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Regional Statistics

ISSN: 2063-9538eISSN: 2064-8243

Regional Studies, Regional Science

ISSN: 2168-1376
JUFO Level 1
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Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies

ISSN: 1578-4460

Research in Economics

ISSN: 1090-9443eISSN: 1090-9451
JUFO Level 1

Research in Economics, formerly Ricerche Economiche, is one of Italy's oldest and most prestigious economics journals. It publishes selected original research papers in all areas of economics, both theoretical and applied, and related fields.Papers submitted are processed by one of the Associate Editors, who cover an extremely broad range of research areas in Economics in order to maintain the general-purpose nature of the journal whilst enforcing high-quality standards.Research in Economics welcomes survey articles and short notes. The journal also has a tradition of publishing special issues. Some recent special issues have been: Interactive Epistemology in Dynamic Games (1999); Policies to Foster Human Capital (2000); International Comparison of Household Savings Behaviour: a Study of Life-cycle Savings in Seven Countries (2001), and Logic and the Foundations of the Theory of Games and Decisions (2003).All these features make Research in Economics appealing to well-established economists as well as to junior economists approaching the publication process in the international arena.

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Resource and Energy Economics

ISSN: 0928-7655eISSN: 1873-0221
JUFO Level 1

Resource and Energy Economics publishes papers that advance economic theory and empirical methods to gain novel insights into environmental problems. We welcome innovative and high-quality papers that enhance our understanding of the economic causes and consequences of environmental and natural resource problems, and that contribute to discussions on improving environmental policy and resource management. Contributions may address any problem involving economic and environmental linkages, including utilization and development of the Earth’s natural resources; international trade and global environmental problems; valuation and management of ecosystem services; innovation and growth as this pertains to sustainability; and experimental environmental economics. The ideal REE article starts from a well-defined economic problem, develops a transparent analytical model, and uses the appropriate theory, econometrics, or numerical techniques to give a novel perspective on the problem. Papers without strong links to environmental and resource theory are beyond the scope of Resource and Energy Economics and will be returned to authors without review.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Resources Policy

ISSN: 0301-4207eISSN: 1873-7641
JUFO Level 1

Resources Policy is an international journal devoted to minerals policy and economics, aimed at individuals in academia, government, and industry. Submissions are invited that analyze issues of public policy, economics, and business in the areas of mining, minerals, metals, and materials.Topics covered in the broad discipline of mineral economics include mineral market and price analysis, project evaluation and real options valuation, mining and sustainable development, mineral resource rents and the resource curse, mineral wealth and corruption, mineral taxation and regulation, the rise of China and India as major mineral consumers, and the impact of mineral development on local communities and indigenous populations.Submissions also are invited on related natural resource topics of interest and importance to the minerals community, such as sustainability, natural resources in national-income accounting, and topics from environmental economics related to mineral production and use.

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Resources, Conservation and Recycling

ISSN: 0921-3449eISSN: 1879-0658
JUFO Level 2

The Editors welcome contributions from research, which consider sustainable management and conservation of resources. The journal emphasizes the transformation processes involved in a transition toward more sustainable production and consumption systems. Emphasis is upon technological, economic, institutional and policy aspects of specific resource management practices, such as conservation, recycling and resource substitution, and of "systems-wide" strategies, such as resource productivity improvement, the restructuring of production and consumption profiles and the transformation of industry.Contributions may have relevance at regional, national or international scales and may focus at any level of research from individual resources or technologies to whole sectors or systems of interest. Contributors may emphasise any of the aforementioned aspects as well as scientific and methodological issues. However, manuscripts that consider only laboratory experiments, without a discussion of the practical, environmental and economic implications of the presented research, are excluded from publication in the journal.The journal publishes papers, reviews, analyses and case studies on topics, which include:• Transformation of the industrial and societal system towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns, including management, instruments, methods and processes of change.• Information and management systems involving resource status, use and material flows in society.• Innovation processes, tools and methods relating to resource productivity improvement.• Technical, societal, economic, business and policy aspects of strategies to improve the sustainability and productivity of resource use, including strategies for managing resource supply and demand, valorizing waste, lowering energy and material intensities and increasing the serviceability of products.• Substitution of primary resources by renewable or regenerative alternatives, including agricultural and forest resources and wastes.• Material flow analysis and the understanding of resource use and flows in society and the impact on the environment, including resource extraction and waste generation.• Life cycle assessment and management of resources, materials and products to improve resource efficiency and productivity, conserve resources and reduce pollution.• Societal, economic and technological change for improved recovery and reuse of materials and energy from domestic, commercial or industrial waste streams.• Efficient management and use of all resources, including air and water, with regard to the qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of resource use.

