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Clinical & Translational Metabolism

ISSN: 2948-2437eISSN: 2948-2445

Each issue of Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism is devoted to a single theme aimed at integrating new information, both basic and clinical science, into the context of clinical practice. For each review article, there is an interval of 6-9 months between invitation to authors and publication. Each issue features guest editors recognized for their own contributions to the field, thereby ensuring that the right colleagues have been invited to review the most current information.

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Clinical Biomechanics

ISSN: 0268-0033
JUFO Level 1
Clinical Biomechanics is an international multidisciplinary journal of musculoskeletal biomechanics.

The science of biomechanics helps explain the causes of musculoskeletal disorders and provides assistance to the clinician in the evaluation of treatment methods. Clinical Biomechanics aims to strengthen the link between clinic and laboratory by publishing biomechanics research which helps to explain the causes of musculoskeletal disorders and which provides knowledge contributing to improved clinical management.

A peer review system is employed and every attempt is made to process and publish papers promptly.

Clinical Biomechanics explores all facets of musculoskeletal biomechanics with an emphasis on clinical management. The role of basic, as well as medical, science is recognized in a clinical context. The readership of the journal closely reflects its contents, being a balance of scientists, engineers and clinicians.

The contents are in the form of research papers, brief reports, review papers and correspondence, whilst special interest issues and supplements are published from time to time.

Disciplines covered include orthopaedic and sports biomechanics, bioengineering, biophysics, ergonomics, kinetics, clinical science, physical therapeutics and rehabilitation.

The journal is affiliated to the Society of Biomechanics Society of Biomechanics Society of Biomechanics and the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics

First Annual Focus Meeting of the EPUAP: 16-17 April, 2012, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel /inca/publications/misc/israel.pdfEPUAP Tel Aviv

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Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine

ISSN: 1050-642XeISSN: 1536-3724
JUFO Level 1

The Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine is an international refereed journal published for clinicians with an interest in sports medicine practice. The journal publishes original research articles on specific musculoskeletal syndromes and conditions, rehabilitation, clinical physiology, population studies, and other key topics. Also included are case reports of new syndromes, injuries, and medical conditions, new diagnostic techniques, important clinical complications or problems associated with common conditions, and more. A Critical Review section contains structured review articles to provide brief, in-depth, critical summaries with recommendations for clinical management. A Sports Medicine Journal Club section presents structured abstracts of significant studies relevant to sports medicine.Website: and In-Training subscribers receive fully searchable online access to articles from Volume 1 to the present—now available on a powerful new website! This best-in-class website platform uses Web 2.0 functionality to provide an enhanced online experience through such features as: saved searches, personal article collections, easy image downloads to PowerPoint, and more.160;.

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Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

ISSN: 0009-921XeISSN: 1528-1132
JUFO Level 2

Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® is a leading peer-reviewed journal devoted to the dissemination of new and important orthopaedic knowledge.

CORR® brings readers the latest clinical and basic research, along with columns, commentaries, and interviews with authors.

CORR® is an international, well-read, and well-cited journal: Last year, CORR® articles were downloaded 460,000 times; over 60% of those downloads came from readers outside North America. Citation metrics put CORR® at or near the top of the list of orthopaedic journals.CORR® publishes content of value to both generalists and specialists on all aspects of musculoskeletal research, diagnoses, and treatment:

Original articles focusing on timely clinical issues.
Research articles highlighting the latest in clinically relevant basic science of musculoskeletal diseases and their treatments.
Monthly 'Symposia' devoted to a single topic offering the generalist reader an overview of a field, but providing

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Clinical Spine Surgery

ISSN: 2380-0186eISSN: 2380-0194
JUFO Level 1
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Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery

ISSN: 2005-291XeISSN: 2005-4408
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Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery

ISSN: 1558-2302

Each issue of Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery updates you on the latest trends in patient management, keeps you up to date on the newest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Each issue focuses on a single topic in podiatry and is presented under the direction of an experienced editor. Topics include charcot foot, the diabetic foot, imaging, pain management, ankle arthritis, foot and ankle arthroscopy, bunions, athletic injuries, wound and bone healing, fractures, dislocations, sprains, torn ligaments, amputations, infections, tumors, congenital deformities, and joint destruction.Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery publishes in January, April, July, and October.

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Clinics in Sports Medicine

ISSN: 0278-5919eISSN: 1556-228X
JUFO Level 1

Ideal for orthopedists and those in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Clinics in Sports Medicine offers the latest in patient management trends and updates on the newest advances in the field. Published four times a year—in January, April, July, and October—each issue focuses on a single topic in sports medicine, from spine, knee, head, and neck injuries, to trauma, imaging, and rehabilitation. Clinics in Sports Medicine has been edited by respected orthopedic surgeon Mark D. Miller since 1999.

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ISSN: 1808-1851eISSN: 2177-014X

To publish articles that contribute to the improvement and development of the practice, research and teaching of the themes related to the spinal column in Brazil and in Latin America.

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Comparative Exercise Physiology

ISSN: 1755-2540eISSN: 1755-2559
JUFO Level 1
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Connective Tissue Research

ISSN: 0300-8207eISSN: 1607-8438
JUFO Level 1

The aim of Connective Tissue Research is to present original and significant research in all basic areas of connective tissue and matrix biology.The journal also provides topical reviews and, on occasion, the proceedings of conferences in areas of special interest at which original work is presented.The journal supports an interdisciplinary approach; we present a variety of perspectives from different disciplines, includingbiochemistry, cell and molecular biology, immunology, structural biology, biophysics and biomechanics.The tissues of interest are*bone, cartilage, dentin, skin, teeth, and tendon, as well as the eyes, the vascular system, the kidneys and other connective tissue component-rich organs.Many processes are appropriate topics for discussion, such as*growth, development, aging, tissue remodeling, wound healing, and biomineralization.This collection of varied but related presentations will inform, stimulate and broaden the outlooks of individual specialists interested in current connective tissue research.

