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Applied Clinical Informatics

eISSN: 1869-0327
JUFO Level 1

ACI is the third Schattauer journal dealing with biomedical and health informatics. As the Official eJournal of AMIA and IMIA, the online journal ACI publishes approximately 100 peer-reviewed articles per year. It aims to establish a platform that allows sharing knowledge between clinical medicine and health IT specialists as well as bridging gaps between visionary design and successful and pragmatic deployment. The core editorial subject matters of ACI are: clinical information systems (including electronic medical records and systems, personal health records, physician/provider order entry, electronic prescribing, clinical decision support, nursing information systems, patient scheduling and tracking tools, lab information systems, radiology information systems, PACS, GP information systems), administrative and management systems, eHealth systems, information technology development, deployment, and evaluation, socio-technical aspects of information technology and health IT training. The target group of ACI is an international and potentially very influential readership, e.g.: chief information officers, chief executive officers, chief financial officers, medical informatics researchers, nurse informaticians, consultants, public health officials, vendors, IT safety healthcare providers, informatics trainees, health information management and health informatics practitioners, as well as organizations such as IMIA, AMDIS, AMIA, AHIMA, HIMSS or the equivalent.

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Applied Medical Informatics

ISSN: 1224-5593eISSN: 2067-7855

European Research in Telemedicine / La Recherche Européenne en Télém

eISSN: 2212-764X

Official journal of the French Association of Telemedicine.European Research in Telemedicine / La Recherche Européenne en Télémédecine, on line journal in English and French, reports and analyzes the big stakes in the telemedicine according to the following axes:The remote monitoring, which has for object to allow a medical professional to give a remote consultation to a patient and to interpret remotely the necessary data for the medical follow-up of the patient. The recording or the transmission of data can be automated or realized by the very patient or by a healthcare professional;The teleexpertise, which has for object to allow a medical professional to seek at a remotely the opinion of one or several medical professionals because of their trainings or of their particular skills, on the basis of the medical information bound to the care of a patient;The remote medical assistance, which has for object to allow a medical professional to assist remotely another healthcare professional during the realization of an act;The medical answer which is brought within the framework of the medical regulation;The telemedicine subjects relative to law, communicants and health economics.

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Health Information Science and Systems

eISSN: 2047-2501
JUFO Level 1

Health Information Science and Systems is a multidisciplinary journal that aims to integrate computer science/information technology with health science and services, embracing information science research coupled with topics related to the modeling, design, development, integration, and management of health information systems.Health Information Science and Systems is an international, archival, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, open access journal covering all aspects of the health information sciences and the systems that support this information. The scope includes i) medical/health/biomedicine information resources, such as patient medical records, devices and equipments, software and tools to capture, store, retrieve, process, analyze, optimize the use of information in the health domain, ii) data management, data mining, and knowledge discovery, all of which play a key role in decision making, management of public health, examination of standards, privacy and security issues, iii) development of new architectures and applications for health information systems. Health Information Science and Systems' topical coverage includes, but is not restricted to, the following subjects:Information systems including electronic health records, hospital information systems, data exchange and integrationHealth service delivery, workflowData mining, knowledge discovery, decision making supportSystem interoperability, ontology and standardizationBioinformaticsBiomedical informaticsBrain informaticsTelemedicineHealth data managementHealth database and information-system integrationHealth information extractionHealth information servicesHealth information-system modeling, design, and developmentHealth information visualizationSupport tools and languages for health information-system developmentHe, alth Information Science and Systems seeks articles on research methods and conceptual insights that are healthcare motivated but could potentially be applied broadly in diverse domains, both within and outside healthcare context. Methods may be drawn from information technology, computer science, bioinformatics, biomedicine, decision science, cognitive science, psychology, management science, and statistics. Articles emphasizing information management and knowledge representation/modeling issues that arise from the storage and use of health informatics will also be considered. System descriptions are welcome if they illustrate and substantiate the underlying methodology.

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Health Information and Libraries Journal

ISSN: 1471-1834eISSN: 1471-1842
JUFO Level 1

Health Information and Libraries Journal (HILJ) is a European journal of international and interdisciplinary interest to practitioners, researchers, and students in the library and health sectors. Its objectives include promoting debate about new health information developments with an emphasis on communicating evidence-based information both in the management and support of healthcare services. The editors welcome original health information articles on current practice, research projects or the development of new resources or services. Review articles are also welcome. Health Information and Libraries Journal is the official journal of the Health Libraries Group of the UK Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. The scope of the journal encompasses (but is not restricted to):

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Healthcare Informatics Research

ISSN: 2093-3681eISSN: 2093-369X
JUFO Level 1

Healthcare Technology Letters

eISSN: 2053-3713
JUFO Level 1

Healthcare technology is a rapidly advancing, interdisciplinary field and Healthcare Technology Letters is designed to meet the needs of researchers working in this context by providing a home for reporting on the diverse technologies and approaches being brought to bear on healthcare. Now a fully Open Access journal, Healthcare Technology Letters focuses on the most recent advances within a wide scope of disciplines, encompassing biomedical engineering, and computer and information science for healthcare.

