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Applied Computing and Informatics

ISSN: 2210-8327

Applied Computing and Informatics aims to be timely in disseminating leading-edge knowledge to researchers, practitioners and academics whose interest is in the latest developments in applied computing and information systems concepts, strategies, practices, tools and technologies. In particular, the journal encourages research studies that have significant contributions to make to the continuous development and improvement of IT practices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries. By doing so, the journal attempts to bridge the gap between the academic and industrial community, and therefore, welcomes theoretically grounded, methodologically sound research studies that address various IT-related problems and innovations of an applied nature. The journal will serve as a forum for practitioners, researchers, managers and IT policy makers to share their knowledge and experience in the design, development, implementation, management and evaluation of various IT applications. Contributions may deal with, but are not limited to:
• Internet and E-Commerce Architecture, Infrastructure, Models, Deployment Strategies and Methodologies.
• E-Business and E-Government Adoption.
• Mobile Commerce and their Applications.
• Applied Telecommunication Networks.
• Software Engineering Approaches, Methodologies, Techniques, and Tools.
• Applied Data Mining and Warehousing.
• Information Strategic Planning and Recourse Management.
• Applied Wireless Computing.
• Enterprise Resource Planning Systems.
• IT Education.
• Societal, Cultural, and Ethical Issues of IT.
• Policy, Legal and Global Issues of IT.
• Enterprise Database Technology.
• IT Effectiveness and Performance Management.
• Geographical Information Systems.
• IT Investment and Project Management.
• Knowledge Management and IT Transfer.
• Enterprise Application Integration.
• Information and Internet Security.
• Applied Aspects of Arabization.
• Agent Technologies and their Applications.
• IT and Organizational Change Management.
• Business Process, Modeling, Analysis, Re-engineering, and Management.
• Health Informatics.
• Neural Networks Applications.
• Emerging Technologies.
• Net-Centric Applied Computing.
• Applied Intelligent Systems.
• Quality and Performance Management Systems.
• IT Adoption in Public and Private Sectors.
• IT Outsourcing and Application Service Provider.
• Electronic Customer Relationship Management.
• Human and Educational Information Systems.
• National Information Plans and Policies.
• Interdisciplinary Issues.

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Applied Ontology:An Interdisciplinary Journal of Ontological Analysis and Conceptual Modeling

ISSN: 1570-5838eISSN: 1875-8533
JUFO Level 2
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Aslib Journal of Information Management

ISSN: 2050-3806eISSN: 2050-3814

Aslib Journal of Information Management provides key insights into the latest international developments in the research and practice of information management and information science

Australasian Journal of Information Systems

ISSN: 1449-8618
JUFO Level 1

Big Data

ISSN: 2167-6461eISSN: 2167-647X
JUFO Level 1
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Big Data Research

eISSN: 2214-5796
JUFO Level 1

The journal aims to promote and communicate advances in big data research by providing a fast and high quality forum for researchers, practitioners and policy makers from the very many different communities working on, and with, this topic.The journal will accept papers on foundational aspects in dealing with big data, as well as papers on specific Platforms and Technologies used to deal with big data. To promote Data Science and interdisciplinary collaboration between fields, and to showcase the benefits of data driven research, papers demonstrating applications of big data in domains as diverse as Geoscience, Social Web, Finance, e-Commerce, Health Care, Environment and Climate, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, life sciences and drug discovery, digital libraries and scientific publications, security and government will also be considered. Occasionally the journal may publish whitepapers on policies, standards and best practices.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Briefings in Bioinformatics

ISSN: 1467-5463eISSN: 1477-4054
JUFO Level 2

Briefings in Bioinformatics is an international forum for researchers and educators in the life sciences. The journal publishes reviews for the users of databases and analytical tools of contemporary genetics and molecular biology and is unique in providing practical help and guidance to the non-specialist. Papers range in scope and depth, from the introductory level to specific details of protocols and analyses encompassing bacterial, plant, animal and human data.Detailed subject areas covered by the journal include: DNA sequencing, expression profiling, alignment methods, gene expression studies, protein profiles and HMMs, metabolic and signalling pathways, structure and function prediction, mapping and microarrays.

