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Journal of Australian Political Economy

ISSN: 0156-5826
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Banking Regulation

ISSN: 1745-6452eISSN: 1750-2071
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Banking and Finance

ISSN: 0378-4266
JUFO Level 2

The Journal of Banking and Finance (JBF) publishes theoretical and empirical research papers spanning all the major research fields in finance and banking. The aim of the Journal of Banking and Finance is to provide an outlet for the increasing flow of scholarly research concerning financial institutions and the money and capital markets within which they function. The Journal's emphasis is on theoretical developments and their implementation, empirical, applied, and policy-oriented research in banking and other domestic and international financial institutions and markets. The Journal's purpose is to improve communications between, and within, the academic and other research communities and policymakers and operational decision makers at financial institutions - private and public, national and international, and their regulators.Main subjects covered include: Accounting and Financial Reporting; Alternative Investments; Asset Pricing; Banking Efficiency; Banking Regulation; Bank Solvency and Capital Structure; Behavioural Finance; Commodity and Energy Markets; Corporate Finance; Corporate Governance and Ethics; Credit Rating; Derivative Pricing and Hedging; Empirical Finance; Financial Applications of Decision Theory or Game Theory; Financial Applications of Simulation or Numerical Methods; Financial Economics; Financial Engineering; Financial Forecasting; Financial Risk Management and Analysis; Portfolio Optimization and Trading; Regulation of Financial Markets and Institutions; Stochastic Models for Asset and Instrument Prices; Systemic Risk.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

ISSN: 2214-8043eISSN: 2214-8051
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly the Journal of Socio-Economics) welcomes submissions that deal with various economic topics but also involve issues that are related to other social sciences, especially psychology, or use experimental methods of inquiry. Thus, contributions in behavioral economics, experimental economics, economic psychology, and judgment and decision making are especially welcome. The journal is open to different research methodologies, as long as they are relevant to the topic and employed rigorously. Possible methodologies include, for example, experiments, surveys, empirical work, theoretical models, meta-analyses, case studies, and simulation-based analyses. Literature reviews that integrate findings from many studies are also welcome, but they should synthesize the literature in a useful manner and provide substantial contribution beyond what the reader could get by simply reading the abstracts of the cited papers. In empirical work, it is important that the results are not only statistically significant but also economically significant. A high contribution-to-length ratio is expected from published articles and therefore papers should not be unnecessarily long, and short articles are welcome. Articles should be written in a manner that is intelligible to our generalist readership. Book reviews are generally solicited but occasionally unsolicited reviews will also be published. Contact the Book Review Editor for related inquiries.

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Journal of Bioeconomics

ISSN: 1387-6996eISSN: 1573-6989
JUFO Level 1

 The Journal of Bioeconomics is devoted to creative interdisciplinary dialogues between biologists and economists. It promotes the mutual exchange of theories, methods, and data where biology can help explaining economic behavior and the nature of the human economy: and where economics is conducive to understanding the economy of nature. The Journal invites contributions relevant to the bioeconomic agenda from economic fields such as behavioral economics, biometric studies, neuroeconomics, consumer studies, ecological economics, evolutionary economics, evolutionary game theory, political economy, and ethnicity studies. From biology, the Journal welcomes contributions from, among others, evolutionary biology, systematic biology, behavioral ecology, ethology, paleobiology, and sociobiology. The scholarly discussion also covers selected topics from behavioral sciences, cognitive science, evolutionary anthropology, evolutionary psychology, epistemology, and ethics.   Officially cited as: J Bioecon  

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Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

ISSN: 0735-0015eISSN: 1537-2707
JUFO Level 3

The Journal of Business & Economic Statistics serves as a unique meeting place for applied economists, econometricians, and statisticians developing appropriate empirical methodologies for a broad range of topics in business and economics. JBES is consistently ranked among the top 10 of all economics journals. Coverage includes forecasting, data quality, policy evaluation, and more.

