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Academy of Management Journal

ISSN: 0001-4273
JUFO Level 3

The Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) is ranked among the top five most influential and frequently cited management journals. Widely recognized for more than forty years as indispensable reading for management scholars and others interested in ground-breaking research. Presents cutting edge research that provides readers with a forecast for new management thoughts and techniques. Regularly cited in the major business media including: The New York Times, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Business Week and Fortune. Published six times a year in February, April, June, August, October and December. Circulation: 19,695.

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Academy of Management Review

ISSN: 0363-7425eISSN: 1930-3807
JUFO Level 3
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Advances in Production Engineering and Management

ISSN: 1854-6250eISSN: 1855-6531

Africa Journal of Management

ISSN: 2332-2373eISSN: 2332-2381
JUFO Level 1

The beginning of the Twenty First Century has witnessed Africa’s rise and progress as one of the fastest growing and most promising regions of the world. At the same time, serious challenges remain. To sustain and speed up momentum, avoid reversal, and deal effectively with emerging challenges and opportunities, Africa needs better management scholarship, education and practice. The purpose of the Africa Journal of Management (AJOM) is to advance management theory, research, education, practice and service in Africa by promoting the production and dissemination of high quality and relevant manuscripts. AJOM is committed to publishing original, rigorous, scholarly empirical and theoretical research papers, which demonstrate clear understanding of the management literature and draw on Africa’s local indigenous knowledge, wisdom and current realities. As the first scholarly journal of the Africa Academy of Management (AFAM), AJOM gives voice to all those who are committed to advancing management scholarship, education and practice in or about Africa, for the benefit of all of Africa.

AJOM welcomes manuscripts that develop, test, replicate or validate management theories, tools and methods with Africa as the starting point. The journal is open to a wide range of quality, evidence-based methodological approaches and methods that “link” “Western” management theories with Africa’s indigenous knowledge systems, methods and practice. We are particularly interested in manuscripts which address Africa’s most important development needs, challenges and opportunities as well as the big management questions of the day. We are interested in research papers which address issues of ethical conduct in different African settings.
Manuscripts should include data or viewpoints from more than one country or at the very least demonstrate relevancy for the wider African context. Of particular interest are manuscripts which focus on Africa’s productive enterprises, including locally owned businesses, the informal sector, start-ups, scale-ups, state owned enterprises, foreign (e.g. multinational corporations) businesses, non-government organizations, or combinations thereof (e.g. public-private partnerships, international joint ventures, intergovernmental agencies), organizational and human capital development, and current development management topics. AJOM is not only about geography, but also shared experiences and common heritage: we seek contributions globally.
AJOM operates an international double blind peer-review process and publishes four times a year both in print and online. The journal also publishes research notes, book reviews and insights, and comments and debates from readers on published papers or important management questions of the day. It serves as a medium for recognizing excellence and exceptional service for advancing management scholarship, widely defined, and education and practice in Africa and between Africa and the rest of the world. 


Peer Review Statement

Africa Journal of Management is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes high quality, original research. All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.


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Asian Journal of Technology Innovation

ISSN: 1976-1597eISSN: 2158-6721
JUFO Level 1

Asian Journal of Technology Innovation is a journal devoted to innovation management, innovation policy and R&D issues specialized in Asia. Innovation policy and innovation management today have been highly concerned and exerted great influence on private firms, governments, public organizations, research institutes and universities and even whole nations. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation is a multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the exploration of the innovation policy and management problems posed by those players and their interaction with economic, social and political processes. Audience and authors of the journal are professors, researchers, government officials, industrialists and graduate students who are interested in technology innovation in Asian countries. It was created by the Korean Society for Innovation Management and Economics (KOSIME) and ASIALICS (Asia Association of Learning, Innovation and Coevolution Studies). Asian Journal of Technology Innovation is anonymously peer-reviewed by at least two referees. This journal has been supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD, Basic Research Promotion Fund).

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Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy

ISSN: 2203-1693

Baltic Journal of Management

ISSN: 1746-5265eISSN: 1746-5273
JUFO Level 1

Publishing multidisciplinary perspectives on contemporary issues and opportunities in emerging fields of management.

Banks and Bank Systems

ISSN: 1816-7403eISSN: 1991-7074
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British Journal of Industrial Relations

ISSN: 0007-1080eISSN: 1467-8543
JUFO Level 2

The recent pace of change within the subject of employment relations has been significant. New forms of management, new methods of pay determination and government policies have led to a move away from the traditional focus of collective bargaining and trade unions and have broadened the scope of the subject. The British Journal of Industrial Relations has acknowledged these changes. It aims to provide content that reflects the growth and development of the subject, so that it can be at the centre of the controversies surrounding work and employment relations in the 21st Century. Its four main objectives are to:

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British Journal of Management

ISSN: 1045-3172eISSN: 1467-8551
JUFO Level 3

The British Journal of Management provides an excellent outlet for research and scholarship on management-related themes and topics. It publishes articles which are of a multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and internationally significant nature, and which are committed to making a positive social impact through thoughtful scholarship. With contributions from around the globe, the journal includes empirical, conceptual and methodological articles across the full range of business and management disciplines, including:.

