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Applied Neuropsychology: Child

ISSN: 2162-2965eISSN: 2162-2973
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Cognition and Development

ISSN: 1524-8372eISSN: 1532-7647
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Cognition and Development is the official journal of the Cognitive Development Society (CDS). Some CDS members are concerned with basic research or theory; others focus on policy issues and practical applications. The range of interests includes cognitive development during all stages of life, and we seek to understand ontogenetic processes in both humans and nonhumans. Finally, their interests encompass typical as well as atypical development, and we attempt to characterize both biological and cultural influences on cognitive change and continuity. The relationship between the journal and the society is symbiotic in that the journal enhances the field of cognitive development by providing a prestigious forum for innovative research and theory. It publishes the very best articles on all aspects of cognitive development. In addition to empirical reports, it features theoretical essays (occasionally accompanied by peer commentaries), and essay reviews of new and significant books. Criteria for acceptance of submitted manuscripts include: * relevance of the work to issues of broad interest; * substance of the argument (including methodological rigor and support for conclusions drawn); * ingenuity of the ideas or approach; and * quality of expression. RELATED LINKS Books: Cognitive Psychology or Developmental Psychology Conferences: Cognitive Psychology or Developmental Psychology Join our mailing list: Cognitive Psychology or Developmental Psychology Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous reviewers. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Language Learning and Development

ISSN: 1547-5441eISSN: 1547-3341
JUFO Level 1

Language Learning and Development (LL&D) serves as a vehicle for interaction among the broad community of scholars and practitioners who investigate language learning, including language learning in infancy, childhood, and across the lifespan; language in both typical and atypical populations and in both native- and second-language learning. LL&D welcomes scholars who pursue diverse approaches to understanding all aspects of language acquisition, including biological, social, and cross-cultural influences, and who employ experimental, observational, ethnographic, comparative, neuroscientific, and formal methods of investigation.The journal is multidisciplinary and seeks to examine language development in all of its many guises. Among the many issues LL&D explores are biological versus environmental factors in language development; learning in humans versus animals; learning of signed versus spoken language; computer models of learning; and how neurotechnology and visualization of the brain inform our understanding of language learning and development.Please email your paper as an attachment (PDF or Word file) to: lld@uchicago.eduRELATED LINKSBooks: Developmental Psychology or Psycholinguistics Conferences: Developmental Psychology or PsycholinguisticsJoin our mailing list: Developmental Psychology or Psycholinguistics Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by at least two, and usually three, anonymous referees. The average length of time between submission and final decision is less than ninety days.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Metaphor and Symbol

ISSN: 1092-6488eISSN: 1532-7868
JUFO Level 3

This innovative journal is dedicated to the study of figurative language and the cognitive processes behind it. By applying a variety of perspectives to their investigations, contributors provide a broad spectrum of unique and thought-provoking articles - theoretical essays, original empirical research, and literature and book reviews. Its international editorial board is composed of scholars and experts in linguistics, education, artificial intelligence, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, and psychology. This journal appeals to the broad range of scholars and researchers in the field of metaphor. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Contributors should send three copies of their manuscripts to: Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr., Editor, Metaphor and Symbol, Department of Psychology, University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition. All manuscript copy should be double-spaced. The cover letter should include a complete mailing address for each author and the telephone number and E-mail address of the author to whom editorial correspondence is to be addressed. Figures should be in camera-ready condition. Contributors are responsible for all statements made in their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners if they use an illustration, table, or lengthy quote (over 500 words) published elsewhere. Contributors should write to both publisher and author of such material, requesting nonexclusive world rights in all languages for use in the article and all future editions of it. Manuscripts will be evaluated on the basis of style as well as content. After a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors are asked to provide a computer disk containing the word processing file of the manuscript. Some minor copyediting may be done, but authors must take responsibility for clarity, conciseness, and felicity of expression. In order to set off printed figurative text from nonfigurative use of (a) italicization (underlining in manuscripts) for indicating emphasis, (b) quotation marks for indicating quotations, and (c) capitalization for indicating headings and subheadings, authors should abide by the following conventions: Any sentence or phrase in which a word or words are intended as figurative should be set in quoted lower-case italics (e.g., 'My soul is an enchanted boat,' 'to let the cat out of the bag,' etc.). What are called metaphor themes or metaphor formulas should be set in quoted upper-case italics (e.g., 'LIFE IS A JOURNEY,' 'LOVE IS INSANITY,' etc.), with italicization indicated by underlining in the manuscripts. Subordinate instances of these two sample themes should be set in quoted lower-case italics ('Our relationship has come a long way' and 'He was madly in love with her,' respectively). In experimental reports that involve figurative and nonfigurative material or stimulus items, figurative material should be set as indicated above; nonfigurative material (e.g., literal 'control' sentences) should be set in unquoted italics (e.g., This is a literal sentence).RELATED LINKS Psycholinguistics books Psycholinguistics conferences Join the Psychology Press Psycholinguistics mailing list! Any questions? Email us. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Parenting: Science and Practice

