Qualitative Inquiry (QIX) provides an interdisciplinary forum for qualitative methodology and related issues in the human sciences. The journal publishes refereed research articles that experiment with manuscript form and content, and focus on methodological issues raised by qualitative research rather than the content or results of the research. QI also addresses advances in specific methodological strategies or techniques.
Qualitative Research (QRJ), edited by Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont, is a bimonthly peer reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles on the methodological diversity and multi-disciplinary focus of qualitative research. Indexed in ISI - Impact Factor pending - QRJ is international and interdisciplinary accepting global contributions from within sociology, social anthropology, health and nursing, education, human geography, social and discursive psychology, and discourse studies.
Qualitative Social Work provides a forum for those interested in qualitative research and evaluation and in qualitative approaches to practice. The journal promotes exchange and conversation on the nature of reflective inquiry and practice, emerging applications of critical realism in social work, the potential of social constructionist and narrative approaches to research and practice.
Previously published in two sections, Human Experimental Psychology (Section A) and Comparative and Physiological Psychology (B) the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology merged in 2006 to form a single journal.The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology is a leading international journal that publishes original articles on any topic within the field of experimental psychology. The journal publishes Rapid Communication articles (under 3,000 words) reporting novel techniques or ground breaking results, as well as substantial experimental reports. The journal offers an Open Access option, approved by the Wellcome Trust and other funders.The journal is keen to encourage submissions across a broad range of areas in experimental psychology, including those reporting work on human and animal subjects. Manuscripts including the use of functional brain imaging are also encouraged, as are papers reporting computational modelling of behavioural data.QJEP offers a competitive publication time-scale. Accepted Rapid Communications have priority in the publication, and usually appear in print within a few months. We aim to publish all accepted (but uncorrected) articles online within 7 days. Articles in their final form appear on-line, through the iFirst system, several months prior to paper publication.QJEP now offers an iOpenAccess option for authors. Peer Review IntegrityAll published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by independent expert referees. Special IssuesIssues devoted to a particular topic are occasionally published in this journal. These special issues are sent free to subscribers in that year, and are available to purchase separately as books for non-subscribers. Click on the titles below for more information and to order.Grounding Cognition in Perception and ActionGuest Editors: Martin Fischer and Rolf A. ZwaanVolume 61, Issue 6 (2008) ISBN 978-1-84169-843-4Cognitive GerontologyA Special Issue of QJEP Section AGuest Editor: Patrick RabbittVolume 58, Issue 1 (2008 - updated edition) ISBN 978-1-84169-981-3Neurocognitive Approaches to Developmental Disorders: A Festschrift for Uta Frith Guest Editors: Dorothy V.M. Bishop, Margaret J. Snowling and Sarah-Jayne BlakemoreVolume 61, Issue 1 (2007) ISBN 978-1-84169-839-7Human Contingency Learning: Recent Trends in Research and Theory Guest Editors: Tom Beckers, Jan de Houwer and Helena MatuteVolume 60, Issue 3 (2007) ISBN 978-1-84169-824-3The Role of Medial Temporal Lobe in Memory and PerceptionA Special Issue of QJEP Section BGuest Editors: Kim Graham and David GaffanVolume 58, Issues 3-4 (2005) ISBN 978-1-84169-998-1 Related LinksBrowse books in Cognitive Psychology, and view forthcoming conferences in Cognitive Psychology.Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
The RELC Journal is a fully peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles on language education. The aim of this Journal is to present information and ideas on theories, research, methods and materials related to language learning and teaching. Within this framework the Journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current enquiry as first and second language learning and teaching, language and culture, discourse analysis, language planning, language testing, multilingual education, stylistics, translation and information technology.
Race & Class is a peer-reviewed, ISI-ranked publication, the foremost English language journal on racism and imperialism in the world today. For three decades it has established a reputation for the breadth of its analysis, its global outlook and its multidisciplinary approach.
Rationality & Society is an international peer reviewed journal that focuses on the growing contributions of rational-action based theory, and the questions and controversies surrounding this growth. Rationality and Society provides an interdisciplinary forum in which theoretic developments, empirical research, and policy analyses that are relevant to the rational action paradigm can be shared.
This internationally peer-reviewed journal, published on behalf of SEMPRE, promotes the dissemination and discussion of high quality research in music and music education. The journal encourages the interrogation and development of a range of research methodologies and their application to diverse topics in music education theory and practice.