The Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers provides biomedical polymer scientists and researchers throughout the world with current frontier research advances in the field. Coverage includes polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering and tissue regeneration, polymeric drugs and pro-drug systems, drug delivery and targeted delivery systems, biosensors and stimuli-sensitive biosystems, modeling and modification of enzyme sensitive polymer systems, biorelated polymers with unique properties and bioapplications.
The Journal of Biomaterials Applications is a fully peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles that emphasize the development, manufacture and clinical applications of biomaterials.Peer-reviewed articles by biomedical specialists from around the world cover:·New developments in biomaterials ·R&D, properties and performance, evaluation and applications·Applications in biomedical materials and devices - from sutures and wound dressings to biosensors and cardiovascular devices·Current findings in biological compatibility/incompatibility of biomaterials.
© Nicolas Brodu. 2003 The astrolabe is an ancient astronomical computer for solving problemsrelating to time and the position of the sun and stars in the sky.Historians credit the invention of the astrolabe to classical Greece.Brass astrolabes were highly developed in the Islamic world of the 8thcentury and later. chiefly as an aid to navigation and as a way offinding the direction of Mecca. In the Middle Ages it found its wayback to Europe and became the chief navigational instrument until theinvention of the sextant in the 18th century.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A The Journal of Biomedical Materials Research is an international, interdisciplinary, English-language publication of original contributions concerning studies of the preparation, performance, and evaluation of biomaterials; the chemical, physical, toxicological, and mechanical behavior of materials in physiological environments; and the response of blood and tissues to biomaterials. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on all relevant biomaterial topics including the science and technology of alloys, polymers, ceramics, and reprocessed animal and human tissues in surgery, dentistry, artificial organs, and other medical devices. The Journal also publishes articles in interdisciplinary areas such as tissue engineering and controlled release technology where biomaterials play a significant role in the performance of the medical device. The Journal of Biomedical Materials Research is the official journal of the Society For Biomaterials (USA) , the Japanese Society for Biomaterials, the Australasian Society for Biomaterials, and the Korean Society for Biomaterials.
Aims and Scope Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials Aims and Scope Applied Biomaterialsis published as Part B of theJournal of Biomedical Materials Research. an official journal of theSociety For Biomaterials. the Japanese Society for Biomaterials. the Australasian Society for Biomaterials. and the Korean Society for Biomaterials. It is a peer-reviewed journal serving the needs of biomaterials professionals who devise. promote. apply. regulate. produce. and market new biomaterials and medical devices. It is international and interdisciplinary in scope. Papers are published on device development. implant retrieval and analysis. manufacturing. regulation of devices. liability and legal issues. standards. reviews of different device areas. and clinical applications. Published manuscripts fit into one of six categories: original research reports manufacturing-related articles short research and development reports reviews special reports columns and editorials Manuscripts from all countries are invited but must be in English. Authors are not required to be members of theSociety For Biomaterials. the Japanese Society for Biomaterials. the Australasian Society for Biomaterials. or the Korean Society for Biomaterials.
Nanotechnology, dealing with functional structures and materials smaller than 100nm, is emerging as a truly interdisciplinary research area spanning several traditional scientific disciplines. In keeping with the growing trend, there is a strong need for a platform to share original research related to applications of nanotechnology in biomedical fields. In order to fulfill this demand, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology (JBN) is being created as an international peer-reviewed periodical that covers applications of nanotechnology in all fields of life sciences. JBN publishes original full papers and timely state-of-the-art reviews with author's photo and biography, and short communications encompassing the fundamental and applied research aspects. To speed up the reviewing process, we will provide on-line refereeing of all articles submitted in electronic form.
The Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO) publishes peer-reviewed papers on the use of modern optical technology for improved health care and biomedical research. Recent growth in the use of optics technology for biomedical research and health care has been explosive. New applications are made possible by emerging technologies in lasers, optoelectronic devices, fiber optics, physical and chemical sensors, and imaging, all of which are being applied to medical research, diagnostics, and therapy. Medical and biological imaging instrumentation and techniques Noninvasive physiological monitoring Laser-tissue interactions and dosimetry Laser diagnostic and laser therapeutic methods, instruments, and systems Ophthalmic instruments, systems, implants, and clinical applications Optical biosensors Ultrasensitive detection and optical clinical chemistry Optical tomography and photon migration Endoscopic systems and applications Biospectroscopy and optoelectronic instrumentation Fiber optic sensors, instrumentation, and techniques Optical and structural microscopy Applications of optical systems and technologies to biology and medicine
The Journal of Bionic Engineering publishes original research papers and reviews on all aspects of bionic science and engineering including fundamental understandings of animals and plants for bionic engineering, such as locomotion and behaviors of animals, structures, composites, morphology and physical properties of plants and natural materials, applications of such understandings in engineering, technology and designs.The journal aims to promote research and provide a platform for communication of novel ideas, theories and technologies in bionic science and engineering.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.comFor more information about journal policy, please contact:Editorial Department of Journal of Bionic EngineeringNanling CampusJilin University5988 Renmin StreetChangchun 130022P.R. +86 431 509407
Aims and Scope Download Flyer Scope The first international journal dedicated to publishing reviews and original articles from this exciting field. theJournal of Biophotonicscovers the broad range of research on interactions between light and biological material. The journal seeks to provide a platform where the physicist communicates with the biologist and where the clinical practitioner learns about the latest tools for the diagnosis of diseases. As such. the journal is highly interdisciplinary. publishing cutting edge research i+X2n the fields of physics. chemistry. biology. and medicine. The coverage extends from fundamental research to specific developments. while also including the latest applications. First Impact Factor 2009:Journal of Biophotonicsachieved a promising first ISI Impact Factor of 1.558 (2009). Topics The main fields of application are: Medicine (diagnosis and therapy)MicrobiologyFood and drug analysisBiosafetyImaging and microscopyAdvanced spectroscopyManipulation and preparationOptical biosensors Featured technologies are: Advanced optical microscopyOptical tomographyPhotonic nano-manipulationSpectroscopic methods on a cellular and molecular levelOptical biosensingTheory and simulation of light - tissue interactionHigh volume analysisNon-invasive physiological monitoring ISSN: 1864-063X (print). 1864-0648 (online). Volume 4. 12 Issues in 2011.
