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Hedianzixue Yu Tance Jishu/Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology

ISSN: 0258-0934

Hemijska Industrija

ISSN: 0367-598XeISSN: 2217-7426
JUFO Level 1

Chemical Industry is publishing papers in the field of chemical engineering, chemical technologies and chemistry by authors from the country and abroad. The journal is published bimonthly by the Association of Chemical Engineers (a member of EFCE - European Federation of Chemical Engineering). In addition to professional articles of importance to industry, scientific research papers are published, not only from our country but from all over the world. It also contains topics such as business news, science and technology news, information on new apparatus and equipment, and articles on environmental protection. A special issue of the Journal of Plastic and Rubber is also published.

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Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences

ISSN: 1812-3368

High Temperature

ISSN: 0018-151XeISSN: 1608-3156
JUFO Level 1

High Temperature (Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur), founded in 1963, is a prominent Russian physical engineering journal. Coverage includes properties and processes in low-temperature plasmas; thermophysical properties of substances including pure materials, mixtures and alloys; phase equilibria; heat and mass transfer phenomena in particular by forced and free convections, boiling and condensation processes, radiation and complex heat transfer; methods and instruments of experimental techniques; high temperature installations and equipment for power engineering applications and more. The journal publishes original papers and reviews in high-temperature thermal physics, by Russian and international researchers. It reflects trends in thermal physics, presenting the results of contemporary experimental investigations; studies in the numerical simulation of complex thermal, gas-dynamics, and heat-and-mass-transfer processes; and the latest achievements in the theoretical description of the properties of high-tem

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High Temperature Material Processes: An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes

ISSN: 1093-3611eISSN: 1940-4360
JUFO Level 1

This important new journal is an international publication devoted to original papers on fundamental and applied research and new developments in materials processing at high temperatures. Processes of interest include surface treatments, coatings production, welding, cutting, melting, re-melting and purification of metals, extractive metallurgy, process and secondary metallurgy, powder densification, ultra-fine powder production, high temperature synthesis and waste destruction. There is a broad range of coverage of experimental, analytical and numerical studies. High Temperature Material Processes will serve the needs of those who develop high temperature processes to produce bulk materials, surface treatments or coatings with given specifications, and will also promote connections between laboratories and industry.

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High Temperature Materials and Processes

ISSN: 0334-6455eISSN: 2191-0324
JUFO Level 1
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High Temperatures-High Pressures

ISSN: 0018-1544eISSN: 1472-3441
JUFO Level 1

High Temperatures - High Pressures publishes original research papers related to thermophysical properties of matter, including thermal and transport properties. Papers dealing with the gaseous, liquid or solid phase are equally welcome. Special emphasis is put on matter under extreme conditions such as high temperatures and high pressures, on properties of micro- or nano-structured materials, and on non-linear properties related to high rates of energy transport. Both theoretical and experimental work will be considered for publication. Reports on measurements of thermophysical property data as well as on the use of these data for applications form an integral part of the journal’s scope. Papers on novel experimental techniques and critical compilations and analyses of existing data may also be submitted.

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High Voltage

eISSN: 2397-7264
JUFO Level 1

High Voltage aims to attract original research papers and review articles. The scope encompasses high-voltage power engineering and high voltage applications, including experimental, computational (simulation and modelling) and theoretical studies.

High Voltage is a fully open access journal co-published with CEPRI (the China Electric Power Research Institute) and supported by Tsinghua University.

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ISSN: 0267-825X
Publisher: Alad Ltd

Home Cultures: The Journal of Architecture Design and Domestic Space

ISSN: 1740-6315eISSN: 1751-7427
JUFO Level 1

Home Cultures is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the critical understanding of the domestic sphere, its artifacts, spaces and relations, across timeframes and cultures. 'Home' is a highly fluid and contested site of human existence that reflects and reifies identities and values.In this context Home Cultures explores the relationship between body and building, consumption, material culture, the meaning of home, moving cultures and social consequences of planning and architecture.

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Hormigón y Acero

ISSN: 0439-5689eISSN: 2605-1729
Hormigón y Acero, a quarterly that has been issued since 1950, is the vehicle used by the Spanish Asociación Científico-Técnica del Hormigón Estructural (ACHE: Scientific and Technical Association for Structural Concrete) to publish articles of interest on structures for civil works and buildings. Its readership includes engineers and architects working in the field out of construction companies, engineering consultancies, architecture studios, universities and research centres.

