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Environmental Evidence

eISSN: 2047-2382

Environmental Evidence facilitates rapid publication of systematic reviews and evidence syntheses on the effectiveness of environmental management interventions and on the impact of human activities on the environment.Environmental management is now a mainstream political activity with major resources being committed to growing challenges related to climate change, natural resources, ecosystem services and human wellbeing. Despite the large and rapidly increasing amounts of primary environmental research, the potential of the data to address questions of concern to policy makers and managers has not been fully realised. The Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) promotes and facilitates the conduct of systematic reviews and synthesis of evidence, and seeks to make this information more accessible to all.Environmental Evidence facilitates rapid publication of systematic reviews and evidence syntheses on the effectiveness of environmental management interventions and on the impact of human activities on the environment. Objective use of science to inform policy is a major aim and to that end we also publish policy briefs based on systematic reviews and systematic mapping of evidence. We also wish to encourage improvements in evidence synthesis methodology and encourage submissions that promise advances in this field.Our scope covers all forms of environmental management and environmental impacts and therefore spans the natural and social sciences.

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Environmental Fluid Mechanics

ISSN: 1567-7419eISSN: 1573-1510
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Fluid Mechanics is devoted to the publication of basic and applied studies broadly relating to natural fluid systems, particularly as agents for the transport and dispersion of environmental contamination. Understanding transport and dispersion processes in natural fluid flows, from the microscale to the planetary scale, serves as the basis for the development of models aimed at simulations, predictions, and ultimately sustainable environmental management. Within this scope, the subject areas are diverse and may originate from a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines: civil, mechanical and environmental engineering, meteorology, hydrology, hydraulics, limnology, and oceanography.

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Environmental Forensics

ISSN: 1527-5922eISSN: 1527-5930
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Forensics provides a forum for scientific investigations that address environmental contamination which is subject to law court, arbitration, public debate, or formal argumentation and is subject to the basic science that serves as underpinnings to those activities. Journal subject matter encompasses all aspects of contamination within the environmental media of air, water, soil and biota. The journal is an international, quarterly, peer-reviewed publication offering scientific studies that explore source, fate, transport, and human health and ecological effects of environmental contamination. Contamination is delineated in terms of chemical characterization, biological influence, responsible parties and legal consequences. Manuscripts dealing with a wide range of environmental issues and how they relate to the characterization and tracking of contamination will be accepted. Journal focus is on scientific and technical information, data, and critical analysis in the following areas; * Analytical Chemistry, including analytical techniques that provide definitive, quality results for analyses that are conducted to answer litigious environmental contamination questions * Geochemistry, including chemistry and physics of soil, water and air with respect to potential interactions with contamination * Atmospheric Chemistry, including occurrence, alteration, fate, transport and modeling of chemicals in the atmosphere * Microbiology, including all aspects of microbe-related transformation and alteration of contamination constituents * Environmental Fate Assessment, including partitioning and transformation of contaminant components between and within environmental media * Environmental Transport Assessment, including geologic, hydrogeologic, oceanographic and meteorologic integrated controls on the migration or movement of contamination. * Integrated Case Studies, employing environmental fate techniques described herein * Legal Considerations, including strategic considerations for environmental fate in litigation and arbitration, and regulatory statutes and actions Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Environmental Forum

ISSN: 0731-5732

Environmental Geochemistry and Health

ISSN: 0269-4042eISSN: 1573-2983
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Geochemistry and Health publishes original research papers and review papers across the broad field of environmental geochemistry. Environmental geochemistry and health establishes and explains links between the natural or disturbed chemical composition of the earth’s surface and the health of plants, animals and people. 

Beneficial elements regulate or promote enzymatic and hormonal activity whereas other elements may be toxic. Bedrock geochemistry controls the composition of soil and hence that of water and vegetation. Environmental issues, such as pollution,  arising from the extraction and use of mineral resources, are discussed. The effects of contaminants introduced into the earth’s geochemical systems are examined.  Geochemical surveys of soil, water and plants show how major and trace elements are distributed geographically. Associated epidemiological studies reveal the possibility of causal links between the natural or disturbed geochemical environment and disease. Experimental research illuminates the nature or consequences of natural or disturbed geochemical processes.

