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Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal

ISSN: 1936-6582eISSN: 1936-6590
JUFO Level 1

The mission of the Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, formerly known as the International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, is to publish original, high-quality research papers in the field of services and manufacturing management. All aspects in this field including the interface between engineering and management, the design and analysis of service and manufacturing systems as well as operational planning and decision support are covered. The journal seeks papers that have a clear focus on the applicability in the real business world including all kinds of services and manufacturing industries, e.g. in logistics, transportation, health care, manufacturing-based services, production planning and control, and supply chain management. Flexibility should be understood in its widest sense as a system’s ability to respond to changes in the environment through improved decision making and business development procedures and enabling IT solutions. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature cons

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Flexible and Printed Electronics

eISSN: 2058-8585
JUFO Level 2

Flexible and Printed Electronics is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to publishing cutting edge research articles on electronics that can be either flexible, plastic, stretchable, conformable or printed.

Research related to electronic materials, manufacturing techniques, components or systems which meets any one (or more) of the above criteria is suitable for publication in the journal.

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ISSN: 1051-7324

Flow Measurement and Instrumentation

ISSN: 0955-5986eISSN: 1873-6998
JUFO Level 2

Flow Measurement and Instrumentation is dedicated to disseminating the latest research results on all aspects of flow measurement, in both closed conduits and open channels. The design of flow measurement systems involves a wide variety of multidisciplinary activities including modelling the flow sensor, the fluid flow and the sensor/fluid interactions through the use of computation techniques; the development of advanced transducer systems and their associated signal processing and the laboratory and field assessment of the overall system under ideal and disturbed conditions.FMI is the essential forum for critical information exchange, and contributions are particularly encouraged in the following areas of interest:Modelling: the application of mathematical and computational modelling to the interaction of fluid dynamics with flowmeters, including flowmeter behaviour, improved flowmeter design and installation problems. Application of CAD/CAE techniques to flowmeter modelling are eligible.Design and development: the detailed design of the flowmeter head and/or signal processing aspects of novel flowmeters. Emphasis is given to papers identifying new sensor configurations, multisensor flow measurement systems, non-intrusive flow metering techniques and the application of microelectronic techniques in smart or intelligent systems.Calibration techniques: including descriptions of new or existing calibration facilities and techniques, calibration data from different flowmeter types, and calibration intercomparison data from different laboratories.Installation effect data: dealing with the effects of non-ideal flow conditions on flowmeters. Papers combining a theoretical understanding of flowmeter behaviour with experimental work are particularly welcome.Multiphase behaviour: whether purpose-designed, or adapted from single-phase operation, coverage of systems for single-phase liquid and gas flows, multiphase flows having solid, liquid and gas phases, and slurries and pastes is equally welcome.Associated measurements and secondary instrumentation: for example, density, viscosity and secondary instrumentation effects.All contributions are subject to peer review, and additional features include:Review articlesCase studiesLetters to the editorPatent surveysBook reviewsCalendar of events and conference reportsFlow Measurement and Instrumentation is essential reading for instrumentation engineers in the oil, gas, power, chemical, food, water and waste treatment industries, manufacturers of flowmeters, and academics involved in research in this area.

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Fluid Dynamics

ISSN: 0015-4628eISSN: 1573-8507
JUFO Level 1

Fluid Dynamics is a translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk — Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, a publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The translation began with the first issue of the Russian journal.Fluid Dynamics is the leading Russian journal for the publication of theoretical, computational, and applied research in the fields of aeromechanics, hydrodynamics, plasma dynamics, underground hydrodynamics, and biomechanics of continuous media. Special attention is given to new trends developing at the leading edge of science, such as theory and application of multi-phase flows, chemically reactive flows, liquid and gas flows in electromagnetic fields, new hydrodynamical methods of increasing oil output, new approaches to the description of turbulent flows, etc.

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Fluid Dynamics Research

ISSN: 0169-5983eISSN: 1873-7005
JUFO Level 1

Fluid Dynamics Research publishes original and creative works in all fields of fluid dynamics. The scope includes theoretical, numerical and experimental studies as well as data-driven approaches that contribute to the fundamental understanding and/or application of fluid flow phenomena.

