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European Cytokine Network

ISSN: 1148-5493eISSN: 1952-4005
JUFO Level 1

Excellence in medical and scientific information.A leader in the field of medical publishing for the past 20 years, John Libbey Eurotext has compiled a prestigious catalogue of books and publishes more than 60 new titles every year. A wide variety of series: scientific meeting reports, monographs and practical guides both aimed at general practioners and specialists.

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European Endocrinology

ISSN: 1758-3772
Publisher: Touch Briefings

European Food Research and Technology

ISSN: 1438-2377eISSN: 1438-2385
JUFO Level 1

The journal European Food Research and Technology publishes state-of-the-art research papers and review articles on fundamental and applied food research. The journal's mission is the fast publication of high quality papers on front-line research, new and novel techniques and developing trends in such disciplines as chemistry and biochemistry; technology and molecular biotechnology; nutritional chemistry and toxicology; analytical and sensory methodologies and food physics. The Editors-in-Chief are T. Henle, Technische Universität Dresden, and T. Hofmann, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany.

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European Journal of Applied Physiology

ISSN: 1439-6319eISSN: 1439-6327
JUFO Level 1

With a focus on human integrative and translational physiology, the European Journal of Applied Physiology publishes original research that is considered likely to further our understanding of the functioning of the intact healthy human body under a variety of environmental (e.g. altitude, climatic, gravitational) and exercise conditions. Contexts include those relating to occupational, sporting, recreational and daily activities throughout the human life-span from childhood to old age.

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European Journal of Cancer

ISSN: 0959-8049
JUFO Level 2

The European Journal of Cancer (EJC) is an international multidisciplinary oncology journal, which publishes original research, reviews, and editorial comments on basic and preclinical cancer research, translational oncology, clinical oncology - including medical oncology, paediatric oncology, radiation oncology, and surgical oncology, and cancer epidemiology and prevention.The EJC is the official journal of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO), the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA).Why publish your work in the EJC?Efficient peer-review: The EJC's Editors and reviewers are committed to maintaining the high standards of the journal. All manuscripts submitted to the EJC will be evaluated by the journal's Editors. Some manuscripts may be rejected outright following this evaluation, allowing the authors to submit their work elsewhere. Those manuscripts which are judged as being eligible for consideration by the Editors will be subject to peer-review. The full peer-review policy for the EJC can be found here.The EJC has an online submission and peer-review system to facilitate the submission and peer-review of submitted manuscripts. Authors are able to upload their manuscript quickly and track the status of their manuscript throughout the review process.Online Publication as an Article-in-Press: All manuscripts that are accepted for publication in the EJC are published online as Articles-in-Press within 4 - 5 weeks of acceptance. Articles-in-Press can be cited using the unique digital object identifier (DOI) which is assigned to all papers. In addition, Articles-in-Press are indexed in PubMed.The EJC's readership: The EJC is published in print and online and is available to more than 17,000 academic and clinical institutions, personal subscribers and members of the journal's Society Partners (the EORTC, ECCO, EACR and EUSOMA). In 2011 the journal had more than 83,000 articles downloaded per month from across the world.The EJC has an iPad app, making each issue of the journal available to our readers in this format. Visit to find out more.eTables of Contents: Our readers can elect to receive free eTables of Contents via email, which are sent out for each issue of the journal.Abstracting and Indexing Coverage: The EJC is included in the leading abstracting and indexing services, including PubMed/MEDLINE, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, the Science Citation Index, the Journal Citation Reports and Scopus.HINARI: The EJC is part of HINARI (Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative) administered by the World Health Organisation. The HINARI Programme enables developing countries to gain access to one of the world's largest collections of biomedical and health literature.Why read the EJC?High quality original research and review articles: The EJC is a multidisciplinary journal, publishing high quality original research and review articles on basic and preclinical research, translational oncology, clinical oncology (medical, paediatric, radiation, surgical), and cancer epidemiology and prevention from across the world.Guidelines: The EJC is privileged to publish selected treatment guidelines from the journal's Society Partners (the EORTC, ECCO, EACR and EUSOMA) and other groups.Special Series: The EJC publishes special series of papers on linked topics of particular relevance and interest to the journal's readers.EJC News and EJC News Focus: Each month, the journal publishes the EJC News, discussing and commenting on current issues in cancer, together with the EJC News Focus, a series of video interviews with key opinion leaders in oncology.

