Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society promotes thoughtful dialogue regarding the wider social and ethical issues related to the planning, development, implementation and use of new media and information and communication technologies.
This is the official publication of the European Association for Logic, Language, and Information.
The scope of the journal is the logical and computational foundations of natural, formal, and programming languages, as well as the different forms of human and mechanized inference. It covers the logical, linguistic, and information-theoretic parts of the cognitive sciences.
Examples of main subareas are Intensional Logics including Dynamic Logic: Nonmonotonic Logic and Belief Revision: Constructive Logics: Complexity Issues in Logic and Linguistics: Theoretical Problems of Logic Programming and Resolution: Categorial Grammar and Type Theory: Generalized Quantification: Information-Oriented Theories of Semantic Structure like Situation Semantics, Discourse Representation Theory, and Dynamic Semantics: Connectionist Models of Logical and Linguistic Structures. The emphasis is on the theoretical aspects of these areas.
The purpose of the journal is to act as a forum for researchers interested in the theoretical foundations of the above subjects and their interdisciplinary connections, with an emphasis on general ideas increasing coherence.
This outstanding journal is devoted to stimulating and contributing to reasoned discussions of mass media ethics and morality among academic and professional groups in the various branches and subdisciplines of communication and ethics. By bridging the gap between academicians and professionals interested in issues concerning mass media, the journal stimulates mutually beneficial dialogues between these two groups. It publishes original essays exploring the philosophical bases of decisions, reports from empirical studies, and literature searches and reviews dealing with mass media content and the behavior of practitioners in journalism, broadcasting, public relations, advertising, and other mass communication disciplines.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
© 2014 Thomson Reuters, 2014 Journal Citations Report® ranks Journal of Media Ethics
72nd out of 76 in the Communication (social science) and 46th out of 52 in Ethics (social science) categories
with an Impact Factor of 0.233.
Five-Year Impact Factor: .456
©2014 Thomson Reuters, 2014 Journal Citation Reports®
This outstanding journal is devoted to stimulating and contributing to reasoned discussions of media ethics and morality among academic and professional groups in the various branches and subdisciplines of communication and ethics. By bridging the gap between academicians and professionals interested in issues concerning mass media, the journal stimulates mutually beneficial dialogues between these two groups. It publishes original essays exploring the philosophical bases of decisions, reports from empirical studies, and literature searches and reviews dealing with mass media content and the behavior of practitioners in journalism, broadcasting, public relations, advertising, and other mass communication disciplines.
Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Free to access! - Editorial by Martin L. Cook and Henrik Syse from 9.2What Should We Mean by 'Military Ethics'?Journal of Military Ethics (JME) is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to normative aspects of military force. The journal publishes articles discussing justifications for the resort to military force (jus ad bellum) and/or what may justifiably be done in the use of such force (jus in bello). The scope of JME also includes research/discussion on ethical issues in military training, as well as the post-conflict role of military forces.JME seeks to include articles from a variety of academic disciplines and cultural backgrounds. Articles may adopt theoretical, empirical, or historical approaches.Peer Review PolicyAll research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and subsequent anonymized refereeing.
The Journal of Moral Philosophy is a peer-reviewed journal of moral, political and legal philosophy with an international focus. It publishes articles in all areas of normative philosophy, including pure and applied ethics, as well as moral, legal, and political theory. Articles exploring non-Western traditions are also welcome. The Journal seeks to promote lively discussions and debates for established academics and the wider community, by publishing articles that avoid unnecessary jargon without sacrificing academic rigour. It encourages contributions from newer members of the philosophical community. The Journal of Moral Philosophy is published four times a year, in January, April, July and October. One issue per year is devoted to a particular theme and each issue will contain articles, discussion pieces, review essays and book reviews.
The Journal of Philosophical Logic aims to provide a forum for work at the crossroads of philosophy and logic, old and new, with contributions ranging from conceptual to technical.
