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Infection Ecology and Epidemiology

eISSN: 2000-8686
JUFO Level 1
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Information Economics and Policy

ISSN: 0167-6245eISSN: 1873-5975
JUFO Level 1

IEP is an international journal that aims to publish peer-reviewed policy-oriented research about the production, distribution and use of information, including these subjects: the economics of the telecommunications, mass media, and other information industries, the economics of innovation and intellectual property, the role of information in economic development, and the role of information and information technology in the functioning of markets.The purpose of the journal is to provide an interdisciplinary and international forum for theoretical and empirical research that addresses the needs of other researchers, government, and professionals who are involved in the policy-making process. IEP publishes research papers, short contributions, and surveys.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Informes de la Construcción

ISSN: 0020-0883eISSN: 1988-3234
JUFO Level 1

Fundada el año 1948 en el Instituto Técnico de la Construcción y del Cemento, Informes de la Construcción es una publicación científica con periodicidad trimestral. Trata temas de arquitectura, ingeniería, obras públicas, medio ambiente, instalaciones, rehabilitación, sistemas constructivos, técnicas de ensayos, resultados de investigaciones de componentes y sistemas de la edificación, etc. La revista va dirigida a arquitectos, ingenieros, empresas constructoras, investigadores y profesionales relacionados con la construcción de edificios y obras civiles.

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Inhalation Toxicology

ISSN: 0895-8378eISSN: 1091-7691
JUFO Level 1
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Inland Waters

ISSN: 2044-2041eISSN: 2044-205X
JUFO Level 1
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Insect Systematics & Evolution: An International Journal of Systematic Entomology

ISSN: 1399-560XeISSN: 1876-312X
JUFO Level 1

© Nicolas Brodu. 2003 The astrolabe is an ancient astronomical computer for solving problemsrelating to time and the position of the sun and stars in the sky.Historians credit the invention of the astrolabe to classical Greece.Brass astrolabes were highly developed in the Islamic world of the 8thcentury and later. chiefly as an aid to navigation and as a way offinding the direction of Mecca. In the Middle Ages it found its wayback to Europe and became the chief navigational instrument until theinvention of the sextant in the 18th century.

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Instrumentation Science and Technology

ISSN: 1073-9149eISSN: 1525-6030
JUFO Level 1

Emphasis is on modern instrumental concepts, though not exclusively, including detectors, sensors, data acquisition and processing, instrument control, chromatography, electrochemistry, spectroscopy of all types, electrophoresis, radiometry, relaxation methods, thermal analysis, physical property measurements, surface physics, membrane technology, microcomputer design, chip-based processes, and more. Readership includes everyone who uses instrumental techniques to conduct their research and development. They are chemists (organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, nuclear, quality control) biochemists, biotechnologists, engineers, and physicists in all of the instrumental disciplines mentioned above, in both the laboratory and chemical production environments. The journal is an important resource of instrument design and applications data. The Institute of Scientific Information Journal Citations Report for 2003 ranks Instrumentation Science and Technology 53rd out of 67 journals in Chemistry-Analytical (Science) and 23rd out of 49 journals in Instruments and Instrumentation (Science), with an impact factor of 0.714. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management

ISSN: 1551-3777eISSN: 1551-3793
JUFO Level 1

The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) publishes two journals: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C) and Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is dedicated to furthering scientific knowledge and disseminating information on environmental toxicology and chemistry, including the application of these sciences to risk assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management focuses on the application of science in environmental decision-making, regulation, and management, including aspects of policy and law, and the development of scientifically sound approaches to environmental problem solving. Together, these journals provide a forum for professionals in academia, business, government, and other segments of society involved in the use, protection, and management of the environment for the enhancement of ecological health and human welfare. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM) is published quarterly by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). The journal is devoted to bridging the gap between scientific research and the use of sound science in decision-making, regulation, and environmental management. IEAM aims to be the premier scientific journal for presenting new information, promoting dialogue, and fostering new methods for analysis of biological, ecological, chemical, engineering, environmental, physical and social science research applicable to the advancement of environmental policy and regulation, environmental management strategies, and sound approaches to environmental problem-solving. IEAM provides a peer-reviewed international forum for communicating new ideas and information from environmental science professionals in academia, business, government, and nongovernmental organizations. The journal welcomes scientific, social, and regulatory information through critical reviews, original research, commentaries, policy analyses, case studies, and special series. IEAM strives to provide a unique position in the peer-reviewed literature, focusing on continually evolving collaborations by offering perspectives from diverse disciplines and a variety of stakeholders. The internationally recognized scientists, academicians, and policy specialists who serve as subject matter Editors, members of the Editorial Board, and manuscript reviewers reflect this diversity of views and experience in each of the following major topic areas:

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Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment

ISSN: 1076-0962eISSN: 1759-1090
JUFO Level 2

The existence of ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment reflects the rapid growth of ecological literary criticism and environmental scholarship in related disciplines in the United States and around the world in recent years, which in turn reflects the steady increase in the production of environmental literature over the past several decades and the increased visibility of such writing in college classrooms.ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment seeks to encourage such scholarship, writing, and teaching, while facilitating the development of a theoretical foundation for these activities.It also seeks to bridge the gaps between scholars, artists, students, and the public.

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International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation

ISSN: 0964-8305
JUFO Level 1

International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation publishes original research papers and reviews on the biological causes of deterioration or degradation.– The causes may be macro– or microbiological, whose origins may be aerial, aquatic, or terrestrial.– The effects may include corrosion, fouling, rotting, decay, infection, disfigurement, toxification, weakening or processes that liquefy, detoxify, or mineralize.– The materials affected may include natural, synthetic or refined materials [such as metals, hydrocarbons and oils, foodstuffs and beverages, pharmaceuticals, cellulose and wood, plastics and polymers, fibres, paper, leather, waste materials or any other material of commercial importance]; and structures or systems [such as buildings, works of art, processing equipment, etc.] as well as hazardous wastes, and includes environmental and occupational health aspects resulting from the activities of the biological agents described above.Papers on all aspects of cause, mode of action, treatment, protection and prevention, analysis and testing, detoxification, upgrading, commercial implications, biocides and substitutes and related areas are welcome. However, papers that are strictly related to engineering aspects of biotechnological processes and those that aim at developing or assessing mathematical-based predictive models used in the designing of biotechnological processes are excluded.International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation is the Official Journal of the International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society.For more information visit the International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society website.

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International Dyer

ISSN: 0020-658X

International Journal Bioautomation

ISSN: 1314-1902eISSN: 1314-2321

International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife

eISSN: 2213-2244

The International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife (IJP-PAW) publishes the results of original research on parasites of all wildlife, invertebrate and vertebrate. This includes free-ranging, wild populations, as well as captive wildlife, semi-domesticated species (e.g. reindeer) and farmed populations of recently domesticated or wild-captured species (e.g. cultured fishes). Articles on all aspects of wildlife parasitology are welcomed including taxonomy, biodiversity and distribution, ecology and epidemiology, population biology and host-parasite relationships. The impact of parasites on the health and conservation of wildlife is seen as an important area covered by the journal especially the potential role of environmental factors, for example climate. Also important to the journal is 'one health' and the nature of interactions between wildlife, people and domestic animals, including disease emergence and zoonoses.The principal form of publication is the full-length article which contains substantial, original research. The journal also accepts brief reports that have similar subject scope as the full-length article, but do not merit a full-length publication. In addition, the journal commissions articles with emphasis on shorter, focused reviews of topical and emerging issues as well as strategically important subjects. The journal encourages critical comment and debate on matters of current controversy in the area of parasites and wildlife via "Current Opinions".This title is fully open access and therefore funded not through library subscription payments but through author fees. If you would like your article to be published open access, but you genuinely cannot afford these fees, then individual waiver requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and may be granted in cases of genuine need. Priority for this waiver programme will be given to applications by authors from countries eligible for the Research4Life programme (see

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International Journal of Agricultural Management

eISSN: 2047-3710

International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology

ISSN: 1462-4605eISSN: 1741-5004
JUFO Level 1

IJARGE proposes and fosters discussion on the evolution and governance of agricultural resources, with emphasis on the implications that policy choices have on both the welfare of humans and the ecology of the planet. This perspective acknowledges the complexity of the agricultural sector as an interface between ecological and socio-economic processes operating in parallel over different space-time scales, as well as the reflexive characteristic of human systems.

