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Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory

ISSN: 1567-2190eISSN: 1567-2328
JUFO Level 1
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Foundations and Trends in Networking

ISSN: 1554-057XeISSN: 1554-0588
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Foundations and Trends in Web Science

ISSN: 1555-077XeISSN: 1555-0788
JUFO Level 1
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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering

eISSN: 2095-9230
JUFO Level 1
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Future Generation Computer Systems: The International Journal of eScience

ISSN: 0167-739XeISSN: 1872-7115
JUFO Level 3

The Grid is a rapidly developing computing structure that allows components of our information technology infrastructure, computational capabilities, databases, sensors, and people to be shared flexibly as true collaborative tools. Over the last 3 years there has been a real explosion of new theory and technological progress supporting a better understanding of these wide-area, fully distributed computing systems. After the advances made in distributed system design, collaborative environments, high performance computing and high throughput computing, the Grid is the logical next step.The new Aims and Scope of FGCS will cover new developments in:[1] Grid Applications and application support:Novel applicationseScience and eBusiness applicationsProblem solving environments and virtual laboratoriesGrid economySemantic and knowledge based gridsCollaborative Grids and virtual organizationsHigh Performance and high throughput computing on gridsComplex application workflowsScientific, industrial and social implicationsGrids in education[2] Grid methods and middleware:Tools for grid development: monitoring and schedulingDistributed dynamic resource managementGrid- and web-servicesInformation managementProtocols and emerging standardsPeer to peer and internet computingPervasive computingGrid Security[3] Grid Theory:Process specification; program and algorithm designTheoretical aspects of wide area communication and computationScaling and performance theoryProtocol verification

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Future Internet

eISSN: 1999-5903

Future Internet (ISSN 1999-5903) is a scholarly open access journal which provides an advanced forum for scientific studies related to Internet technologies and the information society. It publishes regular research papers, reviews and short communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. Therefore, there is no restriction on the length of the papers or the use of color figures. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. There are, in addition, unique features of this journal: manuscripts regarding research proposals and research ideas will be particularly welcomed electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculation and experimental procedure, if unable to be published in a normal way, can be deposited as supplementary material we also accept manuscripts communicating to a broader audience with regard to research projects financed with public funds

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ICT Express

eISSN: 2405-9595

The growth in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector has exploded over the past 20 years. This technology advancement enables portable devices to be always connected while supporting high data rate, resulting in the recent popularity of smartphones that have a considerable impact in economic and social development. The high processing capability and the ubiquitous connectivity of recent communication devices allow telecommunication technology to be converged with other industry sectors, such as healthcare, automobile, transportation, entertainment, building architecture, and energy. This convergence in ICT opens up great opportunities for new services and applications, which can lead to economic growth with a wide spectrum of industrial areas. ICT Express, published by the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS), is a quarterly archived open access journal providing researchers in the ICT field an opportunity to share their newest research results in a timely manner. Each submission will be reviewed by experts in the field. Once accepted, the provisional version will be published online within six weeks after the submission, and the final version will be published online within eight weeks. ICT Express covers the field of ICT convergence, platform technologies, communication networks, and device technologies. We invite short-length (up to 4 pages in double columns) high-quality, original letter articles that explicitly address the unique technical challenges encountered in the convergence of information and communication technology.

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IEEE Communications Magazine

ISSN: 0163-6804eISSN: 1558-1896
JUFO Level 2

IEEE Communications Magazine, considered by most to be their most important member benefit, provides timely information on all aspects of communications: monthly feature articles describe technology, systems, services, market trends, development methods, regulatory and policy issues, and significant global events. These articles are complemented by a variety of departments, including: Conference Calendar, Book Reviews, the Global Communications Newsletter, and Scanning the Literature. Articles are tutorial in nature and written in a style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article.

For submission guidelines, please see

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IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine

ISSN: 2162-2264eISSN: 2162-2272
JUFO Level 1

 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine informs readers of activities in the IEEE EMC Society and educates members via practical technical papers and design tips.


