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Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology

ISSN: 0019-5499eISSN: 2582-2799
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Industrial Biotechnology

ISSN: 1550-9087eISSN: 1931-8421
JUFO Level 1
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Infection, Genetics and Evolution

ISSN: 1567-1348
JUFO Level 1

Infectious diseases constitute one of the main challenges to medical science in the coming century. The impressive development of molecular megatechnologies and of bioinformatics have greatly increased our knowledge of the evolution, transmission and pathogenicity of infectious diseases. Research has shown that host susceptibility to many infectious diseases has a genetic basis. Furthermore, much is now known on the molecular epidemiology, evolution and virulence of pathogenic agents, as well as their resistance to drugs, vaccines, and antibiotics. Equally, research on the genetics of disease vectors has greatly improved our understanding of their systematics, has increased our capacity to identify target populations for control or intervention, and has provided detailed information on the mechanisms of insecticide resistance.However, the genetics and evolutionary biology of hosts, pathogens and vectors have tended to develop as three separate fields of research. This artificial compartmentalisation is of concern due to our growing appreciation of the strong coevolutionary interactions among hosts, pathogens and vectors.Infection, Genetics and Evolution and its companion congress MEEGID (for Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases) are the main forum acting for the cross-fertilization between evolutionary science and biomedical research on infectious diseases.Infection, Genetics and Evolution is the only journal that welcomes articles dealing with the genetics and evolutionary biology of hosts, pathogens and vectors, and coevolution processes among them in relation to infection and disease manifestation. All infectious models enter the scope of the journal, including pathogens of humans, animals and plants, either parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses or prions. The journal welcomes articles dealing with genetics, population genetics, genomics, postgenomics, gene expression, evolutionary biology, population dynamics, mathematical modeling and bioinformatics.We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Infectious Agents and Cancer

eISSN: 1750-9378
JUFO Level 1

Infectious Agents and Cancer is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of the pathogenic mechanisms of chronic infections and progression to oncogenesis.

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Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets

ISSN: 1871-5265eISSN: 2212-3989
JUFO Level 1

Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments in medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology, genomics and biochemistry of contemporary molecular targets involved in infectious disorders e.g. disease specific proteins, receptors, enzymes, genes. Each issue of the journal contains a series of timely in-depth reviews and research articles written by leaders in the field covering a range of current topics on drug targets involved in infectious disorders. As the discovery, identification, characterization and validation of novel human drug targets for anti-infective drug discovery continue to grow, this journal will be essential reading for all pharmaceutical scientists involved in drug design, discovery and development.

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ISSN: 0360-3997eISSN: 1573-2576
JUFO Level 1

Inflammation presents the latest international advances in experimental and clinical research on the physiology, biochemistry, cell biology, and pharmacology of inflammation. Published items include full-length scientific reports, short definitive articles, and papers from meetings and symposia proceedings. The journal's coverage extends to acute and chronic inflammation; mediators of inflammation; mechanisms of tissue injury and cytotoxicity; pharmacology of inflammation; and clinical studies of inflammation and its modification.

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Inflammation Research

ISSN: 1023-3830eISSN: 1420-908X
JUFO Level 1

Inflammation Research (IR) publishes peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of inflammation and related fields including histopathology, immunological mechanisms, gene expression, mediators, experimental models, clinical investigations and the effect of drugs. Related fields are broadly defined and include for instance, allergy and asthma, shock, pain, joint damage, skin disease as well as clinical trials of relevant drugs.
Bibliographic Data
First published in 1969
Renamed in 1995
1 volume per year, 12 issues per volume
+ 2 supplements, in free sequence
Format: 21 x 27.9 cm
ISSN 1023-3830 (print)
ISSN 1420-908X (electronic)