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Review of Development Finance

ISSN: 1879-9337

The Review of Development Finance has been founded in response to a growing scholarly literature that has been discussing the role of financial systems in the economic development process. The Journal provides a global forum for intellectually stimulating analysis of topics related to the deepening, outreach, efficiency and stability of financial systems. We welcome theoretical and empirical micro and macro analysis. The focus of the journal is on applied and policy-oriented research, which can serve as basis for public policy discussions on the financial system issues, especially in developing and emerging markets. The journal seeks to foster the dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners to identify policies that help deepen and broaden financial systems in an efficient and sustainable manner. It aims to accomplish the following:• publish leading-edge research that further our understanding and use of development finance• establish an outstanding level of academic rigor that will ensure the publication of first class development finance research• appeal to a broad cross-section of readers, including both the academic audience as well as practitioners of finance•Markets, Institutions and Training Cost: This will cover areas including, Contracts, Agency and Transaction Cost; Asymmetric InformationCapital Markets and Credit Rationing; Risk Management and Domestic and International Capital Flows• Finance, Economic Growth and Development:This covers a broad area including issues surrounding Capital Flows and Economic Growth;Financial Institutions and Economic Growth; Financial Development and Economic Growth and Financial Development & Economic Development• Microcredit and Inverted Banking: Covering Social Collateral and Inverted Banking; Credit Markets; Rural Credit Markets and the Design of Rural Credit Institutions• Law and Finance: Corporate governance, regulation; corporate finance and Corporate Social Responsibility•Global Finance Architecture: This will cover areas including Capital Adequacy and Financial Soundness and Issues surrounding financial liberalization and Globalisation; International Financial Institutions•External Aid and Development: Broadly covering the impact of external aid on economic growth•Sovereign Debt Management: This will cover issues surrounding Debt Management; External Debt and Economic Growth; Debt Contracts and Renegotiation; Debt Relieve Policies; Design of Incentives and Broader issues on Sovereign Debt Management•Finance and Sustainable Development: This will cover areas including Sustainable Development; Issues surrounding Finance and the Global Environment•Financial Evaluation and Optimality Measures: Innovative methods of cost benefit analysis and Risk analysis and credit ratings.2013 In partnerships with the Chartered Institute of Development Finance & Development Finance PractitionersRegister for Free Membership:Development Finance Research Network

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Review of Economic Dynamics

ISSN: 1094-2025
JUFO Level 3

Review of Economic Dynamics publishes meritorious original contributions to dynamic economics. The scope of the journal is intended to be broad and to reflect the view of the Society for Economic Dynamics that the field of economics is unified by the scientific approach to economics. We will publish contributions in any area of economics provided they meet the highest standards of scientific research.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Review of Economics of the Household

ISSN: 1569-5239eISSN: 1573-7152
JUFO Level 1

The Review of Economics of the Household publishes empirical and theoretical research on the economic behavior and decision-making processes of single and multi-person households. The journal emphasizes economic analyses on the effects of policy instruments on household decisions, macroeconomic applications, and research on economic development. Not wedded to particular models nor methods, the journal fosters high quality research using a variety of approaches.Household decisions analyzed in the journal include consumption, labor supply and other uses of time, household formation and dissolution, demand for health and other forms of human capital, fertility and investment in children’s human capital, demand for environmental and other public goods, migration, demand for religiosity, and decisions by agricultural households.Articles on the history of economic thought and reviews of household economics are published in the Perspectives section.Officially cited as: Rev Econ Household

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Review of Environmental Economics and Policy

ISSN: 1750-6816eISSN: 1750-6824
JUFO Level 1
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Review of Finance

ISSN: 1572-3097eISSN: 1573-692X
JUFO Level 3
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Review of Financial Economics

