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Russian Journal of Marine Biology

ISSN: 1063-0740eISSN: 1608-3377

The Russian Journal of Marine Biology covers a wide range of research and applied aspects of marine biology as a synthetic science in the study of marine biota and environment. Coverage includes fundamental research on biological processes at molecular, cellular, organism and population levels in marine organisms. The journal also publishes papers dedicated to events in Russian and international marine biological science and the history of biology. It will benefit scientists and specialists at research institutes, universities, and other educational establishments and for laboratory researchers working in fisheries and aquaculture.

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Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics

ISSN: 1061-9208eISSN: 1555-6638
JUFO Level 1

The peer-reviewed Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics addresses a broad range of topics, including functional analysis, linear and partial differential equations, algebras, modern differential and algebraic geometry and topology, representations of Lie groups, calculus of variations, asymptotic methods, random process theory, dynamical systems, and control theory.The journal presents mainly original papers with full proof, but also publishes brief communications and state-of-the-art reviews. In addition to purely mathematical papers, the journal is hospitable to theses with less rigorous, or 'physical', levels of proof, which are sometimes useful and lead to major advances in science, as well as to analyses based on the heuristic or speculative approaches. Recently-declassified classic papers will also finally see the light of day.The journal is international in scope, and invites papers in English from mathematical physicists everywhere.

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Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing

ISSN: 1061-8309eISSN: 1608-3385
JUFO Level 1

The Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing offers current Russian research on the theory and technology of nondestructive testing of materials and components; describes laboratory and industrial investigations of devices and instrumentation; and provides reviews of new equipment developed for series manufacture. Articles cover all physical methods of nondestructive testing, including magnetic and electrical; ultrasonic; X-ray and y-ray; capillary; liquid; and radio. This is a translation of Defectoskopiya, is a publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Russian volume-year is published in English beginning in July.

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Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry

ISSN: 1070-4280eISSN: 1608-3393

The Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry (Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii) was founded in 1965. It covers all aspects of modern organic chemistry including organic synthesis, theoretical organic chemistry, structure and mechanism, and the application of organometallic compounds in organic synthesis. The journal is of interest to researchers in both scientific and industrial institutes, as well as for university libraries.

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Russian Journal of Pacific Geology

ISSN: 1819-7140eISSN: 1819-7159
JUFO Level 1

Founded in 1982, the Russian Journal of Pacific Geology highlights problems of Earth sciences covering a vast region of the Pacific Ocean, marginal seas, and continental framing. The Asian-Pacific represents a unique junction of oceanic and continental plates, and distinctive mineral resources are: tin, gold, platinum, and oil and gas on the shelf. The Pacific Fire Ring of active volcanoes is the most hazardous part of the planet with high seismic activity and tsunami waves. The range of topics covered is diverse: paleontology and stratigraphy, geology of ore deposits, seismology and seismotectonics, geophysics and geodynamics, magmatism and metamorphism, geochemistry, petrology and geochronology, mineralogy and petrography, geomorphology and tectonics, geology of the seas and oceans floor, sedimentology, oil and gas geology, and more. The peer-reviewed journal also publishes critical notes and comments, reviews, chronicles of major events in scientific life, and bibliography.

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Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Focus on Chemistry

ISSN: 0036-0244eISSN: 1531-863X

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Focus on Chemistry (Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii), founded in 1930, offers a comprehensive review of theoretical and experimental research from the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading research and academic centers from Russia and from all over the world. Articles are devoted to chemical thermodynamics and thermochemistry, biophysical chemistry, photochemistry and magnetochemistry, materials structure, quantum chemistry, physical chemistry of nanomaterials and solutions, surface phenomena and adsorption, and methods and techniques of physicochemical studies.

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Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Focus on Physics

ISSN: 1990-7931eISSN: 1990-7923

The Journal publishes original and review papers relevant to all aspects of chemical physics. Elementary chemical and physical processes on the molecular level are considered. The dynamics of reactions in gaseous, solid, and liquid phases and on interfaces, including the effect of various impacts - electromagnetic field, radiation, mechanical and thermal factors – is widely discussed. Particular attention is paid to combustion, ignition, and detonation phenomena in gases, two-phase media, and solids, to energy transfer processes in reacting media, and to fluid dynamics of reacting media. Shock wave studies are also covered including phenomena on the molecular and meso-levels. Among the other topics the Journal deals with kinetics of biochemical radical reactions, behavior of nanoparticles and materials exhibiting peculiar electromagnetic properties, kinetics of phase transitions, new experimental methods, atmospheric chemistry, and kinetics of polymer synthesis and destruction.