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International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

ISSN: 0303-2434eISSN: 1872-826X
JUFO Level 2
The Journal publishes original papers that apply earth observation data to inventarisation and management of natural resources and the environment. In this context, earth observation data are normally those acquired from remote sensing platforms such as satellites and aircraft, complemented and supplemented by surface and subsurface measurements and mapping. Natural resources include forests, agricultural land, soils, water resources, mineral deposits, and land itself as a foundation for infrastructure and housing. Environmental issues include biodiversity, land degradation, industrial pollution and natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods and landslides. The focus, which can be either conceptual or data driven, includes all major themes in geoinformation, like capturing, databasing, visualization and interpretation of data, but also issues of data quality and spatial uncertainty.

Since the scope is large, contributions should be of the highest quality. Some will convey important recommendations for environmental management and governance. Contributions that expand existing methodology in image analysis, spatial statistics and logic are welcome. We encourage 'Discussion' articles that stimulate dialogue between earth observation studies and managers in a statistically sound way and 'Review' articles that provide an overview of scientific developments in a particular scientific domain in recent years.

Papers addressing these topics in the context of the social fabric and economic constraints of developing countries are particularly welcome.

The journal is the successor of the former ITC Journal, and has been published by Elsevier since 2002.

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International Journal of Biodiversity Science Ecosystem Services and Management

ISSN: 2151-3732eISSN: 2151-3740
JUFO Level 1

The International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management (IJBESM) aims to improve our understanding of the role of biodiversity in providing ecosystem services and the associated management systems needed to maintain biodiversity and use ecosystem services in a sustainable mannerIJBESM focuses on the interaction between biodiversity at all levels (ecosystems, species, genes) and papers published in the Journal should address at least one of the following themes:(a) the link between biodiversity and ecosystem services; i.e. what is the role of biodiversity in providing ecosystem services ? (b) the link between ecosystem services and management; i.e. how can ecosystem services be (sustainably) managed and what are the trade-offs in service provision, and values, between different management states ?(c) the link between biodiversity and management; i.e. what is the influence of management alternatives on biodiversity conservation ?Articles may address these topics from different perspectives, including basic research, integrated assessment approaches (participatory or model-oriented) or policy-oriented. They may be inter-disciplinary or draw from more specialized fields such as biology, (landscape) ecology, genetics, land use and conservation science, and socio-cultural or economic studies. Systems addressed may range from natural and semi-natural ecosystems to cultivated systems and urban areas.IJBESM accepts Original Research Papers, Research Letters and Review Articles.Preparation of manuscripts should be in accordance with the Instructions for Authors.

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International Journal of Biometeorology

ISSN: 0020-7128eISSN: 1432-1254
JUFO Level 1

The Journal publishes original research papers, review articles and short communications on studies examining the interactions between living organisms and factors of the natural and artificial atmospheric environment. Living organisms extend from single cell organisms, to plants and animals, including humans. The atmospheric environment includes climate and weather, electromagnetic radiation, and chemical and biological pollutants. The journal embraces basic and applied research and practical aspects such as living conditions, agriculture, forestry, and health. The journal is published for the International Society of Biometeorology, and most membership categories include a subscription to the Journal.

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International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management

ISSN: 1756-8692eISSN: 1756-8706
JUFO Level 1

IJCCSM is an Open Access journal which provides a platform for papers assessing approaches to combat and cope with climate change.

International Journal of Conservation Science

ISSN: 2067-533XeISSN: 2067-8223
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