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Housing and Society

ISSN: 0888-2746eISSN: 2376-0923

Housing and Society is the journal of the Housing Education and Research Association (HERA). The journal supports the mission of HERA by providing for the dissemination of research and other scholarly work. Submissions from a broad range of perspectives are encouraged. Topics in housing include: policy, design, social aspects, gerontology, behavioral aspects, energy/environment, equipment, interiors, economics, theory/model development, education, and program development or evaluation.

The journal welcomes the submission of original research articles, notes and commentaries. Notes are shorter manuscripts presenting succinct information on housing related to one of the following categories:

- Research: exploratory or not heavily theory-based or statistically analyzed
- Academic: innovative teaching ideas
- Program: development, implementation, and/or evaluation of Cooperative Extension or other housing programming efforts
- Policy: examination of policy impact, comparative analysis, and/or need to achieve housing goals

Peer Review Statement

All submissions to Housing and Society undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and double-blind review by at least two referees.

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Housing, Theory and Society

ISSN: 1403-6096eISSN: 1651-2278
JUFO Level 1

Click here to view a list of the latest free articles available from Housing, Theory & Society.Housing, Theory and Society is an international, academic journal that aims to encourage the application and development of social theory in the housing field. The journal has a broad focus that includes content related to international housing, social theory and other social issues.Contributions regularly integrate housing research into particular aspects of social science, social research and policy, including welfare studies, employment, education, gender, public health and the environment.The journal also includes systematic and theoretical comparative studies of housing, and conceptually refined approaches to differences between housing systems.With a distinguished, international editorial board, the journal furthers the agenda of housing research as an integrated, multidisciplinary field that is theoretically-informed and embedded in wider societal issues. The editor welcomes original contributions on all aspects of housing and social theory. Housing, Theory and Society accepts papers from all across the world and is aimed at an international audience.

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Howard Journal of Communications

ISSN: 1064-6175eISSN: 1096-4649
JUFO Level 1

Culture, ethnicity, and gender influence multicultural organizations, mass media portrayals, interpersonal interaction, development campaigns, and rhetoric. Dealing with these issues, The Howard Journal of Communications, is a quarterly that examines ethnicity, gender, and culture as domestic and international communication concerns.No other scholarly journal focuses exclusively on cultural issues in communication research. Moreover, few communication journals employ such a wide variety of methodologies. Since issues of multiculturalism, multiethnicity and gender often call forth messages from persons who otherwise would be silenced, traditional methods of inquiry are supplemented by post-positivist inquiry to give voice to those who otherwise might not be heard. Forthcoming issues of the journal will highlight Asian concerns.Peer Review Policy:All research articles and review papers in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review by the editor and at least two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Human Dimensions of Wildlife

ISSN: 1087-1209eISSN: 1533-158X
JUFO Level 1

Human Dimensions of Wildlife, which publishes six times annually, is devoted to the study of social considerations in fisheries and wildlife management. The journal provides an open forum for exchange of human dimensions information. There are three primary publication goals of Human Dimensions of Wildlife: To provide a forum for the exchange of theories, concepts, methods, findings, and philosophies relevant to human dimensions of fisheries and wildlife management To advance the application of human dimensions information in fisheries and wildlife decision making To provide a focus on the human dimensions of contemporary fisheries and wildlife management issues Six types of articles are published in Human Dimensions of Wildlife. These include review articles, theory-focused articles, application-focused articles, methodological articles, thought pieces, and findings abstracts. Other additions to Human Dimensions of Wildlife will also be published as the editors deem appropriate. These include book reviews, rebuttals and rejoinders, discussion forums, and editorials.Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Human Organization

ISSN: 0018-7259eISSN: 1938-3525
JUFO Level 2
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Human Performance

ISSN: 0895-9285eISSN: 1532-7043
JUFO Level 1

Human Performance is a respected forum for behavioral scientists interested in variables that motivate and promote high-level human performance, particularly in occupational settings. The journal seeks to identify and stimulate more relevant research, communication, and theory concerning human capabilities and effectiveness. It serves as a valuable intellectual link between such disciplines as industrial-organizational psychology, individual differences, work physiology, environmental medicine and safety, human resource management, and human factors. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Human Resource Development International

ISSN: 1367-8868eISSN: 1469-8374
JUFO Level 1

Human Resource Development International promotes all aspects of practice and research that explore issues of individual, group and organisational learning and performance. In adopting this perspective Human Resource Development International is committed to questioning the divide between practice and theory; between the practitioner and the academic; and between traditional and experimental methodological approaches. 

