide range of environmental and natural resource issues, including biosafety, biodiversity loss, climate change, desertification, forest conservation, ozone depletion, transboundary pollutant flows, and the management of marine and fresh-water resources. The journal provides a forum on the role of political, economic, and legal considerations in the negotiation and implementation of effective governance strategies.

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International Feminist Journal of Politics

ISSN: 1461-6742eISSN: 1468-4470
JUFO Level 2

New Editorial Team for July 2011 Announced! International Feminist Journal of Politics is a unique cross-cultural and international forum to foster debate and dialogue at the intersection of international relations, politics and women's studies. Developed by a team of leading feminist scholars, this journal brings together some of the most influential figures in the field to build a global critical community of writers and readers. This journal features research on women, gender relations and sexuality from the perspectives of: * International relations * Political theory * Globalization studies * International political economy * Comparative politics * Peace research * International law * Development studies * Political geography * Cultural studies As well as the main section of the journal featuring full-length articles, it also offers a special 'Conversations' section, which publishes interviews with leading scholars and practitioners, conference reports and film readings. The book review section regularly features review articles as well as individual book reviews. Peer Review All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Articles in which the initial decision is to revise and resubmit are returned to one or both of the original referees. Final publication decisions rest with the three International Feminist Journal of Politics Editors (two of whom must be in agreement in cases where articles are rejected). Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Humanitarian Law Series

ISSN: 1389-6776
JUFO Level 1
Publisher: BRILL

International Interactions

ISSN: 0305-0629eISSN: 1547-7444
JUFO Level 1

International Interactions is a leading interdisciplinary journal that publishes original empirical, analytic, and theoretical studies of conflict and political economy. The journal has a particular interest in research that focuses upon the broad range of relations and interactions among the actors in the global system. Relevant topics include ethnic and religious conflict, interstate and intrastate conflict, conflict resolution, conflict management, economic development, regional integration, trade relations, institutions, globalization, terrorism, and geopolitical analyses. The journal aims to promote interaction among social science disciplines by encouraging interdisciplinary work among political scientists, economists, sociologists, anthropologists, geographers, statisticians, and mathematicians.

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International Journal of Children's Rights

ISSN: 0927-5568eISSN: 1571-8182
JUFO Level 2

Focusing both on critical leadership and practical policy development, the articles in the preeminent International Journal of Children's Rights reflect the perspectives of a broad range of disciplines and contribute to a greater understanding of children's rights and their impact on the concept and development of childhood.

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International Journal of China Studies

ISSN: 2180-3250

International Journal of Development Issues

ISSN: 1446-8956eISSN: 1758-8553
JUFO Level 1

The International Journal of Development Issues (IJDI) publishes scholarly research on important development issues, with a particular focus on development dynamism and a leaning towards inter-disciplinary research.

International Journal of Development and Conflict

ISSN: 2010-2690eISSN: 2010-2704
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International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies

ISSN: 1855-3362eISSN: 2232-6022

The International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) is aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue and exchanges between societies, developing human resources, and assuring greater mutual understanding in the Euro-Mediterranean region. To accomplish this objective, the journal seek to publish high quality research papers and case studies. The topics of papers include, but are not limited to: Politics, Sociology, Economics, Human Geography and Environment, Business and Management, Education, International Relations, and History. Thematic issues are published on: Civil Protection, De-Pollution of the Mediterranean, Alternative Energies, Maritime and Land Highways, Higher Education and Research, and Business Development in the Mediterranean.

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International Journal of Iberian Studies

ISSN: 1364-971XeISSN: 1758-9150
JUFO Level 1
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International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence

ISSN: 0885-0607eISSN: 1521-0561
JUFO Level 1

The International Journal of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence serves as a medium for professionals and scholars to exchange opinions on issues and challenges encountered by both government and business institutions in making contemporary intelligence-related decisions and policy. At the same time, this quarterly serves as an invaluable resource for researchers looking to assess previous developments and events in the field of national security.Dedicated to the advancement of the academic discipline of intelligence studies, the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence publishes articles and book reviews focusing on a broad range of national security matters. As an independent, non-partisan forum, the journal presents the informed and diverse findings of its contributing authors, and does not advocate positions of its own.Peer Review Policy:All articles in this journal have undergone editorial screening and extensive and comprehensive editorial review.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice

ISSN: 1756-0616eISSN: 1876-763X
JUFO Level 1

The International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice is a refereed journal for high quality research and analysis in the areas of socio-legal studies and the psychology of law, criminology and social justice studies. The Journal invites papers based on empirical research, theoretical analysis and debate, and policy analysis and critique. Papers should be between 7000-10,000 words in length, although shorter papers relating to policy analysis and debate will be considered. The peer review process and decision on publication will normally be completed within 90 days of receipt of submissions. The Editors also welcome proposals for Special Issues and Guest Editorships.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society

ISSN: 0891-4486eISSN: 1573-3416
JUFO Level 1

The International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society welcomes original articles on issues arising at the intersection of nations, states, civil societies, and global institutions and processes. The editors are particularly interested in article manuscripts dealing with changing patterns in world economic and political institutions: analysis of ethnic groups, social classes, religions, personal networks, and special interests: changes in mass culture, propaganda, and technologies of communication and their social effects: and the impact of social transformations on the changing order of public and private life. The journal is interdisciplinary in orientation and international in scope, and is not tethered to particular theoretical or research traditions. The journal presents material of varying length, from research notes to article-length monographs.

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