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Water and Ecology

ISSN: 2305-3488

Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography

ISSN: 2169-4060eISSN: 0083-7792

The journal “ Webbia ” was founded in 1905 in Florence by Ugolino Martelli (1860-1934), a botanist well known for his studies of and contributions to the systematics of the tropical genus Pandanus and our knowledge of the Flora of Sardinia.In the XIX century Florence represented one of the most important European centres in Systematics and Phytogeography with several notable Italian botanists worth mentioning such as Filippo Parlatore, Teodoro Caruel, Eugenio Baroni, Stefano Sommier, Odoardo Beccari and Ugolino Martelli himself. Since 1842 Florence has been become the place where one of the most important herbaria of the world, was created: the Herbarium Centrale Italicum (FI). The herbarium was established by Filippo Parlatore (1816-1877), and most of the specimens described and/or cited in Webbia are still kept in it.In 1905, and as a consequence of this multitude of activities in Plant Systematics and Phytogeography, Ugolino Martelli established the journal Webbia - Raccolta di Scritti Botanici, firstly published annually in a single issue, and later twice a year.Webbia had been created in honor of Philip Barker Webb (1793-1845), a deep friend of Filippo Parlatore, who before passing away entrusted his personal herbarium and a library rich of old botanical books and publications to the Botanical Museum in Florence.Between 1905 and 1923 Webbia was irregularly published in 5 volumes of 7 issues and its publication stopped after the death its first developers, U. Martelli and O. Beccari. Only after the Second World war, in 1948, under the auspice of the biogeographer Giovanni Negri, and with the renewal of the interest in Plant Systematics and Phytogeography in Italy, as well as in the Mediterranean and African areas as well, Webbia was revived beginning from the volume 6 up to current issues.Soon, Webbia acquired an international role so as to be considered one of the most important and relevant Italian botanical journals. .

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West African Journal of Applied Ecology

ISSN: 0855-4307

Western North American Naturalist

ISSN: 1527-0904eISSN: 1944-8341
JUFO Level 1

The Western North American Naturalist is a quarterly journal publishing articles, notes, and book reviews pertaining to the biological natural history of western North America. Each issue treats diverse taxa from the perspectives of various disciplines (e.g., ecology, systematics, anatomy, physiology, and modeling).

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ISSN: 0277-5212eISSN: 1943-6246
JUFO Level 1

Wetlands is an international journal concerned with all aspects of wetlands biology, ecology, hydrology, water chemistry, soil and sediment characteristics, management, and laws and regulations. The journal is published 6 times per year, with the goal of centralizing the publication of pioneering wetlands work that has otherwise been spread among a myriad of journals. Because wetlands research crosses a range of disciplines, the journal is not restricted to specific subjects but presents manuscripts reporting research results from all relevant disciplines. This broad scope goes beyond the sciences to include articles focusing on management topics and regulatory considerations. Wetlands offers only the highest quality peer-reviewed material.The Mark Brinson Review series was initiated in 2013 and aims to bring together in-depth, over-arching reviews in the fields of wetland science and management, in the widest sense of those terms. These reviews may synthesize observations over long periods of time or may pul

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ISSN: 0954-6324eISSN: 2052-6458
JUFO Level 1

Wildlife Biology: A journal for wildlife science

ISSN: 0909-6396eISSN: 1903-220X
JUFO Level 1

WILDLIFE BIOLOGY is a high-quality scientific forum directing concise and up-to-date information to scientists, administrators, wildlife managers and conservationists. The journal encourages and welcomes original papers, short communications and reviews written in English from throughout the world. The journal accepts theoretical, empirical, and practical articles of high standard from all areas of wildlife science with the primary task of creating the scientific basis for the enhancement of wildlife management practices. Our concept of 'wildlife' mainly includes mammal and bird species, but studies on other species or phenomena relevant to wildlife management are also of great interest. We adopt a broad concept of wildlife management, including all structures and actions with the purpose of conservation, sustainable use, and/or control of wildlife and its habitats, in order to safeguard sustainable relationships between wildlife and other human interests.

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Wildlife Research

ISSN: 1035-3712eISSN: 1448-5494
JUFO Level 1

Wildlife Research provides an international forum for the publication of original and significant research and debate on the ecology and management of wild animals in natural and modified habitats. The journal combines basic research in wildlife ecology with advances in science-based management practice. It has a broad scope ranging from the management of pest and invasive wildlife through to the conservation of threatened species. Readers can expect a range of papers covering well-structured field studies, manipulative experiments, and analytical and modelling studies. All papers aim to improve the practice of wildlife management and contribute conceptual advances to our knowledge and understanding of wildlife ecology.As well as original research papers, the journal publishes: reviews that offer new insights or timely syntheses of current topics in wildlife management; viewpoint articles highlighting contentious or emerging issues and their implications for wildlife management, conservation, research or policy development; and methods papers that describe and evaluate methodological advances and new techniques in wildlife management and conservation.Wildlife Research encourages submission of papers on all major themes of wildlife ecology, management and conservation:* Applied ecology* Conservation biology* Ecosystem management and mitigation of threatening processes* Over-abundant and invasive species management* Global change and wildlife management* Diseases and their impacts on wildife populations* Wildlife management in urban and agricultural environments* Human dimensions of wildlife management and conservation* Assessing management outcomes* Science and policy: wildlife research and the implications for policy developmentWildlife Research is a vital resource for wildlife scientists, students and managers, applied ecologists, conservation biologists, environmental consultants and NGOs and government policy advisors.

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Wilson Journal of Ornithology

ISSN: 1559-4491
JUFO Level 1

World Agriculture

ISSN: 2043-7234eISSN: 2056-7979

Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, Ecology

ISSN: 1363-5247eISSN: 1568-5357
JUFO Level 1
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Zoology and Ecology

ISSN: 2165-8005eISSN: 2165-8013
JUFO Level 1
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ecomont - Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management

ISSN: 2073-106XeISSN: 2073-1558
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iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry

ISSN: 1971-7458eISSN: 1971-7458
JUFO Level 1
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ISSN: 1195-6860eISSN: 2376-7626
JUFO Level 1
Écoscience, is a multidisciplinary journal that covers all aspects of ecology. The journal welcomes
submissions in English or French and publishes  original work focusing on patterns and
processes at  various temporal and spatial scales across different levels of biological organization.  
Articles include original research, brief communications and reviews.

Écoscience est une revue interdisciplinaire qui couvre tous les aspects de l'écologie. La
revue accepte les soumissions en français ou en anglais et publie des travaux
originaux et inédits sur les processus et les patrons écologiques à différentes
échelles spatiales et temporelles et à différents niveaux d'organisation

Peer Review Statement

Écoscience is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes
high quality, original research contributions.  All manuscript submissions are subject to
initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent,
anonymous expert referees.  The peer review process is single blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.

Écoscience est une revue interenationale avec révision par les pairs qui publie des
travaux originaux de haute qualité. Tous les manuscrits sont sujets à une première
évaluation par les rédacteurs. Les manuscrits qui méritent une évaluation plus
poussée sont ensuite confiés à des évaluateurs experts indépendants et
anonymes. Le processus d'évaluation est en simple aveugle et les soumissions se
font en ligne via Editorial Manager.

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Ûg Rossii: Èkologiâ, Razvitie

ISSN: 1992-1098eISSN: 2413-0958
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