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Current Orthopaedic Practice

ISSN: 1940-7041eISSN: 1941-7551
JUFO Level 1

Current Orthopaedic Practice: A Review and Research Journal is a peer-reviewed, general orthopaedic publication designed to translate clinical research into best practices for diagnosing, treating, and managing musculoskeletal disorders. The journal covers the spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, foot, and ankle, as well as pediatric orthopaedics, orthopaedic trauma, and sports medicine. Full-color photographs and illustrations assist in conveying key information to orthopaedic surgeons.Website:

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Current Sports Medicine Reports

ISSN: 1537-890XeISSN: 1537-8918
JUFO Level 1

Current Sports Medicine Reports, an official review journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), helps keep physicians up to date with the expanding volume of information published in sports medicine. This bimonthly publication divides the field of sports medicine into 12 major categories. Each issue covers two areas in depth, providing a thorough review of the most current sports medicine literature published. For more information, visit ACSM physician members receive an e-subscription to Current Sports Medicine Reports as one of their core member benefit publications and can purchase a print copy subscription for only 36;15. For membership information, please visit

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Current Trauma Reports

eISSN: 2198-6096
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Der Orthopäde

ISSN: 0085-4530eISSN: 1433-0431
JUFO Level 1

Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Der Orthopäde ist ein international angesehenes Publikationsorgan und widmet sich allen Aspekten der Orthopädie und ihrer Nachbargebiete.
Umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem aktuellen Schwerpunktthema sind das Kernstück jeder Ausgabe. Im Mittelpunkt steht gesichertes Wissen zu Diagnostik und Therapie mit hoher Relevanz für die tägliche Arbeit – der Leser erhält konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen.
Frei eingereichte Originalien ermöglichen die Präsentation wichtiger klinischer Studien und dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch.
Beiträge der Rubrik „CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung“ bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärztliche Erfahrung für die tägliche Praxis nutzbar. Nach Lektüre der Beiträge kann der Leser sein erworbenes Wissen überprüfen und online CME-Punkte erhalten. Die Rubrik orientiert sich an der Weiterbildungsordnung des Fachgebiets.Aims & Scope
Der Orthopäde is an internationally recognized journ

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Der Unfallchirurg

ISSN: 0177-5537eISSN: 1433-044X
JUFO Level 1

Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Der Unfallchirurg ist ein international angesehenes Publikationsorgan. Die Zeitschrift widmet sich allen Aspekten der Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie und dient der Fortbildung von niedergelassenen und in der Klinik tätigen Unfallchirurgen und Chirurgen.
Praxisorientierte Übersichtsarbeiten greifen ausgewählte Themen auf und bieten dem Leser eine Zusammenstellung aktueller Erkenntnisse aus allen Bereichen der Unfallchirurgie. Neben der Vermittlung von relevantem Hintergrundwissen liegt der Schwerpunkt dabei auf der Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse unter Berücksichtigung praktischer Erfahrung. Der Leser erhält konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen.
Frei eingereichte Originalien ermöglichen die Präsentation wichtiger klinischer Studien und dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch.
Beiträge der Rubrik „CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung“ bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärztliche Erfahrung für die tägliche Praxis nut

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Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin

ISSN: 0344-5925eISSN: 2510-5264
JUFO Level 1
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Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology

ISSN: 1748-3107eISSN: 1748-3115
JUFO Level 1

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology along with Disability and Rehabilitation seek to encourage a better understanding of all aspects of disability and to promote rehabilitation science, practice and policy aspects of the rehabilitation process. Taken together, both journals represent an important forum for the dissemination and exchange of ideas amongst global health practitioners and researchers. 

The mission of Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology is to advance the practice and science of interdisciplinary and integrative assistive technology service delivery and product design internationally so that persons with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and challenges to the performance of activities and participation in life roles, achieve enhanced functioning and life quality. 

Assistive technology focuses on both equipping individuals with the most appropriate technologies and also removing barriers to functioning that exist in the environment.  Topics range from everyday/mainstream to specialized devices, and include: exoskeltons and robotics; smart homes; information and communication technologies and computerized systems; ergonomics; universal design; ambient assistive technology; telerehabilitation; job and environmental accommodations; and methods of service delivery.  

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology is an international and multidisciplinary journal, published six times a year. The Journal publishes review articles and original research on assistive technology devices, services, user experiences, education and training, and policies. The journal also publishes supplements, special issues and special sections. Because the field is broad, submissions include experimental investigations, survey research, case studies, systematic reviews and product development and testing. Theoretical and conceptual papers and the discussion of professional issues and international/national policies and standards are also published.

Subscribers to Disability and Rehabilitation receive Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology as part of their subscription, totaling 32 issues per year.

Click for the  Disability and Rehabilitation homepage.

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Eklem Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisi

ISSN: 1305-8282
JUFO Level 1

European Journal of Applied Physiology

ISSN: 1439-6319eISSN: 1439-6327
JUFO Level 1

With a focus on human integrative and translational physiology, the European Journal of Applied Physiology publishes original research that is considered likely to further our understanding of the functioning of the intact healthy human body under a variety of environmental (e.g. altitude, climatic, gravitational) and exercise conditions. Contexts include those relating to occupational, sporting, recreational and daily activities throughout the human life-span from childhood to old age.

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