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Russian Journal of Plant Physiology

ISSN: 1021-4437eISSN: 1608-3407

The Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (Fiziologiya Rastenii) is the most popular journal in phytophysiology in the former Soviet Union. It embraces the full spectrum of plant physiology, bringing together the related aspects of biophysics, biochemistry, cytology, anatomy, genetics, etc. The journal publishes experimental and theoretical papers, reviews, short communications, and descriptions of new methods. Regular space is devoted to chronicles from Russian and international symposia, anniversary articles, and reviews of new books. Some issues cover special problems of plant physiology, presenting collections of papers and providing information in rapidly growing fields. The journal is a valuable resource for university and research departments, libraries, scientists, and post-graduates as a regular and reliable source of information.

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Russian Metallurgy (Metally)

ISSN: 0036-0295eISSN: 1555-6255
JUFO Level 1

Russian Metallurgy (Metally) (Izvestiya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Metally) was founded in 1959 by the USSR Academy of Sciences. The journal publishes results of original experimental and theoretical investigations, as well as reviews and collections of papers devoted to topical problems of metallurgy, physical metallurgy, and treatment of ferrous, non-ferrous, rare, and other metals and alloys, intermetallic compounds, and metallic composite materials. The main directions of researches published in the journal are physicochemical properties of metallurgical materials (ores, slags, mattes, and melts of metals and alloys): physicochemical processes (thermodynamics and kinetics of pyrometallurgical, hydrometal-lurgical, electrochemical, and other processes): theoretical aspects of the processes of metallurgical production: metal forming: thermoplastic and thermochemical treatment: computation and experimental determination of phase diagrams and thermokinetic diagrams: mechanisms and kinetics of phase transformations in metallic materials: relations between the chemical composition, phase and structural states of structural and functional materials and their physicochemical and service properties: interaction between metallic materials and external media: effects of radiation on these materials.

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Russian Microelectronics

ISSN: 1063-7397eISSN: 1608-3415

Russian Microelectronics (Mikroelektronika) covers the physical, technological, and some VLSI and ULSI circuit-technical aspects of microelectronics and nanoelectronics: it informs the reader of new trends in submicron optical, x-ray, electron, and ion-beam lithography technology, dry processing techniques, etching, doping, and deposition and planarization technology. Significant space is devoted to problems arising in the application of proton, electron, and ion beams, plasma, etc. Consideration is given to new equipment, including cluster tools and control in situ and submicron CMOS, bipolar, and BICMOS technologies. The journal presents papers addressing problems of molecular beam epitaxy and related processes, heterojunction devices and integrated circuits, the technology and devices of nanoelectronics, and the fabrication of nanometer scale devices, including new device structures, quantum-effect devices, and superconducting devices. The reader will find papers containing news of the diagnostics of surfaces and microelectronic structures, the modeling of technological processes and devices in micro- and nanoelectronics, includeng nanotransistors, and solid state realizations of qubits.The journal is intended for specialists at research institutes, universities, and other educational establishments: for graduate students: and, to a certain extent, for those working at industrial laboratories.

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ISSN: 1063-7826eISSN: 1090-6479
JUFO Level 1

Publishes the most important work in semiconductor research in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Covers semiconductor theory, transport phenomena in semiconductors, optics, magnetooptics, and electrooptics of semiconductors, semiconductor lasers and semiconductor surface physics. The journal features an extensive book review section.

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Solar System Research

ISSN: 0038-0946eISSN: 1608-3423
JUFO Level 1

The journal publishes articles concerning the bodies of the Solar System, i.e. planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoric substances, and cosmic dust; the physics and dynamics of these bodies, and methods and techniques of their exploration. The journal addresses the problems of physics of the planetary atmospheres and interiors, cosmochemistry, as well as planetary plasma environment and heliosphere, specifically those related to solar-planetary interactions. Special attention is given to extraterrestrial planets and the general problems of cosmogony involving origin and evolution of planetary systems, in particular the Solar System. Alongside with the original results of experimental and theoretical studies, the journal publishes regularly scientific reviews in the field of planetary exploration, notes on observational results, short reviews about the most interesting scientific meetings and articles in the Personalia section.

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Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation

ISSN: 0869-5938eISSN: 1555-6263
JUFO Level 1

Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation (Stratigrafiya, Geologicheskaya Korrelyatsiya) is unique in offering comprehensive coverage of the fundamental and applied aspects of stratigraphy and the correlation of geological events and processes in time and space. Articles are based on the results of multidisciplinary research, and are directed toward researchers, university professors, students, and geologists interested in understanding stratigraphy and the chronological features of the world´s geological record.

