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Journal of Materials Research

ISSN: 0884-2914eISSN: 2044-5326
JUFO Level 1

Beginning with a vision of a "materials-blind" society in the late 1960s, a few forward-looking individuals, with an eye toward advancing the cause of interdisciplinary research, made that vision a reality--the Materials Research Society, officially founded in 1973. The Society's core principles were interdisciplinarity, focused symposia, and greater interaction among researchers. These principles make MRS different from single-discipline professional societies because they encourage communication and technical information exchange across the various fields of science affecting materials.

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Journal of Materials Science

ISSN: 0022-2461eISSN: 1573-4803
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Materials Science publishes reviews, full-length papers, and short Communications recording original research results on, or techniques for studying the relationship between structure, properties, and uses of materials. The subjects are seen from international and interdisciplinary perspectives covering areas including metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, electrical materials, composite materials, fibers, nanostructured materials, nanocomposites, and biological and biomedical materials. The Journal of Materials Science is now firmly established as the leading source of primary communication for scientists investigating the structure and properties of all engineering materials.

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Journal of Materials Science & Technology

ISSN: 1005-0302
JUFO Level 2

Journal of Materials Science and Technology aims to enhance the international exchange of scientific activities in materials science and technology.The Journals reports principally the achievements of materials science and engineering all over the world, putting the stress on the original research papers, review articles invited by editor, letters, research notes with novelty as well as brief of scientific achievement, covering a broad spectrum of materials science and technology, encompassing:• metallic materials• inorganic nonmetallic materials• composite materialsJournal of Materials Science and Technology is indexed in ISI-web of science (SCI), EI Compendex, CA, SA, CSA, RJ, JST , Scopus and has an Impact Factor of 1.198

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Journal of Mechanical Design

ISSN: 1050-0472eISSN: 1528-9001
JUFO Level 2

The Journal of Mechanical Design communicates original contributions of permanent interest on all aspects of the design of mechanical systems, primarily in the form of articles of considerable depth. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, design innovation papers, discussions of published papers with rebuttal, book reviews, and editorials.

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Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments

ISSN: 1024-1752eISSN: 1024-1752
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Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences

ISSN: 2289-4659eISSN: 2231-8380

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology

ISSN: 1738-494XeISSN: 1976-3824
JUFO Level 1

The aim of the Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology is to provide an international forum for the publication and dissemination of original work that contributes to the understanding of the main and related disciplines of mechanical engineering, either empirical or theoretical. The Journal covers the whole spectrum of mechanical engineering, which includes, but is not limited to, Materials and Design Engineering, Production Engineering and Fusion Technology, Dynamics, Vibration and Control, Thermal Engineering and Fluids Engineering.    Manuscripts may fall into several categories including full articles, solicited reviews or commentary, and unsolicited reviews or commentary related to the core of mechanical engineering. It is also proposed to maintain an international diary of forthcoming events. Prospective guest editors for publishing the special issue should contact the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal.   

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Journal of Mechanics

ISSN: 1727-7191eISSN: 1811-8216
JUFO Level 1

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Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures

eISSN: 1559-3959
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics

ISSN: 1942-4302eISSN: 1942-4310
JUFO Level 2
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Journal of Micro - Nano Mechatronics

ISSN: 1865-3928eISSN: 1865-3936
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Micro-Nano Mechatronics, a quarterly journal, is devoted to the theory and applications of micro and nanotechnologies. The journal promotes both theoretical and practical engineering research based on the analysis and synthesis from the micro level to the nano level. The journal includes survey papers, technical papers, short papers and news items in the field of Micro and Nano Mechatronics. Micro and Nano Mechatronics is the synergistic integration of micro and nano electromechanical systems and electronic technologies, with high added value. Strong research efforts are being focused on development of organic combinations of multiple miniaturized actuators and sensors to perform complex motions and operations. Micro/nano technologies, as very important technologies for future robotics and automation, are becoming crucial to realizing high performance systems. .

