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EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics

eISSN: 2195-0008

EPJ - Nonlinear Biomedical Physics is an open access journal, published under the brand SpringerOpen, dedicated to the application of nonlinear dynamics and integrative systems science to the quantitative modeling and understanding of how structure and function as well as dysfunctions and diseases emerge in complex biomedical matter and processes. Coverage is focused on the application-driven development of theoretical, experimental and computational techniques, including relevant methodologies, instrumentation and related advanced technology. Coverage includes systems biology, physiology and pharmacology, such diseases as epilepsy, cancer and diabetes, nonlinear data analysis of biomedical signals / complexity measures as diagnostic tools: EEG, ERPs, MEG, NIRS, PET, fMRI and more.

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EPJ Photovoltaics

eISSN: 2105-0716
JUFO Level 1
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European Physical Journal Plus

eISSN: 2190-5444
JUFO Level 1

The aims of this peer-reviewed online journal are to distribute and archive all relevant material required to document, assess, validate and reconstruct in detail the body of knowledge in the physical and related sciences. The scope of EPJ Plus encompasses a broad landscape of fields and disciplines in the physical and related sciences - such as covered by the topical EPJ journals and with the explicit addition of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and cosmology, mathematical and quantum physics, classical and fluid mechanics, as well as physics techniques applied to any other topics, including energy, environment and cultural heritage. The journal will be a new forum for: 1. the setting and improvement of standards, procedures and performance in: - experimental and observational physics: techniques and instruments, including laboratory protocols and similar best practice studies in scientific data acquisition, analysis, transmission and processing: - computational physics: numerical techniques and simulations, including technical performance studies and similar benchmark calculations: - theoretical physics: development and refinement of relevant mathematical toolsand techniques: 2. the progress, verification and documentation of research through: - important and substantial additional details and insights on existing work: - original research, by theoretical, experimental or numerical means, on specific or technical issues, in particular critical assessment of existing work: - relevant and independent theoretical, computational or experimental supportand validation of previously published results. To facilitate such aims and scope: - papers will be refereed regarding the quality and thoroughness of presentation as well as the clarity and soundness of details and arguments. - the journal explicitly encourages the submission of additional mate, rial that can be published as electronic supplementary material to accepted articles. The journal will accept the following article categories: - Regular Article- Technical Report- Review- Addendum(*) --- (*) Addenda (analogous to Errata) refer directly to a previously published paper, but update rather than correct published material.

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Il Nuovo Cimento C - Colloquia on Physics

ISSN: 2037-4909eISSN: 1826-9885
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Physics

ISSN: 0017-0283eISSN: 1827-6156
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La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento

ISSN: 0393-697XeISSN: 1826-9850
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Nuovo Cimento D

ISSN: 0392-6737eISSN: 1826-9893
JUFO Level 1
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Quaderni di Storia della Fisica

ISSN: 1594-9974eISSN: 1827-6164
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The European Physical Journal C

ISSN: 1434-6044eISSN: 1434-6052
JUFO Level 2

The European Physical Journal C (EPJ C) presents new and original research results in theoretical physics and experimental physics, in a variety of formats, including Regular Articles, Reviews, Tools for Experiment and Theory, Scientific Notes and Letters. The range of topics is extensive:Experimental Physics
Hadron and lepton collider physics
Lepton nucleon scattering
High energy nuclear reactions
Standard model precision tests
Search for new physics beyond the standard model
Heavy flavourphysics
Neutrino physics
High energy cosmic rays
Dark matter searches
Particle detector developments
Accelerator physics
Computational methods and analysis toolsTheoretical Physics I: Phenomenology of the Standard Model and Beyond
Electroweak interactions
Quantum chromo dynamics
Heavy quark physics and quark flavour mixing
Neutrino physics
Meson spectroscopy and non-perturbative Q

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The European Physical Journal H

ISSN: 2102-6459eISSN: 2102-6467

The purpose of this journal is to catalyse, foster, and disseminate an awareness and understanding of the historical  development of ideas in contemporary physics, and more generally, ideas about how Nature works.  The scope explicitly includes:Contributions addressing the history of physics and of physical ideas and concepts, the interplay of physics and mathematics as well as the natural sciences, and the history and philosophy of sciences, together with discussions of experimental ideas and designs - inasmuch as they clearly relate, and preferably add, to the understanding of modern physics.Annotated and/or contextual translations of relevant foreign-language texts.Careful characterisations of old and/or abandoned ideas including past mistakes and false leads, thereby helping working physicists to assess how compelling contemporary ideas may turn out to be in future, i.e. with hindsight.

 The scope explicitly excludes:

The publication of new results at the forefront of physics research. <

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