The Journal of Computer and System Sciences International is the leading scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences in all areas of control theory and systems. The journal features papers on the theory and methods of control as well as papers devoted to the study, design, modeling, development, and application of new control systems. Papers reflect contemporary research and development in the field, with particular attention given to computer methods and technologies. In addition to research articles, the journal publishes proceedings of international scientific conferences and provides reviews by top experts from Russia and abroad on current and emerging problems in the field of control.
The Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering publishes archival research results and advanced technical applications. Topics Include: Solid and Geometric Modeling; Computational geometry; Reverse Engineering; Virtual Environments and Haptics; Tolerance Modeling and Computational Metrology; Rapid Prototyping; Internet-Aided Design, Manufacturing and Commerce; Information Models and Ontologies for Engineering Applications; PDM/Enterprise Information Management; AI/Knowledge Intensive CAD/CAM; Engineering Simulation and Visualization , including FEA and Meshing; CreativeIT; and Computational Algorithms/Software Development for mechanical product development.
The Journal of Cryptographic Engineering is an archival journal publishing high-quality scientific articles presenting methods, techniques, tools, implementations, and applications of research in cryptographic engineering, including cryptographic hardware, cryptographic embedded systems, and embedded security. JCEN aims to serve the academic and corporate R&D community interested in cryptographic hardware and embedded security by offering a focused journal drawing together archival papers that are presently scattered across various journals. The Journal of Cryptographic Engineering will cover the research areas summarized below. Cryptographic Hardware: Hardware architectures for public-key cryptography and secret-key cryptography: special-purpose hardware for cryptanalysis: cryptographic processors and co-processors: hardware accelerators for security protocols (security processors, network processors, etc.): true and pseudorandom number generators: Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). Cryptographic Software for Embedded Systems: Efficient software implementations of cryptography for embedded processors: efficient and secure implementations of cryptography using multiprocessor cores: cryptographic libraries: cryptographic algorithms targeting embedded devices. Attacks Against Implementations and Countermeasures Against These Attacks: Side channel attacks and countermeasures: faults and fault models for cryptographic devices: fault attacks and countermeasures: hardware tamper resistance: Trojan hardware. Tools and Methodologies: Computer aided cryptographic engineering: methodologies and environments for fair comparison of hardware and software efficiency of cryptographic algorithms, architectures, and implementations: partial and run-time reconfiguration of cryptographic systems: reliability and fault, tolerance in cryptography and cryptanalysis: architectures for trusted computing. Applications and Implementation Environments: Cryptography in wireless applications (mobile phone, WLANs, etc.): cryptography for pervasive computing (RFID, sensor networks, etc.): FPGA design security: hardware IP protection and anti-counterfeiting techniques: reconfigurable hardware for cryptography: smart card processors, systems, and applications: security in commercial consumer applications (pay-TV, automotive, etc.): secure storage devices (memories, disks, etc.): technologies and hardware for content protection: security for embedded software and systems.
The Journal of Cryptology is a forum for original results in all areas of modern information security. Both cryptography and cryptanalysis are covered, including information theoretic and complexity theoretic perspectives as well as implementation, application, and standards issues. Coverage includes such topics as public key and conventional algorithms and their implementations, cryptanalytic attacks, pseudo-random sequences, computational number theory, cryptographic protocols, untraceability, privacy, authentication, key management and quantum cryptography. In addition to full-length technical, survey, and historical articles, the journal publishes short notes. The Journal of Cryptology is the official journal of the International Association for Cryptologic Research.
IGI Global publishes more than 100 double blind peer-reviewed journals in information/computer science and technology applied to business and public administration, engineering, education, medicine and healthcare, and social science.IGI Global journals are overseen by highly credentialed editors-in-chief and associate editors appointed from leading research institutions around the world.Interested in accessing all of IGI Global's journals in one electronic source?View the InfoSci-Journals aggregated database!.
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (JETAI) is advancing scientific research in artificial intelligence (AI) by providing a public forum for the presentation, evaluation and criticism of research results, the discussion of methodological issues, and the communication of positions, preliminary findings and research directions. JETAI features work in all subfields of AI research that adopts a scientific rather than engineering methodology, focusing on work in cognitive science, problem-solving, perception, learning, knowledge representation, memory and neural system modelling. All papers are peer-reviewed.
The Journal of Grid Computing explores an emerging technology that enables large-scale resource sharing problem solving within distributed, loosely coordinated groups sometimes termed 'virtual organizations'. Coverage includes protocols, security, scaling and more. Although the advantages of this technology for classes of applications have been acknowledged, research in a variety of disciplines is needed to broaden the applicability and scope of the current body of knowledge. This journal fills the need, covering such topics as protocols, middleware, and services, security, discovery, sharing, scaling, and more. Discussion extends to advanced technologies for collaborative work, information sharing and problem solving.
The Journal of Heuristics provides a forum for advancing the state-of-the-art in the theory and practical application of techniques for solving problems approximately that cannot be solved exactly. It fosters the development, understanding, and practical use of heuristic solution techniques for solving business, engineering, and societal problems. It considers the importance of theoretical, empirical, and experimental work related to the development of heuristics. The journal presents practical applications, theoretical developments, decision analysis models that consider issues of rational decision making with limited information, artificial intelligence-based heuristics applied to a wide variety of problems, learning paradigms, and computational experimentation. Officially cited as: J Heuristics
The international editorial board of
The Journal of Intelligent Information Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies (JIIS) focuses on the integration of artificial intelligence and database technologies to create next generation information systems - Intelligent Information Systems.JIIS provides a forum wherein academics, researchers and practitioners may publish high-quality, original and state-of-the-art papers describing theoretical aspects, systems architectures, analysis and design tools and techniques, and implementation experiences in intelligent information systems. Articles published in JIIS include: research papers, invited papers, meeting, workshop and conference announcements and reports, survey and tutorial articles, and book reviews. Topics include foundations and principles of data, information, and knowledge models; methodologies for IIS analysis, design, implementation, validation, maintenance and evolution, and more.
Published bimonthly, the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing provides a unique international forum for developers of intelligent manufacturing systems. By publishing quality refereed papers on the application of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, the Journal provides a vital link between the research community and practitioners in industry.In addition to research papers, the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing features articles on new methodologies and developments, case studies, surveys, and tutorials on topics related to product design, manufacturing, and service systems. Papers in emerging areas such as biomanufacturing, nanotechnology, and energy are welcome. Periodically special issues on topics of interest to the readership are published.Officially cited as: J Intell Manuf