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AJOB Primary Research

ISSN: 2150-7716eISSN: 2150-7724
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Accounting, business and financial history

ISSN: 0958-5206

Acta Agriculturæ Scandinavica, Section C - Food Economics

ISSN: 1650-7541eISSN: 1651-288X
JUFO Level 1
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Adelphi Papers

eISSN: 0567-932X
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Adelphi Series

ISSN: 1944-5571eISSN: 1944-558X

The Adelphi series of books is the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ principal contribution to policy-relevant, original academic research and is designed to provide rigorous analysis of strategic and defence topics that is useful to politicians and diplomats, as well as academic researchers, foreign-affairs analysts, defence commentators and journalists. Ever since the publication of Alastair Buchan’s 'The Evolution of NATO' in 1961, the Adelphi series has been the principal contribution of the IISS to policy-relevant, original research on strategic studies and international political concerns. Over the years, Adelphis have provided high-quality analysis of key security issues, serving to inform opinion, to stimulate debate and to challenge conventional thinking. The series permits the IISS both to remain responsive to events and to contribute significantly not only to debate on strategic affairs but also to the development of policy. The series includes both thematic studies and papers on specific national and regional security problems.

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Administration in Social Work

ISSN: 0364-3107eISSN: 1544-4376
JUFO Level 1

Administration in Social Work is a highly respected, peer-reviewed journal which has provided timely, relevant information to human services administrators, managers, and educators for more than a quarter century. The journal keeps you up to date on theory, practice, and research, with special attention given to the relationship between social administration and social policy planning. As the only journal completely devoted to this part of the field, Administration in Social Work delivers suggestions for improving management in social agencies, book and literature reviews, and examinations of key issues, including: program development, affirmative action, employment and personnel policies, finances and accounting, quality improvement/control, monitoring.Special thematic issues of the journal focus on a single topic. Topics covered previously in thematic issues of the journal include: social services in the workplace, human services integration, organizational change and development in human service organizations, community organization and social administration, efficiency and the social services, administrative leadership in the social services, alternative social agencies, managing for service effectiveness in social welfare organizations, practical issues in social welfare administration, policy, and planning, applying computers in social service and mental health agencies-a guide to selecting equipment, procedures, and strategies, guide to ethical decisions and actions for social service administrators.Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Advances in Eating Disorders: Theory, Research and Practice

ISSN: 2166-2630eISSN: 2166-2649
JUFO Level 1

Advances in Eating Disorders: Theory, Research, & Practice is committed to providing a leading forum dedicated to the study and treatment of eating disorders by publishing high quality articles that offer an integrated perspective to these complex conditions. 
The journal covers all the traditional eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder, but also any form of disturbed eating behaviour, across the life span and in all cultural contexts. The specific and unique emphasis of this journal is its focus on combining theory, research and practice. Submissions should draw on at least two of these aspects, but preferably make reference to all three, either through their primary focus, or through the inclusion of a section specifically focusing on the integration. 
The Editors also encourage submission of commentary, debate and personal viewpoints.

The journal will be of interest to researchers and clinicians in psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, family therapy, social work, nursing, dietetics and nutrition, paediatrics, endocrinology, reproductive medicine, gynaecological medicine, and general medicine.

Peer Review Integrity

All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees. All peer review is double blind. For information on submissions, please visit the Instructions for Authors tab.

Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in our publications. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at
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Advances in School Mental Health Promotion

ISSN: 1754-730XeISSN: 2049-8535
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American Foreign Policy Interests

ISSN: 1080-3920eISSN: 1533-2128
JUFO Level 1

As the journal of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy (NCAFP), American Foreign Policy Interests has been publishing provocative articles articulating American foreign policy initiatives from a nonpartisan perspective for more than 20 years. Now published by Taylor & Francis, the journal continues to elucidate and analyze, within the framework of political realism, the rapidly changing world and the serious problems confronting the United States in its foreign relations.Timely and thought-provoking, American Foreign Policy Interests offers articles written by some of the world's foremost experts and officials on topics of immediate interest and importance, including:The global terrorist threatMuslim fundamentalism and American relations with the Arab worldThe Middle East peace process and the Israeli-Palestinian conflictThe proliferation of biological and chemical weapons Cross-straits relations between China and Taiwan The conflict in Northern Ireland The changing role of NATO The journal aims to publish thought-provoking pieces on these and other matters focusing on American interests in a shifting political and economic environment, including preserving and strengthening open-society countries; improving America's relations with the developing world; advancing human rights; curbing nuclear proliferation and extending arms control agreements; and promoting an open and global world economy.AFP Mission StatementEach issue of the journal contains several full-length articles on critical issues effecting America's foreign policy and security decisions, a section entitled "For the Record" offering provocative editorials that present the NCAFP position on national interest issues, regular book reviews, and a foreign policy crossword puzzle. Subscribers will also periodically receive the NCAFP Supplement Publications bookletPeer Review Policy:All articles in this journal have been solicited and reviewed by the editor. Moreover, at the judgment of the editor, they undergo additional editorial screening and peer review by area experts who serve on the Board of Advisers of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