Accordingly, the Journal invites papers in all of the traditional areas of philosophical logic, including but not limited to: various versions of modal, temporal, epistemic, and deontic logic: constructive logics: relevance and other sub-classical logics: many-valued logics: logics of conditionals: quantum logic: decision theory, inductive logic, logics of belief change, and formal epistemology: defeasible and nonmonotonic logics: formal philosophy of language: vagueness: and theories of truth and validity.
In addition to publishing papers on philosophical logic in this familiar sense of the term, the Journal also invites papers on extensions of logic to new areas of application, and on the philosophical issues to which these give rise. The Journal places a special emphasis on the applications of philosophical logic in other disciplines, not only in mathematics and the natural sciences but also, for example, in computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, linguistics, jurisprudence, and the social sciences, such as economics, sociology, and political science.
The Journal of Philosophy publishes philosophical articles of current interest and encourage the interchange of ideas, especially the exploration of the borderline between philosophy and other disciplines. Founded in 1904 as The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods, the journal adopted its present name in 1923. Since its founding The Journal of Philosophy has been published from Columbia University in New York, and it is internationally respected as one of the leading journals in the field.The Philosophy Documentation Center offers electronic access to The Journal of Philosophy through POIESIS: Philosophy Online Serials. Note: access through POIESIS requires an electronic subscription to the journal.
Journal of Philosophy of Education publishes articles representing a wide variety of philosophical traditions. They vary from examination of fundamental philosophical issues in their connection with education, to detailed critical engagement with current educational practice or policy from a philosophical point of view. The journal aims to promote rigorous thinking on educational matters and to identify and criticise the ideological forces shaping education. Ethical, political, aesthetic and epistemological dimensions of educational theory are amongst those covered.
The Journal of Political Philosophy is an international journal devoted to the study of theoretical issues arising out of moral, legal and political life. It welcomes, and hopes to foster, work cutting across a variety of disciplinary concerns, among them philosophy, sociology, history, economics and political science. The journal encourages new approaches, including (but not limited to): feminism; environmentalism; critical theory, post-modernism and analytical Marxism; social and public choice theory; law and economics, critical legal studies and critical race studies; and game theoretic, socio-biological and anthropological approaches to politics. It also welcomes work in the history of political thought which builds to a larger philosophical point and work in the philosophy of the social sciences and applied ethics with broader political implications. Featuring a distinguished editorial board from major centres of thought from around the globe, the journal draws equally upon the work of non-philosophers and philosophers and provides a forum of debate between disparate factions who usually keep to their own separate journals.
ZRGG is abstracted/ indexed in: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Bibliography of Asian Studies, Bibliography of the History of Art, Current Contents, Dietrich's Index Philosophicus, European Reference Index for the Humanities, Fanatic Reader, Historical Abstracts (Part A & B), History & Life, H-Soz-u-Kult, Index Islamicus, International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scolarly Literature, International Philosophy Bibliography, Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur aus allen Gebieten des Wissens/International Bibliography of Periodicals from all Fields of Knowledge, M L A International Bibliography of Books & Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures, New Testament Abstracts, Periodicals Contents Index, Philosophers Index, Religion Index One: Periodicals, Religion Index Two: Multi Author Works, Religious & Theological Abstracts, Research Alert (Philadelphia), Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, Social Sciences Citation Index.
Journal of School Health is published 12 times a year on behalf of the American School Health Association. It addresses practice, theory, and research related to the health and well-being of school-aged youth. The journal is a top-tiered resource for professionals who work toward providing students with the programs, services, and environment they need for good health and academic success.
The Journal of Social Philosophy seeks to publish creative approaches to practical and normative issues of contemporary social life, such as those arising from economic and other forms of globalization, violent political conflict, and the multiplicity of cultural experiences worldwide. It places new emphasis on understanding the social contexts for political, legal, moral, and cultural questions, and gives priority to the development of novel theoretical frameworks, from social ontology to care ethics to cosmopolitan theories of democracy, human rights, and global justice. The Journal's editorial process proceeds online, with blind review of articles not only by referees but also by the editor, and aims to deliver timely responses for submissions. The Journal also on occasion publishes special issues focusing on topics of vital practical concern, in the conviction that these can be better understood with the aid of disciplined and innovative philosophical analysis.