Hormigón y Acero fue constituida en 1950 y es el órgano de expresión pública de la Asociación Científico-Técnica del Hormigón Estructural (ACHE). En la Revista se publican artículos relevantes dentro del campo de las estructuras, tanto de obra civil como de edificación. La Revista va dirigida a ingenieros y arquitectos de empresas constructoras, oficinas de ingeniería, estudios de arquitectura, universidades y centros de investigación relacionados con la construcción de obra civil y edificación.

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Hrvatske Vode

ISSN: 1330-1144
Publisher: Hrvatske Vode

Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University

ISSN: 0253-987X

Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology

ISSN: 1006-3080

Huanan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science)

ISSN: 1000-565X

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries

ISSN: 1090-8471eISSN: 1520-6564
JUFO Level 1

The purpose of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries is to facilitate discovery, integration, and application of scientific knowledge about human aspects of manufacturing, and to provide a forum for worldwide dissemination of such knowledge for its application and benefit to manufacturing industries. The journal covers a broad spectrum of ergonomics and human factors issues with a focus on the design, operation and management of contemporary manufacturing systems, both in the shop floor and office environments, in the quest for manufacturing agility, i.e. enhancement and integration of human skills with hardware performance for improved market competitiveness, management of change, product and process quality, and human-system reliability. The inter- and cross-disciplinary nature of the journal allows for a wide scope of issues relevant to manufacturing system design and engineering, human resource management, social, organizational, safety, and health issues. Examples of specific subject areas of interest include: implementation of advanced manufacturing technology, human aspects of computer-aided design and engineering, work design, compensation and appraisal, selection training and education, labor-management relations, agile manufacturing and virtual companies, human factors in total quality management, prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomics of workplace, equipment and tool design, ergonomics programs, guides and standards for industry, automation safety and robot systems, human skills development and knowledge enhancing technologies, reliability, and safety and worker health issues.

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Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

ISSN: 0018-7208eISSN: 1547-8181
JUFO Level 2

Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFS) is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed journal presenting original works of scientific merit that contribute to the understanding and advancement of the systematic consideration of people in relation to machines, systems, tools, and environments. (HFS) highlights fundamental human capabilities, limitations, and tendencies, as well as the basics of human performance.

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ISSN: 0304-386XeISSN: 1879-1158
JUFO Level 2

Hydrometallurgy aims to compile studies on novel processes, process design, chemistry, modelling, control, economics and interfaces between unit operations, and to provide a forum for discussions on case histories and operational difficulties.Topics covered include: leaching of metal values by chemical reagents or bacterial action at ambient or elevated pressures and temperatures; separation of solids from leach liquors; removal of impurities and recovery of metal values by precipitation, ion exchange, solvent extraction, gaseous reduction, cementation, electro-winning and electro-refining; pre-treatment of ores by roasting or chemical treatments such as halogenation or reduction; recycling of reagents and treatment of effluents.

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IATSS Research

ISSN: 0386-1112
JUFO Level 1

First published in 1977, IATSS Research is an international English-language journal sponsored by the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences. It seeks to foster a harmonious traffic environment by inspiring all readers, whether interested in today or the future, to contemplate and discuss traffic-related research results drawn from a wide range of academic fields.IATSS Research provides an international forum for the publication of original articles covering a wide range of practical and theoretical aspects of traffic and traffic safety. IATSS Research seeks to improve scientific knowledge, clarifying traffic issues through a comprehensive approach that demands a high level of evidential proof. IATSS Research will publish original research papers addressing any transport mode or traffic participant from any academic discipline including engineering, information and communication technology, sociology, economics, business administration, law, public administration, psychology, education, and medical sciences. Submissions dealing with policy proposals for solving traffic and transport issues may also be accepted. All submissions are subject to peer review.The International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) was established in 1974 as a public-interest corporation to foster a harmonious traffic environment through the pursuit of international, interdisciplinary research on traffic and traffic safety issues seen in the light of the interrelationship between man, machine and environment.

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ICGA Journal: The Journal of the Computer Games Community

ISSN: 1389-6911eISSN: 2468-2438
JUFO Level 1

The ICGA Journal appears four times a year. In order to receive the Journals for 2004 you should subscribe as an ICGA member. The (renewal) fee for individual subscribers is US $ 50,--, UK £ 25,-- or € 40,--. For many years, the ICCA Journal occasionally included articles on games other than chess. This has included Backgammon, Othello, Chinese Chess, Shogi, Go, and fundamental issues affecting the programming of all such games. To reflect this increasing interest in other games, the Journal changed its name to the ICGA Journal from Vol.23 No.1 (the first issue of 2000).

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