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Journal of Analytical Toxicology

ISSN: 0146-4760eISSN: 1945-2403
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Analytical Toxicology (JAT) is a peer-reviewed international publication devoted to the timely dissemination of scientific communications concerning the isolation, identification, and quantitation of drugs and other potentially toxic substances. Since its inception in 1977, JAT has striven to present state-of-the-art techniques that address current issues in toxicology.With an emphasis on practical application, JAT articles introduce improved and novel techniques for use in clinical, forensic, workplace, sports testing (doping), and other toxicology laboratories. Articles describe newly developed methods in immunoassay testing, gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, solid- and liquid-phase extraction techniques, as well as other analytical approaches.The methods published in JAT describe the chemical analysis of drugs of abuse, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, environmental toxins, chemical weapons, and sports doping agents in biological samples. The methods are generally applicable to therapeutic drug monitoring, abused drugs, clinical and forensic toxicology, workplace exposure, chemical warfare, and sports doping.

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Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

ISSN: 0165-2370eISSN: 1873-250X
JUFO Level 1

The international Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis is devoted to the publication of qualitative and quantitative results relating to:- Controlled pyrolysis (thermal degradation) of chemical materials, including synthetic and natural macromolecules as well as lower molecular weight chemicals;- Fundamental studies of pyrolysis processes by chemical, physical and physicochemical methods:- Studies of pyrolysis reaction kinetics, energetics, and mechanisms;- Environmental, geochemical, biological, medical, and forensic applications of analytical pyrolysis;- Studies in high temperature chemistry, including chemical vapor deposition;- Pyrolysis investigations of energy related problems, including the characterization of fossil/synthetic fuels and coal extraction/liquefaction products;- Technical developments and new instrumentation for pyrolysis techniques in combination with chromatographic or spectroscopic methods;- Automation, optimization and standardization of pyrolysis techniques;- Computer handling and processing of pyrolysis data, including library filing and retrieval techniques, and computer matching and advanced pattern recognition techniques;- Analytical characterization of materials by alternative means of thermally assisted degradation, for example, by ozonolysis, hydrolysis, derivatization, or enzymatic cleavage;- Oxidative pyrolysis, including studies in the combustibility and flammability of materials, and the chemistry of flames;- Applied pyrolysis, i.e. the use of pyrolysis methods in the disposal of waste materials and/or in the production of energy or commercially useful chemicals.

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Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry

ISSN: 1976-0442

Journal of Applied Crystallography

ISSN: 0021-8898eISSN: 1600-5767
JUFO Level 1

Many research topics in condensed matter research, materials science and the life sciences make use of crystallographic methods to study crystalline and non-crystalline matter with neutrons, X-rays and electrons. Articles published in the Journal of Applied Crystallography focus on these methods and their use in identifying structural and diffusion-controlled phase transformations, structure-property relationships, structural changes of defects, interfaces and surfaces, etc. Developments of instrumentation and crystallographic apparatus, theory and interpretation, numerical analysis and other related subjects are also covered. The journal is the primary place where crystallographic computer program information is published.

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Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

ISSN: 0021-891XeISSN: 1572-8838
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Applied Electrochemistry is the leading journal on technologically orientated aspects of electrochemistry. The interface between electrochemical science and engineering is highlighted, emphasizing the application of electrochemistry to technological development and practice, and documenting properties and data of materials; design factors, design methodologies, scale-up, economics and testing of electrochemical devices and processes. The broad range of technologies includes energy conversion, conservation, and storage, new battery systems, fuel cells, super capacitors, solar cells, power delivery, industrial synthesis, environmental remediation, cell design, corrosion, electrochemical reaction engineering, medical applications of electrochemistry and bio-electrochemistry, the electrochemical treatment of effluents, hydrometallurgy, molten salt and solid state electrochemistry, surface finishing, electroplating, electrodeposition, sensors, and applications of molecular electrochemistry. It also

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Journal of Applied Polymer Science

ISSN: 0021-8995eISSN: 1097-4628
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Applied Polymer Science reports progress and significant results in the systematic, practical application of polymer science. Areas of focus include plastics and their composites, blends, elastomers, films and membranes, fibers, coatings and adhesives, studies of emulsions and latices, aging of polymers, structural property-processing relationships, extrusion and molding, diffusion, and permeability.

