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Musculoskeletal Care

ISSN: 1478-2189eISSN: 1557-0681
JUFO Level 1
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Musculoskeletal Surgery

ISSN: 2035-5106eISSN: 2035-5114

Musculoskeletal Surgery – Formerly La Chirurgia degli Organi di Movimento, founded in 1917 at the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year. The journal provides up-to-date information to clinicians and scientists through the publication of original papers, reviews, case reports, and brief communications dealing with the pathogenesis and treatment of orthopaedic conditions. An electronic version is also available at The journal is open for publication of supplements and for publishing abstracts of scientific meetings: conditions can be obtained from the Editors-in-Chief or the Publisher.

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Médecine et Chirurgie du Pied

ISSN: 0759-2280eISSN: 1765-2855
JUFO Level 1

La revue Médecine et Chirurgie du Pied est née en 1984 sous l'impulsion du Dr Simon Braun qui en fut le rédacteur en chef jusqu'en 1997. Depuis cette date, la direction de la revue est assurée par le Docteur Paul-Hubert Benamou.Cette revue est l'organe officiel de la Société française de médecine et chirurgie du pied.La Société française de médecine et chirurgie du pied est née en 1969. Son fondateur fut le Professeur Paul Galmiche. Ce qui fait la spécificité de la SFMCP, c’est la pluridisciplinarité et la collaboration entre les divers spécialistes intéressés par la physiologie et la pathologie du pied, ainsi que par les traitements de ces affections. En effet, le pied est une région anatomique dont nul ne peut se targuer d’avoir l'exclusivité. Cette discipline est exercée par des médecins et des chirurgiens orthopédiques et traumatologiques, mais aussi par de nombreux spécialistes médicaux en rhumatologie, rééducation, réadaptation fonctionnelle, médecine du sport, radiolog

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Obere Extremität

ISSN: 1862-6599eISSN: 1862-6602

Die Zeitschrift widmet sich der Versorgung von Verletzungen, Verletzungsfolgen und Erkrankungen im Bereich der Oberen Extremität, d.h. des Schultergelenks, des Ellenbogengelenks und der Hand. Als gemeinsames Kommunikations- und Weiterbildungsforum für alle Chirurgen und Orthopäden mit entsprechender Spezialisierung ist sie zukunftsorientiert und schließt eine wichtige Lücke im orthopädisch-unfallchirurgischen Informationsangebot. Neben Originalarbeiten und Übersichtsarbeiten wird in speziellen Rubriken über innovative Behandlungsmaßnahmen, Probleme in der Begutachtung, berufspolitische Entwicklungen und Kongressaktivitäten berichtet., .

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Open Access Surgery

eISSN: 1178-7082
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Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie

ISSN: 0934-6694eISSN: 1439-0981

Die Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie wendet sich an alle operativ tätigen Orthopäden, Unfallchirurgen und Ärzte anderer chirurgischer Fachrichtungen, die zur Patientenberatung und Operationsvorbereitung wie auch zur Nachsorge fundierte Informationen zu aktuellen Operationsmethoden benötigen.Die Zeitschrift stellt bewährte und neue Operationsverfahren in einheitlich strukturierten und aufwendig illustrierten Beiträgen dar. Von den Indikationen, Kontraindikationen, der Patientenaufklärung, Operationsvorbereitung und Operationsetappen bis hin zur Nachsorge werden alle Gesichtspunkte Schritt für Schritt vorgestellt. Auch auf Vor- und Nachteile, mögliche Komplikationen, Fehler und Gefahren der Methoden sowie aussagekräftige Ergebnisse mit ihren Bewertungskriterien wird eingegangen.Damit bietet die Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie allen operativ tätigen Orthopäden, Traumatologen und Allgemeinchirurgen, aber auch allen, deren Schwerpunkte auf spezialisierten oder konservativen Gebieten li

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Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics

ISSN: 1048-6666eISSN: 1558-3848

Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics is an innovative, richly illustrated resource that keeps practitioners informed of significant advances in all areas of surgical management. Each issue of this atlas-style journal explores a single topic, often offering alternate approaches to the same procedure. Its current, definitive information keeps readers in the forefront of their specialty.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine