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Journal of Micro and Bio Robotics

ISSN: 2194-6418eISSN: 2194-6426

The Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics is the synergistic integration of micro- and biotechnologies with Robotics. Strong research efforts are being focussed on development of micro/nanoscale or miniature robotic systems, which are biologically inspired, integrated with biological entities, or used for biological or biomedical applications.  This new journal aims to report the significant progress in these new research efforts.The Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics, a quarterly journal, is devoted to the theory, experiments,  and applications of micro- and biotechnologies and robotics. The Journal promotes both theoretical and practical engineering research based on the analysis and synthesis from the micro level to the bio level of robotics. The journal includes survey papers, technical papers, and short papers in the field of Micro and Bio Robotics.Potential authors are invited to submit original research articles for publication consideration.  Reviews and short communications may also be considered. All submissions will be peer reviewed subject to the standards of the journal. Manuscripts based on previously published conference papers must be extended substantially. Electronic submissions must be in PDF format and should be prepared according to the journal guidelines. The submissions should be performed through the journal submission system.

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Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology

ISSN: 1932-5150eISSN: 1932-5134
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3) publishes peer-reviewed papers on the science, development, and practice of lithographic, fabrication, packaging, and integration technologies necessary to address the needs of the electronics, microeletromechanical systems, micro-optoelectromechanical systems, and photonics industries. The wide range of such devices also includes biomedical microdevices, microfluidics, sensors and actuators, adaptive optics, and digital micromirrors. The scope is broad to facilitate synergy and interest between the communities served by the journal. Lithography: tools, materials, and processes associated with the patterning of structures that have submicrometer and nanometer-scale features. Included are imaging and nonimaging approaches using optics, electron and other particle beams, nanoimprint, molecular self-assembly, and their hybrids. Applications include semiconductor fabrication, but also patterning for other micro/nanodevices. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS): the design, fabrication, operation, reliability, and testing of microdevices that contain both electrical and mechanical elements. Micro-optoelectromechanical systems (MOEMS): the design, fabrication, operation, reliability, and testing of microdevices that contain electrical, mechanical, and optical elements (that is, the merging of micro-optics and MEMS). Microfabrication: technologies to shape three-dimensional structures leading to the fabrication of active and passive electronics, photonics, MEMS, MOEMS, micro/nano-optics, and other micro/nanodevices. Metrology: metrology and process control for the above devices and their fabrication processes.

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Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

ISSN: 1057-7157eISSN: 1941-0158
JUFO Level 1

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: devices ranging in size from microns to millimeters, IC-compatible fabrication techniques, other fabrication techniques, measurement of micro phenomena, theoretical results, new materials and designs, micro actuators, micro robots, micro batteries, bearings, wear, reliability, electrical interconnections, micro telemanipulation, and standards appropriate to MEMS. Application examples and application oriented devices in fluidics, optics, bio-medical engineering, etc., are also of central interest.

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Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering

ISSN: 0960-1317eISSN: 1361-6439
JUFO Level 1

Frequency: 12 issues per year.Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering covers all aspects of microelectromechanical structures, devices, and systems, as well as micromechanics and micromechatronics. The journal focuses on original work in fabrication and integration technologies, on the micro- and nano-scale. The journal aims to highlight the link between new fabrication technologies and their capacity to create novel devices. Original work in microengineering and nanoengineering is also reported. Such work is defined as applications of these fabrication and integration technologies to structures in which key attributes of the devices or systems depend on specific micro- or nano-scale features. Such applications span the physical, chemical, electrical and biological realms. New fabrication and integration techniques for both silicon and non-silicon materials are reported. Relevant modelling papers in micro- and nanoengineering are reported where supported by experimental data. The journal also covers integration of interface electronics with micro- and nanoengineered systems, as well as vacuum microelectronics, microfabricated electrically passive elements, and other micro- or nanoengineering-enabled electrical devices.A submission to Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering must be the original work of the author(s) and must not be published elsewhere or be under consideration for another publication in its submitted or a substantially similar form in any language. Contributions in the following categories may be submitted.