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European Journal of Cancer - Supplement

ISSN: 1359-6349eISSN: 1878-1217
JUFO Level 1

EJC Supplements is an open access companion journal to the European Journal of Cancer. As an open access journal, all published articles are subject to an Article Publication Fee. Immediately upon publication, all articles in EJC Supplements are made openly available through the journal's websites.EJC Supplements will consider for publication the proceedings of scientific symposia, commissioned thematic issues, and collections of invited articles on preclinical and basic cancer research, translational oncology, clinical oncology and cancer epidemiology and prevention.Authors considering the publication of a supplement in EJC Supplements are requested to contact the Editorial Office of the EJC to discuss their proposal with the Editor-in-Chief.EJC Supplements is an official journal of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) and the European Society of Mastology (EUSOMA).

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European Journal of Cancer Prevention

ISSN: 0959-8278eISSN: 1473-5709
JUFO Level 1

The European Journal of Cancer Prevention emphasizes the rapid publication of important research into fundamental aspects of cancer prevention, making it essential reading for researchers in a wide variety of fields. The scope is wide ranging, including descriptive and metabolic epidemiology, histopathology, lifestyle issues, environment, genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, clinical medicine, intervention trials and public education, basic laboratory studies and special group studies.Website:

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European Journal of Cell Biology

ISSN: 0171-9335
JUFO Level 1

The European Journal of Cell Biology, a journal of experimental cell investigation, publishes reviews, original articles and short communications on the structure, function and macromolecular organization of cells and cell components. Contributions focusing on cellular dynamics, motility and differentiation, particularly if related to cellular biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, neurobiology, and developmental biology are encouraged. Manuscripts describing significant technical advances are also welcome. In addition, papers dealing with biomedical issues of general interest to cell biologists will be published. Contributions addressing cell biological problems in prokaryotes and plants are also welcome.

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European Journal of Clinical Investigation

ISSN: 0014-2972eISSN: 1365-2362
JUFO Level 1

EJCI considers any original contribution from the most sophisticated basic molecular sciences to applied clinical and translational research and evidence-based medicine across a broad range of subspecialties. The EJCI publishes reports of high-quality research that pertain to the genetic, molecular, cellular, or physiological basis of human biology and disease, as well as research that addresses prevalence, diagnosis, course, treatment, and prevention of disease. We are primarily interested in studies directly pertinent to humans, but submission of robust in vitro and animal work is also encouraged. Interdisciplinary work and research using innovative methods and combinations of laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological methodologies and techniques is of great interest to the journal. Several categories of manuscripts (for detailed description see below) are considered: editorials, original articles (also including randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses), reviews (narrative reviews), opinion articles (including debates, perspectives and commentaries); and letters to the Editor.

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European Journal of Human Genetics

ISSN: 1018-4813eISSN: 1476-5438

The European Journal of Human Genetics is the official journal of the European Society of Human Genetics, publishing high-quality, original research papers, short reports and reviews in the rapidly expanding field of human genetics and genomics. It covers molecular, clinical and cytogenetics, interfacing between advanced biomedical research and the clinician, and bridging the great diversity of facilities, resources and viewpoints in the genetics community.Key areas include: * Monogenic and multifactorial disorders * Development and malformation * Hereditary cancer * Medical Genomics * Gene mapping and functional studies * Genotype-phenotype correlations * Genetic variation and genome diversity * Statistical and computational genetics * Bioinformatics * Advances in diagnostics * Therapy and prevention * Animal models * Genetic services * Community geneticsThe journal also publishes invited editorials and commentaries, announcements of societal and other European activities and special issues of general interest for the human genetics community.

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European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology

ISSN: 1438-7697eISSN: 1438-9312
JUFO Level 1

Lipids, fats and oils play an ever increasing role in many aspects of health, science and technology, e.g. health requirements, metabolism, tailor-made raw materials and renewable rescources. The European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology focusses on the scientific and geographical integration of this varied spectrum ranging from lipidomics, nutrition and health to analytics, biotechnology and process engineering as well as chemistry and physical chemistry. The journal is the official organ the European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids (Euro Fed Lipid). Highlights 2009:

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European Journal of Medical Genetics

ISSN: 1769-7212
JUFO Level 1

The European Journal of Medical Genetics (EJMG) is a peer-reviewed e-journal that publishes articles in English on various aspects of human and medical genetics and of the genetics of experimental models.Original clinical and experimental research articles, short clinical reports, review articles and letters to the editor are welcome on topics such as :• Dysmorphology and syndrome delineation• Molecular genetics and molecular cytogenetics of inherited disorders• Clinical applications of genomics and nextgen sequencing technologies• Syndromal cancer genetics• Behavioral genetics• Community genetics• Fetal pathology and prenatal diagnosis• Genetic counselingBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine

ISSN: 2516-5593eISSN: 2516-5593

Journal of clinical and molecular medicine is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal providing a platform for advances in health care/clinical practices in combination with basic findings in mechanisms of disease pathogenesis to therapy.

