As one of the oldest journals in the field of political economy, the Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) deals traditionally with the problems of economics, social policy, and their legal framework. JITE is listed in the Journal of Economic Literature, the Social Science Citation Index, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, and COREJ.
FinanzArchivfounded in 1884 is the world's oldest scholary journal in public finance.FinanzArchivpublishes original work from all fields of public economics which are of interest to an international readership, e.g. taxation, public debt, public goods, public choice, federalism, market failure, social policy, and the welfare state. Special emphasis is on high-quality theoretical and empirical papers on current policy issues.FinanzArchivis a well-established, internationally oriented journal in the field of public economics, widely read in Europe and all over the world.FinanzArchivis listed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI, JCR impact factor 2008 0,364), in Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, in IDEAS and RePEc (IDEAS/RePEc simple impact factor 2009 1,1371), in the Journal of Economic Literature (CD and online), and in the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences.FinanzArchivis a fully peer-reviewed journal committed to a prompt turnaround of submissions. No more than four months should pass between online submission of a manuscript and the editor's decision on acceptance, revision, or rejection.