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IEEE Intelligent Systems

ISSN: 1541-1672eISSN: 1941-1294
JUFO Level 2

IEEE Intelligent Systems serves users, managers, developers, researchers, and purchasers who are interested in intelligent systems and artificial intelligence, with particular emphasis on applications. Typically they are degreed professionals, with backgrounds in engineering, hard science, or business. The publication emphasizes current practice and experience, together with promising new ideas that are likely to be used in the near future. Sample topic areas for feature articles include knowledge-based systems, intelligent software agents, natural-language processing, technologies for knowledge management, machine learning, data mining, adaptive and intelligent robotics, knowledge-intensive processing on the Web, and social issues relevant to intelligent systems. Also encouraged are application features, covering practice at one or more companies or laboratories; full-length product stories (which require refereeing by at least three reviewers); tutorials; surveys; and case studies. Often issues are theme-based and collect articles around a contemporary topic under the auspices of a Guest Editor working with the EIC.

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IEEE Internet Computing

ISSN: 1089-7801eISSN: 1941-0131
JUFO Level 3

This magazine provides a journal-quality evaluation and review of Internet-based computer applications and enabling technologies. It also provides a source of information as well as a forum for both users and developers. The focus of the magazine is on Internet services using WWW, agents, and similar technologies. This does not include traditional software concerns such as object-oriented or structured programming, or Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) or Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) standards. The magazine may, however, treat the intersection of these software technologies with the Web or agents. For instance, the linking of ORBs and Web servers or the conversion of KQML messages to object requests are relevant technologies for this magazine. An article strictly about CORBA would not be. This magazine is not focused on intelligent systems. Techniques for encoding knowledge or breakthroughs in neural net technologies are outside its scope, as would be an article on the efficacy of a particular expert system. Internet Computing focuses on technologies and applications that allow practitioners to leverage off services to be found on the Internet. Agents are one technology for doing so, independent of claims about intelligence. In fact, most of the useful agent technology being deployed on the Internet is distinct from the multi-user agent technology developed in the AI world. The latter typically focuses on architectures supporting beliefs, intentions, and other human-like characteristics. Such characteristics are typically not relevant to Internet agents. More important are system engineering issues such as Internet mobility, shared protocols, ontologies, registration, and routing. Network software and hardware per se are not in the scope of this magazine. On the other hand, hardware that permits faster execution of a specific Web technology, such as Java chips, would be covered.

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IEEE Internet of Things Journal

eISSN: 2327-4662
JUFO Level 2

IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal publishes articles on the latest advances, as well as review articles, on the various aspects of IoT. Topics include IoT system architecture, IoT enabling technologies, IoT communication and networking protocols such as network coding, and IoT services and applications. Examples are IoT demands, impacts, and implications on sensors technologies, big data management, and future Internet design for various IoT use cases, such as smart cities, smart environments, smart homes, etc. The fields of interest include: IoT architecture such as things-centric, data-centric, service-oriented IoT architecture; IoT enabling technologies and systematic integration such as sensor technologies, big sensor data management, and future Internet design for IoT; IoT services, applications, and test-beds such as IoT service middleware, IoT application programming interface (API), IoT application design, and IoT trials/experiments; IoT standardization activities and technology development in different standard development organizations (SDO) such as IEEE, IETF, ITU, 3GPP, ETSI, etc.

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IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

ISSN: 1558-0008
JUFO Level 2

Each issue of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) is devoted to a specific technical topic and thus provides to JSAC readers a collection of up-to-date papers on that topic. These issues are valuable to the research community and become valuable references. The technical topics covered by JSAC issues span the entire field of communications and networking. JSAC publishes only papers that are submitted in response to a Call-for-Papers. These calls are published in JSAC issues and other publications of the IEEE Communications Society as appropriate to the subject area of the call. Papers submitted for review for possible publication in a JSAC issue must be submitted to one of the Guest Editors listed in the Call-for-Papers. See "Information for Authors" found in any JSAC issue for additional instructions. Topics for JSAC issues are determined by the JSAC Editorial Board after review of proposals submitted by interested parties. All are invited to submit proposals. Instructions for submitting proposals are included in the Guidelines for Proposal preparation on the JSAC website. Recent issue themes included: Network Coding for Wireless Communication Networks, Wireless and Pervasive Communications for Healthcare, Network Infrastructure Configuration, Broadband Access Networks: Architectures and Protocols, Body Area Networking: Technology and Applications, Underwater Wireless Communication Networks, Game Theory in Communication Systems, Exploiting Limited Feedback in Tomorrow’s Communication Networks.

