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Movement Disorders Clinical Practice

eISSN: 2330-1619
JUFO Level 1

Movement Disorders Clinical Practice is an online-only journal committed to publishing high quality peer reviewed articles related to clinical aspects of movement disorders which broadly include phenomenology, investigative, translational and treatment aspects.

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Multiple Sclerosis Journal

ISSN: 1352-4585eISSN: 1477-0970
JUFO Level 2

Multiple Sclerosis Journal is a fully peer reviewed international journal that focuses on the aetiology and pathogenesis of demyelinating and inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system and on the application of such studies to scientifically based therapy.A vital journal for your research in the following areas:· Clinical neurology· Myelin chemistry· Neuroimaging· Pathobiology of the blood/brain barrier· Glial pathobiology/myelin repair· Pathology· Epidemiology· Therapeutics· Genetics· Immunology· Virology· Psychology· RehabilitationOutstanding information presented in a topical based format.

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Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Disorders

eISSN: 2056-6115
JUFO Level 1
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Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders

ISSN: 2211-0348eISSN: 2211-0356
JUFO Level 1

Multiple Sclerosis is an area of ever expanding research and escalating publications. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders is a wide ranging international journal supported by key researchers from all neuroscience domains that focus on MS and associated disease of the central nervous system. The primary aim of this new journal is the rapid publication of high quality original research in the field. Important secondary aims will be timely updates and editorials on important scientific and clinical care advances, controversies in the field, and invited opinion articles from current thought leaders on topical issues. One section of the journal will focus on teaching, written to enhance the practice of community and academic neurologists involved in the care of MS patients. Summaries of key articles written for a lay audience will be provided as an on-line resource.A team of four chief editors is supported by leading section editors who will commission and appraise original and review articles concerning: clinical neurology, neuroimaging, neuropathology, neuroepidemiology, therapeutics, genetics / transcriptomics, experimental models, neuroimmunology, biomarkers, neuropsychology, neurorehabilitation, measurement scales, teaching, neuroethics and lay communication.The journal will publish the following types of articles: Reviews; Original Research Articles; Editorials; Comment; Clinical Trial papers; Letter to the Editors; Case Reports; Book reviews; News. The submission of an on-line summary of selected papers of relevance for lay audience, Teaching Lessons and supporting images and datasets is also encouraged.

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Médecine du Sommeil

ISSN: 1769-4493

Pour une meilleure prise en charge des troubles du sommeil et de la vigilance, Médecine du Sommeil est la revue de référence francophone, qu'il s'agisse de la publication d'articles originaux ou de formation médicale continue.Conçue selon une approche pluridisciplinaire et transversale, Médecine du Sommeil rapporte les travaux des meilleures équipes - spécialistes du sommeil, chercheurs ou cliniciens - qui travaillent en complémentarité : neurologues, psychiatres, pneumologues, généralistes, gériatres, internistes, médecins du travail, ORL, cardiologues, stomatologistes, etc.Au sommaire de chaque numéro, 4 fois par an, des dossiers thématiques alternent avec des articles pratiques :- mises au point,- méthodes d'évaluations, - conduite à tenir, cas cliniques, - compte rendus de congrès.Des analyses de livre et revues de la presse, un calendrier et des informations diverses rapportent enfin toute l'actualité utile au somnologue.

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Nervno-Mysecnye Bolezni

eISSN: 2413-0443
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Neural Plasticity

ISSN: 2090-5904eISSN: 1687-5443
JUFO Level 1

Neural Plasticity is an international, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the publication of articles related to all aspects of neural plasticity, with special emphasis on its functional significance as reflected in behavior and in psychopathology. Neural Plasticity publishes research and review articles from the entire range of relevant disciplines, including basic neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, biological psychology, and biological psychiatry. The most recent Impact Factor for Neural Plasticity is 2.000 according to 2011 Journal Citation Reports released by Thomson Reuters (ISI) in 2012.

