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Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical Sciences)

ISSN: 1672-0733eISSN: 1993-1352
JUFO Level 1

This journal, originally founded in 1979, serves as a platform for academic exchange between Chinese medical researchers and their foreign colleagues. It publishes mainly articles concerning the latest advances and experiences in biomedicine and clinical medicine. The articles contained in Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical Sciences) are primarily in English, with a small number of articles in German.

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Journal of Human Genetics

ISSN: 1434-5161eISSN: 1435-232X
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease

ISSN: 0141-8955eISSN: 1573-2665
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease is proud to announce its key performance indicators:Impact Factor: 4.070 (2012)Usage: 18,148 downloads per month (on average) Time to first decision: 33.6 daysTime from acceptance to online publication: 28.8 days

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Journal of Mammalogy

ISSN: 0022-2372eISSN: 1545-1542
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Mammalogy (JOM) is the flagship publication of the American Society of Mammalogists, established in 1919. JOM is published six times per year in February, April, June, August, October, and December. The Journal is a highly respected international scientific journal that promotes interest in mammals throughout the world by the publication of original and timely research on all aspects of the biology of mammals, e.g., ecology, genetics, conservation, behavior, and physiology. Society news and student scholarship opportunities are published regularly at the end of each issue.

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Journal of Medical Genetics

ISSN: 0022-2593eISSN: 1468-6244
JUFO Level 2

Journal of Medical Genetics is a leading international publication covering original research in human genetics, including reviews of and opinion on the latest developments. Articles cover the genetic basis of human disease including germline cancer genetics, the clinical manifestations of genetic disorders, applications of molecular genetics to medical practice and the systematic evaluation of such applications. Each edition includes original articles, short reports, review articles, hypothesis articles, book reviews, online mutation reports and e-letters where readers are invited to comment on material published in the journal. With Editorial Board members from all around the world (including the US, Canada, Europe, Australasia and the Far East), JMG strives to represent and, more importantly, to participate in the shaping of trends and opinions in human genetics research worldwide.

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Journal of Molecular Cell Biology

ISSN: 1674-2788eISSN: 1759-4685
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Molecular Cell Biology (JMCB) is an online, peer-reviewed journal interested in inter-disciplinary studies at the cross-sections between molecular and cell biology as well as other disciplines of life sciences. The broad scope of JMCB reflects the merging of these life science disciplines such as stem cell research, signaling, genetics, epigenetics, genomics, development, immunology, cancer biology, molecular pathogenesis, neuroscience, plant biology, and systems biology. The journal will publish primary research papers with findings of unusual significance and broad scientific interest. Review articles, letters and commentary on timely issues are also welcome.JMCB features an outstanding Editorial Board, which will serve as scientific advisors to the journal and provide strategic guidance for the development of the journal. By selecting only the best papers for publication, JMCB will provide a first rate publishing forum for scientists all over the world.

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Journal of Molecular Evolution

ISSN: 0022-2844eISSN: 1432-1432
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Molecular Evolution covers experimental and theoretical work aimed at deciphering features of molecular evolution and the processes bearing on these features, from the initial formation of macromolecular systems onward. Topics addressed include the evolution of informational macromolecules and their relation to more complex levels of biological organization, up to populations and taxa. This coverage accommodates such subfields as comparative structural and functional genomics, population genetics, the molecular evolution of development, the evolution of gene regulation and gene interaction networks, and in vitro evolution of DNA and RNA.

