Perspectives in Biology and Medicine publishes articles of the highest scientific and literary merit on a wide range of biomedical topics such as neurobiology, biomedical ethics and history, genetics and evolution, and ecology. Founded in 1957, this interdisciplinary journal places subjects of current interest in medicine and biology in a context with humanistic, social, and scientific concerns. The editors encourage an informal, humanistic style that preserves the warmth, excitement, and color of the biological and medical sciences.
Perspectives on Science publishes science studies that integrate historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives. Its interdisciplinary approach is intended to foster a more comprehensive understanding of the sciences and the contexts in which they develop. Each issue is comprised of theoretical essays, case studies and review essays.
Technologies have been changing the world for a long time, at an increasing pace, with ever expanding scope and unprecedented impact. They profoundly affect human life and are radically modifying not only how we interact with, shape, and make sense of our world, but also how we look at ourselves and understand our position and responsibilities in the universe. Technologies have brought enormous benefits and opportunities, but they have also raised new and pressing challenges, whose complexity and global dimensions are rapidly expanding and evolving. Philosophy & Technology addresses such challenges, in order to improve our critical understanding of the conceptual nature and practical consequences of technologies, and hence provide the conceptual foundations for their fruitful and sustainable developments. The journal aims to publish the best research produced in all areas where philosophy and technology meet. It welcomes high-quality submissions, regardless of the tradition, school of thought or disciplinary background from which they derive. The editorial board reflects this approach in its composition and its world-wide membership.All submissions are subjected to double-blind peer review, the average peer review time is 3 months.Philosophy & Technology publishes: research articles, presenting original results (usually no longer than 10,000 words): target articles with invited, short commentaries, directing attention to interesting, new theoretical ideas. Target articles are selected by the editorial board among the research articles accepted for publication. Commentaries may include revised reviews of the original submission: review articles (usually no longer than 10,000 words), which comprehensively synthesise and critically assess recent, original works or a selected collection of thematically related books, in important areas of research in philosophy of technology: , commentaries, brief (maximum 2,000 words) articles that comment on articles published previously: book symposia, in which up to four commentators are invited to debate an influential book with the author, who answers with a concluding reply (total length usually no longer than 10,000 words). A symposium might revisit a book and its impact a decade or more after its appearance: special issues, in which an expert collaborates with the journal as a guest editor, in order to identify an interesting topic in philosophy of technology, and interacts with the selected contributors, being in charge of a whole issue of the journal. The journal strongly encourages submissions of collections of high-quality papers on well-defined topics presented at academic meetings (e.g. a workshop, a conference, or a symposium). It invites potential guest-editors, who might be interested in collecting and editing such special issue, to contact the Assistant Editor as early as possible in order to discuss the feasibility of the project: focused debates, collecting submissions and invited articles around a particular theme, as part of a normal issue of the journal. Authors wishing to submit a reply article, or a proposal for a review article, a book symposium, a special issue or a focused debate, are invited to contact the Assistant Editor for further information.
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research is open to a variety of methodologies and traditions. This tradition of openness continues, as reflected by a statement appearing in every issue: 'PPR publishes articles in a wide range of areas. No specific methodology or philosophical orientation is required in submissions.'.
PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS contains philosophical discussions of substantive legal, social, and political problems, as well as discussions of the more abstract questions to which these discussions give rise. The journal is designed to fill the need for a periodical in which philosophers with different viewpoints and philosophically inclined writers from various disciplines can bring their distinctive methods to bear on problems of concern to everyone.
Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine is ready to accept articles on the philosophy of medicine and biology, and on ethical aspects of clinical practice and research.
Pragmatics & Cognition is an interdisciplinary journal seeking to bring together such disciplines as philosophy, linguistics, semiotics, cognitive science, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, ethology, and cognitive anthropology, among others. The journal seeks to explore relations of all sorts between semiotic systems as used by humans, animals and machines, in connection with mental activities: logical and causal dependence; condition of acquisition, development of loss; modeling, simulation of formalization, shared or separate biological and neurological bases; social and cultural variation; aesthetic expression; historical development; etc. Pragmatics & Cognition's basic assumption is that the proper understanding of mental life and inter-personal relations requires an intensive and thoughtful exchange of views across disciplines.