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Journal of Business Cycle Research

ISSN: 2509-7962eISSN: 2509-7970
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Business Economics

ISSN: 0044-2372eISSN: 1861-8928
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Business Economics & Management

ISSN: 1611-1699eISSN: 2029-4433
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Business Economics and Management is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research papers. It keeps the continuity of the Journal 8220;Almanach des praktischen Managements in Mittel- und Ost-Europa8221;. JBEM has been published since 1999. It is currently published quarterly.Areas of Research Areas of research include, but are not limited to, the following:- Global Business- Transition Issues- Economic Growth and Development- Economics of Organizations and Industries- Finance and Investment- Strategic Management- Marketing- Innovations- Public Administration- Case Studies.

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Journal of Business Ethics

ISSN: 0167-4544eISSN: 1573-0697
JUFO Level 2

The Journal of Business Ethics publishes only original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business that bring something new or unique to the discourse in their field. Contributors examine moral aspects of systems of production, consumption, marketing, advertising, social and economic accounting, labor relations, public relations and organizational behavior. In order to promote a dialogue between the various interested groups as much as possible, papers are presented in a style relatively free of specialist jargon. From its inception the Journal has aimed to improve the human condition by providing a public forum for discussion and debate about ethical issues related to business. The style and level of dialogue involve all who are interested in business ethics - the business community, universities, government agencies and consumer groups. FT 40 - This journal is one of the 40 journals used by the Financial Times in compiling the pr

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Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis

ISSN: 1932-9156
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Journal of Commodity Markets

eISSN: 2405-8513
JUFO Level 1
The aim of the Journal of Commodity Markets (JCM) will be to publish high-quality research in all areas of economics and finance related to commodity markets. The research may be theoretical, empirical, or policy-related. The JCM will place an emphasis on originality, quality, and clear presentation.

The purpose of the journal is also to stimulate international dialog among academics, industry participants, traders, investors, and policymakers with mutual interests in commodity markets. The mandate for the journal is to present ongoing work within commodity economics and finance. Topics can be related to financialization of commodity markets; pricing, hedging, and risk analysis of commodity derivatives; risk premia in commodity markets; real option analysis for commodity project investment and production; portfolio allocation including commodities; forecasting in commodity markets; corporate finance for commodity-exposed corporations; econometric/statistical analysis of commodity markets; organization of commodity markets; regulation of commodity markets; local and global commodity trading; and commodity supply chains. Commodity markets in this context are energy markets (including renewables), metal markets, mineral markets, agricultural markets, livestock and fish markets, markets for weather derivatives, emission markets, shipping markets, water, and related markets. This interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary journal will cover all commodity markets and is thus relevant for a broad audience. Commodity markets are not only of academic interest but also highly relevant for many practitioners, including asset managers, industrial managers, investment bankers, risk managers, and also policymakers in governments, central banks, and supranational institutions.

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Journal of Common Market Studies

ISSN: 0021-9886eISSN: 1468-5965
JUFO Level 2

JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies is the leading journal in the field, publishing high quality, and accessible articles on the latest European Integration issues. For 40 years the Journal has been the forum for the development and evaluation of theoretical and empirical issues in the politics and economics of European integration, focusing principally on developments within the EU. JCMS aims to achieve a disciplinary balance between political science, economics and international relations, including the various sub disciplines such as international political economy. The editors are also open to submissions based in other social science of legal disciplines. In addition to mainstream theoretical and empirical articles, the JCMS publishes shorter pieces in its European Agenda section which focus on specific policy areas or which report the results of specialised research projects. Each year a special issue is devoted to a comprehensive review of the activities of the European Union in the previous year. JCMS is committed to deepening the theoretical understanding of European integration. It will continue to develop as the primary forum for the analysis of all aspects relating to the process of European integration.

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Journal of Comparative Asian Development

ISSN: 1533-9114eISSN: 2150-5403
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Comparative Asian Development aims to offer the most up-to-date research, analyses, and findings on the many aspects of social, economic, and political development in contemporary Asia conducted by scholars and experts from Asia and elsewhere. It intends to offer in-depth as well as comparative studies which will interest scholars, private and public institutions, entrepreneurs, as well as policymakers. Above all, it aspires to serve as an international forum for Asian academics and experts with their counterparts from the rest of the world. Considerable emphasis is placed on comparative development to overcome a common weakness of regional studies, based on the belief that the latter will be enhanced by a comparative approach, together with theory-building and theory-adaptation. The Journal of Comparative Asian Development is a truly independent academic publication, and it welcomes contributions from all those interested in scholarly exchanges in the broad field of comparative Asian studies.

