The activities of Trans Tech Publications Inc. began back in 1967 when the first volume of the now famous "Diffusion Data" series was published. The series was later enlarged, and renamed "Diffusion and Defect Data", and this year it celebrated the publication of its 400th volume; a number which is now added to at the rate of 24 volumes per year.Since 1967 when the first volume of "Diffusion Data" was published, Trans Tech Publications Inc. has grown steadily and is now active in a wide range of disciplines:Materials Science and Technology is still our most important field of activity and the periodicals, "Materials Science Forum", "Key Engineering Materials", "Defect and Diffusion Forum" and "Solid State Phenomena", "Advanced Materials Research", "Applied Mechanics and Materials", "Journal of Nano Research" and "Advances in Science and Technology", offer more than 35,000 pages of high-class research results per year.Each one of these periodicals is available online in full text via our well-known platform. The site currently features 10 periodicals and over 355,000 pages of highly scientific research.In 1998 we started our monograph series "Materials Science Foundations" which has since then published over 25 titles. Each monograph is treating its chosen topic exhaustively, and seeks in particular to draw together the strands of current theory and industrial practice.In order to serve the world's science and engineering community better, Trans Tech Publications Inc. - has established offices in Switzerland, the UK and the United States of America, and our products are available via numerous agents and distributors in all parts of the world.In all of the fields in which we are active, we pride ourselves on being well-accepted by our readers, authors and editors of conference proceedings alike.
JNO is a cross-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal to consolidate all experimental and theoretical research activities in the areas of nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic materials and devices, electronic and optical properties of semiconductors, inorganic, organic, and hybrid nanostructures, electronic applications of superlattices, quantum structures, and other nanostructures, optoelectronic and photonic applications of novel functional materials and nanostructures, nanoelectronic circuits and device integration, nanofabrication, processing and characterization techniques, information processing and optical communications.
The overall aim of the Journal of Nanomaterials is to bring science and applications together on nanoscale and nanostructured materials with emphasis on synthesis, processing, characterization, and applications of materials containing true nanosize dimensions or nanostructures that enable novel/enhanced properties or functions. It is directed at both academic researchers and practicing engineers. Journal of Nanomaterials will highlight the continued growth and new challenges in nanomaterials science, engineering, and nanotechnology, both for application development and for basic research. All papers should emphasize original results relating to experimental, theoretical, computational, and/or applications of nanomaterials ranging from hard (inorganic) materials, through soft (polymeric and biological) materials, to hybrid materials or nanocomposites. Review papers summarizing the state of the art for a particular research field or tutorial papers, especially those emphasizing multidisciplinary views of nanomaterials and those related to significant nanotechnologies, are also welcome. Journal of Nanomaterials employs a paperless, electronic submission and evaluation system to promote a rapid turnaround in the peer review process.Subject areas include (but are by no means limited to):Nanoparticles, nanocrystals, colloids, sols, and quantum dotsSelf-assemblies and directed assemblies (of moledules and nanoparticles)Films, membranes, and coatingsNanotubes, nanowires, nanofibers, nanorods, and nanobeltsNanoporous, mesoporous, and microporous materialsHierarchical structures and molecular-particle networksSurface and interface sciences and engineeringInorganic-organic hybrids or nanocompositesNanoceramics, metals, and alloysNanomaterials (atomic, molecular, and bulk) characterization techniquesAreas of nanomaterials engineering and applications include (but are not limited to):Chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical technologiesCatalysis, gas/liquid separations, and membrane reactorsEnergy conversion and storage devices/systems such as fuel cells and solar cellsElectronics, photonics, and magneticsSensorsMedicinal, biological, and drug developmentEnvironmental, building, transportation, telecommunications, and food technologiesNuclear, aerospace, military, and national defense/security technologies.
The Journal of Nanoparticle Research is a monthly peer-reviewed journal that explores the specific concepts, properties, phenomena and processes of structures at the nanoscale size range. Coverage includes synthesis, assembly, transport, reactivity, and stability, and emphasizes realization and application of systems, structures and devices with novel functions obtained via precursor nanoparticles. The Journal fosters the interdisciplinary dissemination of knowledge by encouraging synergetic approaches originating from a wide range of disciplines, such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Health Care. Perspectives now available for free onlinePerspective articles have a wide breadth of appeal because they evaluate research, industrial and societal trends centered around nanotechnology. See the bigger picture!
