The search for knowledge about ourselves and the world around us is a fundamental human endeavor. Research is a natural extension of this desire to understand and improve the world in which we live. There is a corresponding responsibility on the part of institution to support researchers in their efforts to upload academic, scientific professional standards by having a specialist journal presenting all dental branches of science. Thus, there can be no doubt that this journal has been present to enrich our lives by the published articles significant advances in human understanding indental sciences have been made as a result of research and the effort of researchers, involved in Tanta Dental Journal. The scope of Tanta Dental Journalis vast on the purely physical side; it ranges from seeking to understand the origins ofdental materials , and the dental organs, down to the fundamental nature of matter. At the analytic level it covers metaphysics, chemical changes , and nature of human interactions and the impact of nature on dentitionand dental diseases or disorders - the list is as boundless as the human imagination. Research is a step to the unknown
he Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR) [ISSN 0971-5916] is one of the oldest medical Journals not only in India, but probably in Asia, as it started in the year 1913. The Journal was started as a quarterly (4 issues/year) in 1913 and made bimonthly (6 issues/year) in 1958. It became monthly (12 issues/year) in the year 1964. The Journal is being indexed and abstracted by all major global current awareness and alerting services (Annexure). The IJMR is published monthly, in two volumes and 12 issues per year. The IJMR publishes peer reviewed quality biomedical research in the form of original research articles, review articles, short papers and short notes. Research letters are also published in the corresponding section after peer review. Supplements are published in addition to the regular issues Special issues. Criteria for consideration of papers - The papers should meet the following criteria – the material should be original, the methodology used should be standard and appropriate, results should be unambiguous supported with data/photographs, conclusions should be reasonable and based on the findings, the topic should be of biomedical interest and findings should have clinical significance. Papers involving human and animals should be ethically cleared by the local ethical committees. Manuscript Preparation - Manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the Guidelines set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) as uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals and should be submitted in triplicate (one original and 2 photocopies) with at least 2 sets of original Figures. Abstract should be structured (of about 250 words) under the subheadings Background & objectives, Methods, Results, and Interpretation & conclusions.All correspondence regarding submission of manuscripts, reprints, subscription etc., should be addressed to the.
The Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology is the official Quarterly publication of the Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists. It had completed 50 glorious years in the year 2007. Late Dr Vanmali Saran Maglik of King George Medical College, Lucknow is the founder editor who started the journal in the year 1958. Initially the journal was called Indian Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology and the present name is in existence from the year 1965. The journal grew over the years under the able guidance of stalwarts like Late Dr HI Jhala, Late Dr V Ramalingaswamy, Dr HD Tandon, Late Dr BK Aikat and Late Dr S Nagalotimath. The present form is due to the untiring efforts of Dr KS Ratnakar, Dr VH Talib, Dr SK Shahi and Dr Harsh Mohan. The journal is widely read and is in almost all the libraries of the country and in many institutions outside the country. From the year 2008, the article submission, review, correspondence and publication process has been made online ( Now the journal has its own website ( With these changes the visibility and popularity of the journal has tremendously increased. Dr S Satyanarayana is the present editor of the journal.
"Toxicology International" (Formerly Indian Journal of Toxicology) is the official publication of The Society of Toxicology, India. Toxicology International is an International Research Journal published 3 Issues . The Journal is concerned all aspects of toxicology of drugs, chemicals including pesticides, indigenous drugs, epidemiological aspects covering human beings, animals, plants, environmental sciences, etc. The journal publishes research, review and general articles besides opinions, comments, news-highlights and letters to editor.