Neural Development welcomes manuscripts on all aspects of research that use molecular, cellular, physiological or behavioral methods to provide novel insights into the mechanisms that underlie the formation of the nervous system.
NeuroCommons is dedicated to understanding how the brain functions, both in health and disease, and welcomes submissions from across the full breadth of the neurosciences. The journal provides a platform for researchers to share their basic research, experimental data, and related research outputs in an open and FAIR manner.
neurology, imaging
Nutrition Journal is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of human and clinical nutrition, as well as research articles in the field of nutrition.
Nutrition & Metabolism is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of nutritional biochemistry and related clinical fields.
One Health Outlook is published in collaboration with the One Health Platform. A strategic forum of stakeholders and a One Health reference network that aims to enhance understanding of and preparedness for the current and future outbreaks of zoonoses, emerging infectious diseases in humans and animals, and antimicrobial resistance, including the ecological and environmental factors which impact on these diseases.
The official journal of Orphanet, the European portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases is an open access, online journal that encompasses all aspects of rare diseases and orphan drugs. The journal publishes high quality reviews solicited from experts in the field and also considers research on new syndromes and results of clinical trials of exceptional interest.
Parasites & Vectors is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal dealing with the biology of parasites, parasitic diseases, intermediate hosts, vectors and vector-borne pathogens. Manuscripts published in this journal will be available to all worldwide, with no barriers to access, immediately following acceptance. However, authors retain the copyright of their material and may use it, or distribute it, as they wish.
Manuscripts on all aspects of the basic and applied biology of parasites, intermediate hosts, vectors and vector-borne pathogens will be considered. In addition to the traditional and well-established areas of science in these fields, we also aim to provide a vehicle for publication of the rapidly developing resources and technology in parasite, intermediate host and vector genomics and their impacts on biological research. We are able to publish large datasets and extensive results, frequently associated with genomic and post-genomic technologies, which are not readily accommodated in traditional journals. Manuscripts addressing broader issues, for example economics, social sciences and global climate change in relation to parasites, vectors and disease control, are also welcomed.
The electronic format of the journal offers interesting opportunities for authors. For example, in addition to the publication of large datasets, derived from field and laboratory studies, there is no limit to the number of color illustrations that can be included. Animations, slide shows and movie clips are acceptable, as also are links to relevant material on other websites. No additional charge will be made for these.
Particle and Fibre Toxicology is interested in receiving manuscripts which report new scientific data, hypotheses and reviews on the toxicological effects of particles and fibres. The journal functions as a forum for scientific debate and communication between toxicology and disciplines that develop (nano)particles for future applications.
Patient Safety in Surgery encompasses all issues related to safety and quality of patient care in surgery and surgical subspecialties. The journal has published a number of Editorials discussing topical issues important to the development of this field.
Pediatric Rheumatology is an open access journal publishing articles on all aspects of clinical and basic research related to pediatric rheumatology and allied subjects. Nationwide Children's Hospital/Ohio State University is providing financial assistance to support the journal’s important contribution to the field of pediatric rheumatology. At any stage of the submission and review process authors can request assistance with article processing charges by contacting Dr Charles Spencer,
Perioperative Medicine is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes highly topical clinical research relating to the perioperative care of surgical patients.Its essence is the distillation, examination and application of clinical evidence to improve surgical outcome. Modern perioperative medicine is a true multidisciplinary speciality and the journal welcomes research in all areas relevant to perioperative medicine from any healthcare professional.Main areas of interest include but are not limited to: Surgical outcome Evidence-based care Preoperative evaluation and testing Surgical risk scoring Development of Perioperative guidelines Perioperative haemodynamic monitoring Surgical optimisation Enhanced surgical recovery programs Cardiopulmonary exercise testing Perioperative Fluids
Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine is ready to accept articles on the philosophy of medicine and biology, and on ethical aspects of clinical practice and research.
Pilot and Feasibility Studies encompasses all aspects of the design, conduct and reporting of pilot and feasibility studies in biomedicine. The journal publishes research articles that are intended to directly influence future clinical trials or large scale observational studies, as well as protocols, commentaries and methodology articles. The journal also ensures that the results of all well-conducted, peer-reviewed, pilot and feasibility studies are published, regardless of outcome or significance of findings.
Plant Methods is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of plant biology examined from a technological viewpoint.
Population Health Metrics is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of the measurement of health at the population level.
Poultry Science and Management is an open access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish innovative research about the management of poultry animals for both meat and eggs, the production of poultry products and the related food security considerations.
The subjects covered include, but are not limited to, animal management and health, infectious and non-infectious diseases, genetics, reproduction, animal welfare and ethics, technology, policy and legislation, economics, and food security.
The journal welcomes content from around the world about all poultry species.