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Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

ISSN: 2089-3191eISSN: 2302-9285

Business & Information Systems Engineering

ISSN: 2363-7005eISSN: 1867-0202
JUFO Level 2

BISE (Business & Information Systems Engineering) is an international scholarly and double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific research on the effective and efficient design and utilization of information systems by individuals, groups, enterprises, and society for the improvement of social welfare. Information systems are understood as socio-technical systems comprising tasks, people, and information technology. Research published in the journal examines relevant problems in the analysis, design, implementation, and management of information systems.

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Business Systems Research Journal: The Journal of Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy

eISSN: 1847-9375


ISSN: 2052-2541eISSN: 2052-2541

Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science

ISSN: 1195-096X
JUFO Level 1

A respected source of the most up-to-date research on library and information science, The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science is recognized internationally for its authoritative bilingual contributions to the field of information science. Established in 1976, the journal is produced by CAIS/ACSI and is dedicated to the publication of research findings, both in full-length and in brief format; reviews of books; software and technology; and letters to the editor. The editorial policy of the journal is to continue the advancement of information and library science in both English and French Canada by serving as a forum for discussion of theory and research. The journal is concerned with research findings, understanding the issues in the field, and understanding the history, economics, technology, and human behaviour of information library systems and services.

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Cluster Computing

ISSN: 1386-7857eISSN: 1573-7543

Cluster Computing addresses the latest results in these fields that support High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC). In HPDC environments, parallel and/or distributed computing techniques are applied to the solution of computationally intensive applications across networks of computers. The journal represents an important source of information for the growing number of researchers, developers and users of HPDC environments.Cluster Computing: the Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications provides a forum for presenting the latest research and technology in the fields of parallel processing, distributed computing systems and computer networks.

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Communications in Information and Systems

ISSN: 1526-7555eISSN: 2163-4548
JUFO Level 1
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Communications of the Association for Information Systems

eISSN: 1529-3181
JUFO Level 2
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Computational Management Science

ISSN: 1619-697XeISSN: 1619-6988
JUFO Level 1

Computational Management Science is an international journal focusing on all computational aspects of management science. These include theoretical and empirical analysis of computational models: computational statistics: analysis and applications of constrained, unconstrained, robust, stochastic and combinatorial optimisation algorithms: dynamic models, such as dynamic programming and decision trees: new search tools and algorithms for global optimisation, modelling, learning and forecasting: models and tools of knowledge acquisition. The emphasis on computational paradigms is an intended feature of CMS, distinguishing it from more classical operations research journals.Officially cited as: Comput Manag Sci

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Computational Social Networks

eISSN: 2197-4314
JUFO Level 1

Social networks, Social computing, Mathematics of social networks, Computational aspects of social networks, Therory of social computing

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Computer Communications

ISSN: 0140-3664eISSN: 1873-703X
JUFO Level 1

Computer and Communications networks are key infrastructures of the information society with high socio-economic value as they contribute to the correct operations of many critical services (from healthcare to finance and transportation). Internet is the core of today's computer-communication infrastructures. This has transformed the Internet, from a robust network for data transfer between computers, to a global, content-rich, communication and information system where contents are increasingly generated by the users, and distributed according to human social relations. Next-generation network technologies, architectures and protocols are therefore required to overcome the limitations of the legacy Internet and add new capabilities and services. The future Internet should be ubiquitous, secure, resilient, and closer to human communication paradigms.Computer Communications is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes high-quality scientific articles (both theory and practice) and survey papers covering all aspects of future computer communication networks (on all layers, except the physical layer), with a special attention to the evolution of the Internet architecture, protocols, services, and applications. Topics include, but are not limited to:Emerging technologies for next generation networkLAN/WAN/MANFuture Internet architecture, protocols and servicesContent- and service-centric architectureMobile and ubiquitous networksSelf organizing/autonomic networkingGreen networkingInternet content searchQoS and multimedia networkingOpportunistic networkingOn-line social networksInternet of thingsPublic safety communication networksNetwork applications (web, multimedia streaming, VoIP, gaming, etc.)Trust, security and privacy in computer and communication networksModeling, measurement and simulationComplex network modelsInternet socio-economic modelsExperimental test-beds and research platformsAlgorithmic aspects of communication networksNetwork scaling and limitsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Computer Networks

