Computing Reviews, the post-publication review and comment journal of ACM, is seeking a volunteer editor interested in serving as category editor for a segment of the software area. Please see the Category Editor search page for more information.
ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (TSLP) focuses on practical areas of the design, development, and evaluation of speech- and text-processing systems along with their associated theory. Topics within TSLP's scope include: natural language understanding, generation, and parsing; dialog management; machine translation; document summarization; question answering; detection and tracking of entities, relationships, topics, and novelty; language modeling for machine translation and speech; speech prosody; audio indexing; spoken document retrieval; and machine learning and pattern analysis applied to the above
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) is a journal publishing refereed articles reporting the results of research on Web content, applications, use, and related enabling techologies.The scope of TWEB is described on the Call for Papers page. Authors are invited to submit original research papers for consideration by following the directions on the Information for Authors page.