ISSN: 1058-3300
JUFO Level 1

The scope of the Review of Financial Economics (RFE) is broad. The RFE publishes original research in finance (e.g. corporate finance, investments, financial institutions and international finance) and economics (e.g. monetary theory, fiscal policy, and international economics). It specifically encourages submissions that apply economic principles to financial decision making. For example, while RFE will publish papers which study the behavior of security prices and those which provide analyses of monetary and fiscal policies, it will offer a special forum for articles which examine the impact of macroeconomic factors on the behavior of security prices. RFE will only consider empirical research and is a not a suitable outlet for strictly theoretical papers.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Review of Industrial Organization

ISSN: 0889-938XeISSN: 1573-7160
JUFO Level 1

Published for the Industrial Organization Society, the Review of Industrial Organization examines all aspects of the field. The journal encourages papers dealing with any economic sector and any developed economy. A major focus of the journal is competition and monopoly in their many forms and their affects on efficiency, innovation, and social conditions. Topics range from the internal organization of enterprises to international comparisons. The Review has also increased its focus on public policies such as antitrust, regulation, deregulation, public enterprise, and privatization. The Review highlights ideas that can be verified by econometric evidence, case studies, or other real conditions. It also presents papers that advance significant theories of industrial organization and policy.Officially cited as: Rev Ind Organ

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Review of International Organizations

ISSN: 1559-7431eISSN: 1559-744X
JUFO Level 3

The Review of International Organizations publishes original scientific contributions analyzing the operations and policies of agencies such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the Group of 7, the World Bank, NATO, the World Health Organization, the European Court of Human Rights, the UN, and similar institutions. Its focus extends to governmental organizations, as well as international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Beyond formal organizations, the Review presents papers on softer institutions and networks of international cooperation, including APEC, the Global Development Network, and the International Competition Forum. The journal offers studies based on modern economic, political economic, and international relations theories, using quantitative or qualitative methods. The RIO has a comment section where it invites comments to articles published in the Review of International Organizations and elsewhere. Replication is particularly encouraged.Review time from submis

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Review of International Political Economy

ISSN: 0969-2290eISSN: 1466-4526
JUFO Level 3

The Review of International Political Economy (RIPE) has successfully established itself as a leading international journal dedicated to the systematic exploration of the international political economy from a plurality of perspectives. The journal encourages a global and interdisciplinary approach across issues and fields of inquiry. It seeks to act as a point of convergence for political economists, international relations scholars, geographers, and sociologists, and is committed to the publication of work that explores such issues as international trade and finance, production and consumption, and global governance and regulation, in conjunction with issues of culture, identity, gender, and ecology. The journal eschews monolithic perspectives and seeks innovative work that is both pluralist in its orientation and engages with the broad literatures of IPE. Peer Review All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening by editors and subsequent double-blind refereeing by multiple reviewers.

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Review of Network Economics

ISSN: 2194-5993eISSN: 1446-9022
JUFO Level 1
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Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies

ISSN: 0219-0915eISSN: 1793-6705
JUFO Level 1
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Review of Radical Political Economics

ISSN: 0486-6134eISSN: 1552-8502
JUFO Level 1

Review of Radical Political Economics (RRPE), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, has been a leading outlet for innovative research in non-orthodox economics for more than forty years. RRPE promotes critical inquiry into all areas of economic, social, and political reality with articles covering all areas of political economy including, but not confined to, Marxian economics, post-Keynesian economics, Sraffian economics, feminist economics, and radical institutional economics.

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Review of Social Economy

ISSN: 0034-6764eISSN: 1470-1162
JUFO Level 1

For over sixty-five years, the Review of Social Economy has published high-quality peer-reviewed work on the many relationships between social values and economics. The field of social economics discusses how the economy and social justice relate, and what this implies for economic theory and policy. Papers published range from conceptual work on aligning economic institutions and policies with given ethical principles, to theoretical representations of individual behaviour that allow for both self-interested and 'pro-social' motives, and to original empirical work on persistent social issues such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination. In promoting discourse on social-economic themes, and unifying and invigorating scholarship around them, the journal is centrally concerned with these core research areas. The Review is a journal specialized in and a premier outlet for scholarly research at the intersection of social values and economics, and encourages researchers engaged in high-quality work in these areas. Implications for social programs and policies may be discussed in regular articles or in a Speakers' Corner contribution. The Review provides a platform for established social-economics research, but also for research from other branches of economics and the social sciences, when the goal of developing better understandings of the role of social values in economic life is pursued.

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