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ISSN: 1053-8119eISSN: 1095-9572
JUFO Level 3

NeuroImage, a Journal of Brain Function provides a vehicle for communicating important advances in acquiring, analyzing, and modelling neuroimaging data and in applying these techniques to the study of structure-function and brain-behavior relationships. Though the emphasis is on the macroscopic level of human brain organization, meso-and microscopic neuroimaging across all species will be considered if informative for understanding the aforementioned relationships.The main criterion on which papers are judged for NeuroImage is to what extent the scientific contribution advances our understanding of brain function, organization, and structure. NeuroImage also welcomes papers that explicitly address these questions in animal models or clinical populations. Papers that include reference to advancing the understanding of pathology, abnormal development, use of biomarkers or other questions of clinical utility should be referred to NeuroImage: Clinical.The journal publishes original research articles, papers on methods or modelling, theory and position papers that describe the use of imaging approaches to studying the brain. The journal strives to incorporate theoretical and technological innovations as part of its publishing remit and is committed to publishing the highest quality papers in both print and electronic media. The administration of the journal is integrative, reflecting the fact that imaging neuroscience is a multi-disciplinary science.Submitted papers will generally be considered under five sections. These comprise Methods and Modelling, Anatomy and Physiology, Systems Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Social Neuroscience.

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NeuroImage: Clinical

eISSN: 2213-1582
JUFO Level 2

The new online only, open access, peer reviewed journal in clinical neuroimaging.NeuroImage: Clinical, a Journal of Diseases affecting the Nervous System, provides a vehicle for communicating important advances in the study of abnormal structure-function relationships of the human nervous system based on imaging.The focus of NeuroImage: Clinical is on the characterization of changes to the brain at a systems level of analysis secondary to disease. The main criterion for judging papers is the extent of scientific advancement in the understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms of disease, in identification of functional models that link clinical signs and symptoms with brain function and in the creation of image based tools applicable to a broad range of clinical needs including diagnosis, monitoring of disease and tracking of therapeutic response. Papers dealing with structure and function at the microscopic level will also be considered if they reveal mechanisms that inform across multiple levels and can be translated to human disease.The journal welcomes original research articles as well as papers on innovative methods, models, databases, theory or conceptual positions provided that they involve imaging approaches and demonstrate significant new opportunities for understanding clinical problems.

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NeuroMolecular Medicine

ISSN: 1535-1084eISSN: 1559-1174
JUFO Level 1

NeuroMolecular Medicine presents cutting-edge research articles and critical reviews on the molecular and biochemical basis of neurological disorders. Coverage ranges from genetic analyses of human populations to animal and cell culture models of neurological disorders, and includes findings concerning the identification of genetic aberrancies and their pathogenic mechanisms at the molecular and cellular levels. Coverage includes experimental analyses of molecular cascades involved in the development and adult plasticity of the nervous system, in neurological dysfunction, and in neuronal degeneration and repair. NeuroMolecular Medicine encompasses basic research in molecular genetics, signal transduction, plasticity, and cell death. The journal gives special attention to synthetic research and reviews that aim to bridge genetic aberrancies with cellular and molecular mechanisms of neurological pathogenesis.

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Neurobiology of Disease

ISSN: 0969-9961
JUFO Level 2

Neurobiology of Disease is a major international journal at the interface between basic and clinical neuroscience. The journal provides a forum for the publication of top quality research papers on: molecular and cellular definitions of disease mechanisms, the neural systems and underpinning behavioral disorders, the genetics of inherited neurological and psychiatric diseases, nervous system aging, and findings relevant to the development of new therapies.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.comUS National Institutes of Health (NIH) voluntary posting ("Public Access") policyNeurobiology of Disease and Elsevier facilitate the author's response to the NIH Public Access Policy. For more details please see the Guide for authors

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Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

eISSN: 2451-9944

Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms is a multidisciplinary journal for the publication of original research and review articles on basic, translational and clinical research into sleep. It focuses on the mechanisms of sleep/wake and circadian regulation at the molecular and systems level and on research to examine the function of sleep. The translation of basic research findings to understand and treat sleep and circadian disorders is a key aim of the journal.