The Journal of Biorheology, the official journal of the Japanese Society of Biorheology, is an international journal covering the science and application of the deformation and flow properties of biological materials, including food materials. The aim of the journal is to provide a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of original papers and authoritative review papers dealing with the dynamics of physiological processes at all levels of organization, from organs to the molecular level. The scope of the journal covers the basic science and its applications in the broad field of biorheology: the rheology of macromolecules, cell rheology, tissue and organ rheology, and food rheology. The Journal of Biorheology accepts original articles, brief communications, and review articles. The editors encourage the submission of biorheological analysis of pathological processes and their clinical implications, including basic clinical research on hemodynamics and hemorheology. Also highly welcome are translational clinical studies and scientific research between the fields of engineering and medicine.
Journal of Building Physics (J. Bldg. Phys) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes a high quality research and state of the art “integrated” papers to promote scientifically thorough advancement of all the areas of non-structural performance of a building and particularly in heat, air, moisture transfer.Our goal is to enhance deeper insight and understanding, and enable the development of scientifically-based design tools, which are crucial for the implementation of a performance-based engineering approach in building design.Recently the scope of the journal has been broadened, in response to readers' interests--and as a result of the shift in focus of the leading-edge building research organizations. Formerly titled Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science, the vision of the JBP is to facilitate the integration and implementation of a scientific approach in building physics with the various domains of building performance.Buildings have enormous impact on global environment, renewable and non-renewable resources and quality of life and durability of the building envelope is one of the critical elements deciding upon the sustainability of built environment. The journal's expanded coverage will stress durability and long-term performance of building envelope systems. Specific stress is placed on environmental aspects and thermal protection of materials, elements and components used construction.
The Journal of Cellular Plastics is a fully peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles covering the latest advances in foamed plastics technology.Original articles provide current information that help tailor foamed plastics to specific product and market requirements. Diagrams, flowcharts and photographs illustrate new processing steps and machinery.All types of foamed plastics are examined: · flexible · rigid · microcellular · reinforced · elastomeric · composites.
The Journal mainly publishes original academic papers which represent the latest research achievements in such fields as materials science and engineering, metallurgical science and engineering, mineral processing, geology and mining, chemical engineering, and mechanical, electronic and information engineering.
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics exists primarily for dissemination of significant new knowledge in experimental equilibrium thermodynamics and transport properties of chemical systems. The defining attributes of The Journal are the quality and relevance of the papers published.The Journal publishes work relating to gases, liquids, solids, polymers, mixtures, solutions and interfaces. Studies on systems with variability, such as biological or bio-based materials, gas hydrates, among others, will also be considered provided these are well characterized and reproducible where possible. Experimental methods should be described in sufficient detail to allow critical assessment of the accuracy claimed.Authors are encouraged to provide physical or chemical interpretations of the results. Articles can contain modelling sections providing representations of data or molecular insights into the properties or transformations studied. Theoretical papers on chemical thermodynamics using molecular theory or modelling are also considered.The Journal welcomes review articles in the field of chemical thermodynamics but prospective authors should first consult one of the Editors concerning the suitability of the proposed review.Contributions of a routine nature or reporting on uncharacterised materials are not accepted.We strongly encourage all authors to use EES at the following URL when submitting papers to The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics.EES can be accessed at: time users will need to register)JCT Style guidePlease consult the Guide for Authors for further details on the requirements for submitting your paper to The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. The guidelines described in this document, as well as those listed in the JCT Style Notes, should be carefully adhered to ensure high-quality and rapid publication of your manuscript.
The Journal of Cluster Science covers a broad range of topics in basic and applied cluster science in all phases: gas, solution, and crystalline or amorphous solids. Topics include the synthesis of molecular clusters or nanoparticulate materials; structure determination; bonding analysis; chemical and physical properties; mathematical models of cluster structure; molecular biology of clusters, and new instrumentation and experimental procedures for cluster research. In addition to full papers, the journal publishes three special sections: Short Communications; The Forum; and Reviews of Cluster Research. For nearly a decade, this outstanding publication has been a respected forum for high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles. Now, to better meet the needs of researchers from every corner of the cluster science community, the journal's scope has broadened to include nanomaterials, complementing its traditional focus on chemistry.