Fluid Dynamics Research covers a broad range of fundamental topics in science and engineering in fields and welcomes contributions that pioneer novel ideas and approaches to advance the understanding of fluid flow phenomena and/or develop new applications of fluid mechanics.

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Fluid Phase Equilibria

ISSN: 0378-3812eISSN: 1879-0224
JUFO Level 1

Fluid Phase Equilibria publishes high quality papers dealing with experimental,theoretical and applied research related to equilibrium and transport properties of fluid and solid phases.The fluid phase properties of interest include:PVT, enthalpies, heat capacities, Joule-Thomson coefficients, Gibbs and Helmholtz energies, chemical potentials, activity and fugacity coefficients, critical properties, chemical equilibria, multiphase equilibria and interfacial properties, thermal conductivity, viscosity and rheological properties, and diffusion coefficients.A wide range of pure and mixed fluids may be considered:Non-polar and polar small organic and inorganic molecules, ions, metals, polymers, surfactants, ionic liquids, gas hydrates, complex and biological molecules (e.g. proteins). Fluids should be well-characterized with respect to composition, or be specified with sufficient information for the experimental results to be reproduced (e.g. analysed by up-to-date techniques, or mixtures that can be obtained through a well-established published protocol).Experimental measurements:Unless they are accompanied by contemporary or new theory, papers will be refused if they report experimental data only at pressures and temperatures close to ambient on any of the following liquid or liquid mixture properties: viscosity; density; speed of sound; refractive index; surface tension. Similarly, papers will be refused if they only report phase equilibrium compositions, such as solubilities, at conditions near ambient without theoretical analysis and interpretation.All data reports and analyses will be examined by NIST for consistency with the requirements posted at and modeling studies:Theoretical techniques may be chemical thermodynamics, applied statistical mechanics, molecular physics, molecular simulation, quantum chemistry, applied mathematics. Papers with new models, or modifications of available models, are expected to show comparisons for accuracy and predictive ability with applicable data and contemporary existing models.All modeling of properties and phenomena based on artificial neural networks, machine learning algorithms, and similar information processing approaches will only be considered when comparisons of accuracy are made with existing physically-based models or if no thermodynamic models are available. Further, the work must describe the procedure well enough that readers may be able to independently reproduce the results.

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Food Analytical Methods

ISSN: 1936-9751eISSN: 1936-976X
JUFO Level 1

Food Analytical Methods covers fundamental and specific aspects of the development, optimization, and practical implementation in routine laboratories, and validation of food analytical methods for the monitoring of food safety and quality. The journal features original articles, review articles, and notes on novel and/or state-of-the-art analytical methods or issues to be solved, as well as significant improvements or interesting applications to existing methods. These include analytical technology and methodology for food microbial contaminants, food chemistry and toxicology, food quality, food authenticity and food traceability.

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Food Engineering Reviews

ISSN: 1866-7910eISSN: 1866-7929
JUFO Level 1

Food Engineering Reviews publishes reviews covering all engineering aspects of today’s food industry. Coverage concentrates on classic as well as modern novel food engineering topics, exploring such essential factors as the health, nutritional, and environmental aspects of food processing. The journal identifies and discusses trends that will drive the discipline over time. The scope of topics addressed is broad, encompassing Transport phenomena in food processing; Food process engineering; Physical properties of foods; Food nano-science and nano-engineering; Food equipment design; Food plant design; Modeling food processes; Microbial inactivation kinetics; Preservation technologies; Engineering aspects of food packaging; Shelf life, storage and distribution of foods; Instrumentation, control and automation in food processing; Food engineering, health and nutrition; Energy and economic consideration in food engineering and Food engineering education.