ISSN: 1060-1872eISSN: 1557-9794
JUFO Level 1

Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine combines the authority of a textbook, the usefulness of a color atlas and the timeliness of a journal. Each issue focuses on a single clinical condition, offering several different management approaches. It's the easiest way for practitioners to stay informed of the latest surgical advancements and developments.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine

eISSN: 2325-9671
JUFO Level 1

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Orthopaedic Nursing

ISSN: 0744-6020eISSN: 1542-538X
JUFO Level 1

Orthopaedic Nursing is the state-of-the-art journal that keeps nurses current on important advances in diagnosis, treatment, resources, and nursing care. The only journal written by and for orthopaedic nurses, it's a highly essential resource. Orthopaedic Nursing the official journal of the National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses (NAON), is an international journal providing continuing education for orthopaedic nurses. It focuses on a wide variety of clinical settings--hospital unit, physician's office, ambulatory care centers, emergency room, operating room, rehabilitation facility, community service programs, the client's home, and others. Each issue provides departmental sections on current events, organizational activities, research, product and drug information, and literature findings. Articles focus on professional development as well as clinical, academic, and research areas of the orthopaedic specialty. For more information visit

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Orthopaedic Surgery

ISSN: 1757-7853eISSN: 1757-7861

Orthopaedic Surgery (OS) is the official journal of the Chinese Orthopaedic Association, focusing on all aspects of orthopaedic technique and surgery.

The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles in the following categories: Original Articles, Clinical Articles, Review Articles, Guidelines, Editorials, Commentaries, Surgical Techniques, Case Reports and Meeting Reports.

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Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research

ISSN: 1877-0568
JUFO Level 1

After 118 years, the Revue de Chirurgie orthopédique implements a decisive step in its development, aiming at increasing its audience and reputation among non-French speaking scientists and practitioners.Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research (OTSR) publishes original scientific work in English related to all domains of orthopaedics. Original articles, case reports, and technical notes are published in English in electronic form only and indexed in main international databases.

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Orthopaedics and Trauma

ISSN: 1877-1327
JUFO Level 1

Orthopaedics and Trauma presents a unique collection of International review articles summarizing the current state of knowledge in orthopaedics. Each issue begins with a focus on a specific area of the orthopaedic knowledge syllabus, covering several related topics in a mini-symposium; other articles complement this to ensure that the breadth of orthopaedic learning is supplemented in a 4 year cycle.

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Orthopedic Clinics of North America

ISSN: 0030-5898eISSN: 1558-1373
JUFO Level 1

Orthopedic Clinics of North America offers clinical review articles on the most cutting-edge technologies and techniques in the field. Published four times a year—in January, April, July, and October—each issue focuses on multiple topics in orthopedics, including adult reconstruction, the upper extremity, pediatrics, trauma, oncology, and sports medicine.

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Orthopedic Research and Reviews

eISSN: 1179-1462
JUFO Level 1
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ISSN: 0147-7447eISSN: 1938-2367
JUFO Level 1

All articles in are reviewed by the Chief Medical Editors and Executive Editor, who are solely responsible for deciding upon their acceptance, rejection or need for revision, based upon their appropriateness to the mission of the publication. All staff-written news reports are sent to quoted sources for verification of medial accuracy. Quotes and other information in staff-written news reports are verified for accuracy with sources prior to publication. Excluded from this policy are 1st on the Web articles, which are not sent to sources to facilitate the rapid dissemination of this news. Letters and other unsolicited material are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to review and editing. Unsolicited physician-written manuscripts and other expert-written original articles are encouraged, but also are subject to the editorial process and additional review by the appropriate Chief Medical Editor.

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Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja

ISSN: 1509-3492

Ortopediâ, Travmatologiâ i Vosstanovitel'naâ Hirurgiâ Detskogo Vozrasta

eISSN: 2410-8731
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Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

ISSN: 1063-4584
JUFO Level 2

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage is the official journal of the Osteoarthritis Research Society International.It is an international, multidisciplinary journal that disseminates information for the many kinds of specialists and practitioners concerned with osteoarthritis.The Journal fosters the cross-fertilization of findings from both the clinical and basic sciences of the various disciplines involved, including:• Osteoarthritis• Cartilage• Molecular biology• Clinical pharmacology• Orthopaedics• Rheumatology• Physical medicine• Biochemistry• Epidemiology• Collagens.

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Patient Safety in Surgery

eISSN: 1754-9493
JUFO Level 1

Patient Safety in Surgery encompasses all issues related to safety and quality of patient care in surgery and surgical subspecialties. The journal has published a number of Editorials discussing topical issues important to the development of this field.

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