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Environment and Urbanization

ISSN: 0956-2478eISSN: 1746-0301
JUFO Level 1

Environment and Urbanization aims to provide an effective means for the exchange of research findings, ideas and information in the fields of human settlements and environment among researchers, activists and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in low- and middle-income nations and between these and researchers, international agency staff, students and teachers in high-income nations. E&U is one of the world`s most highly ranked environmental and urban studies journals.

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Environmental Archaeology

ISSN: 1461-4103eISSN: 1749-6314
JUFO Level 2

Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Palaeoecology aims to publish contributions on all aspects of environmental archaeology, from methodology to synthesis and theory. Environmental Archaeology is an international peer-reviewed periodical which welcomes contributions that consider the interaction between humans and their environment in the archaeological and historical past. This broad scope embraces papers covering a range of environmental specialisms within archaeology, such as archaeobotany, archaeozoology (both vertebrate and invertebrate), palynology, geoarchaeology, biological anthropology, as well as more synthetic and theoretical approaches to the past human environment. Assemblage and site reports are not encouraged unless these can demonstrate significant new insights in environmental archaeology. Contributions may take the form of substantial research papers or shorter reports and may include, for instance, new techniques, philosophical discussions, current controversies and suggestions for new research. The journal also provides its readership with critical appraisal of recent academic scholarship through its regular books review section.

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Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture

ISSN: 1752-4032eISSN: 1752-4040
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship that examines theories, practices, and processes of communication as they relate to the environment around the world. As such, the journal serves as a nexus, a place of global connection and conversation, among scholars working in and across a variety of disciplines who explore how humans communicate about and within both natural and cultural environments. The journal also seeks to promote interaction between academic scholars and those who practice environmental communication, including community members, industry professionals, government officials, and others, through a number of special features, including a regularly published section devoted to practice. The journal is grounded in two theoretical and practical commitments: 1) symbolic and natural systems are mutually constituted, and 2) effective engagement with environmental issues requires reflection on communication practices and processes. Consistent with those commitments, the journal will promote the following goals: * Develop theoretical concepts, models, or formulations that uniquely explain or illuminate the material and symbolic dimensions of human interfaces with the non-human life world. This journal will seek to publish environmental communication research that contributes to the development of broader theories and ways of understanding how humans communicate with one another in various places, communities and cultures. * Present and engage in conversation multiple approaches to exploring environmental communication, including empirical, experimental, cultural, ethnographic, textual, ethical, rhetorical, and critical. This journal will open to publishing work that examines important issues (such as the promotion of 'just sustainability' in urban and rural environments around the world) and concepts (such as the 'environmental self,' the ways in which one's self-concept relates to one's surroundings) from a variety of methodological perspectives within communication and other fields. The journal also hopes to engage scholars from a variety of disciplines, with distinct perspectives, frameworks, and research findings, as well as practitioners in the field, in productive conversations about environmental communication concepts and practices. * Explore the tensions and possibilities between conventional academic scholarship and more participatory 'action research' that are experienced by many scholars who work in environmental communication. This journal will highlight, celebrate, and also interrogate 'pracademic' activities engaged in by scholars, teachers, students, and advocates, in communities urban and rural, in the United States and around the world. Praxis Essays We invite a variety of submissions, including: research reports based on experimental, survey, or field research; theoretical essays; literature review; and critical case studies. We also publish a regular Praxis Essays section that showcases engaged scholarship. For the Praxis Essays call for submissions please click here. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Environmental Ethics

ISSN: 0163-4275eISSN: 2153-7895
JUFO Level 2
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Environmental History

ISSN: 1084-5453eISSN: 1930-8892
JUFO Level 3

Environmental History is the leading journal in the world for scholars, scientists, and practitioners who are interested in following the development of this exciting field. EH is a quarterly, interdisciplinary journal that carries international articles that portray human interactions with the natural world over time.

