Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series is a monthly journal established by the Chinese Mathematical Society. The journal publishes significant research papers from all branches of pure and applied mathematics. It provides authoritative reviews of current developments in mathematical research. Contributions are invited from researchers all over the world.
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica publishes original papers of high level in pure and applied mathematics and aims to contribute to the interaction and cooperation among mathematicians from Vietnam and from other countries in the World.
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series) is a quarterly journal established by the Chinese Mathematical Society. The journal publishes high quality research papers from all branches of applied mathematics, including partial differential equations, computational mathematics, applied probability, mathematical finance, statistics, dynamical systems, and optimization and management science.
electromechanical actuators
Computational mechanics, Theoretical and applied mechanics, Advanced modeling, Simulation of materials, Numerical analysis, CSMA
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience is an international peer-reviewed journal with a wide-ranging coverage, consolidates research activities in all aspects of computational and theoretical nanoscience into a single reference source. This journal offers scientists and engineers peer-reviewed research papers in all aspects of computational and theoretical nanoscience and nanotechnology in chemistry, physics, materials science.
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (AACA) publishes high-quality peer-reviewed research papers as well as expository and survey articles in the area of Clifford algebras and their applications to other branches of mathematics, physics, engineering, and related fields. The journal ensures rapid publication 'Online First'' and is organized in six sections: Analysis, Differential Geometry and Dirac Operators, Mathematical Structures, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Applications, and Book Reviews.
Bibliographic Data
Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras
First published in 1990
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
approx. 600 pages per volume
Format: 15.5 x 23.5 cm
ISSN 0188-7009 (print)
ISSNÂ 1661-4909 (electronic)
AMS Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 0.17 (2011)
Interdisciplinary in its coverage, Advances in Applied Mathematics is dedicated to the publication of original and survey articles on rigorous methods and results in applied mathematics. The journal features articles on discrete applied mathematics, applied commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, theoretical bioinformatics, experimental mathematics, theoretical computer science, and other areas.Emphasizing papers that represent a substantial mathematical advance in their field, the journal is an excellent source of current information for mathematicians, computer scientists, applied mathematicians, physicists, statisticians, and biologists. Over the past ten years, Advances in Applied Mathematics has published research papers written by many of the foremost mathematicians of our time.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
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ACS — Advances in Complex Systems aims to provide a unique medium of communication for multidisciplinary approaches, either empirical or theoretical, to the study of complex systems. The latter are seen as systems comprised of multiple interacting components, or agents. Nonlinear feedback processes, stochastic influences, specific conditions for the supply of energy, matter, or information may lead to the emergence of new system qualities on the macroscopic scale that cannot be reduced to the dynamics of the agents. Quantitative approaches to the dynamics of complex systems have to consider a broad range of concepts, from analytical tools, statistical methods and computer simulations to distributed problem solving, learning and adaptation. This is an interdisciplinary enterprise.The goal of ACS, therefore, is to promote cross-fertilization of ideas among all the scientific disciplines having to deal with their own complex systems. These include, but are not limited to, biology, physics, engineering, computer sciences, economics, cognitive science and the social sciences. It is in fact the exchange of concepts and techniques — developed within areas as diverse as spin glass physics, game theory, molecular biology, evolutionary optimization, or psychology — which has proven itself to be a major driving force in complex systems research.ACS predominantly publishes original research articles in the field of complex systems and encourages submissions of papers which result from collaborations across traditional academic disciplines.
Advances in Computational Mathematics aims to publish high quality, accessible and original articles at the forefront of applied mathematics, with the potential for impact across the sciences. The journal places a particular emphasis on numerical methods, modeling, and simulation.
Advances in Fuzzy Systems is an international journal which aims to provide a forum for original research articles in the theory and applications of fuzzy subsets and systems. The goal of the journal is to help promote the advances in the development and practice of fuzzy system technologies in the areas of engineering, management, medical, economic, environmental, and societal problems. Advances in Fuzzy Systems is intended to provide a rapid communication of fully refereed papers through the open access publication model, which will enable the journal to reach a far greater audience than traditional subscription-based journals.The areas covered by the journal include but are not limited to: Fuzzy subsets and systems theory and applicationsApproximate reasoningDecision theory and optimizationIntelligent controlNeural-fuzzy systemsFuzzy information theorySoft computing and uncertainty modelingFuzzy logic for machine intelligenceDatabases, business, finance and management, medical applications, expert Systems, image processing and pattern recognition and other such areas of interest.