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Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal

ISSN: 1477-7282eISSN: 1758-6097

DLO is directed towards practitioners and academics in private, public and not-for-profit sectors. A mix of articles, review articles, interviews and book summaries provide leaders, managers and researchers with the most recent organizational developments

Economic and Industrial Democracy

ISSN: 0143-831XeISSN: 1461-7099
JUFO Level 1

Economic and Industrial Democracy is an international, quarterly published, peer reviewed journal that focuses on the study of initiatives designed to enhance the quality of working life through extending the democratic control of workers over the workplace and the economy.

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Economic and Labour Relations Review

ISSN: 1035-3046
JUFO Level 1
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Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability

ISSN: 1874-8597eISSN: 1874-8600
JUFO Level 1

This international journal investigates and discusses the functions, theories, values and practices of assessment, evaluation and accountability. Coverage includes their impact in schools, higher education and educational systems and their reach into homes and communities.New Editor-in-Chief We are pleased to announce that Karen Edge will start as the new Editor-in-Chief of Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability as of May 1, 2012.Dr. Edge is a faculty member at the Institute of Education, University of London. Karen completed her PhD at OISE/University of Toronto and specializes in educational leadership, organizational development, public policy reform and international development. Most recently, Karen is leading a study of GenerationX school leaders in London, New York and Toronto. Karen regards her appointment to the post of Editor-in-Chief role to be a privilege and will work to build on the successes of John McBeath and Lejf Moos and the Editorial Board. A Thank-You to Lejf Moos and John

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Employee Relations

ISSN: 0142-5455eISSN: 1758-7069
JUFO Level 1

Employee Relations is a leading international academic journal focusing on the importance of understanding employment and HR challenges and debates within the context of contemporary national and international labour markets.

Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal

ISSN: 0892-7545eISSN: 1573-3378

Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal fosters development of the field of employee relations by presenting high-quality, peer-reviewed original research articles and by linking practitioner concerns involving the employment relationship with academic rigor. The journal is interdisciplinary in focus, drawing from a broad range of disciplines including ethics, organizational behavior, law, economics, sociology, social psychology, industrial and employment relations, administrative and organizational studies, and philosophy to further the understanding of both employee responsibilities and rights. The journal offers an international forum for the publication of scholarly peer-reviewed original research including qualitative and quantitative empirical studies, case studies, critical commentaries, and conceptual and dialectic presentations. In addition, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal publishes a Perspectives Section that showcases important contributions in formats other than the traditional research article. Such contributions include symposia/roundtable discussions, commentaries, review essays, interviews, and book reviews.

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

ISSN: 2040-7149eISSN: 2040-7157
JUFO Level 1

EDI offers a platform for critical and rigorous exploration of equal opportunities concerns including gender, ethnicity, class, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, as well as other nascent forms of inequalities in the context of society.

European Journal of Industrial Relations

ISSN: 0959-6801eISSN: 1461-7129
JUFO Level 1

The European Journal of Industrial Relations, edited by Richard Hyman, is the principal English-language forum for the analysis of key developments in European industrial relations and their theoretical and practical implications. EJIR is essential reading for both academics and practitioners concerned with current and emergent trends in industrial and employment relations in Europe and elsewhere.

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European Journal of International Management

ISSN: 1751-6757eISSN: 1751-6765
JUFO Level 1

EJIM is the first international journal devoted entirely to fostering an understanding of issues in international management theory and practice in the newly expanded European arena, including the underrepresented regions of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, and to providing both conceptual and functional implications for further development of research, teaching practices, and managerial techniques. EJIM also solicits literature that allows for a broader interpretation of research: it welcomes papers that introduce a more European perspective through qualitative and interdisciplinary contributions.

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European Journal of Training and Development

ISSN: 2046-9012eISSN: 2046-9020
JUFO Level 1

EJTD aims to provide all those involved in research and practice in training with ideas, news, research findings, case examples and discussion on training and development. The main focus is on Europe but draws insights from an international perspective.