Human Resource Development International  is committed to a wide understanding of 'organisation' - one that extends through self-managed teams, voluntary work, or family businesses to global enterprises and bureaucracies. Human Resource Development International also commits itself to exploring the development of organisations and the life-long learning of people and their collectivity (organisation), their strategy and their policy, from all parts of the world. In this way Human Resource Development International  will become a leading forum for debate and exploration of the interdisciplinary field of human resource development.

Peer Review Policy
All articles in the peer-reviewed section have undergone anonymous double-blind review. All other articles have undergone strict editorial screening.

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Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance

ISSN: 2330-3131eISSN: 2330-314X
JUFO Level 1
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Ibsen Studies

ISSN: 1502-1866eISSN: 1741-8720
JUFO Level 2

The editors of Ibsen Studies are currently accepting articles. Find out more. Ibsen Studies is the only international journal devoted to Henrik Ibsen, and is therefore a central publication both for Ibsen researchers the world over and for those with a more general interest in the author and his life's work.Ibsen Studies is a forum for debate and critique for all those who work within the extensive field of research into the work of Henrik Ibsen. The journal is cross-disciplinary in nature, with contributions from literary researchers, historians and those involved in theatre. The journal also includes reviews of current Ibsen-related literature, and a separate section for Ibsen-related events.The current journal has evolved from previous publications started in the 1950s, Ibsen's Annual and Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen. Today, the journal is published biannually in co-operation with the Centre for Ibsen Studies, University of Oslo, Norway.

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Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power

ISSN: 1070-289XeISSN: 1547-3384
JUFO Level 2

Identities explores the relationship of racial, ethnic and national identities and power hierarchies within national and global arenas. It examines the collective representations of social, political, economic and cultural boundaries as aspects of processes of domination, struggle and resistance, and it probes the unidentified and unarticulated class structures and gender relations that remain integral to both maintaining and challenging subordination. Identities responds to the paradox of our time: the growth of a global economy and transnational movements of populations produce or perpetuate distinctive cultural practices and differentiated identities. The journal illuminates the relationship between culture and power and transports the field of ethnic studies beyond descriptions of cultural diversity. Identities offers participation in a world wide forum on the relationship between cultural representations and structures of power: * Provides all manuscripts with constructive critiques from a global community of peer reviewers * Welcomes submissions from scholars investigating racial, ethnic, national, and gender identities within political and economic hierarchies * Publishes groundbreaking work from both established and emerging scholars * Advances ethnographic approaches to cultural studies * Reviews significant books and media that explore the relationships between culture and power. Peer Review Policy: All articles have undergone anonymous double-blind review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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ISSN: 1528-3488eISSN: 1532-706X
JUFO Level 1

Identity is international and multidisciplinary in scope, and this cutting-edge journal provides a forum for identity theorists and researchers around the globe to share their ideas and findings regarding the problems and prospects of human self-definition. The unifying thread of these articles is "identity" in its various manifestations throughout the life course. The operating assumption is that people in many parts of the world are struggling with aspects of their identities and that many of these problems transcend national, political, and cultural boundaries, taking on global proportions.In addition to a focus on substantive theoretical and empirical analyses, Identity also welcomes policy discussions, program recommendations, and evaluation studies. Identity provides a forum in which theoretical analyses find practical applications in dealing with these global problems. Submissions are invited from all fields and from a full range of methodologies so as to provide multiple bridges, across nations and disciplines, between theory and research, and subjectivist and objectivist epistemologies. The intention is to provide a nonpartisan forum within which identity researchers from a variety of areas can communicate their findings and stay apprised of the findings of others, especially among those who use different technical languages.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Imago Mundi