ISSN: 1548-7768eISSN: 1548-7776
JUFO Level 1

New information on psychiatric disability and rehabilitation is increasing rapidly. The American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation maintains a goal of sharing new and important information with all persons invested in rehabilitation care and treatment. The American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation is written for providers who offer rehabilitation services and is also for persons with psychiatric disabilities. It is for family members and others who are close to people with psychiatric disability. It is for advocates looking for a forum to express their vision and is also key reading for administrators and policy makers to provide them with guidance in their plans for future program development.The American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation features original research papers on psychiatric rehabilitation. Theoretical papers, reviews, and commentaries are encouraged if they contribute substantially to current knowledge. Reports of novel ways to reduce barriers and promote implementation of evidence practice in real world settings and to enhance access and retention of minorities in psychiatric rehabilitation programs are also encouraged. First person accounts that reflect on the rehabilitation process and recovery are also appropriate.Given that psychiatric rehabilitation is a multi-faceted concept, paper topics within psychiatric rehabilitation may include, but are not limited to:rehabilitation interventions stigma recovery and empowerment needs and goals assessment community-based supported services co-occurring disorders skills training relevant public policy integration with criminal justice and primary health care systems consumer operated services and peer support cognitive approaches and family services staff training and team developmentPeer Review Policy:All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review.

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Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia

ISSN: 1061-1959
JUFO Level 1

Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia presents scholarship from Russia, Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, the vast region that stretches from the Baltic to the Black Sea and from Lake Baikal to the Bering Strait. Each thematic issue, with a substantive introduction to the topic by the editor, features expertly translated and annotated manuscripts, articles, and book excerpts reporting fieldwork from every part of the region and theoretical studies on topics of special interest.The complete digital archives of Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia beginning with Volume 1 (1962) are available free of charge to current institutional subscribers for the life of the paid subscription.Volumes 1-39 (1962-2000) are also included in the Russian & East European Studies digital archive collection available for one-time purchase to non-subscribers."Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia is an essential source for anyone interested in the evolution of post-Soviet societies. Nowhere else can one find information so carefully selected and so usefully presented by the editor as in this quarterly. Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer's introductions to each issue are invaluable." -Paul A. Goble, Windows on Eurasia"The selection of material for inclusion is the highest quality Russian scholarship in the areas of archeology, anthropology, and ethnography. Translations are excellent and in easily understandable English. ... Recommended as an important purchase for academic and special libraries with an interest in anthropology, archeology, and ethnology." -Magazines for Libraries.

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Applied Financial Economics

ISSN: 0960-3107eISSN: 1466-4305
JUFO Level 1

Applied Financial Economics is a peer-reviewed journal providing an international forum for applied research on financial markets, including the bond and equity markets, derivative securities markets, the foreign exchange market, corporate finance, market microstructure and cognate areas. The journal is also concerned with the link between the real and financial sides of the economy, forecasting and recent developments in econometric techniques applicable to financial research.Applied Financial Economics relates to experience in the main financial centres of Europe, North America, the Far East and Australasia, as well as issues relating to development finance and the emerging financial markets of the developing world and the transforming economies of Central and Eastern Europe. Rapid Online Publication:From 2011 Applied Financial Economics will be publishing to an accelerated timescale which offers even faster publication for authors. With our Build Issue service, articles are entered straight into the online issue upon receipt of the corrected proofs and thereby receive page numbers immediately. This new production system is an enhancement of the iFirst method of publication, which it now replaces.We anticipate that this rapid service will allow research to reach its audience even sooner, without compromising the peer-review process and continuing to ensure our commitment to rapidly publishing quality applied research in economics.

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Applied Neuropsychology

ISSN: 0908-4282eISSN: 1532-4826
JUFO Level 1
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Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science

ISSN: 2164-0599eISSN: 2164-0602
Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science provides a unique English-language forum for East Asian sports research. The aim of the journal is to publish work by both Asian and non-Asian scholars on the social significance of sport in the Asia Pacific region. Submitted articles may come from any of the main social science disciplines – including social anthropology, human geography, social and economic history, political science, and sociology. Multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary submissions are also encouraged. Although it is anticipated that most of the published articles will be based on qualitative or mixed method research, consideration will also be given to quantitative studies which are sufficiently well theorised. While the majority of the work to appear in the journal has focussed on Japan, South Korea, the People’s Republic of China, and Taiwan, articles on Hong Kong (SAR), Singapore, the Philippines, and the Pacific Islands are also encouraged.

