This journal is devoted to the rapidly advancing research and development in the field of nonlinear interactions of light with matter. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, fundamental nonlinear optical processes, novel nonlinear material properties, guided waves and solitons, intense field phenomena, and their applications in laser and coherent lightwave amplification, guiding, switching, modulation, communication and information processing. Original papers, comprehensive reviews and rapid communications reporting original theories and observations are sought for in these and related areas. This journal will also publish proceedings of important international meetings and workshops. It is intended for graduate students, scientists and researchers in academic, industrial and government research institutions.
Laser Physics Letters encompasses all aspects of laser physics sciences including, inter alia, spectroscopy, quantum electronics, quantum optics, quantum electrodynamics, nonlinear optics, atom optics, quantum computation, quantum information processing and storage, fiber optics and their applications in chemistry, biology, engineering and medicine.
Living Reviews in Relativity is a solely WWW-based, peer reviewed journal, publishing as the name suggests, reviews of research in all areas of relativity. The journal is offered as a free service to the scientific community. Articles are solicited from specialists in their fields and are directed toward physicists at the graduate student level and beyond. Articles appearing in Living Reviews provide current and insightful overviews of what's happening in the fields they cover as well as annotated insights (and where possible, active links) into the key literature and online resources pertaining to these fields. One of the most important features of Living Reviews is that its articles are kept up to date by their authors. This is the significance of the word "Living" in the journal's title.With high quality, easily navigable, current editorial content, and with meaningful indexing of print and electronic resources, Living Reviews will develop into an information system researchers can use to follow and to learn more about the status of investigations in relativity. Living Reviews intends to become one of the first places a scientist looks for information about work in the fields covered by the journal. Recognizing that many respectable electronic efforts are already in progress, Living Reviews complements, rather than replicates, existing WWW physics resources. Living Reviews achieves this by providing refereed, expertly written articles which frame and link the resources that are most valuable in understanding current relativity research.
Guided by an international editorial board, this journal communicates the results of important experimental and theoretical studies at low - mainly liquid helium - temperatures. It offers key work in such areas as superconductivity, magnetism, lattice dynamics, quantum liquids and crystals, cryocrystals, low-dimensional and disordered systems, electronic properties of normal metals and alloys, critical phenomena. Includes original articles on new experimental and theoretical results, review articles, brief communications, memoirs, and biographies.
MAPAN-Journal Metrology Society of India is a quarterly publication. It is exclusively devoted to Metrology (Scientific, Industrial or Legal). It has been fulfilling an important need of Metrologists and particularly of quality practitioners by publishing exclusive articles on scientific, industrial and legal metrology. The journal publishes research communication or technical articles of current interest in measurement science; original work, tutorial or survey papers in any metrology related area; reviews and analytical studies in metrology; case studies on reliability, uncertainty in measurements; and reports and results of intercomparison and proficiency testing.
In 1913, the APS took over the operation of the Physical Review, which had been founded in 1893 at Cornell University. The Physical Review was followed by Reviews of Modern Physics in 1929, and by Physical Review Letters in 1958. Over the years, Physical Review has subdivided into five separate sections A, B, C, D, E, as the fields of physics proliferated and the number of submissions grew. Two online-only journals, Special Topics — Accelerators and Beams and Special Topics — Physics Education Research were launched in 1998 and 2005, respectively. In 2008, to assist readers in identifying exceptional research, APS launched Physics, a free, online publication containing commentaries, condensed review articles, and summaries of selected papers in Physical Review Letters and the Physical Review series.The journals of the APS embody the mission of the Society "to advance and diffuse the knowledge of Physics." We strive to produce journals of the highest quality, and at the same time, to keep our journals accessible to researchers and students at institutions of all types and sizes, everywhere in the world, through ongoing efforts to reduce production costs and through policies such as tiered pricing and reduced-price or free subscriptions for developing countries.
Launched in 1968 to fill the need for an international journal in the field of planetary physics, geodesy and geophysics, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors has now grown to become important reading matter for all geophysicists. It is the only journal to be entirely devoted to the physical and chemical processes of planetary interiors.Original research papers, review articles, short communications and book reviews are all published on a regular basis; and from time to time special issues of the journal are devoted to the publication of the proceedings of symposia and congresses which the editors feel will be of particular interest to the reader.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Plasma Physics Reports (Fizika Plasmy) was founded in 1975 in order to publish papers on a comparatively young and extremely fruitful branch of modern science - plasma physics. The journal covers the following topics: high-temperature plasma physics related to the problem of controlled nuclear fusion based on magnetic and inertial confinement; physics of cosmic plasma, including magnetosphere plasma, sun and stellar plasma, etc.; gas discharge plasma and plasma generated by laser and particle beams. The journal also publishes papers on such related topics as plasma electronics, generation of radiation in plasma, and plasma diagnostics. As well as other original communications, the journal publishes topical reviews and conference proceedings.
A multidisciplinary, high impact journal devoted to publishing research of the highest quality and significance covering the science and application of all quantum-enabled technologies.
Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994), an international and interdisciplinary scientific journal, publishes reviews, regular research papers and short notes. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Full experimental and/or methodical details must be provided, so that results can be reproduced. There are in addition three unique features: Manuscripts regarding research proposals and research ideas will be particularly welcomed. Comments on any related papers published in this journal and other journals can be published as short letters. Electronic files regarding the full details of the calculation and experimental procedure, if unable to be published in a normal way, will be deposited as supplementary material.
This journal offers practical information on all aspects of applied physics, especially instrumentation and measurement techniques. Particular attention is given to plasma physics, plus related fields such as the study of charged particles in electromagnetic fields, synchrotron radiation, relativistic electron beams, gas lasers and discharges. Coverage extends to Applied physics, especially plasmas; quantum electronics; surface effects; accelerator design and development; atomic and molecular physics; materials science; and theoretical and mathematical physics. Also well represented are studies of the properties of condensed matter, including semiconductors and superconductors, and material science.
This companion journal to Technical Physics offers rapid publication of developments in theoretical and experimental physics with potential technological applications. Recent emphasis has included many papers on gas lasers and on lasing in semiconductors, as well as many reports on high Tc superconductivity. The excellent coverage of plasma physics seen in the parent journal, Technical Physics, is also present here with quick communication of developments in theoretical and experimental work in all fields with probable technical applications.
The European Physical Journal C (EPJ C) presents new and original research results in theoretical physics and experimental physics, in a variety of formats, including Regular Articles, Reviews, Tools for Experiment and Theory, Scientific Notes and Letters. The range of topics is extensive:Experimental Physics
Hadron and lepton collider physics
Lepton nucleon scattering
High energy nuclear reactions
Standard model precision tests
Search for new physics beyond the standard model
Heavy flavourphysics
Neutrino physics
High energy cosmic rays
Dark matter searches
Particle detector developments
Accelerator physics
Computational methods and analysis toolsTheoretical Physics I: Phenomenology of the Standard Model and Beyond
Electroweak interactions
Quantum chromo dynamics
Heavy quark physics and quark flavour mixing
Neutrino physics
Meson spectroscopy and non-perturbative Q