Psychological Bulletin® publishes evaluative and integrative research reviews and interpretations of issues in scientific psychology. Both qualitative (narrative) and quantitative (meta-analytic) reviews will be considered, depending on the nature of the database under consideration for review.Integrative reviews or research syntheses focus on empirical studies and seek to summarize past research by drawing overall conclusions from many separate investigations that address related or identical hypotheses. A research synthesis typically presents the authors' assessments of * the state of knowledge concerning the relations of interest; * critical assessments of the strengths and weaknesses in past research; and * important issues that research has left unresolved, thereby directing future research so it can yield a maximum amount of new information.Both cumulative and historical approaches (i.e., ones that organize a research literature by highlighting temporally unfolding developments in a field) can be used. Integrative research reviews that develop connections between areas of research are particularly valuable.Manuscripts dealing with topics at the interface of psychological sciences and society are welcome, as are evaluations of applied psychological therapies, programs, and interventions. Expository articles may be published if they are deemed accurate, broad, clear, and pertinent.Methodological articles that previously were submitted to Psychological Bulletin should now be submitted to Psychological Methods. Original theoretical articles should be submitted to Psychological Review, even when they include summaries of research. Research syntheses should be submitted to Psychological Bulletin even when they develop integrated theoretical statements.
Psychological Methods® is devoted to the development and dissemination of methods for collecting, analyzing, understanding, and interpreting psychological data. Its purpose is the dissemination of innovations in research design, measurement, methodology, and quantitative and qualitative analysis to the psychological community; its further purpose is to promote effective communication about related substantive and methodological issues.The audience is expected to be diverse and to include those who develop new procedures, those who are responsible for undergraduate and graduate training in design, measurement, and statistics, as well as those who employ those procedures in research.The journal solicits original theoretical, quantitative, empirical, and methodological articles; reviews of important methodological issues; tutorials; articles illustrating innovative applications of new procedures to psychological problems; articles on the teaching of quantitative methods; and reviews of statistical software.Submissions will be judged on their relevance to understanding psychological data, methodological correctness, and accessibility to a wide audience. Where appropriate, submissions should illustrate through concrete example how the procedures described or developed can enhance the quality of psychological research.The journal welcomes submissions that show the relevance to psychology of procedures developed in other fields. Empirical and theoretical articles on specific tests or test construction should have a broad thrust; otherwise, they may be more appropriate for Psychological Assessment. Similarly, articles of interest to only a single subdiscipline of psychology may typically be more appropriate for a journal devoted to that specialty unless they make an exceptional contribution to the literature.
Psychological Review publishes articles that make important theoretical contributions to any area of scientific psychology, including systematic evaluation of alternative theories. Papers mainly focused on surveys of the literature, problems of method and design, or reports of empirical findings are not appropriate.There is no upper bound on the length of Psychological Review articles. However, authors who submit papers with texts longer than 25,000 words will be asked to justify the need for their length.Psychological Review also publishes, as Theoretical Notes, commentary that contributes to progress in a given subfield of scientific psychology. Such notes include, but are not limited to, discussions of previously published articles, comments that apply to a class of theoretical models in a given domain, critiques and discussions of alternative theoretical approaches, and meta-theoretical commentary on theory testing and related topics.
Published since 1937, Public Opinion Quarterly is among the most frequently cited journals of its kind. Such interdisciplinary leadership benefits academicians and all social science researchers by providing a trusted source for a wide range of high quality research. POQ selectively publishes important theoretical contributions to opinion and communication research, analyses of current public opinion, and investigations of methodological issues involved in survey validity—including questionnaire construction, interviewing and interviewers, sampling strategy, and mode of administration. The theoretical and methodological advances detailed in pages of POQ ensure its importance as a research resource.Indexing/AbstractingThis journal is indexed by America: History and Life, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Combined Retrospective Index Sets (CRIS), Historical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts, Peace Research Abstracts, Political Science Abstracts (PSA), Public Affairs Information Services, Social Sciences Index, Sociological Abstracts, United States Political Science Documents, and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. .
Qualitative Research (QRJ), edited by Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont, is a bimonthly peer reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles on the methodological diversity and multi-disciplinary focus of qualitative research. Indexed in ISI - Impact Factor pending - QRJ is international and interdisciplinary accepting global contributions from within sociology, social anthropology, health and nursing, education, human geography, social and discursive psychology, and discourse studies.