ISSN: 1529-5192eISSN: 1532-7922
JUFO Level 1

Parenting: Science and Practice is a quarterly international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that seeks to publish rigorous empirical, methodological, applied, review, theoretical, perspective, and policy pieces relevant to parenting; contributions from the humanities and biological sciences as well as the social sciences are invited. The journal also publishes notices of books and other publications or media representations relevant to a scientific approach to parenting. Departments Parenting: Science and Practice has five main departments: Inquiries about prospective submissions to any department should be addressed to the Editor (email: * Empirical Articles. The journal is principally committed to the publication of empirical articles. Creative, comprehensive, and clear reports that advance theory and the empirical base in the field of parenting studies are sought, and all modes of empirical research are invited: experimental, observational, ethnographic, textual, interpretive, and survey. * Reviews. Reviews of the literature may be empirically grounded or theoretical; they should be scholarly, integrative, and timely, synthesizing or evaluating an issue relevant to parenting. (Published reviews are sometimes accompanied by a small number of solicited commentaries from specialists in parenting as well as in allied fields.) * Statements. Statements provide a forum for the rapid dissemination of new hypotheses, fresh concepts, alternative methods, or emerging trends. Statements should be tightly reasoned and empirically grounded and must be cogent and succinct. Statements should not exceed 3,000 words in length. * Tutorials. Parenting publishes occasional tutorials that debut a new concept in parenting or explore the intersection of parenting with an academic specialty pertinent to parenting studies. These papers define the concept or the field, crystallize its major contributions, detail direct associations with parenting, and augur future directions of application. * Media Notices. Summaries and evaluations of books, periodicals, websites, and other media that concern themselves with parenting studies or practices will appear in the journal. Send relevant material to the Editor. Additional Features Thematic Issues Parenting: Science and Practice welcomes proposals for Thematic Issues. Thematic Issues need to have components that link together closely in some meaningful conceptual or theoretical way, and the proposer of a Thematic Issue becomes the Guest Editor. Thematic Issues may be invited or open competitions, but all submissions must be peer reviewed. Individuals interested in developing a Thematic Issue should send the Editor a brief proposal and justification. Some proposals may be more appropriate for the Monographs in Parenting series. Media Notices Parenting: Science and Practice will publish summaries and evaluations of books, periodicals, Web sites, and other media that concern themselves with parenting studies and childcare practices. Send relevant material to the Editor. Audience Parenting: Science and Practice will appeal to scholars and practitioners in psychology, human development, family science, clinical practice, social work, education, pediatrics, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, demography, biology, and related disciplines. Articles published in Parenting: Science and Practice will be meaningful to parents and students as well as researchers. Monographs in Parenting To accompany the journal, Monographs in Parenting publishes authored or edited volumes whose central concern is parenting, caregiving, and childrearing broadly construed. Send inquiries about potential submissions to the Monographs in Parenting series to the Editor. Monographs in Parenting published to date: John G. Borkowski, Sharon Landesman Ramey, and Marie Bristol-Power. Parenting and the Child's World: Influences on Academic, Intellectual, and Social-Emotional Development (2002). Marc H. Bornstein and Robert H. Bradley. Socioeconomic Status, Parenting, and Child Development (2003). Ariel Kalil and Tome DeLeire. Family Investments in Children's Potential: Resources and Behaviors that Promote Children's Success (2004). Philip A. Cowan, Carolyn Pape Cowan, Jennifer Ablow, Vanessa Kahen Johnson, and Jeffrey R. Measelle. The Family Context of Parenting in Children's Adaptation to School (2005). Tom Luster and Lynn Okagaki. Parenting: An Ecological Perspective (2e) (2005). Marc H. Bornstein and Linda Cote. Acculturation and Parent-Child Relationships (2006). Femmie Juffer, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, and Marinus H. van Ijzendoorn. Promoting Positive Parenting: An Attachment-Based Intervention (2007). Marc H. Bornstein. Parenting: Essential Readings (in preparation). Peer Review Policy: All papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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The Journal of General Psychology

ISSN: 0022-1309eISSN: 1940-0888
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of General Psychology publishes human and animal research reflecting various methodological approaches in all areas of experimental psychology. It covers traditional topics such as physiological and comparative psychology, sensation, perception, learning, and motivation, as well as more diverse topics such as cognition, memory, language, aging, and substance abuse, or mathematical, statistical, methodological, and other theoretical investigations. The journal especially features studies that establish functional relationships, involve a series of integrated experiments, or contribute to the development of new theoretical insights or practical applications. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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