The aim of the journal is to advance the research and practice in diverse areas of Multiscale Computational Science and Engineering. The journal will publish original papers and educational articles of general value to the field that will bridge the gap between modeling, simulation and design of products based on multiscale principles. The scope of the journal includes papers concerned with bridging of physical scales, ranging from the atomic level to full scale products and problems involving multiple physical processes interacting at multiple spatial and temporal scales. The emerging areas of computational nanotechnology and computational biotechnology and computational energy sciences are of particular interest to the journal. The journal is intended to be of interest and use to researchers and practitioners in academic, governmental and industrial communities.
The rapid growth of interest in medicinal mushrooms research is matched by the large number of disparate groups that currently publish in a wide range of publications. The International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms is the one source of information that will draw together all aspects of this exciting and expanding field - a source that will keep you up to date with the latest issues and practice. The International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms published original research articles and critical reviews on a broad range of subjects pertaining to medicinal mushrooms, including systematics, nomenclature, taxonomy, morphology, medicinal value, biotechnology, and much more. Papers on new techniques that might promote experimental progress in the aforementioned field are also welcomed. In addition to full-length reports of original research, the journal publishes short communications and interesting case reports, together with literature reviews. Letters to the editor on topics of interest to readers are also published.
The algae are heterogeneous assemblage of phytosynthetic organisms, one of the most vast and diverse groups of ancient photoautotrophic pro- and eukaryotic organisms (about 30 000 known species). They are micro- and macroscopic, unicellular, colonial, or multicellular, mobile and immobile, attached and free-living. Algae are widespread in water and soil habitats, at different geographic latitudes, and on all continents. They occur in waters with different degrees of salinity, trophicity, organic matter, and hydrogen ions, and at various temperatures. They include planktonic, periphytonic and benthic organisms. Algae are unique model organisms in evolutionary biology and also are used in various genetic, physiological, biochemical, cytological, and other investigations. Algae have practical significance as edible or poisonous plants, as indicator organisms in the monitoring of ecological systems, as agents of self-purification of polluted waters and in the purification of sewage, as the primary producers in the trophic chains of hydrobionts in marine and freshwater, and also as organisms for biotechnology. The quarterly International Journal on Algae (IJA) publishes selected papers translated from the first Russian language phycological journal, Algologia, founded in 1991 in the former Soviet Union. The aim of Algologia is to present recent advances in algology. The journal covers both fundamental and applied aspects in algology, including papers based on the results of wide range of field and experimental studies, as well as reviews and surveys and procedure papers. The journal is intended for specialists in theoretical, experimental, and applied algology, hydrobiology, microbiology, all scientists using algae as a model organisms for research, and all those interested in general problems of biology. The aim and scope of IJA is to inform the western scientific community, especially algologists, about original studies by scientists of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the following subjects: General Problems of Algology; Morphology, Anatomy, Cytology; Reproduction and Life Cycles of Algae; Genetics; Physiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics; Ecology, Cenology and Conservation of Algae and their Role in Nature; Flora and Geography; Fossil Algae; Systematics, Phylogeny and Problems of Evolution of Algae; New Taxa and Noteworthy Records; and Applied Algology.
This journal contains translations of papers from the Russian-language bimonthly "Mezhdunarodnyi nauchno-tekhnicheskiy zhurnal "Problemy upravleniya i informatiki". Subjects covered include information sciences such as pattern recognition, forecasting, identification and evaluation of complex systems, information security, fault diagnosis and reliability. In addition, the journal also deals with such automation subjects as adaptive, stochastic and optimal control, control and identification under uncertainty, robotics, and applications of user-friendly computers in management of economic, industrial, biological, and medical systems. The Journal of Automation and Information Sciences will appeal to professionals in control systems, communications, computers, engineering in biology and medicine, instrumentation and measurement, and those interested in the social implications of technology.
The Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology publishes original research and reviews of factors and conditions that affect human and animal carcinogensis. Scientists in various fields of biological research, such as toxicologists, chemists, immunologists, pharmacologists, oncologists, pneumologists, and industrial technologists, will find this journal useful in their research on the interface between the environment, humans, and animals.
MEDICAL IMPLANTS are being used in every organ of the human body. Ideally, medical implants must have biomechanical properties comparable to those of autogenous tissues without any adverse effects. In each anatomic site, studies of the long-term effects of medical implants must be undertaken to determine accurately the safety and performance of the implants. Today, implant surgery has become an interdisciplinary undertaking involving a number of skilled and gifted specialists. For example, successful cochlear implants will involve audiologists, audiological physicians, speech and language therapists, otolaryngologists, nurses, neuro-otologists, teachers of the deaf, hearing therapists, cochlear implant manufacturers, and others involved with hearing-impaired and deaf individuals. A similar list of specialists can be identified for each implant site, from dentistry to cardiovascular surgery. Consequently, scholarly work from all disciplines involved in implants is welcome. Realizing the interdisciplinary components of successful implant programs, we have considerably expanded the number of members of the Editorial Board. These gifted scholars are recognized as leaders in the field of implants. Each member has been listed with careful identification of academic title, institution, and mailing addresses. Because the ultimate success of implants depends on daily interactive communication, the email addresses of each Editorial Board member has been listed. During the next year, we will announce the names of 35 distinguished scholars from across the world who will be joining our Editorial Board. This new scholarly team will provide conceptual scientific information on implants that will further strengthen the exciting scientific information in this journal. The ability to predict the long-term in vivo performance of medical implants is of vital interest. The extrapolation of in vitro data to the in vivo environment remains largely unproven. Among the major challenges are our limited ability to simulate the complexities of the biological milieu; the current lack of reliable computer modeling of in vivo performance characteristics of implants; and difficulties in evaluating the synergistic contributions of materials, design features, and therapeutic drug regimens. The aims of the Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants are a better understanding of the mechanisms of failure of preclinically tested medical implants during long-term in vivo service life, both in appropriate animal models and in humans; and establishing an effective linkage between preclinical and clinical studies. Of particular interest are original, critical analyses of data of retrieved implants, interpretive discussions of data based on invasive and noninvasive procedures, and computer modeling of in vivo performance. Also of interest are articles on healthcare technology assessment involving implants and their social impact and economic consequences. The journal will also publish guest editorials, letters to the Editor, and book reviews. All articles are subject to peer review by at least two referees.
The Journal of Porous Media publishes original full-length research articles (and technical notes) in a wide variety of areas related to porous media studies, such as mathematical modeling, numerical and experimental techniques, industrial and environmental heat and mass transfer, conduction, convection, radiation, particle transport and capillary effects, reactive flows, deformable porous media, biomedical applications, and mechanics of the porous substrate. Emphasis will be given to manuscripts that present novel findings pertinent to these areas. The journal will also consider publication of state-of-the-art reviews. Manuscripts applying known methods to previously solved problems or providing results in the absence of scientific motivation or application will not be accepted. Submitted articles should contribute to the understanding of specific scientific problems or to solution techniques that are useful in applications. Papers that link theory with computational practice to provide insight into the processes are welcome.