The Journal of Nanophotonics (JNP) is an electronic journal focusing on the fabrication and application of nanostructures that facilitate the generation, propagation, manipulation, and detection of light from the infrared to the ultraviolet regimes. The scope extends to theory, modeling and simulation, experimentation, instrumentation, and application. Nanoparticles and nanoparticulate composite materials Quantum dots and other low-dimensional nanostructures Nanotubes, nanowires, and nanofibers Nanowaveguides and nanoantennas Sculptured thin films and nanostructured photonic crystals Quantum optics and spintronics Nanoscale optical electronics Surface plasmons and nanoplasmonics Ultrashort pulse propagation Light-harvesting materials and devices Nanophotonic detectors Near-field optics Optical manipulation techniques, spectroscopies, and scattering techniques Molecular self-assembly, and other nanofabrication techniques Nanobiophotonics Nanophotonic concepts and systems that facilitate continued integration of various optical and/or electronic functions Dynamically tunable, multifunctional, and/or active nanomaterials and metamaterials
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a wide-ranging coverage, consolidating research activities in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology into a single and unique reference source. JNN is the first cross-disciplinary journal to publish original full research articles, rapid communications of important new scientific and technological findings, timely state-of-the-art reviews with author's photo and short biography, and current research news encompassing the fundamental and applied research in all disciplines of science, engineering and medicine.
Journal of Nanotechnology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of nanotechnology.
The Journal of Natural Fibers presents new achievements in basic research and the development of multi-purpose applications that further the economical and ecological production of hard fibers, protein fibers, seed, bast, leaf, and cellulosic fibers. An international panel of academics, researchers, and practitioners examines new processing methods and techniques, new trends and economic aspects of processing natural raw materials, sustainable agriculture and eco-friendly techniques that address environmental concerns, the efficient assessment of the life cycle of natural fibers-based products, and the natural reclamation of polluted land.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
In all cases the papers must demonstrate both novelty and importance to the field, by way of significant advances in understanding or application of non-crystalline solids; in the case of Letters, a compelling case must also be made for expedited handling.
The journal publishes "Letters to the Editor" with a guarantee of publication within 3 months after acceptance of the manuscript.
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Subjects considered suitable for the journal include the following (not necessarily in order of importance):
Overly abstract, formalistic or artificial developments will not be welcomed.
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation provides a forum for the broad range of scientific and engineering activities involved in developing a quantitative nondestructive evaluation (NDE) capability. This interdisciplinary journal publishes papers on the development of new equipment, analyses, and approaches to nondestructive measurements.
This journal is devoted to the rapidly advancing research and development in the field of nonlinear interactions of light with matter. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, fundamental nonlinear optical processes, novel nonlinear material properties, guided waves and solitons, intense field phenomena, and their applications in laser and coherent lightwave amplification, guiding, switching, modulation, communication and information processing. Original papers, comprehensive reviews and rapid communications reporting original theories and observations are sought for in these and related areas. This journal will also publish proceedings of important international meetings and workshops. It is intended for graduate students, scientists and researchers in academic, industrial and government research institutions.
The Journal of Nuclear Materials publishes high quality papers in materials research for nuclear applications, primarily fission reactors, fusion reactors, and similar environments including radiation areas of charged particle accelerators. Both original research and critical review papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects of either fundamental or applied nature are welcome.The breadth of the field is such that a wide range of processes and properties in the field of materials science and engineering is of interest to the readership, spanning atom-scale processes, microstructures, thermodynamics, mechanical properties, physical properties, and corrosion, for example.The following list describes topics within the scope of the Journal.Fission reactor materials, including fuels, cladding, core structures, pressure vessels, coolant interactions with materials, moderator and control components; fission product behavior.Materials aspects of the entire fuel cycle.Materials aspects of the actinides and their compounds.Performance of nuclear waste materials; immobilization of wastes.Fusion reactor materials, including first walls, blankets, insulators and magnets.Neutron and charged particle radiation effects in materials, including defects, transmutations, microstructures, phase changes and macroscopic properties.Interaction of plasmas, ion beams, electron beams and electromagnetic radiation with materials.Please note: a manuscript must focus on materials science and engineering related to nuclear applications. Thus, all topics within nuclear science and engineering or materials science and engineering do not necessarily fall within the scope. Topics outside the scope of the Journal will not be considered, and potential alternative journals are indicated in brackets in the list below. Typical examples of topics which are out of scope for the Journal include:(1) Topics in nuclear engineering and other areas not addressing materials, such as:Particle transport, cross-sections or isotope ratios (Radiation Physics and Chemistry; Annals of Nuclear Energy)Process engineering (Materials Science and Engineering A; Materials and Design)Thermal hydraulics (Nuclear engineering and design)Isotope separation processes (Nuclear Instrument and Methods B)Fusion reactor design and technology (Fusion Engineering & Design)Plasma physics (Physics Letters A)(2) Materials topics not addressing nuclear applications, such as general studies in:Physical properties including modeling and simulation (Materials Science and Engineering A, Materials Letters)Metallurgy (Journal of Alloys and Compounds; Materials Science and Engineering A)Corrosion (Corrosion Science)Welding and joining (Journal of Alloys and Compounds; Materials and Design)Ceramics (Journal of the European Ceramics Society; Ceramics international)
Serving the whole of the optics community, Journal of Optics covers all aspects of research within modern and classical optics.