AI Communications is a journal on Artificial Intelligence (AI) which has a close relationship to ECCAI (the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence). It covers the whole AI community: scientific institutions as well as commercial and industrial companies. AI Communications aims to enhance contacts and information exchange between AI researchers and developers, and to provide supranational information to those concerned with AI and advanced information processing. AI Communications publishes refereed articles concerning scientific and technical AI procedures, provided they are of sufficient interest to a large readership of both scientific and practical background. In addition it contains high-level background material, both at the technical level as well as the level of opinions, policies and news. The Editorial and Advisory Board is appointed by the Editor-in-Chief.
This serial is an official publication of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. From these pages, you can access editorial, advertising, and subscriber information about the publication.Called the “journal of record for the AI community,” AI Magazine helps AAAI members stay abreast of significant new research and literature across the entire field of artificial intelligence. This quarterly publication features timely, feature-length articles, consistently crafted to be clear enough to permit specialists to review work outside their particular area of expertise.