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Journal of Neurogenetics

ISSN: 0167-7063eISSN: 1563-5260
JUFO Level 1

Under new editorship from 2008, Journal of Neurogenetics continues to publish papers involving the genetics of behavior, neural function or development, interpreted in the broadest sense. The Journal may be particularly appropriate for papers on behavioral, biochemical, or cellular aspects of neural function, plasticity, aging or disease. In addition to analyses in the traditional genetic-model organisms, C. elegans, Drosophila, mouse and the zebrafish, the Journal encourages submission of neurogenetic investigations performed in organisms not easily amenable to experimental genetics. Such investigations might, for instance, describe behavioral differences deriving from genetic variation within a species, or report human disease studies that provide exceptional insights into biological mechanisms. Manuscripts simply documenting the correlation of specific human SNPs with behavioral traits or neurological disorders are outside of the Journal's current Scope and will not be considered. In addition to Original Articles, the Journal will also publish Short Communications, and Hypotheses, as well as Invited Commentaries and Reviews. Meeting Reports or groups of Abstracts associated with Neurogeneticsconferences will also appear on a regular basis.In an attempt to energize the Journal, the new editorship:a) Has revised the presentation and has provided online access to the Journal; andb) Makes the following commitments to prospective authors: *To provide a fair and constructive peer review of manuscripts submitted.*To ensure that accepted manuscripts appear in electronic databases within six weeks of final acceptance.*To provide rapid editorial review of papers previously reviewed by other journals.*To allow authors maximal latitude in discussing the wide implications of their work and, when duly qualified, encourage discussions that question current models.*To improve representation of research from countries outside Europe and North America.

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Journal of Phytopathology

ISSN: 0931-1785eISSN: 1439-0434
JUFO Level 1

This international journal publishes original scientific articles, short communications and reviews on all aspects of phytopathology on the population, organism, physiological, biochemical and molecular genetic level. The scope is on plant diseases induced by microbial pathogens, viruses and nematodes. Papers should address phytopathological and epidemiological aspects of plant diseases with regard to their management and control. The journal is eminently suitable for university teachers, researchers in universities, research institutes, and industry as well as for postgraduate and advanced students. The publication language is English. Fields of interest: phytopathology, plant protection.

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Journal of Plant Registrations

ISSN: 1936-5209eISSN: 1940-3496
JUFO Level 1

ournal of Plant Registrations publishes cultivar, germplasm, parental line, genetic stock, and mapping population registration manuscripts. The journal is published online on an open-access basis. The print version of the journal ships three times a year to subscribers of Crop Science. The Journal of Plant Registrations will accept registrations of plant material with documented novel and unique characteristics compared to available accession sources of a particular species. Perspective or review papers on historical plant material, the registration process, or related topics may also be accepted with approval of the editor and after review.

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Journal of Stem Cells

eISSN: 1556-8539
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Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics

ISSN: 1345-711XeISSN: 1570-0267
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics (JSFG) provides a forum for the exchange and discussion of new data in structural and functional genomics. All submitted manuscripts are subject to peer review and in view of the urgent nature of this publication, papers will be posted on-line first. The scope of JSFG includes: Determination of the three-dimensional structures of gene products including those with unknown biological functions. Research and new methodologies for structural genomics including informatics, protein sample production, and structure determination. Discussion of results of structural genomics projects. Experimental and structure-based functional analysis. JSFG welcomes scientific articles in the following categories: Original research articles Reviews Short Structure Notes, New Software Application Notes and Functional Characterization Notes

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Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research

ISSN: 0947-5745eISSN: 1439-0469
JUFO Level 1

The journal provides an international forum for papers on systematic zoology and evolutionary research. The journal offers a competent survey of the diversity of evolutionary research and related fields. Emphasis is on the synthesis of scientific results from anatomy, morphology, physiology, ethology, general genetics, population genetics and molecular biology. The journal contains only original articles published in English, German or French with abstracts in at least two languages. Fields of interest: General and systematic zoology, evolutionary biology.

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Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

ISSN: 0003-1062eISSN: 2327-9788
JUFO Level 1

By unearthing the foundations of current research, the Oxford Journal Archive enables readers to explore the changes in opinion over the past 140 years and puts present knowledge into context.