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Studies on Russian Economic Development

ISSN: 1075-7007eISSN: 1531-8664
JUFO Level 1

Studies on Russian Economic Development (Problemy prognozirovaniya) is a scientific journal published by the Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal publishes research works by leading Russian specialists dedicated to topical problems in Russia’s socioeconomic growth. The main feature of the journal is its large collection of papers examining short-term, mid-term, and longterm forecasts of not only the Russian economy as a whole, but also individual sectors of it. A significant portion is occupied by papers presenting the results of empirical applied scientific research into specific economic problems of enterprises, branches, and regions. The journal contains a model tool set that assists in obtaining numerical estimates in economic forecasts, as well as a large amount of factual and numerical information on the dynamic of socioeconomic processes in Russia.The journal represents a valuable resource for professional researchers and analysts: for specialists making decisions in working out socioeconomic policy: and for teachers and students at the university and graduate-school level.

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Technical Physics

ISSN: 1063-7842eISSN: 1090-6525
JUFO Level 1

This journal offers practical information on all aspects of applied physics, especially instrumentation and measurement techniques. Particular attention is given to plasma physics, plus related fields such as the study of charged particles in electromagnetic fields, synchrotron radiation, relativistic electron beams, gas lasers and discharges. Coverage extends to Applied physics, especially plasmas; quantum electronics; surface effects; accelerator design and development; atomic and molecular physics; materials science; and theoretical and mathematical physics. Also well represented are studies of the properties of condensed matter, including semiconductors and superconductors, and material science.

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Technical Physics Letters

ISSN: 1063-7850eISSN: 1090-6533
JUFO Level 1

This companion journal to Technical Physics offers rapid publication of developments in theoretical and experimental physics with potential technological applications. Recent emphasis has included many papers on gas lasers and on lasing in semiconductors, as well as many reports on high Tc superconductivity. The excellent coverage of plasma physics seen in the parent journal, Technical Physics, is also present here with quick communication of developments in theoretical and experimental work in all fields with probable technical applications.

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Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering

ISSN: 0040-5795eISSN: 1608-3431
JUFO Level 1

SCOPEThe journal Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering (Teoreticheskie osnovy khimicheskoi tekhnologii) publishes original articles on transport phenomena, chemical hydrodynamics, nonlinear processes in chemistry and chemical engineering, surface phenomena (e.g., the Marangoni effect), self-organization in nonequilibrium systems, synergetics, macrokinetics of chemical reactions, and the theory and methods for calculating chemical reactors. Processes where the separation of mixtures are encountered play the key role in processing industries. Still of current importance are the theory and practice of diffusion processes (distillation, gas absorption, adsorption, drying, liquid extraction, dissolution, and crystallization), among which the maximum attention is drawn to integrated reaction-mass-transfer processes and all types of membrane processes. An important field is the intensification of heat and mass transfer processes under the action of various factors such as electric and magnetic fields, ultr

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Thermal Engineering

ISSN: 0040-6015eISSN: 1555-6301

Thermal Engineering (Teploenergetika) is the most widely read Russian publication concerned with thermal energy and engineering. The articles published analyze the current state and perspectives of energy development, design and operation of power engineering equipment such as that at thermal and nuclear power stations, energy conservation and pollution control, the theoretical fundamentals of heat engineering, and non-traditional heat sources.

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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

ISSN: 0869-8643eISSN: 1531-8699
JUFO Level 1

Founded in 1994, Thermophysics and Aeromechanics offers original reports, reviews, and discussions on hydro-gas dynamics, heat and mass transfer, turbulence, methods of aero- and thermo-physical experiment, physics of low-temperature plasma, and physical and technical problems of energetics. These are the fields of investigation at the Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS and the Khristianivich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS. The journal promotes exchange of information between the researchers of Russia and the international scientific community. Contributors to Thermophysics and Aeromechanics represent Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, UK, USA, etc. The journal publishes articles of both a basic and applied character, as well as theoretical and numerical simulation, experimental data and descriptions of experimental technology and new engineering principles.

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Vestnik St. Petersburg University, Mathematics

ISSN: 1063-4541eISSN: 1934-7855

The journal publishes original contributions in all areas of fundamental and applied mathematics. It is the prime outlet for the findings of scientists from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of St. Petersburg State University. Articles of the journal cover the major areas of fundamental and applied mathematics. The following are the main subject headings: Mathematical Analysis: Higher Algebra and Numbers Theory: Higher Geometry: Differential Equations: Mathematical Physics: Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis: Statistical Simulation: Theoretical Cybernetics: Game Theory: Operations Research: Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, and Mathematical Problems of Mechanics and Astronomy.

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