The German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ) are providing financial support to aid any authors who require assistance with the article-processing charge (1750 EUR/ 1375 GBP/ 2150 USD). If you do not have access to a funding source, please request DGKJ sponsorship during the submission process, by entering the code RA-DGKJ-MACP-1118 on the payment page. The sponsorship will cover the full cost of the article-processing charge.
Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde ist ein international angesehenes Publikationsorgan. Die Zeitschrift bietet aktuelle Fortbildung für alle niedergelassenen und in der Klinik tätigen Pädiater. Inhaltlich werden alle Bereiche der Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin praxisnah abgedeckt. Im Vordergrund stehen Prävention, diagnostische Vorgehensweisen und Komplikationsmanagement sowie moderne Therapiestrategien.
Umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem aktuellen Schwerpunktthema sind das Kernstück jeder Ausgabe. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei gesichertes Wissen zu Diagnostik und Therapie mit hoher Relevanz für die tägliche Arbeit. Der Leser erhält konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen.
Frei eingereichte Originalien ermöglichen die Präsentation wichtiger klinischer Studien und dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch.
Beiträge der Rubrik 'CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung' bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärztliche Erfahrung für die tägliche P
This highly respected and frequently cited journal is a prime source of information in the area of fetal and neonatal research. Original papers present research on all aspects of neonatology, fetal medicine and developmental biology. These papers encompass both basic science and clinical research including randomized trials, novel observational studies and epidemiology. Basic science research covers molecular biology, molecular genetics, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology in fetal and neonatal life. In addition to the classic features the journal accepts papers for sections "Research Briefings", "Sources of Neonatal Medicine" (historical pieces) and "Global Neonatal Research". Papers reporting the results of animal studies should be based upon hypotheses that relate to developmental processes or disorders in the human fetus or neonate.
This international, multidisciplinary journal covers all aspects of neuromuscular disorders in childhood and adult life (including the muscular dystrophies, spinal muscular atrophies, hereditary neuropathies, congenital myopathies, myasthenias, myotonic syndromes, metabolic myopathies and inflammatory myopathies).The Editors welcome original articles from all areas of the field:• Clinical aspects, such as new clinical entities, case studies of interest, treatment, management and rehabilitation (including biomechanics, orthotic design and surgery).• Basic scientific studies of relevance to the clinical syndromes, including advances in the fields of molecular biology and genetics.• Studies of animal models relevant to the human diseases.The journal is aimed at a wide range of clinicians, pathologists, associated paramedical professionals and clinical and basic scientists with an interest in the study of neuromuscular disorders.In addition to original research papers, the journal also publishes reviews and mini-reviews, preliminary short communications and book reviews, and has editorial, correspondence and news sections. Reports on congresses and workshops, taking the form of a digested or very comprehensive commentary, pointing out some of the particular highlights in relation to the contributors and giving some detail of the area covered, important contributions and a list of participants, are also welcome.The journal is published monthly and aims at rapid publication of high quality papers of scientific merit as well as general interest to a wide readership. There is also a fast track for rapid publication of new material of outstanding scientific merit and importance.Neuromuscular Disorders is the official journal of the World Muscle Society an international, multidisciplinary, scientific society, dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the field of neuromuscular disorders.
For key insights into today's practice of neuropediatrics neurology, Neuropediatrics is the worldwide journal of choice. Original articles, case reports and panel discussions are the distinctive features of a journal that always keeps abreast of current developments and trends - the reason it has developed into an internationally recognized forum for specialists throughout the world.Pediatricians, neurologists, neurosurgeons, and neurobiologists will find it essential reading.Good reasons to subscribe:* Up-to-date information on cutting edge topics* Developments, techniques and topical research* Rigourous, independant peer-reviewing system* International and esteemed Editorial Board* Free online access to the journal with individual subscriptionsMEDLINE, Current Contents/Life Sciences, Science Citation Index, Bio-Sciences Information Services of Biological Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, and SCOPUS.