The journal particularly welcomes novel research linking environmental geochemistry and health issues on such topics as: heavy metals (including mercury), persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and mixed chemicals emitted through human activities, such as uncontrolled recycling of electronic-waste; waste recycling; surface-atmospheric interaction processes (natural and anthropogenic emissions, vertical transport, deposition, and physical-chemical interaction) of gases and aerosols;  phytoremediation/restoration of  contaminated sites; food contamination and safety; environmental effects of medicines; effects and toxicity of mixed pollutants; speciation of heavy metals/metalloids;  effects of  mining;   disturbed geochemistry from human behavior, natural or man-made hazards;  particle and nanoparticle toxicology; risk and the vulnerability of populations, etc.

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Environmental Geosciences

ISSN: 1075-9565eISSN: 1526-0984
JUFO Level 1

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Environmental Geotechnics

eISSN: 2051-803X
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Hazards

ISSN: 1747-7891eISSN: 1878-0059
JUFO Level 1

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: Human and Policy Dimensions is an innovative, interdisciplinary and international research journal addressing the human and policy dimensions of hazards.The journal addresses the full range of hazardous events from extreme geological, hydrological atmospheric and biological events such as earthquakes, floods, storms and epidemics to technological failures and malfunctions such as industrial explosions, fires and toxic material releases. Environmental Hazards: Human and Policy Dimensions is the source of the new ideas in hazards and risk research.With a genuinely international perspective, this journal highlights issues of human exposure, vulnerability, awareness, response and risk. The role of hazards in affecting development, and issues of efficiency, social justice and sustainability are also explored in the journal.Well known conventional hazards receive extensive coverage but submissions about new forms of hazard, emerging risk management institutions and restructuring of ideas about hazards – including their role in human affairs – are particularly welcome.Reinvigorating the debate about how we define, understand and manage hazards, the journal is interdisciplinary in scope and open to contributions by specialists from a wide range of fields who are interested in the effects of hazards events on people, property and societies.

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Environmental Health

eISSN: 1476-069X
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Health is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of environmental and occupational medicine and related studies in toxicology and epidemiology.

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Environmental Health Perspectives

ISSN: 0091-6765eISSN: 1552-9924
JUFO Level 3

Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news published by the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. EHP's mission is to serve as a forum for the discussion of the interrelationships between the environment and human health by publishing in a balanced and objective manner the best peer-reviewed research and most current and credible news of the field. With an impact factor of 6.19, EHP is the top monthly journal in public, environmental, and occupational health and the second-ranked monthly journal in environmental sciences.The environmental health sciences include many fields of study and increasingly comprise a multidisciplinary research area. EHP publishes articles from a wide range of scientific disciplines encompassing basic research; epidemiologic studies; risk assessment; relevant ethical, legal, social, environmental justice, and policy topics; longitudinal human studies; in vitro and in vivo animal research with a clear relationship to human health; and environmental medicine case reports. Because children are uniquely sensitive to their environments, EHP devotes a research section specifically to issues surrounding children's environmental health.

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Environmental History

ISSN: 1084-5453eISSN: 1930-8892
JUFO Level 3

Environmental History is the leading journal in the world for scholars, scientists, and practitioners who are interested in following the development of this exciting field. EH is a quarterly, interdisciplinary journal that carries international articles that portray human interactions with the natural world over time.

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Environmental Impact Assessment Review