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Journal of Applied Spectroscopy

ISSN: 0021-9037eISSN: 1573-8647
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Applied Spectroscopy reports on key applications of spectroscopy in, physics, chemistry , material science, medicine, biology, ecology and spectral instrument-industry . An increasing number of papers presented here focus on the theory of lasers, as well as on the tremendous potential for the practical applications of lasers in numerous fields and industries. The Journal publishes new results of investigations in applied spectroscopy and other related fields on the following topics: atomic spectroscopy, molecular spectroscopy, luminescence, laser spectroscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy, spectroscopy of scattering media, spectroscopy of solids, spectroscopy of nanostructures, spectroscopy of gases and plasmas, spectroscopy in biology and medicine, spectroscopy in environment studies, devices and methods of spectroscopy, optical materials. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy is a translation of the peer-reviewed Russian language journal Zhurnal Prikladnoi Spektroskopii. More information is available at the

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Journal of Asian Natural Products Research

ISSN: 1028-6020eISSN: 1477-2213
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Asian Natural Products Research (JANPR) publishes chemical and pharmaceutical studies in the English language in the field of natural product research on Asian ethnic medicine. The journal publishes work from scientists in Asian countries, e.g. China, Japan, Korea and India, including contributions from other countries concerning natural products of Asia. The journal is chemistry-orientated. Major fields covered are: isolation and structural elucidation of natural constituents (including those for non-medical uses), synthesis and transformation (including biosynthesis and biotransformation) of natural products, pharmacognosy, and allied topics. Biological evaluation of crude extracts are acceptable only as supporting data for pure isolates with well-characterized structures.All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two expert referees. STARTaylor & Francis/Routledge are committed to the widest possible dissemination of its journals to non-profit institutions in developing countries. Our STAR initiative offers individual researchers in Africa, South Asia and many parts of South East Asia the opportunity to gain one month's free online access to 1,300 Taylor & Francis journals. For more information, please visit the STAR website. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Biomolecular NMR

ISSN: 0925-2738eISSN: 1573-5001
JUFO Level 1

This journal presents research on technical developments and innovative applications of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the study of structure and dynamic properties of biopolymers in solution, liquid crystals, solids and mixed environments such as membranes.Coverage includes: Three-dimensional structure determination of biological macromolecules (polypeptides/proteins, DNA, RNA, oligosaccharides) by NMR; New NMR techniques for studies of biological macromolecules; Novel approaches to computer-aided automated analysis of multidimensional NMR spectra; Computational methods for the structural interpretation of NMR data, including structure refinement; Comparisons of structures determined by NMR with those obtained by other methods, e.g. by diffraction techniques with protein single crystals; New techniques of sample preparation for NMR experiments, such as biosynthetic and chemical methods for isotope labeling, preparation of nutrients for biosynthetic isotope labeling.Details on the Submission and P

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Journal of Biomolecular Screening

ISSN: 1087-0571eISSN: 1552-454X
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Biomolecular Screening (JBS) is the leading peer-reviewed journal focusing on drug discovery sciences. JBS publishes information that enables researchers to evaluate current technologies and incorporate applications to enhance performance and objectives. Manuscripts and editorial commentary emphasize scientific and technical applications and advances in target identification/validation; lab automation and robotics; high-throughput screening (HTS); lead generation/optimization; virtual screening, chemoinformatics; diagnostic assays; assay development; assay technologies (novel applications, comparisons); data/image analysis, statistics and information technologies/methods; high content screening, imaging platforms; sample management (library design, compound logistics, chemical diversity); biological reagent production, characterization and management for drug discovery (cell lines, stem cells, surrogate tissues/species [xenopus, zebrafish, yeast]); genomic, proteomic screening; biomarkers; high throughput approaches to PK, ADME and predictive toxicology; legal, licensing issues.This publication will be of particular interest to those involved in analytical chemistry, applied microbiology, automation, biochemistry, bioengineering, biomedical optics, biotechnology, bioinformatics, cell biology, DNA science and technology, genetics, information technology, medicinal chemistry, molecular biology, natural products chemistry, organic chemistry, pharmacology, spectroscopy, and toxicology.