Cumulative of clinical practices with an insight for researchers within the community in regard to developing molecular tools and identifying molecular targets for the diagnosis and treatment of a diverse number of human diseases is the primary goal of Journal.

Journal will feature research, review papers, reports, editorials, expert opinion and perspective papers, commentaries, and book reviews.

Journal of clinical and molecular medicine accepts direct submissions from authors: Attach your word file with e-mail and send it to:  alternatively to

Please, follow the Instructions for Authors. In the cover letter add the name and e-mail address of 5 proposed reviewers (we can choose them or not).

Copyright is retained by the authors and articles can be freely used and distributed by others. Articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published by Journal of clinical and molecular medicine, is properly cited.

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European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

ISSN: 0939-6411
JUFO Level 2

The European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics provides a medium for publication of novel and innovative research from the areas of Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutics.Topics covered include:• Drug and pro-drug design, drug stability and drug development• Development, formulation and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals• Physical pharmacy, drug delivery systems, controlled release systems and drug targeting• Biopharmaceutics• Pharmaceutical analysis and pharmaceutical packaging• Quality control, GMP and regulatory aspects• Medical devices"The Rules of 3"The Editors and Editorial board have developed the "Rules of 3". Authors must consider the following three criteria before they submit a manuscript and set the whole process of editing and reviewing at work:1. The paper must report on recent advances in pharmaceutical technology, biopharmaceutics and pharmaceutical biotechnology of major importance2. A paper must be based on a thorough and extensive study, using established or well-described methods and including proper controls. Research must be hypothesis-driven and conclusions must be supported by the data presented.3. The study described in the manuscript must represent a novel approachThe rules are also used as guidelines for the peer review of manuscripts. CLICK HERE to view the "Rules of 3".

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European Pharmaceutical Review

ISSN: 1360-8606

European journal of endocrinology

ISSN: 0804-4643eISSN: 1479-683X
JUFO Level 3

European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes 12 issues per year in print and in online formats. Some papers in EJE may have associated charges. Please refer to the Charges section below. Once a paper is accepted, EJE will publish a precopyedited, preproofed version of the paper online within 48 hours of receiving a signed licence. This is replaced by a copyedited, proofed version of the paper as soon as it is ready. Please read these instructions carefully and follow them closely. The Editors may return manuscripts that do not follow these instructions.

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Evidence & Policy

ISSN: 1744-2648eISSN: 1744-2656
JUFO Level 1

Evidence & Policy is the first peer-reviewed journal dedicated to comprehensive and critical assessment of the relationship between research evidence and the concerns of policy makers and practitioners, as well as researchers.

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eISSN: 2041-9139
JUFO Level 1

EvoDevo publishes articles on a broad range of topics associated with the translation of genotype to phenotype in a phylogenetic context. Understanding the history of life, the evolution of novelty and the generation of form, whether through embryogenesis, budding, or regeneration are amongst the greatest challenges in biology. We support the understanding of these processes through the many complementary approaches that characterize the field of evo-devo. The focus of the journal is on research that promotes understanding of the pattern and process of morphological evolution.

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Evolution & Development

ISSN: 1520-541XeISSN: 1525-142X
JUFO Level 1

Evolution and Development serves as a voice for the rapidly growing research community at the interface of evolutionary and developmental biology. The exciting re-integration of these two fields, after almost a century's separation, holds much promise as the focus of a broader synthesis of biological thought. Evolution & Development publishes works that address a diversity of evolution/development questions in a wide range of systems. The journal welcomes papers from evo-devo biologists reflecting such approaches as paleontology, population biology, developmental biology, and molecular evolution, and genetics, but also encourages submissions from professionals in other fields where relevant research is being carried out, from theoretical biology to ecology to the history and philosophy of science.

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Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution

ISSN: 0014-3820eISSN: 1558-5646
JUFO Level 3

Evolution, published for the Society for the Study of Evolution, is the premier publication devoted to the study of organic evolution and the integration of the various fields of science concerned with evolution. The journal presents significant and original results that extend our understanding of evolutionary phenomena and processes.

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