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

ISSN: 1359-432XeISSN: 1464-0643
JUFO Level 2

The mission of the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology is to promote and support the development of Work and Organizational Psychology by publishing high-quality scientific articles that improve our understanding of phenomena occurring in work and organizational settings. The journal publishes empirical, theoretical, methodological, and review articles that are relevant to real-world situations. The journal has a world-wide authorship, readership and editorial board. Submissions from all around the world are invited. The journal primarily publishes freely submitted contributions, but will occasionally also publish a themed special issue, although all contributions are submitted to rigorous peer review. Papers and themed special issues are published on a wide range of topics covered by the umbrella of Work, Organizational, Industrial and Occupational Psychology.Peer Review IntegrityAll published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.Award for best paperThe award available for authors published in this journal:Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) Award for the best paper on LeadershipPrize: $1,000 plus travel expenses to the next EAWOP congress. The winner of the award is selected by the EJWOP editorial team, and are announced every two years, at the European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Special IssuesIssues devoted to a single topic are regularly published in this journal; they are sent free to subscribers in that year, or can be purchased separately as books. Click on the titles below for more information and to order. To suggest a topic and guest-edit a future special issue, read the Instructions for submitting Special Issues Proposals to the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.Do I see us like you see us? Consensus, agreement, and the context of leadership relationshipsGuest editors: Birgit Schyns and David V. DayVolume 19, Issue 3 (2010) ISBN 978-1-84872-728-1Team Innovation, Knowledge and Performance ManagementGuest Editors: Conny Anotni, Guido HertelVolume 18, Issue 3 (2009) ISBN 978-1-84872-720-5Leadership and FairnessGuest Editors: Daan van Knippenberg and David De CremerVolume 17, Issue 2 (2008) ISBN 978-1-84169-848-9Psychological and Organizational Climate Research: Contrasting Perspectives and Research TraditionsGuest Editors: Alessia D'Amato and Michael BurkeVolume 17, Issue 1 (2008) ISBN 978-1-84169-844-1Work and Rest: A Topic for Work and Organizational PsychologyGuest Editors: Fred R.H. Zijlstra and Sabine SonnentagVolume 15, Issue 2 (2006) ISBN 978-1-84169-811-3Related LinksBrowse books in Work, Industrial and Organizational Psychology or view forthcoming conferences in Work, Industrial and Organizational Psychology.You can also join the Psychology Press mailing list for special offers, new books and more! Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Evidence-based HRM: a global forum for empirical scholarship

ISSN: 2049-3983eISSN: 2049-3991
JUFO Level 1

Evidence Based HRM (EBHRM) promotes empirical scholarship in the HR arena and aims to provide an international forum and important reference for the encouragement and dissemination of applied research.

Formation Emploi

ISSN: 0759-6340eISSN: 2107-0946
JUFO Level 1

Gedrag & Organisatie

ISSN: 0921-5077eISSN: 1875-7235
JUFO Level 1
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Gender, Work and Organization

ISSN: 0968-6673eISSN: 1468-0432
JUFO Level 3

Awareness of gender as a central feature of all aspects of everyday life and society has become more and more widespread. Appropriately social sciences research is reflecting this increasing concern with gender, especially in the field of work and organization where this journal is focused. Gender, Work & Organization is the first journal to bring together a wide range of interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research in this field into a new international forum for debate and analysis. Contributions are invited from all disciplinary perspectives including anthropology, history, labour economics, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, and sociology.

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German Journal of Human Resource Management

ISSN: 0179-6437eISSN: 1862-0000
JUFO Level 1

Kurzbeschreibung:Wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift zu Personal, Führung, MotivationDie Zeitschrift für Personalforschung (ISSN 0179-6437) erscheint seit 1987, jeweils zur Quartalsmitte. Die ZfP enthält Originalbeiträge, Diskursbeiträge, Rezensionen, Hinweise auf Neuerscheinungen. Erstveröffentlichungen - vorzugsweise per e-mail als Word-Datei - sind der Redaktion jederzeit willkommen. Eingehende Beiträge werden anonymisiert und zweifach begutachtet. Das Manuskript ist nach Maßgabe der Gutachten zu überarbeiten; die überarbeitete Fassung wird einem Herausgeber nochmals zur Entscheidung über die Publikationswürdigkeit vorgelegt. Nähere Hinweise zur Textgestaltung sind dem in der Redaktion vorliegenden Leitfaden zu entnehmen.

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German Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

ISSN: 0932-4089eISSN: 2190-6270
JUFO Level 1
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Global Business and Organizational Excellence

ISSN: 1932-2054eISSN: 1932-2062
JUFO Level 1

Group and Organization Management

ISSN: 1059-6011eISSN: 1552-3993
JUFO Level 2

Group & Organization Management (GOM), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, publishes the work of scholars and professionals who extend management and organization theory and address the implications for practitioners. Innovation, conceptual sophistication, methodological rigor, and cutting-edge scholarship are the driving principles. From individual behavior to organizational strategy and functioning, GOM features both empirical and theoretical articles spanning various levels of analysis in organizations.

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Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO)

ISSN: 2366-6145eISSN: 2366-6218
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