ISSN: 0195-9255eISSN: 1873-6432
JUFO Level 2

Environmental Impact Assessment Review is a refereed, interdisciplinary journal serving a global audience of practitioners, policy-makers and academics. This audience assesses the environmental impact of policy, projects, processes and products and makes decisions based upon these assessments.Innovative EIA theory and practice - that is the focus of this journal. Papers should present innovation, they should be topical and of course coherent. A focus on theory and practice means we are focused on concepts, methods, techniques, approaches and systems.We are not a journal for case studies as such. Case studies are welcome if they explicitly demonstrate innovative theory or practice, but only in that context. You may have done the world's most thorough impact assessment of a power plant, dam, refinery, whatever, but if there was no innovation in the theory or practice of EIA involved, please submit your paper somewhere else.The topical focus of EIA Review is meant to mirror the interests of its audience. As currently defined, this is:• EIA Procedure: theory, methods, legislation and practice• Quantitative Methods: forecasting, risk/health assessments and eco-indicators, among others• Carbon footprinting• Health Impact Assessment• Social Impact Assessment• LCA and Product PolicyEach issue of the journal may contain up to three sections:Viewpoint — an opinion on a relevant issueArticles — on the topics listed aboveReviews of Current LiteratureEIA Review aims to publish only pieces that are innovative, topical and coherent. Submissions to the journal are judged on these criteria by the editor, in consultation with a policy committee, an advisory board and other independent experts. All articles go through a blind peer-review prior to acceptance. For the 12 months ending in December 2013, the average time between submission of a paper and an initial decision was 44 days.The journal is indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index, and its latest impact factor may be found at

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Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions

ISSN: 2210-4224eISSN: 2210-4232
JUFO Level 2

Aims and Scope:The journal offers a platform for reporting studies of innovations and socio-economic transitions to enhance an environmentally sustainable economy and thus solve structural resource scarcity and environmental problems, notably related to fossil energy use and climate change. This involves attention for technological, organizational, economic, institutional and political innovations as well as economy-wide and sector changes, such as in the areas of energy, transport, agriculture and water management. The journal aims to tackle the most difficult questions, dealing with social, economic, behavioral-psychological and political barriers and opportunities as well as their complex interaction. The journal is multidisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open, and invites contributions from a broad range of disciplines within the social, environmental and innovation sciences.Specific research areas covered include:Theoretical analysis, formal modeling, empirical studies, policy discussion and a critical survey of relevant literature. Practical cases may address transitions in specific sectors, cities or regions. Articles on historical transitions not specifically related to environment and sustainability are welcome if they include a section with unique lessons for sustainability transitions. A non-exhaustive list of keywords and themes is as follows: behavior in line with bounded rationality, development theories, diffusion of innovations, environmental regulation, formal modeling, geography of innovations, historical transitions, increasing returns to scale and path dependence, innovation policy, institutional barriers, international cooperation and coordination, learning-by-doing, learning curves, lock-in, new governance, niche markets, optimal technological diversity, regime analysis, social and political power, strategic niche management, rebound effect, recombinant innovation, sector structure, social learning, transition experiments, technological regimes, transition pathways/mechanisms, vested interests, visions of the future.Potential contributions to EIST:All submissions to Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions are reviewed using the general criteria of quality, originality, precision, importance of topic and insights, clarity of exposition, and fit to the journal's aims and scope. Several categories of articles are welcome.Analysis: Research articles devoted to theoretical, modeling, experimental, historical and empirical-quantitative analysis of important questions in the field. The journal also accepts qualitative case study research (historical, institutional, geographical, organizational, etc.). Furthermore, it is open to studies opposing different views and explaining fundamental differences in long-standing debates (such as on growth, the role of price instruments and the role of voluntary action). Evaluated by two or three outside reviewers. Maximum 8000 words.Surveys: Articles that review, critically examine and interpret important general subject areas within the wider scope of the journal. Evaluated by two or three outside reviewers. Maximum 10,000 words.Policy briefings:As the theme of environmental innovation and sustainability transitions is high on the agenda of many countries, the EU, and international organizations like the IEA, OECD, the UN and the World Bank, it makes sense to devote some space in the journal for policy briefings, in which new insights and ideas are translated to a broader audience. This will enlarge the potential readership of the journal. At the same time, current trends in environmental, innovation and transition policies worldwide can be commented upon. Evaluated by the editors and one outside reviewer. Maximum 2000 words.News, Views and Commentary:Topical and timely short pieces. May include editorials, letters to the editor and news items. Evaluated by the editors and/or one outside reviewer at the editors' discretion. Maximum 1,000 words.Book Reviews:Reviews of recent books in the field, with the possibility of comparing books addressing similar topics. Reviewed by the editors. Maximum 1,000 words.Special issues:The journal is open to special issues addressing exciting themes, as long as these consist of very coherent and high-quality contributions. Please contact the editor-in-chief.