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IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

ISSN: 2168-2194eISSN: 2168-2208
JUFO Level 2

J-BHI publishes original papers describing recent advances in the field of biomedical and health informatics where information and communication technologies intersect with health, healthcare, life sciences and biomedicine. Papers must contain original content in theoretical analysis, methods, technical development, and/or novel clinical applications of information systems. Topics covered by J-BHI include but are not limited to: acquisition, transmission, storage, retrieval, management, processing and analysis of biomedical and health information; applications of information and communication technologies in the practice of healthcare, public health, patient monitoring, preventive care, early diagnosis of diseases, discovery of new therapies, and patient specific treatment protocols leading to improved outcomes; and the integration of electronic medical and health records, methods of longitudinal data analysis, data mining and discovery tools. Manuscripts may deal with these applications and their integration, such as clinical information systems, decision support systems, medical and biological imaging informatics, wearable systems, body area/sensor networks, informatics in biological and physiological systems, personalized and pervasive health technologies (u-, p-, m- and e-Health), telemedicine, home healthcare and wellness management. Topics related to integration include interoperability, protocol-based patient care, evidence-based medicine, and methods of secure patient data.

Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Laboratory of Medicine


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Informatics for Health and Social Care

ISSN: 1753-8157eISSN: 1753-8165
JUFO Level 1

Informatics for Health & Social Care promotes evidence-based informatics as applied to the domain of health and social care. It showcases informatics research and practice within the many and diverse contexts of care; it takes personal information, both its direct and indirect use, as its central focus.The scope of the Journal is broad, encompassing both the properties of care information and the life-cycle of associated information systems.Consideration of the properties of care information will necessarily include the data itself, its representation, structure, and associated processes, as well as the context of its use, highlighting the related communication, computational, cognitive, social and ethical aspects.Consideration of the life-cycle of care information systems includes full range from requirements, specifications, theoretical models and conceptual design through to sustainable implementations, and the valuation of impacts. Empirical evidence experiences related to implementation are particularly welcome.Informatics in Health & Social Care seeks to consolidate and add to the core knowledge within the disciplines of Health and Social Care Informatics. The Journal therefore welcomes scientific papers, case studies and literature reviews. Examples of novel approaches are particularly welcome. Articles might, for example, show how care data is collected and transformed into useful and usable information, how informatics research is translated into practice, how specific results can be generalised, or perhaps provide case studies that facilitate learning from experience.The overriding goal of the Journal is to show how informatics contributes to the better delivery of care through the presentation of high-quality material, irrespective of whether it is oriented towards research or practice.

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International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications

ISSN: 1744-5485eISSN: 1744-5493
JUFO Level 1

Bioinformatics is a new scientific discipline that combines biology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics into a broad-based field that will have profound impacts on all fields of biology. It is the comprehensive application of mathematics (e.g., probability and graph theory), statistics, science (e.g., biochemistry), and computer science (e.g., computer algorithms and machine learning) to the understanding of living systems. IJBRA addresses the most innovative developments, research issues and solutions in bioinformatics and computational biology and their applications.

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International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications

ISSN: 1687-6415eISSN: 1687-6423
JUFO Level 1

The overall aim of the International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications is to bring together science and applications of medical practice and medical care at a distance as well as their supporting technologies such as, computing, communications, and networking technologies with emphasis on telemedicine techniques and telemedicine applications. It is directed at practicing engineers, academic researchers, as well as doctors, nurses, etc.Telemedicine is an information technology that enables doctors to perform medical consultations, diagnoses, and treatments, as well as medical education, away from patients. For example, doctors can remotely examine patients via remote viewing monitors and sound devices, and/or sampling physiological data using telecommunication. Telemedicine technology is applied to areas of emergency healthcare, videoconsulting, telecardiology, telepathology, teledermatology, teleophthalmology, teleoncology, telepsychiatry, teledentistry, etc.International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications will highlight the continued growth and new challenges in telemedicine, applications, and their supporting technologies, for both application development and basic research. Papers should emphasize original results or case studies relating to the theory and/or applications of telemedicine. Tutorial papers, especially those emphasizing multidisciplinary views of telemedicine, are also welcome. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications employs a paperless, electronic submission and evaluation system to promote a rapid turnaround in the peer-review process.Specific interests are (but not limited to) in the following areas:Telemedicine Supporting Technologies: Network architectures for telemedicineWireless TelemedicineMobile service platform for continuity of healthcareComplexity of telemedicine systemsNew sensor and medical RFID technologiesNetwork/Data privacy and security in healthcareNetwork research issues to support healthcareComputing issues to support healthcareMultimedia (video and voice) for telemedicineWireless telemedicine applicationsElectromagnetic interference issuesSignal processing techniques in wired/wireless telemedicine systemsInteractive audiovisual and data communicationsTelemedicine devices and peripheralsDatabase technologies for telemedicineStandard Efforts for telemedicineTools and platforms for telemedicine.