ISSN: 1389-1286
JUFO Level 2

Computer Networks is an international, archival journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in the computer communications networking area. The audience includes researchers, managers and operators of networks as well as designers and implementors. The Editorial Board will consider any material for publication that is of interest to those groups.SUBJECT COVERAGEThe topics covered by the journal but not limited to these are:1. Communication Network Architectures:New design contributions on Local Area Networks (LANs), Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs) including Wired, Wireless, Mobile, Cellular, Sensor, Optical, IP, ATM, and other related network technologies, as well as new switching technologies and the integration of various networking paradigms.2. Communication Network Protocols:New design contributions on all protocol layers except the Physical Layer, considering all types of networks mentioned above and their performance evaluation; novel protocols, methods and algorithms related to, e.g., medium access control, error control, routing, resource discovery, multicasting, congestion and flow control, scheduling, multimedia quality of service, as well as protocol specification, testing and verification.3. Network Services and Applications:Web, Web caching, Web performance, Middleware and operating system support for all types of networking, electronic commerce, quality of service, new adaptive applications, and multimedia services.4. Network Security and Privacy:Security protocols, authentication, denial of service, anonymity, smartcards, intrusion detection, key management, viruses and other malicious codes, information flow, data integrity, mobile code and agent security.5. Network Operation and Management:Including network pricing, network system software, quality of service, signaling protocols, mobility management, power management and power control algorithms, network planning, network dimensioning, network reliability, network performance measurements, network modeling and analysis, and overall system management.6. Discrete Algorithms and Discrete ModelingAlgorithmic and discrete aspects in the context of computer networking as well as mobile and wireless computing and communications. Fostering cooperation among practitioners and theoreticians in this field.TYPES OF CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDEREDThe primary purpose of the journal is to publish original and complete papers covering a specific topic or project in the above mentioned areas in sufficient detail and depth to be of practical use to interested readers. The readers should benefit from the novel solutions and analyses presented in the papers. Enhanced, extended versions of quality papers presented at conferences or workshops can be submitted to our journal for review. Note that papers which were already published with the same contents or simultaneous submission of the same paper to other journals or conferences will not be considered for publication in our journal and will be immediately rejected.REVIEW PROCEDUREAll submitted papers are processed by the Area Editors on the Editorial Board within their specialized areas. The area editors collect a minimum of two detailed and constructive referee reports and decide about the outcome and inform the authors. The referee reports are fully considered by the Area Editors in selecting the papers for publication. The names of referees are not divulged to the authors. However, the referee reports are provided to the authors to assist them in revising their papers accordingly.

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Computer Science Review

ISSN: 1574-0137eISSN: 1876-7745
JUFO Level 1

Computer Science Review intends to fulfil a need in the Computer Science community by publishing research surveys and expository overviews in computer science and related fields. The reviews are aimed at a general computer science audience seeking a full and expert overview of the latest in computer science research.The journal will publish research surveys and expository overviews in computer science. Articles from other fields are welcome, as long as their content is relevant to computer science.Articles should be of sufficient scientific interest and help to advance the fundamental understanding of ongoing research, applied or theoretical, for a general computer science audience. The treatment of each topic should be more than a catalogue of known results. Emphasis should be on clarity and originality of presentation and each survey should add insight to the topic under review.A survey may typically contain the following elements:Introduction (including motivation and historical remarks)Outline of the SurveyBasic concepts, examples and results (with sketches of the proofs)Comments on the relevance of the results, relations to other results and applicationsOpen problemsCritical review of the relevant literatureComprehensive bibliographyAuthors should give a clear and well-balanced treatment of their subject. Expanded versions of primary research papers are generally not acceptable. The optimal length for a paper is considered to be approximately 30 printed pages or about 20,000 words, including tables and diagrams.

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