Peer Review Statement

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. Editorial assistance will be provided to non-native English speaking authors. Preliminary enquiries and submissions should be sent to the editor, Professor Alan Bairner (

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Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education

ISSN: 1837-7122eISSN: 1837-7130
JUFO Level 1
Aims and Scope:

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education is the Journal of the by the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER). The Journal has a particular focus on social science research-based articles (approximately 7000 words) that make reference to other critical work in the field and/or discuss particular issues of practice-focused research within the specific professional fields of health, sport and physical education. Editorial will privilege those articles that explore and provide a depth of understanding of the complex inter-relationship between developing/improving practice through the production of knowledge. The Journal will focus on the forms, contents and contexts of health education, sport and physical education as they relate to schools, universities and other forms of educational provision. While the Journal will give primacy to articles from, or focused on, the Asia-Pacific region, manuscripts from beyond this region are welcome - providing they have relevance to the readership.

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education encourages submissions from social science researchers, academics and other commentators seeking to make contributions to the educational development of health, sport and physical education.

All manuscripts are read by the Editor and by two expert peer reviewers through a blind review process.

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education will be published three times per year, March, July & November.

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Australian Academic and Research Libraries

ISSN: 1839-471XeISSN: 0004-8623
JUFO Level 1
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Australian Library Journal

ISSN: 0004-9670eISSN: 2201-4276
JUFO Level 1
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Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian

ISSN: 0163-9269eISSN: 1544-4546
JUFO Level 1

Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian focuses on the production, collection, organization, dissemination, retrieval, and use of information in the social and behavioral sciences. This peer-reviewed journal publishes articles on all aspects of behavioral and social sciences information, with emphasis on librarians, libraries, and the users of social science information in libraries and information centers. The Journal publishes articles devoted to descriptive and critical analyses of information resources within particular fields; publishing trends; reference and bibliographic instruction; indexing and abstracting; thesaurus building and database construction; bibliographic and numeric databases and more. The Journal welcomes original research from a variety of disciplines, including the core fields of anthropology, sociology, economics, psychology, communication studies, education, political science, and those parts of history relying on social scientific methods and approaches8212;language and area studies and the study of special populations, such as Latin American studies, ethnic studies, and women's studies. Readership: Professionals with a common interest in the use of information in the behavioral and social sciences, including librarians and information specialists, collection development administrators, scholars, teachers, policymakers, publishers, and database producersPeer Review Policy: All research articles in Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Bereavement Care

ISSN: 0268-2621eISSN: 1944-8279

Cruse Bereavement Care is delighted to have been chosen by Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton to be a beneficiary of the Royal Wedding Charitable Gift Fund. Find out more at Click here for the Editorial Policy for Bereavement CareBereavement Care is an international journal for all who care for the bereaved. Founded in 1982, it is published in association with the national voluntary organisation Cruse Bereavement Care. Over the years, Bereavement Care has grown to become a unique international journal that sets a high academic and scientific standard while remaining accessible to non-academics and non-scientists. Our readers include both volunteers and professionals, from many parts of the world, who work to help bereaved people of all races and creeds. It is their need for reliable and digestible information about all aspects of bereavement that remains our raison d'234;tre. The journal contains original papers, articles, reviews and correspondence on all aspects of the care of people bereaved by death. The editors welcome contributions on the needs of people from different cultures, religions and philosophies. Personal experiences and case reports that add something new to our understanding have a place alongside reports of research and innovations in service and theory. Some feedback from those in the field: 8220;The UK's leading bereavement journal 8211; an excellent balance, integrating theory with practice8221;Julie Stokes OBE, Founder of Winston's Wish, UK8220;A riveting mix of well-researched pieces, how-to-do-it articles, reviews, abstracts 8211; one of the best journals around on bereavement8221;Barbara Monroe, Chief Executive, St Christopher's Hospice, UK8220;I have great admiration for your journal, a source that is full of useful information for all those who deal with bereavement8221;Margaret Stroebe, Professor of Psychology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands8220;A really valuable resource for hospice workers8221;Michal Galazka, Executive Director Hospice Education Institute, USA8220;Bereavement Care is getting better every year8221;Tony Walter, Professor of Death Studies, Bath University, UK Disclaimer Cruse Bereavement Care and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the authors and are not the views of the Society and Taylor & Francis.

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Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant

ISSN: 1752-7260eISSN: 1752-7279

Please note: The Bulletin can be purchased as part of a subscription to Levant, the journal of the CBRL. If you would like to subscribe to Levant visit the journal page.

The Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant ( CBRL Bulletin) is the annual document of record of the CBRL, the British Academy-sponsored society for research into the humanities and social sciences in the Levant based in London, with research centres in the region. The CBRL Bulletin is devoted to providing stimulating articles on current CBRL-funded and affiliated research projects, and includes feature articles and short research reports.

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