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Business Systems Research Journal: The Journal of Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy

eISSN: 1847-9375

Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences

ISSN: 0825-0383eISSN: 1936-4490
JUFO Level 1

The Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (CJAS) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, international quarterly that publishes manuscripts with a strong theoretical foundation. The journal welcomes literature reviews, quantitative and qualitative studies as well as conceptual pieces. CJAS is an ISI-listed journal that publishes papers in all key disciplines of business. CJAS is a particularly suitable home for manuscripts of a crossdisciplinary nature. All papers must state in an explicit and compelling way their unique contribution to advancing theory and/or practice in the administrative sciences.

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Cartography and Geographic Information Science

ISSN: 1523-0406eISSN: 1545-0465
JUFO Level 2

Cartography and Geographic Information Science (CaGIS) is the official publication of the Cartography and Geographic Information Society. CaGIS supports research, education, and practices that improve the understanding, creation, analysis, and use of maps and geographic information. The society serves as a forum for the exchange of original concepts, techniques, approaches, and experiences by those who design, implement, and use geospatial technologies through the publication of authoritative articles and international papers. The role of the CaGIS journal is to facilitate these objectives by disseminating results and reports in these areas of interest.

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Corporate Governance: An International Review

ISSN: 0964-8410eISSN: 1467-8683
JUFO Level 2

The mission of Corporate Governance: An International Review is to publish cutting-edge international business research on the phenomena of comparative corporate governance throughout the global economy. Our ultimate goal is a rigorous and relevant global theory of corporate governance. We define corporate governance broadly as the exercise of power over corporate entities so as to increase the value provided to the organization's various stakeholders, as well as making those stakeholders accountable for acting responsibly with regard to the protection, generation, and distribution of wealth invested in the firm. Because of this broad conceptualization, a wide variety of academic disciplines can contribute to our understanding, and we do not limit our perspective to any one theory or methodological paradigm. Previous theory and research has been published by scholars operating from such base disciplines as accounting, economics, finance, law, management, sociology, and political science. In other words, we seek to learn about both the antecedents and effects of corporate governance practices, policies, and principles throughout the world from an interdisciplinary 'conversation'. Authors should strive to produce original, insightful, and interesting theory and research to build on previous corporate governance research or redirect research into entirely new areas, so that we move closer to a parsimonious, accurate and generalizable global theory of corporate governance. All submissions are comprehensively refereed using two or more anonymous reviewers who do not know the names or the affiliations of the submitting author(s). We see reviewing as a developmental process that aims at improving the quality of individual papers. We seek to be the publication outlet of choice for all scholars interested in reading about and publishing research on international aspects of corporate governance, as well as the knowledge center for consultants, practitioners and public policy makers engaged with corporate governance throughout the world.

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Creative Industries Journal

ISSN: 1751-0694eISSN: 1751-0708
JUFO Level 1
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Creativity and Innovation Management

ISSN: 0963-1690eISSN: 1467-8691
JUFO Level 1
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Decision Sciences

ISSN: 0011-7315eISSN: 1540-5915
JUFO Level 2

Decision Sciences, a premier journal of the Decision Sciences Institute, publishes scholarly research about decision making within the boundaries of an organization, as well as decisions involving inter-firm coordination. The journal promotes research advancing decision making at the interfaces of business functions and organizational boundaries. The journal also seeks articles extending established lines of work assuming the results of the research have the potential to substantially impact either decision making theory or industry practice. Ground-breaking research articles that enhance managerial understanding of decision making processes and stimulate further research in multi-disciplinary domains are particularly encouraged. Decision Sciences recognizes that a delicate balance must be maintained between publishing traditional scholarly research and promoting novel, seminal research in new frontiers.

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Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance

ISSN: 2398-5038eISSN: 2398-5046
JUFO Level 1

Assessing the impact of information and communication technologies on the economy and society from a multidisciplinary perspective, DPRG covers topics such as Cybersecurity, Big Data, The Internet of Things and ICT for development.

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

ISSN: 1729-3774eISSN: 1729-4061

Economic and Industrial Democracy

ISSN: 0143-831XeISSN: 1461-7099
JUFO Level 1

Economic and Industrial Democracy is an international, quarterly published, peer reviewed journal that focuses on the study of initiatives designed to enhance the quality of working life through extending the democratic control of workers over the workplace and the economy.

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