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Innate Immunity

ISSN: 1753-4259eISSN: 1753-4267
JUFO Level 1

Innate Immunity is a highly ranked, peer reviewed scholarly journal, first published as Journal of Endotoxin Research (JER) in 1994 as the official journal of the International Endotoxin Society (IES). Over 10 years of being known as the IES, the society recognised a significant increase in research in innate immunity not related to endotoxins. In response to this the society became the International Endotoxin and Innate Immunity Society (IEIIS) in 2005.The journal’s coverage has changed in line with the society, and it increasingly publishes articles dealing with innate immunity research not related to endotoxins. A joint decision was made between the publisher and the IEIIS to re-launch the journal in 2008 with the new name Innate Immunity, to reflect the broader range of coverage of the society and in the journal.Publication Charge from July 2010:Innate Immunity has seen a large increase in the number of submitted manuscripts in recent years. In order to publish this important research in a timely manner we will be increasing by 33% the number of pages in each volume. After consultation with the Editorial Board and recent authors, we will cover the increased cost of production by introducing a charge of $230 for all accepted papers. The subscription price will remain at its current level in 2010.IEIIS President Alan Cross adds, "The International Endotoxin and Innate Immunity Society supports the move to introduce publication fees for Innate Immunity. This change will enable the journal to publish more high quality articles every year, and reduce the publication times for important new research"In rare cases of genuine financial hardship, exemptions may be made at the discretion of the publisher. Please contact for further information.

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Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering

ISSN: 1959-0318

IRBM is the journal of the AGBM (Alliance for engineering in Biology an Medicine / Alliance pour le génie biologique et médical) and the SFGBM (BioMedical Engineering French Society / Société française de génie biologique médical) and the AFIB (French Association of Biomedical Engineers / Association française des ingénieurs biomédicaux). As a vehicle of information and knowledge in the field of biomedical technologies, IRBM is devoted to fundamental as well as clinical research. Biomedical engineering and use of new technologies are the cornerstones of IRBM, providing authors and users with the latest information. Its six issues per year propose reviews (state-of-the-art and current knowledge), original articles directed at fundamental research and articles focusing on biomedical engineering. All articles are submitted to peer reviewers acting as guarantors for IRBM's scientific and medical content. The field covered by IRBM includes all the discipline of Biomedical engineering. Thereby, the type of papers published include those that cover the technological and methodological development in: - Physiological and Biological Signal processing (EEG, MEG, ECG…)- Medical Image processing- Biomechanics- Biomaterials- Medical Physics- Biophysics- Physiological and Biological Sensors- Information technologies in healthcare- Disability research- Computational physiology- …

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Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

ISSN: 0965-1748eISSN: 1879-0240
JUFO Level 1

This international journal publishes original contributions and mini-reviews in the fields of insect biochemistry and insect molecular biology. Main interests areas are neurochemistry, hormone and pheromone biochemistry, enzymes and metabolism, hormone action and gene regulation, gene characterization and structure, pharmacology, immunology and cell and tissue culture. Papers on the biochemistry and molecular biology of other groups of arthropods are published if of general interest to the readership. Technique papers will be considered for publication if they significantly advance the field of insect biochemistry and molecular biology in the opinion of the Editors and Editorial Board.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Insect Molecular Biology

ISSN: 0962-1075eISSN: 1365-2583
JUFO Level 1

*Average time to decision for refereed manuscripts: 40 days* Insect Molecular Biology has been dedicated to providing researchers with the opportunity to publish high quality original research on topics broadly related to insect molecular biology since 1992. IMB is particularly interested in publishing research in insect genomics/genes and proteomics/proteins. This includes research related to:.

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Insect Science

ISSN: 1672-9609eISSN: 1744-7917
JUFO Level 1

Insect Science is an international journal, which publishes original peer-reviewed, research papers from any entomological discipline. The emphasis of the journal is on the adaptation and evolutionary biology of insects from their molecules to ecosystems including: ecology and IPM; behaviour and social biology; molecular biology; physiology, biochemistry and toxicology; genetics and development; and systematics and evolution. Reviews, special features, commentaries, book reviews, and proceedings of workshops and conferences are published in the journal.

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Integrative Biology

ISSN: 1757-9694eISSN: 1757-9708
JUFO Level 1

To provide a venue for research that affords new insights into biological and biophysical questions, from the nano to the macroscale, through the application of quantitative methodologies and novel enabling tools. Authors must provide an Insight Statement of fewer than 120 words to explain the relevance of their work in terms of Biological Insight, Technological Innovation and the benefit of Integration.