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Lifestyle Genomics

ISSN: 2504-3161eISSN: 2504-3188
JUFO Level 1

Lifestyle Genomics aims to provide a forum for highlighting new advances in the broad area of lifestyle-gene interactions and their influence on health and disease. The journal welcomes novel contributions that investigate how genetics may influence a person’s response to lifestyle factors, such as diet and nutrition, natural health products, physical activity, and sleep, amongst others. Additionally, contributions examining how lifestyle factors influence the expression/abundance of genes, proteins, and metabolites in cell and animal models as well as in humans are also of interest.
The journal will publish high-quality original research papers, brief research communications, reviews outlining timely advances in the field, and brief research methods pertaining to lifestyle genomics. It will also include a unique section under the heading “Market Place” presenting articles of companies active in the area of lifestyle genomics. Research articles will undergo rigorous scientific as well

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Mammalian Genome

ISSN: 0938-8990eISSN: 1432-1777
JUFO Level 1

Mammalian Genome focuses on experimental, theoretical, and technical aspects of genomics and genetics in mouse, human, and other species, particularly those which bear on studies of gene function. The journal publishes original papers that present novel findings in all areas of mammalian genetic research as well as reviews on areas of topical interest. The journal also features commentary and editorial to alert and inform readers of developments in the areas of mammalian genetics and functional genomics. Coverage emphasizes gene structure and expression studies; mutagenesis, the characterization of new mutations and the identification of animal models of human genetic disorders; genetic, physical, and comparative mapping, particularly for the study of gene function; genetic analysis of complex traits; informatics related to genome analysis and functional genomics; novel technical approaches. Mammalian Genome is the official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society.

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Marine Genomics

ISSN: 1874-7787eISSN: 1876-7478
JUFO Level 1

The journal publishes papers on all functional and evolutionary aspects of genes, chromatin, chromosomes and (meta)genomes of marine (and freshwater) organisms. It deals with new genome-enabled insights into the broader framework of environmental science. Topics within the scope of this journal include:• Population genomics and ecology• Evolutionary and developmental genomics• Comparative genomics• Metagenomics• Environmental genomics• Systems biologyMore specific topics include: geographic and phylogenomic characterization of aquatic organisms, metabolic capacities and pathways of organisms and communities, biogeochemical cycles, genomics and integrative approaches applied to microbial ecology including (meta)transcriptomics and (meta)proteomics, tracking of infectious diseases, environmental stress, global climate change and ecosystem modelling.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Maydica: A journal devoted to maize and allied species

eISSN: 2279-8013
JUFO Level 1
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Medizinische Genetik

ISSN: 0936-5931eISSN: 1863-5490

Die medizinische genetik ist die größte Fachzeitschrift für klinische und allgemeine Humangenetik im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie wird herausgegeben von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humangenetik (GfH). Ihr Fokus liegt auf der Fort- und Weiterbildung: namhafte Autoren vermitteln sowohl grundlagentheoretisches als auch anwendungsorientiertes Wissen in Form von Themenschwerpunkten und für die zertifizierte Fortbildung. Aktuelle Artikel zu Recht, Ethik und psychosozialen Aspekten der humangenetischen Diagnostik und Beratung verschaffen den Lesern einen breiten und fundierten Überblick über gegenwärtige gesundheitspolitische Diskussionen. Nicht zuletzt gibt die GfH durch die Veröffentlichung ihrer Stellungnahmen und Leitlinien in der Zeitschrift medizinische genetik konkrete Handlungsanweisungen und Orientierung für die kompetente Umsetzung humangenetischen Wissens im klinischen Alltag. Die Humangenetiker in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz sind im Bereich Qualitätssicherung federführend in Eu

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Meta Gene

eISSN: 2214-5400
JUFO Level 1

Meta Gene publishes meta-analysis, polymorphism and population study papers that are relevant to both human and non-human species. Examples include but are not limited to:(Relevant to human specimens):Meta-Analysis Papers - statistical reviews of the published literature of human genetic variation (typically linked to medical conditionals and/or congenital diseases)Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) - examination of large patient cohorts to identify common genetic factors that influence health and diseaseHuman Genetics Papers - original studies describing new data on genetic variation in smaller patient populationsGenetic Case Reports - short communications describing novel and in formative genetic mutations or chromosomal aberrations (e.g., probands) in very small demographic groups (e.g., family or unique ethnic group).(Relevant to non-human specimens):Small Genome Papers - Analysis of genetic variation in organelle genomes (e.g., mitochondrial DNA)Microbiota Papers - Analysis of microbiological variation through analysis of DNA sequencing in different biological environmentsEcological Diversity Papers - Geographical distribution of genetic diversity of zoological or botanical species.

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