Organ of the 'Société française de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent', Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence tackles all fields of child-adolescent psychiatry and offers a link between field and clinical work.As a reference and training tool for students and practitioners, the journal publishes original papers in child psychiatry as well as book reviews and conference reports.Each issue also offers a calendar of the main events dealing with the speciality.
Ophthalmic Genetics accepts original papers, review articles and short communications on the clinical and molecular genetic aspects of ocular diseases. The journal invites several types of contributions divided into sections:
La revue de tou(te)s les orthophonistesOrtho magazine est une revue professionnelle qui s'adresse à tou(te)s les orthophonistes, en formation ou en exercice : cabinet, hôpital, ou institution.Le reflet de la diversité des pratiques orthophoniquesOrtho magazine se situe à la croisée de la médecine, de la psychologie et de la pédagogie, et couvre tout le champ de l'orthophonie. Cette revue indépendante est ouverte à tous les courants de pensée et à toutes les pratiques orthophoniques.Une revue de référenceOrtho magazine est ouvert aux savoirs confirmés, comme aux démarches en devenir. Grâce à la curiosité et au dynamisme d'un Comité de rédaction composé de professionnels d'horizons divers, la revue est le creuset d'une réflexion professionnelle de qualité.Un outil d'information et de formation continueOrtho magazine s'appuie sur des expériences de terrain et privilégie la rencontre et l'échange, sans se départir de la rigueur éditoriale qu'exerce le Comité de rédaction.Ortho magazine suit également au plus près l'actualité socio-professionnelle et scientifique nécessaire à l'information des orthophonistes.Thèmes des dossiers traités en 2004- Le corps à claire-voix- L'enseignement de la lecture- Le paiement, comptes et décomptes- Le jeu pour grandir- Orthodontie, une rééducation de la tÊte aux pieds- Le B.A. BA du bébéThèmes des dossiers traités en 2005- Mathématiques et langage, aux frontières du sens- Dysphagie, une rééducation à investir- Du babillage aux premiers mots- La dyspraxie, 1/2- La dyspraxie, 2/2- Les groupes thérapeutiques
Submit your article online to Paediatric Respiratory Reviews: Free Online CME ProgramPaediatric Respiratory Reviews offers authors the opportunity to submit their own editorials, educational reviews and short communications on topics relevant to paediatric respiratory medicine. These peer reviewed contributions will complement the commissioned reviews which will continue to form an integral part of the journal.Subjects covered include:• Epidemiology• Immunology and cell biology• Physiology• Occupational disorders• The role of allergens and pollutantsA particular emphasis is given to the recommendation of "best practice" for primary care physicians and paediatricians.Paediatric Respiratory Reviews is aimed at general paediatricians but it should also be read by specialist paediatric physicians and nurses, respiratory physicians and general practitioners.It is a journal for those who are busy and do not have time to read systematically through literature, but who need to stay up to date in the field of paediatric respiration. Stay up to date and let the Journal do the work for you!
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology crosses the boundaries between the epidemiologist and the paediatrician, obstetrician or specialist in child health, ensuring that important paediatric and perinatal studies reach those clinicians for whom the results are especially relevant. In addition to original research articles, the Journal also includes commentaries, book reviews and annotations.
You are now entering the Pulsus Group Inc. website.Pulsus Group Inc, the medical peer review publisher, publishes the work of medical researchers in a manner that exemplifies the highest standards in research integrity. Main specialty areas include cardiology, gastroenterology, paediatric health, respiratory health, pain, infectious diseases and plastic surgery. Endorsed by Canadian medical societies, Pulsus Group Inc is an ardent supporter of Canadian and international medical research, and publishes journals, supplements and conference reports directed at a broad range of physician specialties. Beyond the print medium, Pulsus Group Inc delivers its content through CD-ROM projects, sponsorship programs and on-line publication.This site has been customized to meet the needs of both health care professionals and non-health care professionals.If you would like to continue, please click the appropriate link below.