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Environmental Justice

ISSN: 1939-4071eISSN: 1937-5174
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Environmental Law & Management

ISSN: 1067-6058
JUFO Level 1
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Environmental Management

ISSN: 0364-152XeISSN: 1432-1009
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Management offers research and opinions on use and conservation of natural resources, protection of habitats and control of hazards, spanning the field of applied ecology without regard to traditional disciplinary boundaries. The journal aims to improve communication, making ideas and results from any field available to practitioners from other backgrounds. Contributions are drawn from biology, botany, climatology, ecology, ecological economics, environmental engineering, fisheries, environmental law, forest sciences, geology, information science, public affairs, zoology and more. As the principal user of nature, humanity is responsible for ensuring that its environmental impacts are benign rather than catastrophic. Environmental Management presents the work of academic researchers and professionals outside universities, including those in business, government, research establishments, and public interest groups, presenting a wide spectrum of viewpoints and approaches.

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Environmental Modeling and Assessment

ISSN: 1420-2026eISSN: 1573-2967
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Modeling & Assessment builds bridges between the scientific community's understanding of key environmental issues and the decision makers' need to influence relevant policies and regulations on the basis of the best available information. The journal offers high quality, peer-reviewed papers that may be regarded as either instances of best practice, or as studies that advance the evolution and applicability of the theories and techniques of modeling and assessment. In particular, the editors are interested both in detailed scientific models of specific environmental problems and in large scale models of the global environment.
The journal also provides a forum where researchers can publish a complete mathematical description of important environmental models together with the accompanying analysis and underlying assumptions.There are no page charges to publish in this journal.

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Environmental Modelling and Software

ISSN: 1364-8152eISSN: 1873-6726
JUFO Level 2

Environmental Modelling & Software publishes contributions, in the form of research articles, reviews and short communications, on recent advances in environmental modelling and/or software. The aim is to improve our capacity to represent, understand, predict or manage the behaviour of environmental systems at all practical scales, and to communicate those improvements to a wide scientific and professional audience.

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Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

ISSN: 0167-6369eISSN: 1573-2959
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment discusses technical developments and data arising from environmental monitoring and assessment, principles in the design of monitoring systems, and the use of monitoring data in assessing the consequences of natural resource management and pollution risks.
The journal examines monitoring systems designed to estimate exposure both at the individual and population levels, and also focuses on the development of monitoring systems related to the management of various renewable natural resources in, for instance, agriculture, fisheries and forests.
Coverage extends to the use of monitoring in pollution assessment, and particular emphasis is given to the synthesis of monitoring data with toxicological, epidemiological and health data, as well as with pre-market screening results. High quality research papers or reviews dealing with any aspect of environmental monitoring are encouraged. However, papers should not be submitted that do not advance scientific knowledge on

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Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management

eISSN: 2215-1532
JUFO Level 1
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management is a journal devoted to the publication of peer reviewed original research on environmental nanotechnologies, monitoring studies and management for water, soil , waste and human health samples. Critical review articles, short communications and scientific policy briefs are also welcome. The journal will include all environmental matrices except air. Nanomaterials were suggested as efficient cost-effective and environmental friendly alternative to existing treatment materials, from the standpoints of both resource conservation and environmental remediation.

The journal aims to receive papers in the field of nanotechnology covering;

Developments of new nanosorbents for:

•Groundwater, drinking water and wastewater treatment
•Remediation of contaminated sites
•Assessment of novel nanotechnologies including sustainability and life cycle implications

Monitoring and Management papers should cover the fields of:

•Novel analytical methods applied to environmental and health samples
•Fate and transport of pollutants in the environment
•Case studies covering environmental monitoring and public health
•Water and soil prevention and legislation
•Industrial and hazardous waste- legislation, characterisation, management practices, minimization, treatment and disposal
•Environmental management and remediation

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