ISSN: 0308-5694eISSN: 1479-7801
JUFO Level 1

Free Archive with Subscription!The English-language, fully-refereed, journal Imago Mundi was founded in 1935 and is the only international, interdisciplinary and scholarly journal solely devoted to the study of early maps in all their aspects. Full-length articles, with abstracts in English, French, German and Spanish, deal with the history and interpretation of non-current maps and mapmaking in any part of the world. Shorter articles communicate significant new findings or new opinions. All articles are fully illustrated. Each volume also contains three reference sections that together provide an up-to-date summary of current developments and make Imago Mundi a vital journal of record as well as information and debate: Book Reviews; an extensive and authoritative Bibliography; and a Chronicle, the official record for the previous year compiled from the data supplied by National Representatives in 25 countries.Contributions Manuscripts and editorial communications should be sent to:Dr. C. Delano Smith, Imago Mundi, 285 Nether Street, London N3 1PD, UKWhy your library should subscribe to Imago MundiWhether or not your library takes Imago Mundi could be up to YOU! Library committees are often asked to cut less valued periodicals. Please speak up for Imago Mundi . There are many good reasons, you can point out, for retaining, or acquiring it. For instance:Imago Mundi is the journal of record for the history of cartography and the only international scholarly journal solely concerned with the study and interpretation of maps and mapmaking in any part of the world, at any period.From the outset, Imago Mundi included the key ingredients of every subsequent volume: illustrated scholarly articles, book reviews, bibliography, and chronicle. The last three elements, which together provide an up-to-date summary of current developments, make it a journal of record. The format of the much-admired Bibliography, under its editor Nick Millea, was established in 1976. It is now provided with three indexes, of authors, places and subjects. Chronicle, an organized listing of personal and institutional news, conferences, exhibitions, acquisitions and map sales, was introduced the following year. The Book Reviews Editors, Dr Ronald E Grim and Dr A.S. Bendall, aim to feature a large majority of titles within twelve months of publication. The journal also carries obituaries, reports and short notices.The present range of refereed articles (usually 8-10 per volume) makes Imago Mundi a genuinely interdisciplinary journal, of relevance to a growing number of university courses, not only in history and geography but also in related subject areas, such as the history of art, ideas, literature and the sciences. Please ensure that Imago Mundi is brought to the notice of colleagues in other disciplines.If there is end-of-year spending money, it is possible to acquire a full run of Imago Mundi back to 1935.Peer Review Policy:All full-length research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review in the normal manner: by initial editorial screening and by at least two anonymous referees, for whom the author also remains anonymous.Disclaimer for scientific, technical and social science publications:Taylor & Francis and Imago Mundi Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and Imago Mundi Ltd and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis and Imago Mundi Ltd.

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Immigrants and Minorities

ISSN: 0261-9288eISSN: 1744-0521
JUFO Level 2

Immigrants & Minorities, founded in 1981, provides a major outlet for research into the history of immigration and related studies. It seeks to deal with the complex themes involved in the construction of 'race' and with the broad sweep of ethnic and minority relations within a historical setting. Its coverage is international and recent issues have dealt with studies on the USA, Australia, the Middle East and the UK. The journal also supports an extensive review section.Peer Review Policy:All articles in this journal have undergone editorial screening and anonymous peer review. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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India Review

ISSN: 1473-6489eISSN: 1557-3036
JUFO Level 1

India Review publishes social science research on Indian politics, economics, and society. Typical articles combine theoretical rigor, substantive knowledge, and policy relevance. For example, articles may analyze an issue from a theoretical perspective; test theory or competing debates against relevant data; or provide a new historical treatment or solid comparative analysis for an issue. All articles are referred.Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review. This process involves initial screening by the editorial board, followed by refereeing by at least two double-blind reviews by experts in the field.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Indian Law Review

ISSN: 2473-0580eISSN: 2473-0599
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Indonesia and the Malay World

ISSN: 1363-9811eISSN: 1469-8382
JUFO Level 1

Indonesia and the Malay World is a peer-reviewed journal that is committed to the publication of scholarship in the arts and humanities on maritime Southeast Asia. It particularly focuses on the study of the languages, literatures, art, archaeology, history, religion, anthropology, performing arts, cinema and tourism of the region. In addition to welcoming individual articles, it also publishes special issues focusing on a particular theme or region. The journal is published three times a year, in March, July, and November.Peer Review StatementAll research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, with initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing. A Selection of Recent Articles Some reflections on Ancient Islamic tombstones known as Batu Aceh in the Malay WorldDaniel Perret 'Go Back to the Batak, it's Safe There': Tourism in North Sumatra during Perilous TimesAndrew Causey Dancing the Subject of 'Java': International Modernism and Traditional Performance, 1899-1952Matthew Isaac Cohen Contemporay and Traditional, Male and Female in Garasi's Waktu Batu Barbara Hatley The Representation of the Female Body in two Contemporary Indonesian Novels: Aya Utami's Saman and Fira Basuki's Jendela-jendela Soe Tjen Marching 'Cyberpram': Perceptions of Pramoedya Ananta Toer on the InternetArndt Graf Disclaimer The Editors of Indonesia and the Malay World and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Editors of Indonesia and the Malay World and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editors of Indonesia and the Malay World or Taylor & Francis.