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Journal of Comparative Economics

ISSN: 0147-5967
JUFO Level 2

The mission of the Journal of Comparative Economics is to lead the new orientations of research in comparative economics. Before 1989, the core of comparative economics was the comparison of economic systems with in particular the economic analysis of socialism in its different forms. In the last fifteen years, the main focus of interest of comparative economists has been the transition from socialism to capitalism. In recent years, mostly as a result of the transition experience, a new orientation of comparative economics has emerged that focuses on the comparison of the economic effects of the various institutions of capitalism, be it in the legal sphere (common law versus civil law), in the political sphere (different types of democracies and electoral regimes) or in the sphere of culture, social norms, etc. This new orientation is a natural development following the very diverse experience of transitions from socialism to capitalism. The transition experience has indeed shown with a vengeance the importance of institutions in the process of economic development.Questions raised along these new orientations include: what institutions are critical (courts, credit markets, good regulations, etc) for successful growth?; how should institutions be measured (subjective surveys, particular laws on the books, etc); why are certain institutions, such as courts and regulatory culture, slow-moving while others, such as constitutions and electoral procedures, relatively fast-moving; why is there so much cross-sectional variance in the quality of institutions, and what kinds of initial conditions or historic natural experiments can be employed to estimate the causal impact of institutions on economic performance? The Journal of Comparative Economics will maintain its tradition of publishing the best papers on the Chinese economy and of being an important outlet for work on economies in Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union; the Journal of Comparative Economics aims to enlarge the interest of the journal to other emerging market economies.

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Journal of Competition Law & Economics

ISSN: 1744-6414eISSN: 1744-6422
JUFO Level 2

The Journal of Competition Law & Economics is a quarterly journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles on competition law, including developments in the United States, the European Union, and other regions and nations.

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Journal of Consumer Culture

ISSN: 1469-5405eISSN: 1741-2900
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Consumer Culture (JOC), edited by Doug Holt, is a fully peer reviewed journal which promotes multidisciplinary research focused on consumption and consumer culture. Publishing three times a year, and indexed in ISI - Impact Factor pending, it adopts a global perspective critically drawing on both theory and empirical research within history, anthropology, media studies, sociology, marketing, geography, and beyond.

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Journal of Consumer Policy

ISSN: 0168-7034eISSN: 1573-0700

The Journal of Consumer Policy is a refereed, international journal which encompasses a broad range of issues concerned with consumer affairs. It looks at the consumer's dependence on existing social and economic structures, helps to define the consumer's interest, and discusses the ways in which consumer welfare can be fostered - or restrained - through actions and policies of consumers, industry, organizations, government, educational institutions, and the mass media.The Journal of Consumer Policy publishes theoretical and empirical research on consumer and producer conduct, emphasizing the implications for consumers and increasing communication between the parties in the marketplace.Articles cover consumer issues in law, economics, and behavioural sciences. Current areas of topical interest include the impact of new information technologies, the economics of information, the consequences of regulation or deregulation of markets, problems related to an increasing internationalization of trade and marketing practices, consumers in less affluent societies, the efficacy of economic cooperation, consumers and the environment, problems with products and services provided by the public sector, the setting of priorities by consumer organizations and agencies, gender issues, product safety and product liability, and the interaction between consumption and associated forms of behaviour such as work and leisure.The Journal of Consumer Policy reports regularly on developments in legal policy with a bearing on consumer issues. It covers the integration of consumer law in the European Union and other transnational communities and analyzes trends in the application and implementation of consumer legislation through administrative agencies, courts, trade associations, and consumer organizations. It also considers the impact of consumer legislation on the supply side and discusses comparative legal approaches to issues of cons, umer policy in different parts of the world.The Journal of Consumer Policy informs readers about a broad array of consumer policy issues by publishing regularly both extended book reviews and brief, non-evaluative book notes on new publications in the field. Officially cited as: J Consum Policy