Topics it will cover will include:

  • Basic, translational and clinical research
  • Circadian rhythms
  • Molecular mechanisms
  • Genetics and epigenetics
  • Inflammation and immunology
  • Memory and learning
  • Neurological and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Behavioral sleep disorders
  • Neuropsychopharmacology and neuroendocrinology
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Neurodegenerative Diseases

ISSN: 1660-2854eISSN: 1660-2862
JUFO Level 1

Neurodegenerative Diseases is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing and discussing advances in research on all aspects of neurodegenerative diseases. The journal focuses on Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Huntington disease but also welcomes articles on related neurological and psychiatric disorders. It has a particular emphasis on the interplay between vascular pathology, neuroinflammatory change, and the progression of neurodegenerative disease. In addition to clinical and basic science studies, brief methodological papers are welcome in the emerging fields of statistical genetics, clinical and preclinical neuroimaging, novel algorithms of biomedical image computing, and other approaches elucidating mechanisms of neurodegenerative disease.
Neurodegenerative Diseases accepts high-quality papers in the form of brief reports, research articles, and review articles from a broad spectrum of scientific research areas ranging from neuroimaging and biomarker studies, molecular and cell biology, as well as pharmacology. All articles undergo rigorous scientific as well as statistical/bioinformatic peer review to ensure excellence. The journal provides fast peer review and provides opportunities for open-access publication.

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Neuroendocrinology Letters

ISSN: 0172-780X
JUFO Level 1


ISSN: 1874-5490eISSN: 1874-5504
JUFO Level 2

Neuroethics is a forum for interdisciplinary studies in neuroethics and related issues in the sciences of the mind. The focus is on ethical issues posed by new technologies developed via neuroscience, such as psycho-pharmaceuticals and other ways of intervening in the mind; the practice of neuroscience itself, including problems posed by incidental findings in imaging work on research subjects; regulation of neuroscientific technologies, and ways in which the sciences of the mind illuminate traditional moral and philosophical problems, such as the nature of free will and moral responsibility, self-deception, weakness of the will and the nature of personhood. This important publication covers the dual areas of neuroethics: the ethics of neuroscience and the neuroscience of ethics. It offers comprehensive bibliographies, reviews of significant literature, information on activities including partial proceedings of selected meetings, and an opinions section for reader commentaries.

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ISSN: 0947-0875eISSN: 2363-7013
JUFO Level 1
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Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation

ISSN: 2347-8659eISSN: 2349-6142
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ISSN: 1021-7401eISSN: 1423-0216
JUFO Level 1

The rapidly expanding field of neuroimmunomodulation explores the way in which the nervous system interacts with the immune system via neural, hormonal, and paracrine actions. Encompassing both basic and clinical research, Neuroimmunomodulation reports on all aspects of these interactions. Basic investigations consider all neural and humoral networks from molecular genetics through cell regulation to integrative systems of the body. The journal welcomes reports on the basic mechanisms involved in the CNS pathology of various neurodegenerative diseases. Although primarily devoted to research articles, timely reviews are published on a regular basis.

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Neurological Research

ISSN: 0161-6412eISSN: 1743-1328
JUFO Level 1

Maney delivers personalised service to authors, societies, readers and libraries for the publishing and international dissemination of high quality, peer-reviewed scholarship and research. Specialising in print and electronic journal publishing, Maney is committed to technical and editorial innovation combined with traditional values of quality and collaboration.Formed in 1997 (from a printing company established in 1900), Maney publishes over a hundred journals, the majority on behalf of societies, universities, and professional institutes.To publish a journal with Maney is to form a partnership, with the aims of the journal, its parent society, editors, readers, and authors paramount in the relationship. No two publishing agreements are the same; each is individually developed. This fundamental approach of responding to the needs of our partners, instead of imposing an off-the-shelf formula, has won us many friends. It is a matter of pride on our part, and satisfaction to our clients. Many of our contracts have now been renewed not once, but twice in their history.

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Neurology India

ISSN: 0028-3886eISSN: 1998-4022
JUFO Level 1

Neurology India (ISSN 0028-3886) is Bimonthly publication of Neurological Society of India. Neurology India, the show window of the progress of Neurological Sciences in India, has successfully completed 50 years of publication in the year 2002. ‘Neurology India’, along with the Neurological Society of India, has grown stronger with the passing of every year. The full articles of the journal are now available on internet with more than 20000 visitors in a month and the journal is indexed in MEDLINE and Index Medicus, Current Contents, Neuroscience Citation Index and EMBASE in addition to 10 other indexing avenues. This specialty journal reaches to about 2000 neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuro-psychiatrists, and others working in the fields of neurology. The journal is also subscribed by major hospitals and colleges in India.

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