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Journal of Biophotonics

ISSN: 1864-063XeISSN: 1864-0648
JUFO Level 1

Aims and Scope Download Flyer Scope The first international journal dedicated to publishing reviews and original articles from this exciting field. theJournal of Biophotonicscovers the broad range of research on interactions between light and biological material. The journal seeks to provide a platform where the physicist communicates with the biologist and where the clinical practitioner learns about the latest tools for the diagnosis of diseases. As such. the journal is highly interdisciplinary. publishing cutting edge research i+X2n the fields of physics. chemistry. biology. and medicine. The coverage extends from fundamental research to specific developments. while also including the latest applications. First Impact Factor 2009:Journal of Biophotonicsachieved a promising first ISI Impact Factor of 1.558 (2009). Topics The main fields of application are: Medicine (diagnosis and therapy)MicrobiologyFood and drug analysisBiosafetyImaging and microscopyAdvanced spectroscopyManipulation and preparationOptical biosensors Featured technologies are: Advanced optical microscopyOptical tomographyPhotonic nano-manipulationSpectroscopic methods on a cellular and molecular levelOptical biosensingTheory and simulation of light - tissue interactionHigh volume analysisNon-invasive physiological monitoring ISSN: 1864-063X (print). 1864-0648 (online). Volume 4. 12 Issues in 2011.

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Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry

ISSN: 0732-8303eISSN: 1532-2327
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry serves as an international forum for research advances involving the chemistry and biology of carbohydrates. The following aspects are considered to fall within the scope of this journal: * novel synthetic methods involving carbohydrates, oligosaccharides, and glycoconjugates * the use of chemical methods to address aspects of glycobiology * spectroscopic and crystallographic structure studies of carbohydrates * computational and molecular modeling studies * physicochemical studies involving carbohydrates and the chemistry and biochemistry of carbohydrate polymers Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Catalysis

ISSN: 0021-9517eISSN: 1090-2694
JUFO Level 3

Journal of Catalysis is the premier scholarly publication in the field of catalysis and an indispensable source of information for chemists and chemical engineers in both industrial and academic fields. Over the last decade, Journal of Catalysis has been ranked among the top five chemical engineering journals in terms of impact and relevance. During this period, it has published some of the most important contributions to physical chemistry and the science and applications of catalysis.Journal of Catalysis publishes original, rigorous, and scholarly contributions in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and homogeneous catalysis. These include studies that relate catalytic function to fundamental chemical processes at surfaces and in metal complexes, novel concepts in surface chemistry, the synthesis and catalytic function of novel inorganic solids and complexes, spectroscopic methods for structural characterization, and theoretical methods of direct interest and impact in the science and applications of catalysts and catalytic processes.Journal of Catalysis publishes manuscripts of archival value because of their significant fundamental and conceptual contributions to our understanding and practice of catalytic chemistries. The journal features authoritative articles, priority communications, research notes, and letters to the Editors.Journal of Catalysis also publishes Priority Communications and Research Notes. Priority Communications contain unique, exciting, and novel results that provide compelling evidence for rapid publication; while results in such communications may be of a preliminary nature, experimental details must be fully documented and the results reliably reproduced. Research Notes typically contain data and concepts that resolve in a concise but rigorous manner issues raised in previous publications.

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Journal of Cellular Plastics

ISSN: 0021-955XeISSN: 1530-7999
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Cellular Plastics is a fully peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles covering the latest advances in foamed plastics technology.Original articles provide current information that help tailor foamed plastics to specific product and market requirements. Diagrams, flowcharts and photographs illustrate new processing steps and machinery.All types of foamed plastics are examined: · flexible · rigid · microcellular · reinforced · elastomeric · composites.

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Journal of Chemical Crystallography

ISSN: 1074-1542eISSN: 1572-8854
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Chemical Crystallography is an international, interdisciplinary publication dedicated to the rapid dissemination of research results in crystallography and spectroscopy. Coverage includes studies in crystal chemistry and physics and their relation to problems of molecular structure; structural studies of solids, liquids, gases, and solutions involving spectroscopic, spectrometric, X-ray, and electron and neutron diffraction; and theoretical studies.