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Food Manufacture

ISSN: 0015-6477

Food Packaging and Shelf Life

eISSN: 2214-2894
JUFO Level 1

Food packaging plays a vital role in preserving food throughout the distribution chain. Without packaging, the processing of food can become compromised as it is contaminated by direct contact with physical, chemical, and biological contaminants. In recent years, the development of novel food packaging (modified atmosphere & active packaging) has not only increased the shelf life of foods, but also their safety and quality - therefore bringing convenience to consumers. Directly related, and interlinked, with food packaging is the concept of shelf life - the length of time that foods, beverages, pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals, and many other perishable items are given before they are considered unsuitable for sale, use, or consumption.Food Packaging and Shelf Life caters to the needs of scientists, material scientists, food chemists and microbiologists in the area of food packaging and shelf life. The journal will mainly publish original research papers, review articles and short communications in the following areas:• Food packaging material development • Designing food packaging machinery • Physical & chemical properties of food packaging materials • Polymer, glass, metal and paper packaging systems • Nano packaging • Vacuum, gas, aseptic and sterile packaging • Modified atmosphere packaging systems • Active and intelligent, & antimicrobial packaging systems • Edible packaging • Bio-plastics for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry • Food package testing • Sensory properties of packaged foods • Microencapsulation • Migration from packaging materials • Food package interactions • Shelf life of packaged food products • Recycling of food packaging Materials • Packaging sustainability • Microbial stability of food during storage, handling and transportation • Sensory changes during food storage • Chemical, physical and microbial determinants for shelf life • Shelf life simulation • Shelf life and food safety • Accelerated shelf life testsPapers focusing exclusively on food product development, functional foods, food chemistry, post-harvest technology, food microbiology, dairy processing will not be covered by this journal.

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Food Science and Technology International

ISSN: 1082-0132eISSN: 1532-1738
JUFO Level 1

Food Science and Technology International is a leading peer reviewed journal that covers diverse specific aspects related to food processing and engineering, food safety and preservation, food biotechnology, and physical, chemical and sensory properties of foods.

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Food Technology and Biotechnology

ISSN: 1330-9862eISSN: 1334-2606
JUFO Level 1
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Food and Bioprocess Technology

ISSN: 1935-5130eISSN: 1935-5149
JUFO Level 1

Food and Bioprocess Technology provides an effective and timely platform for cutting-edge high quality original papers in the engineering and science of all types of food processing technologies, from the original food supply source to the consumer’s dinner table. It aims to be a leading international journal for the multidisciplinary agri-food research community. The journal focuses especially on experimental or theoretical research findings that have the potential for helping the agri-food industry to improve process efficiency, enhance product quality and, extend shelf-life of fresh and processed agri-food products. The editors present critical reviews on new perspectives to established processes, innovative and emerging technologies, and trends and future research in food and bioproducts processing. The journal also publishes short communications for rapidly disseminating preliminary results, letters to the Editor on recent developments and controversy, and book reviews.

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Food and Bioproducts Processing

ISSN: 0960-3085
JUFO Level 1

FBP aims to be the principal international journal for publication of high quality, original papers in the branches of engineering and science dedicated to the safe processing of biological products. It is the only journal to exploit the synergy between biotechnology, bioprocessing and food engineering.Papers showing how research results can be used in engineering design, and accounts of experimental or theoretical research work bringing new perspectives to established principles, highlighting unsolved problems or indicating directions for future research, are particularly welcome. Contributions that deal with new developments in equipment or processes and that can be given quantitative expression are encouraged. The journal is especially interested in papers that extend the boundaries of food and bioproducts processing.The journal has a strong emphasis on the interface between engineering and food or bioproducts. Papers that are not likely to be published are those:• Primarily concerned with food formulation• That use experimental design techniques to obtain response surfaces but gain little insight from them• That are empirical and ignore established mechanistic models, e.g., empirical drying curves• That are primarily concerned about sensory evaluation and colour• Concern the extraction and/or antioxidant activity of a specific biological material without providing insight that could be applied to a similar but different material,• Containing only chemical analyses of biological materials.The journal publishes regular special issues focusing on specific topicsCore topic areas:Biotechnology and bioprocessing• Biocatalysis and biotransformations • Bioprocess modelling and optimisation • Bioseparation • Fermentation and cell culture • Bioreactor design, instrumentation and control • Microbial physiology and engineering metabolic • Production formulation • Sterile processing • Systems biology and biological engineering • NanobiotechnologyFood and drink process engineering• Engineering for food safety • Environmental issues in food manufacture • Minimal processing techniques • Packaging • Plant, process and product design • Processing and microstructure interactions • Unit operations, process modelling and optimisation in food engineeringHygienic manufacture and product safety• Fouling and cleaning • Good manufacturing practice • Hazard analysis • Heating and cooling methods, including freezing, pasteurisation and thermal sterilisation • Hygienic design • Non-thermal processes • Process analytical technology (PAT) • Regulation and validation.