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Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions

ISSN: 2210-4224eISSN: 2210-4232
JUFO Level 2

Aims and Scope:The journal offers a platform for reporting studies of innovations and socio-economic transitions to enhance an environmentally sustainable economy and thus solve structural resource scarcity and environmental problems, notably related to fossil energy use and climate change. This involves attention for technological, organizational, economic, institutional and political innovations as well as economy-wide and sector changes, such as in the areas of energy, transport, agriculture and water management. The journal aims to tackle the most difficult questions, dealing with social, economic, behavioral-psychological and political barriers and opportunities as well as their complex interaction. The journal is multidisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open, and invites contributions from a broad range of disciplines within the social, environmental and innovation sciences.Specific research areas covered include:Theoretical analysis, formal modeling, empirical studies, policy discussion and a critical survey of relevant literature. Practical cases may address transitions in specific sectors, cities or regions. Articles on historical transitions not specifically related to environment and sustainability are welcome if they include a section with unique lessons for sustainability transitions. A non-exhaustive list of keywords and themes is as follows: behavior in line with bounded rationality, development theories, diffusion of innovations, environmental regulation, formal modeling, geography of innovations, historical transitions, increasing returns to scale and path dependence, innovation policy, institutional barriers, international cooperation and coordination, learning-by-doing, learning curves, lock-in, new governance, niche markets, optimal technological diversity, regime analysis, social and political power, strategic niche management, rebound effect, recombinant innovation, sector structure, social learning, transition experiments, technological regimes, transition pathways/mechanisms, vested interests, visions of the future.Potential contributions to EIST:All submissions to Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions are reviewed using the general criteria of quality, originality, precision, importance of topic and insights, clarity of exposition, and fit to the journal's aims and scope. Several categories of articles are welcome.Analysis: Research articles devoted to theoretical, modeling, experimental, historical and empirical-quantitative analysis of important questions in the field. The journal also accepts qualitative case study research (historical, institutional, geographical, organizational, etc.). Furthermore, it is open to studies opposing different views and explaining fundamental differences in long-standing debates (such as on growth, the role of price instruments and the role of voluntary action). Evaluated by two or three outside reviewers. Maximum 8000 words.Surveys: Articles that review, critically examine and interpret important general subject areas within the wider scope of the journal. Evaluated by two or three outside reviewers. Maximum 10,000 words.Policy briefings:As the theme of environmental innovation and sustainability transitions is high on the agenda of many countries, the EU, and international organizations like the IEA, OECD, the UN and the World Bank, it makes sense to devote some space in the journal for policy briefings, in which new insights and ideas are translated to a broader audience. This will enlarge the potential readership of the journal. At the same time, current trends in environmental, innovation and transition policies worldwide can be commented upon. Evaluated by the editors and one outside reviewer. Maximum 2000 words.News, Views and Commentary:Topical and timely short pieces. May include editorials, letters to the editor and news items. Evaluated by the editors and/or one outside reviewer at the editors' discretion. Maximum 1,000 words.Book Reviews:Reviews of recent books in the field, with the possibility of comparing books addressing similar topics. Reviewed by the editors. Maximum 1,000 words.Special issues:The journal is open to special issues addressing exciting themes, as long as these consist of very coherent and high-quality contributions. Please contact the editor-in-chief.

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Environmental Policy and Law: The Journal for Decision-Makers

ISSN: 0378-777XeISSN: 1878-5395
JUFO Level 1
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Environmental Politics

ISSN: 0964-4016eISSN: 1743-8934
JUFO Level 2

Articles available to read for free from 2008 and 2009! Read them now2009 Impact Factor: 1.145Ranking: 29/112 (Political Science), 33/66 (Environmental Studies) 169; 2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Environmental Politics is concerned with four aspects of the study of environmental politics, with a primary, though not exclusive, focus on the industrialised countries. First, it examines the evolution of environmental movements and parties. Second it provides analysis of the making and implementation of public policy in the area of the environment at international, national and local levels. Third, it carries comment on ideas generated by the various environmental movements and organisations, and by individual theorists. Fourth, it aims to cover the international environmental issues which are of increasing salience. Its coverage of the developing world does not reach beyond this to the affairs of individual countries, partly because of the journal's chosen focus and partly because of the number of existing journals dealing with development. Environmental Politics is sensitive to the distinction between the goals of conservation and of a radical reordering of political and social preferences, and aims to explore the interface between these goals, rather than to favour any one position in contemporary debates.

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Environmental Values

ISSN: 0963-2719eISSN: 1752-7015
JUFO Level 3

Environmental Values is an international peer-reviewed journal that brings together contributions from philosophy, economics, politics, sociology, geography, anthropology, ecology and other disciplines, which relate to the present and future environment of human beings and other species. In doing so we aim to clarify the relationship between practical policy issues and more fundamental underlying principles or assumptions.