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IEEE Network

ISSN: 0890-8044eISSN: 1558-156X
JUFO Level 3

As currently defined, IEEE Network covers the following areas: 1. network protocols and architectures, 2. Protocol design and validation, 3. Communication software and its development and test, 4. Network control and signalling, 5. network management, 6. Practical network implementations including local area networks, (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), and wide area networks, (WANs), 7. Switching and processing in integrated (voice/data) networks and network components, 8. Micro-to-host communication.

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IEEE Security and Privacy

ISSN: 1540-7993eISSN: 1558-4046
JUFO Level 2

IEEE Security & Privacy’s primary objective is to stimulate and track advances in security, privacy, and dependability and present these advances in a form that can be useful to a broad cross-section of the professional community—ranging from academic researchers to industry practitioners. It provides articles with both a practical and research bent by the top thinkers in the field of security and privacy, along with case studies, surveys, tutorials, columns, and in-depth interviews and podcasts for the information security industry.

Through special issues, the magazine explores other timely aspects of privacy in areas such as usable security, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, cryptography, and big data. Other popular topics include software, hardware, network, and systems security, privacy-enhancing technologies, data analytics for security and privacy, wireless/mobile and embedded security, security foundations, security economics, privacy policies, integrated design methods, sociotechnical aspects, and critical infrastructure. In addition, the magazine accepts peer-reviewed articles of wide interest under a general call, and also features regular columns on hot topics and interviews with luminaries in the field.

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IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing

eISSN: 2168-7161
JUFO Level 1

The IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC) is dedicated to the multidisciplinary field of cloud computing. It is committed to the publication of articles that present innovative research ideas, application results, and case studies in cloud computing, focusing on key technical issues related to theory, algorithms, systems, applications, and performance.

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IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

eISSN: 2332-7731
JUFO Level 1

The IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN) is committed to timely publishing of high-quality manuscripts that advance to the state-of-the-art of cognitive communications and networking research. Cognitive in this context means the applications of perception, learning, reasoning, memory and adaptive approaches in the design of communication systems. The transactions will consider submissions in the broad area of cognitive communications and networks, with an emphasis on taking holistic and possibly trans-disciplinary approach on design of complex communications systems. The core topics covered include (but are not limited to): architecture, protocols, cross-layer, and cognition cycle design for cognitive networks, machine learning and artificial intelligence for cognitive communications and networks, end-to-end and distributed intelligence at and beyond all layers of communications, software-defined networking, cognitive radios, spectrum sharing, trading and relevant economical aspects of networks, security and privacy issues in cognitive networks, novel emerging services and applications enabled by such concepts.

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IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems

eISSN: 2325-5870
JUFO Level 2

The IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems is committed to the timely publication of high-impact papers at the intersection of control systems and network science. In particular, the journal addresses research on the analysis, design and implementation of networked control systems, as well as control over networks. Relevant work includes the full spectrum from basic research on control systems to the design of engineering solutions for automatic control of, and over, networks. The topics covered by this journal include: Coordinated control and estimation over networks, Control and computation over sensor networks, Control under communication constraints, Control and performance analysis issues that arise in the dynamics of networks used in application areas such as communications, computers, transportation, manufacturing, Web ranking and aggregation, social networks, biology, power systems, economics, Synchronization of activities across a controlled network, Stability analysis of controlled networks, Analysis of networks as hybrid dynamical systems.

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IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

ISSN: 2168-2291eISSN: 2168-2305
JUFO Level 1

The scope of the IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems includes the fields of human machine systems. It covers human systems and human organizational interactions including cognitive ergonomics, system test and evaluation, and human information processing concerns in systems and organizations.

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IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

ISSN: 1556-6013eISSN: 1556-6021
JUFO Level 2

The IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security covers the sciences, technologies, and applications relating to information forensics, information security, biometrics, surveillance and systems applications that incorporate these features.

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