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Journal of Consumer Research

ISSN: 0093-5301eISSN: 1537-5277
JUFO Level 3

Founded in 1974, the Journal of Consumer Research publishes scholarly research that describes and explains consumer behavior. Empirical, theoretical, and methodological articles spanning fields such as psychology, marketing, sociology, economics, and anthropology are featured in this interdisciplinary journal. The primary thrust of JCR is academic, rather than managerial, with topics ranging from micro-level processes (e.g., brand choice) to more macro-level issues (e.g., the development of materialistic values).

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Journal of Corporate Finance

ISSN: 0929-1199
JUFO Level 3

The Journal of Corporate Finance aims to publish high quality, original manuscripts that analyze issues related to corporate finance.Contributions can be of a theoretical, empirical, or clinical nature.Topical areas of interest include, but are not limited to: financial structure, payout policies, corporate restructuring, financial contracts, corporate governance arrangements, the economics of organizations, the influence of legal structures, and international financial management. Papers that apply asset pricing and microstructure analysis to corporate finance issues are also welcome.Submission Policy StatementThe editors of the Journal of Corporate Finance are committed to publishing papers that advance our knowledge of corporate finance through both theoretical and empirical work. We hope to publish papers that are useful to readers and that are innovative. We will publish papers with "non results" if they contribute to our general understanding of corporate finance. In today's world, there are vast amounts of data from many different countries available readily. Thus, there are great opportunities to do work that expand our knowledge. However, there are also unprecedented opportunities to find correlations among variables with weak theoretical justification. Papers that do so will not be published. Our goal is to publish research that impacts our understanding of corporate finance.The Journal of Corporate Finance has a two-stage review process. In the first stage, at least one editor must decide that a paper should go to a reviewer. The number of submissions to the JCF has increased dramatically and we do not have the resources in terms of the editor's and, most importantly, reviewer's time to review all papers. If a paper passes the first stage, the paper is sent to at least one reviewer for detailed comments. We would like to help authors improve their papers, even if they will not be published, but we are severely limited in that role by resource constraints. The editor's final decisions are based on the potential contribution of the paper, the fit with the mission of the Journal of Corporate Finance, and the quality of the work.Each submission must be accompanied by a submission fee of US$200.00. The submission fee applies to every round, unless forgiven by the Editors. Submissions will only be considered after payment of the submission fee via SubmissionStart. Submission fee is non-refundable and a paper may be rejected by the Editors without being sent for review, should a paper be inconsistent with the Aims and Scope of the Journal as set out on the Journal website, or not adhere to the style requirements as outlined in the Guide for Authors. The submission fees are used to support journal related activities.Authors considering a submission should make sure the paper is as polished as possible, fits with the mission of the Journal of Corporate Finance (a guiding question is whether there are related publications already in the Journal of Corporate Finance) and is of interest to our readers. Our letter to reviewers contains this paragraph and should further guide authors:The Journal of Corporate Finance is a leading corporate finance journal that publishes both theoretical and empirical papers. The Journal of Corporate Finance is receiving a large number of submissions and we have many high quality submissions. Thus, our rejection rate is now over 95% and we, and you, do not have the resources to work with any paper that while at some point may be publishable, would need significant work from the authors (and you). Empirical work that replicates earlier work for a new sample (or new international data) is generally not publishable unless the sample allows important new insights. Theoretical work needs important empirical implications, regardless of the quality of the technique, to be considered. We can not publish theoretical work where the contribution is the technique. Further, it is not a referee's job to work with a paper that is poorly executed or does not recognize the literature or in general is submitted too early. Of course, sometimes it is beneficial to work with a diamond in the rough but only if you recognize there could be a valuable diamond there, not some vague potential of a diamond. If you believe the paper is not publishable for any of the above reasons even a short note explaining your reasoning would be helpful.

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