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Industrial Archaeology Review

ISSN: 0309-0728eISSN: 1745-8196
JUFO Level 1
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Industry and Innovation

ISSN: 1366-2716eISSN: 1469-8390
JUFO Level 2

Editorial Announcement - Inclusion in Thomson Reuter's Social Science Citation IndexIndustry & Innovation is delighted to announce that it will be included in the Social Science Citation Index, with coverage starting from the 2008 volumeIndustry and Innovation is an international refereed journal presenting high-quality original scholarship of the dynamics of industries and innovation. Interdisciplinary in nature, Industry and Innovation is informed by, and contributes in turn to, advancing the theoretical frontier within economics, organization theory, and economic geography. Theoretical issues encompass:What are the institutional underpinnings for different organizational forms? How are different industrial structures and institutions related to innovation patterns and economic performance? The journal hence adds to a 8220;new generation of industrial organization theory8221;, drawing upon the institutional turn within economics in a broad sense: transaction cost economics; economics of organization; and new economic sociology.Industry and Innovation dedicates special attention to depicting tendencies in industrial dynamics, such as the emergence of new industries; restructuring of existing industries; rise of new institutional and organizational forms; globalization; and other aspects of geographical organization. Empirical studies include:Performance differences among and within industriesThe increasing incidence of particular organizational forms in industries; such as clusters; networks; inter-firm projects; and online communitiesThe dynamics of vertical integration and disintegration, modularity, systems integration, and 8220;open innovation8221;The impact upon economic performance of institutions such as property right regimes; open source, industrial/science/regional policies; and social capital/social conventions/trustThe growth of new consumer industries; for example, Cultural Industries such as film, music, computer games, and the interplay between these industries and 8220;old8221; industriesThe growth of new service industries, such as Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and designThe restructuring; globalization; or decline of 8220;old8221; industriesInnovation strategy implications and new trends in innovation policiesPeer Review Policy:All articles have undergone rigorous editorial screening and double-blind peer review by a minimum of two recognized scholars. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Infant Observation

ISSN: 1369-8036eISSN: 1745-8943

Psychoanalytic infant observation, developed at The Tavistock Clinic in 1948, has become an essential feature of pre-clinical training in child and adult psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and related fields throughout the world.Infant Observation publishes the best of the varied and original writing emerging from this field. It comprises case studies on infant and young child observation, research papers, and articles focusing on wider applications of the psychoanalytic observational method, including its relevance to reflective professional practice in fields such as social work, teaching and nursing. Papers are peer-reviewed. The journal also welcomes lively correspondence.Infant Observation is essential reading for teachers, students and practitioners of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and observational studies, and for those interested in the development and application of the infant observation method. Readers and contributors include analysts, psychotherapists, social workers, teachers, nurses, doctors and many others with an interest in the area.Disclaimer The Tavistock Clinic Foundation and Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of the Society and Taylor & Francis.

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Information Technology for Development

ISSN: 0268-1102eISSN: 1554-0170
JUFO Level 1

Information Technology for Development , with an established record for publishing quality research and influencing practice for over 20 years, is the first journal to have explicitly addressed global information technology issues and opportunities. It publishes social and technical research on the effects of Information Technology (IT) on economic, social and human development. In addition to being a valuable publication in the field of information systems, Information Technology for Development is also cited in fields such as public administration, economics, and international development and business, and has a particularly large readership in international agencies connected to the Commonwealth Secretariat, United Nations, and World Bank. Information Technology for Development endeavors to advance research and practice in the development of scalable Information Technology (IT) infrastructures in global development, and considers IT, policy and commerce infrastructures, and the effects of online communities and research methods for measuring the effects of IT. The journal appeals to engineers, scientists, strategists, practitioners in the field, academics, international leaders, and policy-makers who recognize the importance of IT as an economic driver and make decisions with respect to investments in technical, legal and human infrastructures. The objective of Information Technology for Development is to provide a forum for policy-makers, practitioners, and academics to discuss strategies and best practices for working in developing countries, tools and techniques for ascertaining the effects of IT infrastructures in government, civil societies and the private sector, and theories and frameworks that explain the effects of IT on development. The journal helps address how to achieve significant, measurable improvements in addressing the Millennium Development Goals through Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Strategies for sourcing goods in the less developed countries and marketing services to the more developed countries; Best practices for working in the different countries; Theories and frameworks that explain the effects of IT on development; and Tools and techniques for ascertaining the effects of IT infrastructures in government, civil society and the private sector.

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