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Journal of Modern Transportation

ISSN: 2095-087X

The Journal of Modern Transportation (JMT) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand. It provides a platform for scholars to publish their works in the general area of transportation, concerned with analysis, planning, design, operations, technologies, and economics of modern transportation and traffic systems with focus on high-speed railway technological and theoretical achievements across the world, especially in China. Specific topics cover • rail transit systems
• rolling stock design theory and structural reliability
• vehicle-track coupling system dynamics, simulation and control
• wheel-rail contact mechanics and wear
• new detecting and experimental technologies of high-speed railway system
• traction power supply, transmission and control
• rail transit electrification and automation technologies
• high-speed railway route selection
• superconductivity and levitation technology
• magnetic suspension and evacuated tube transport
• transportation infrastructure systems
• roads, bridges, tunnels, and underground engineering
• subgrade and pavement maintenance and performance
• light rail transit and metro technologies
• urban transit systems
• traffic information engineering & control
• intelligent transportation system (ITS) and information technology
• environmental impacts of transportation
• pedestrian studies
• traffic flow theory
• traffic planning, control and management
• traffic and transport safety
• traffic polices and economics
• air transportation
• interdisciplinary transportation research
• other topics of interest JMT mainly publishes original articles, invited reviews, case reports, short communications, and scientific letters within the journal’s scope. Case studies are published only if they contain some original theoretical, content. Papers submitted for publication in JMT should not have been published in their present or any essentially similar form.

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Journal of Nanofluids

ISSN: 2169-432XeISSN: 2169-4338
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Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics

ISSN: 0377-0257eISSN: 1873-2631
JUFO Level 1
The Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics publishes research on flowing soft matter systems. Submissions in all areas of flowing complex fluids are welcomed, including polymer melts and solutions, suspensions, colloids, surfactant solutions, biological fluids, gels, liquid crystals and granular materials. Flow problems relevant to microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip, nanofluidics, biological flows, geophysical flows, industrial processes and other applications are of interest.

Subjects considered suitable for the journal include the following (not necessarily in order of importance):

  • Theoretical, computational and experimental studies of naturally or technologically relevant flow problems where the non-Newtonian nature of the fluid is important in determining the character of the flow. We seek in particular studies that lend mechanistic insight into flow behavior in complex fluids or highlight flow phenomena unique to complex fluids. Examples include

    • Instabilities, unsteady and turbulent or chaotic flow characteristics in non-Newtonian fluids,
    • Multiphase flows involving complex fluids,
    • Problems involving transport phenomena such as heat and mass transfer and mixing, to the extent that the non-Newtonian flow behavior is central to the transport phenomena,
    • Novel flow situations that suggest the need for further theoretical study,
    • Practical situations of flow that are in need of systematic theoretical and experimental research. Such issues and developments commonly arise, for example, in the polymer processing, petroleum, pharmaceutical, biomedical and consumer product industries.
    This list is meant to be representative, not exhaustive.

  • Mathematical analysis of equations relevant to non-Newtonian flows
  • Numerical methods suited to problems in flowing complex fluids
  • Development of rheological constitutive equations for non-Newtonian fluids from both continuum and microstructural starting points.
  • Experimental assessment of predictions from rheological constitutive equations.
  • Devices and methodologies for rheological measurements at both macro- and microscopic levels, including microrheology.

Overly abstract, formalistic or artificial developments will not be welcomed.

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Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation

ISSN: 0195-9298eISSN: 1573-4862
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation provides a forum for the broad range of scientific and engineering activities involved in developing a quantitative nondestructive evaluation (NDE) capability. This interdisciplinary journal publishes papers on the development of new equipment, analyses, and approaches to nondestructive measurements.

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Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering

ISSN: 0892-7219eISSN: 1528-896X
JUFO Level 1

One of the premier international publications in the field of offshore and ocean-related engineering, the Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering disseminates the current state-of-the-art and research activities. The Journal covers the current and future technologies of many innovative offshore, arctic, and naval structures. Its peer-reviewed Research Papers cover topics in the general area of offshore mechanics, arctic, and ocean engineering, including: ocean waves and associated statistics; design of offshore structures; fluid-structure interaction; floating production systems; offshore material performance and applications; corrosion protection and control; offshore structures and ships in ice; soil-pipeline interaction; risk analysis; ocean space utilization; ocean energy technology; dynamics of structures; ship motions, risers and moorings and cable dynamics; fatigue and fracture reliability and control; welding and NDT technology; offshore pipelines; offshore safety and reliability; and sub-sea technology.

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