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Journal of Blood Service Economics

ISSN: 2769-4054eISSN: 2769-4062

The Journal of Blood Service Economics is an academic, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, publishing research from business, health, and public-policy disciplines, to advance knowledge of the U.S. blood and plasma industry to ensure a safe, affordable, and sustainable blood supply. Published on behalf of Commonwealth Transfusion Foundation (CTF).

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Journal of Communication in Healthcare

ISSN: 1753-8068eISSN: 1753-8076
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics

ISSN: 2058-4555eISSN: 2058-4563
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Medical Systems

ISSN: 0148-5598eISSN: 1573-689X
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Medical Systems provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of the increasingly extensive applications of new systems techniques and methods in hospital, clinic, and physician's office administration; pathology, radiology, and pharmaceutical delivery systems; medical records storage and retrieval; and ancillary patient-support systems. The journal publishes informative articles, essays, and studies across the entire spectrum of medical systems, from large hospital programs to novel small-scale medical services. Education is an integral part of this amalgamation of sciences, and selected articles are published in this area. Since existing medical systems are constantly being modified to fit particular circumstances and to solve specific problems, the journal includes a special section devoted to status reports on current installations.

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Methods of Information in Medicine

ISSN: 0026-1270
JUFO Level 3

Good medicine and good healthcare demand good information. Since the journal’s founding in 1962, Methods of Information in Medicine has stressed the methodology and scientific fundamentals of organizing, representing and analyzing data, information and knowledge in biomedicine and health care. Covering publications in the fields of biomedical and health informatics, medical biometry, and epidemiology, the journal publishes original papers, reviews, reports, opinion papers, editorials, and letters to the editor. From time to time, the journal publishes articles on particular focus themes as part of a journal‘s issue.

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Statistical Methods in Medical Research

ISSN: 0962-2802eISSN: 1477-0334
JUFO Level 3

Statistical Methods in Medical Research is a highly ranked, peer reviewed scholarly journal and is the leading vehicle for review articles in all the main areas of medical statistics and therefore an essential reference for all medical statisticians. It is particularly useful for medical researchers dealing with data and provides a key resource for medical and statistical libraries, as well as pharmaceutical companies.This unique journal is devoted solely to statistics and medicine and aims to keep professionals abreast of the many powerful statistical techniques now available to the medical profession. As techniques are constantly adopted by statisticians working both inside and outside the medical environment, this review journal aims to satisfy the increasing demand for accurate and up-to-the-minute information.Why choose Statistical Methods in Medical Research?Covers all areas of medical statisticsFull of statistics and statistical techniquesContains the latest, accurate informationAn indispensable reference for medical statisticians, statistical libraries and pharmaceutical companies.

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Telemedicine and e-Health

ISSN: 1530-5627eISSN: 1556-3669
JUFO Level 1

Telemedicine applications will play an increasingly important role in health care and provide tools that are indispensable for home health care, remote patient monitoring, and disease management, that encompasses not only rural health and battlefield care, but nursing home, assisted living facilities, and maritime and aviation applications.Advances in technology, including wireless connectivity and mobile devices, will give practitioners, medical centers, and hospitals important new tools for managing patient care, electronic records, and medical billing to ultimately enable patients to have more control of their own well being. As the nation once more addresses health care reform, the contributions of telemedicine need to be fully understood and appreciated and reimbursement policies must be in place for these applications.

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Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde

ISSN: 0929-600XeISSN: 1876-5858

Het Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde (TBV) is een uitgave van de Stichting tot bevordering der Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde (SBBV), met medewerking van de NVVG en de NVAB. Het blad houdt u op de hoogte van de ontwikkeling in uw vak, wanneer u werkzaam bent in de bedrijfs- of verzekeringsgeneeskunde. Het bevat wetenschappelijke onderzoek, artikelen voor de praktijk, opinies, boekbesprekingen en nieuws van de vereniging.

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Vital and health statistics. Ser. 1: Programs and collection procedures

ISSN: 0083-2014