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Footwear Science

ISSN: 1942-4280eISSN: 1942-4299
JUFO Level 1

Footwear Science publishes reports of original research in the disciplines of biomechanics, ergonomics, physiology, clinical science, kinanthropometry, physics, engineering and mathematics. The use of footwear or footwear components, or application of the results to footwear is a major component of the research published in this international, peer-reviewed Journal. Methodological as well as experimental papers may be submitted, and the journal accepts original articles, reviews and perspective articles (usually by editorial invitation only), book reviews and letters to the Editor. The criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: scientific excellence and rigor, novelty, significance, clarity, conciseness and interest to our broad readership. Papers published in the journal may cover a wide range of topics within the broad scope of footwear science, including, but not limited to: * Influence of footwear on kinematics and kinetics of human movement * Influence of footwear and footwear design on human performance * Applications of research to design of all types of functional and purpose-built footwear * Research applied to casual, dress, fashion, duty, athletic, and specialty footwear * Footwear in prevention and treatment of diseases of lower extremity * Role of footwear in the prevention and treatment of athletic injury * Shoe properties and human perceptions * Human factors applied to fit and function of footwear * Measurement of footwear biomechanical and physical properties Review Articles Footwear Science accepts submission of manuscripts that review the literature on a particular topic and present an analysis of the current status of that topic. These are not original research articles with new data but represent well-balanced summaries of timely subjects, with reference to the literature. Review articles are usually invited by the Editor-in-Chief, although they can be submitted unsolicited. All review articles, even if invited, are peer reviewed. To help to facilitate this process it is suggested that the author of the review contact the Editor-in-Chief in advance of submission to discuss the proposed topic. The required format for review articles is similar to that used for research articles, with the exception that headings such as 'Methodolgy,' 'Results and Discussion,' and 'Conclusions' should be replaced with more appropriate headings, consistent with the contents of the article. Review articles published by Footwear Science are intended primarily for informed scientists who works in the broad disciplines that encompass footwear science, for example: biomechanics, ergonomics, physiology, clinical science, kinanthropometry, physics, engineering, materials science, and mathematics.. Manuscripts should both present a summary and a critical evaluation of significant investigations and provide suggestions for further research. We also welcome reviews that discuss recent technical or theoretical advances, topics of unusual interest, or, core questions about the foundations of footwear science. Theoretical papers should clearly identify the focus of study, review the relevant literature, and develop approaches to new levels of understanding. We are always looking for a balanced approach in Footwear Science review articles. Whenever possible the author should include all relevant literature showing the broadest possible basis for the review and the author's perspectives. Although the main thrust of reviews should be to summarize what is known about a particular topic area based on a rigorous review of the scientific literature, we expect that review authors may wish to offer some opinion and give a perspective, or, perhaps even speculate, if such speculation has a basis in scientific evidence. An abstract of 200 to 250 words is required; for more information on format, see instructions for authors. We have no limit on the length of review articles, however, we are always looking for concise and lucid treatments of the topic under review. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.

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Forensic Engineering

ISSN: 2043-9903eISSN: 2043-9911
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Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation

ISSN: 1551-3939eISSN: 1551-3947
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Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing

ISSN: 1932-8346eISSN: 1932-8354
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Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control

ISSN: 2325-6818eISSN: 2325-6826
JUFO Level 1