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Journal of Chemical Education

ISSN: 0021-9584eISSN: 1938-1328
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Chemical Education (JCE) is co-published by the ACS Division of Chemical Education and ACS Publications. Launched in 1924, JCE is the world’s premier chemical education journal.

JCE publishes peer-reviewed articles and related information as a resource to those in the field of chemical education and to those institutions that serve them. The journal typically addresses chemical content, laboratory experiments, instructional methods, and pedagogies. JCE serves as a means of communication among people across the world who are interested in the teaching and learning of chemistry. The global audience includes instructors of chemistry from middle school through graduate school, professional staff who support these teaching activities, as well as some scientists in commerce, industry, and government.

The criteria for a publishable manuscript include these areas of evaluation: scholarship, novelty, pedagogy, utility, and presentation. To be considered for publication by the Journal of Chemical Education, a manuscript must:

  • Demonstrate scientific and scholarly rigor, supported by up-to-date citations to relevant literature and guided by a rationale for how the work fits into existing knowledge.
  • Exhibit novelty through original scholarship or a creative or innovative practice.
  • Have pedagogical content and educational relevance and insight that demonstrate a positive impact on teaching and learning while articulating audience level, use with students, and details for adopting and adapting the material, if applicable.
  • Be useful to JCE readers by showing a connection to teaching and learning within the context of curricula or coursework.
  • Present well-developed ideas in a comprehensive, organized discussion written in clear, concise English and making effective use of display elements (figures, schemes, tables, etc.).
  • Adhere to the requirements and JCE protocols outlined in the Author Guidelines for each respective manuscript type and be submitted according to ACS publishing policies
  • Be submitted electronically using ACS Paragon Plus.

JCE does not publish science research papers (or papers exclusively covering scientific content) unless they have a direct link to the teaching and learning of chemistry.

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Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

ISSN: 1549-9596eISSN: 1549-960X
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCIM) is a bi-weekly peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers reporting new methodologies in chemical informatics and molecular modeling and its application and validation by experimental means. As a member of this community – author, reader, or reviewer -- you’ll stay abreast of advances and applications in molecular simulation, developments in multi-scale modeling, artificial intelligence, and machine learning models applied to chemical and biological data, computer science techniques applied to chemical problems, pattern recognition, clustering, computer-aided molecular design of new materials, catalysts, or ligands, development of new computational methods and algorithms and their implementation in software, and analysis of chemical and physical data.

  • Computer simulation using molecular dynamics and free energy methods
  • Machine learning models of chemical and biological data
  • Combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) multi-scale simulations
  • Computer-aided molecular design of new materials, catalysts, or ligands
  • Development of new computational methods or efficient algorithms implemented in software
  • Biopharmaceutical chemistry, including analyses of biological activity and other applications related to drug discovery 

The journal does not consider straightforward applications of molecular docking methods to a single target system without adequate experimental validation.

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Journal of Chemical Research

ISSN: 1747-5198eISSN: 2047-6507
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Chemical Sciences

ISSN: 0974-3626eISSN: 0973-7103

The Journal of Chemical Sciences publishes original articles and rapid communications by Indian and other researchers, spanning topics in the chemical sciences. It was originally part of the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences – Part A, founded by the Nobel Laureate Professor C.V. Raman in 1934. It was renamed Journal of Chemical Sciences, matching its present-day focus, in 2004. The journal presents original research articles and rapid communications, covering all areas of chemical sciences. A significant feature is its special issues, brought out from time to time, devoted to conference symposia/proceedings in frontier areas of the subject, held not only in India but also in other countries. It is published bi-monthly by the Indian Academy of Sciences.

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Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology

ISSN: 0268-2575eISSN: 1097-4660
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology(JCTB) is an international, inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal concerned with the application of scientific discoveries and advancements in chemical and biological technology that aim towards economically and environmentally sustainable industrial processes. Areas relevant to the scope of the journal include: Environmental and Sustainable Technology.

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