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Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences

ISSN: 1913-2751eISSN: 1867-1462

Interdisciplinary Sciences--Computational Life Sciences aims to cover the most recent and outstanding developments in interdisciplinary areas of sciences, especially focusing on computational life sciences, an area that is enjoying rapid development at the forefront of scientific research and technology. The journal publishes original papers of significant general interest covering recent research and developments. Articles will be published rapidly by taking full advantage of internet technology for online submission and peer-reviewing of manuscripts, and then by publishing OnlineFirstTM through SpringerLink even before the issue is built or sent to the printer. The editorial board consists of many leading scientists with international reputation, among others, Luc Montagnier (UNESCO, France), Dennis Salahub (University of Calgary, Canada), Weitao Yang (Duke University, USA). Prof. Dongqing Wei at the Shanghai Jiatong University is appointed as the editor-in-chief: he made important contributions in bioinformatics and computational physics and is best known for his ground-breaking works on the theory of ferroelectric liquids. With the help from a team of associate editors and the editorial board, an international journal with sound reputation shall be created.

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Interface Focus

eISSN: 2042-8901
JUFO Level 1

Each issue of Interface Focus is devoted to a specific topic at the interface of the physical and life sciences. This area will define a research frontier that is advancing rapidly and will, by its very nature, bridge traditional disciplines. The journal is essential reading for scientists working across the physical / life sciences divide. Topics covered by the journal include, but are not limited to: biocomplexity, biocomputation, bioengineering, bioinformatics, biomaterials, biomechanics, bionanoscience, biophysics, chemical biology, medical physics, synthetic biology, systems biology, theoretical biology, tissue engineering.

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International Journal Bioautomation

ISSN: 1314-1902eISSN: 1314-2321

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering

ISSN: 2040-7939eISSN: 2040-7947
JUFO Level 1

Please note that the journal's title from January 2010 onwards will be The International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. The new Aims and Scope is effective immediately. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering is an international journal which publishes both full length and short refereed papers describing significant developments in numerical methods and their application to biomedical engineering problems. Contributions are encouraged in all areas of biomedical engineering, such as patient-specific modelling, biofluid and biosolid mechanics, tissue engineering, cardiovascular and respiratory mechanics, tumour modelling, medical imaging and image processing, visualisation, meshing, numerical modelling of organs, drug delivery, surgical simulation, micro- and nano- mechanics, multiscale problems, human body electromagnetics, molecular biology, medical device design, health care models and numerical methods specially designed for biomedical problems. Authors are reminded that application of a standard numerical procedure to a standard problem is not within the scope of this journal. Manuscripts that present solutions to realistic and new biomedical problems using standard numerical procedures should provide evidence of mesh convergence.

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International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease

ISSN: 2090-8024eISSN: 2090-0252
JUFO Level 1

International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of Alzheimer's disease.

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International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

eISSN: 1479-5868
JUFO Level 3

The official journal of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (IJBNPA) publishes articles focusing on the behavioral features of diet and physical activity. The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) offers its members to cover half of the article-processing charges for articles published in IJBNPA. Members of ISBNPA should go to the society website before proceeding with submission.

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International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

ISSN: 1357-2725eISSN: 1878-5875
JUFO Level 1

The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology publishes articles in all areas of contemporary cell and molecular biology and biomedical research. This includes cellular and biochemical mechanistic studies of cells, cell organelles, sub-cellular molecular pathways and metabolism.We welcome manuscripts that provide novel insights into basic cellular and molecular processes or disease pathogenesis, and encourage submission of manuscripts with relevance to bioinformatics, nanobiology, synthetic biology, or complexity science. We encourage inclusion of in vivo studies and integrated systems approaches to better understand the cellular and molecular basis of whole-organism physiological and pathological processes.The journal publishes original research papers, invited reviews, In Focus articles, and short communications. For more information on each of these article types, please refer to the "Format Requirements" document.

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