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European Urban and Regional Studies

ISSN: 0969-7764eISSN: 1461-7145
JUFO Level 2

European Urban and Regional Studies is a highly ranked, peer reviewed international journal. It provides an original contribution to academic and policy debate related to processes of urban and regional development in Europe. It offers a truly European coverage from the Atlantic to the Urals,and from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean.

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Fire Ecology

eISSN: 1933-9747
JUFO Level 1
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GAiA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society

ISSN: 0940-5550eISSN: 2625-5413
JUFO Level 1

GAIA is a transdisciplinary journal for scientists and other interested parties concerned with the causes and analyses of environmental and sustainability problems and their solutions. Environmental problems cannot be solved by one academic discipline. The complex natures of these problems require cooperation across disciplinary boundaries. Since 1992, GAIA has offered a well-balanced and practice-oriented forum for transdisciplinary research. GAIA offers first-hand information on state of the art environmental research and on current solutions to environmental problems. Well-known editors, advisors and authors work to ensure the high quality of the contributions found in GAIA and a unique transdisciplinary dialogue – in a comprehensible style.

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GMSARN International Journal

ISSN: 1905-9094

Geo-Marine Letters

ISSN: 0276-0460eISSN: 1432-1157
JUFO Level 1

Geo-Marine Letters is an international peer-reviewed journal which offers rapid publication of concise original studies and reviews dealing with processes, products and techniques in marine geology, geophysics, and geochemistry. Coverage spans structural geology, including plate tectonics of recent active and passive margins; sea-bed morphology, physiography and morphodynamics; sediment transport, depositional processes and sedimentary facies analysis; stratigraphy, basin analysis and paleo-environmental reconstruction; sea-level history, paleoproductivity, gas hydrates, salt domes and brines; sediment-water interaction and organism-sediment relationships; geochemical tracers, stable isotopes and authigenic mineral formation; geotechnical properties and application of new geo-marine techniques, and more. In addition to regular articles and review articles, Geo-Marine Letters welcomes contributions by guest editors in the form of conference/workshop proceedings, or bundles of papers dealing with specific theme

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Geographical Research Letters

ISSN: 0211-6820eISSN: 1697-9540

Geography, Environment, Sustainability

eISSN: 2542-1565
JUFO Level 1
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Housing Studies

ISSN: 0267-3037eISSN: 1466-1810
JUFO Level 2

Click here to view a list of the latest free articles available from Housing Studies. Congratulations to new Academician: Housing Studies editor Professor Ray Forrest has been awarded Academician status by the Academy of Social Sciences. The award acknowledges his significant contributions to the social sciences and to the planning discipline. Housing Studies is the essential international forum for academic debate in the housing field. Since its establishment in 1986, Housing Studies has become the leading housing journal and has played a major role in theoretical and analytical developments within this area of study. The journal has explored a range of academic and policy concerns including the following: * linkages between housing and other areas of social and economic policy * the role of housing in everyday life and in gender, class and age relationships * the economics of housing expenditure and housing finance * international comparisons and developments * issues of sustainability and housing development * demographic and social trends and the changing role of housing tenures * theoretical and conceptual frameworks for housing studies Housing Studies is not limited in its geographical scope and welcomes contributions on housing and housing related issues in any national or cross-national context. The journal also features contributions from many different disciplines including economics, political science, urban studies, history, social administration, sociology, geography, law and planning. A wide range of important refereed articles makes Housing Studies a vital resource for all of those who need access to major research and debate in this area. All submissions are subject to review by three external referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Human Ecology

ISSN: 0300-7839eISSN: 1572-9915
JUFO Level 1

Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal publishes papers probing the complex and varied systems of interaction between people and their environment.

Contributions examine the roles of social, cultural, and psychological factors in the maintenance or disruption of ecosystems and investigate the effects of population density on health, social organization, and environmental quality.

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Infection Ecology and Epidemiology

eISSN: 2000-8686
JUFO Level 1
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Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment

ISSN: 1076-0962eISSN: 1759-1090
JUFO Level 2

The existence of ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment reflects the rapid growth of ecological literary criticism and environmental scholarship in related disciplines in the United States and around the world in recent years, which in turn reflects the steady increase in the production of environmental literature over the past several decades and the increased visibility of such writing in college classrooms.ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment seeks to encourage such scholarship, writing, and teaching, while facilitating the development of a theoretical foundation for these activities.It also seeks to bridge the gaps between scholars, artists, students, and the public.

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